
时间:2022-11-10 13:20:21 | 来源:语文通



清明节的日记 篇1清明节日记 篇2清明节日记 篇3

清明节的日记 篇1


"During the Tomb Sweeping Day, it rained in succession, and passers-by wanted to die." Every Tomb Sweeping Day, we will go to the grave to worship our ancestors to express our grief. When we go to the grave, we need to prepare sacrifices. Qingming Fruit is essential. I personally made Qingming Fruit at Grandma's house.


We picked some wormwood and bought three jin of glutinous rice flour to make dough. The process of making dough is very troublesome. Because Grandma's family is in the countryside, there is a stove to burn wormwood. First, I took a handful of hay, lit it with a match, and then put it into the fire pool. I put two or three sticks of firewood into the fire to make it burn up. Add straw again until the juice of wormwood is burned. Then put the cooked wormwood into the flour and rub it with your hands. The fresh wormwood is very hot, so be careful. We use our hands to rub it into green, and mix wormwood and glutinous rice flour into a ball.


After kneading the dough, wrap it with a hot towel, and then burn it. Sinks are made of pickled vegetables, dried beans, diced meat and bamboo shoots. First, write the salted vegetables and meat into pieces, cut the dried beans and bamboo shoots into small dices, and then stir fry them in the pot. When they are tasty, serve them. Then it's the Qingming Fruit. Take a ball from the dough, first knead it into a ball, then knead it into a bowl, and then put it into a bowl. Then knead it into a dumpling shape, then fold the two corners of the dumpling inside, rub the edges inside, and then rub it into a ball. A lovely Qingming fruit is made. Then we followed this method and made all the dough into a garden, and our work was completed.


After the Qingming Fruit is ready, we will start to steam it. The method of steaming is the same as that of burning wormwood, except that a layer of lotus leaves should be placed under the raw Qingming fruit. When the pot is hot, the Qingming fruit will be ripe. We took out the steaming Qingming fruit and put it into our mouth. It tasted good: the skin of Qingming fruit had a faint fragrance, and it was salty after biting. It tasted just right, oily but not greasy, and very delicious. We ate several of them at a time. I don't know if it was because of our own labor that the ordinary Qingming fruit became so delicious and strange.

清明节日记 篇2


I got on the highway by car and ran all the way. The tall camphor trees on both sides of the road hit my eyes and I couldn't take my eyes off them. Our family will go to Huashan to worship our ancestors. The air on the car is solid and quiet. The deep breath echoes in the car. Our hearts can't stop for a moment. With all kinds of sounds, we arrive at the destination.


After getting off the bus, Grandma held a cake box in her hand, and she did not know what was in it; Mom is carrying a big box, but the weight is very light. I think it should be some paper money! I carry a bag with all kinds of things in it: water, snacks, medicine, etc.


We climbed halfway up the mountain and turned back. The first one was Grandpa's grave. This grave was installed in 2008, or it was new and brand new, as if Grandpa cherished every item of his life. Grandma opened the cake box. Inside were disposable lunch boxes filled with vegetables, tofu, eggs, vegetable balls, braised meat and fish in brown sauce. The color and smell made people salivate. I think Grandma must be very diligent in cooking every dish. I hope Grandpa can eat and drink enough, eat and dress well, and enjoy the joy, beauty and happiness of another world. The box my mother carried was a "gold (silver) ingot" made of tin foil and yellow paper. It was for my grandpa. He was short of food and clothing in his last life and lived a hard life. He must live a rich life and enjoy it in his next life.) WWW.. CN!


Then, we kowtow in turn. Our family is very particular about the etiquette of kowtow worship: women kneel down, close their knees, merge their hands, bend down, and gradually separate their hands. Put their heads in front of their knees, kowtow between their hands. You must hear the soft sound of "bang" before the second ceremony can be performed. A total of three ceremonies are required. Finally, the hands touch the ground, people slowly stand up, and their hands gradually leave the ground on their chest, close, bow, and still perform three ceremonies. For men, they do not have to knock their heads on the ground. The rest are the same.


Finally, the "floating tomb paper" made of colored paper should be pasted on the upper right side of the tombstone to make it fly with the wind and look more beautiful.


On the way back, looking back at the tomb, I saw the bright color of the colored paper, the flame of the candle went out, and the incense candle lit, but the smoke curled up in the sky


In the afternoon, my family and I went to the Martyrs' Cemetery and visited the former residences of famous people in Jiangyin, such as Xu Xiake, the three brothers of the Liu family and Cao Yingfu.


During the Tomb Sweeping Festival, people move and move.

清明节日记 篇3


Tuesday, April 5 Weather: Sunny


"During the Tomb Sweeping Day, people on the road are" laughing ". Today is the annual Tomb Sweeping Day.


After lunch, my parents and I went to Anle Hall. It was like a big villa. The tomb of our ancestors was on the third floor. When we came to the third floor, we found the tomb of our ancestors. We first pasted paper flowers on it. Then we put sacrifices on it. Then we lit cigarettes and worshipped four times. Finally, after setting off firecrackers, we would go to another cemetery.


After worshipping our ancestors' tombs, we came to the Permanent Cemetery, where there are so many people! There is a lot of traffic on both sides of the road. Some people simply "lose their armor" and walk directly in. Because of the traffic jam, we waited for half an hour before entering the cemetery. So many traffic police are managing the traffic order, and there are also fire engines, because today many people are burning incense for fear of causing a fire. When we came to the cemetery, there were many people, some of whom were pasting flowers, some of whom were burning incense... We didn't want to be outdone, so we started. First of all, we cleaned the tomb, and then pasted paper flowers. At this time, I looked around, and some people were ready to leave; Some people are also very busy. After placing the sacrifice, we should worship Grandma. After four worships, we should burn incense. Mom picked up the incense and paper money and threw them into the stove, which immediately gave off wisps of gray smoke. At this time, the intermittent sound of firecrackers came from the distance, which reminded me of Du Fu's poem "It rained heavily during the Qingming Festival, and passers-by wanted to die. I asked where the restaurant was, and the shepherd pointed to the Apricot Blossom Village". However, I feel that pedestrians do not "want to die" at all, but talk and laugh, very lively.


Today is really a busy day.