
时间:2022-11-10 13:20:20 | 来源:语文通



勤俭节约演讲稿 篇1勤俭节约演讲稿 篇2勤俭节约的演讲稿 篇3勤俭节约演讲稿 篇4有关勤俭节约的演讲稿 篇5勤俭节约演讲稿 篇6

勤俭节约演讲稿 篇1


Dear teachers and students


hello everyone!


The canteen of our school receives students to have meals every day. However, when everyone finishes eating, the canteen leaves a mess. Most of our students can't eat as much as they want, causing serious waste. I believe that the students have experienced the difficulties and hardships of making money, and can better understand the economy. In fact, it is particularly important to be thrifty at any time.


Diligence and thrift are the combination of "diligence" and "thrift". Only diligence can create the fruits of labor, and only thrift can cherish the fruits of labor. The results created by workers will accumulate more and more, and society can develop and progress; On the contrary, extravagance and waste will lead to social decline. As Li Shangyin said, "Looking at the country and family of the former sages, success comes from thrift and failure comes from extravagance." A hardworking person always works hard to create material and spiritual wealth for the people and the country; A simple person always cherishes everything and does not waste it, even if it is just a piece of paper or a grain of rice.


As young students, perhaps we don't have much experience of thrift, because we have never had the experience of cynicism, the taste of being frozen and the hard work of "facing the loess and facing the sky". But people who know the national conditions know that our country is not rich in material wealth and resources, and we can't and have no right to waste. History has repeatedly demonstrated the truth that "success comes from thrift and failure comes from extravagance". Diligence and thrift is a kind of vision, an attitude and a kind of wisdom.


As small as one person, one family, as large as one country, and the entire human race, if they want to survive and develop, they can not do without the four words "diligence and thrift". A country without the spirit of thrift and hard work is difficult to prosper; A society without the spirit of thrift and hard work is difficult to maintain long-term stability; A nation without the support of the spirit of thrift and hard work is difficult to stand on its own feet; Similarly, an individual who does not pursue the spirit of thrift and hard work is also difficult to make a difference. In fact, thrift is not only an attitude and habit of life, but also a valuable spirit. Only through thrift can people keep their fighting spirit, passion for progress and impulse to create, fight against life and describe the picture of new life.


Students, the fine traditions of our ancestors are waiting for us to inherit and carry forward. Let's start from the side and from the small things to save every kilowatt hour of electricity, every drop of water and every grain of food. Refuse the temptation of ease with our youthful vigor, squeeze out the vanity of luxury and waste with our full spirit, and create a better life with our diligent and thrifty style.


Thank you!

勤俭节约演讲稿 篇2


Dear teachers and students


hello everyone! The topic of my speech is "Practice economy, start with me".


I remember when we were very young, the first poem of the Tang Dynasty was: "Who knows, every meal is hard". The ancient people said, "Look at the Yan family in the past, the failure of thrift depends on extravagance", hard and hardship, success; In adversity, we should avoid extravagance and waste.


Thrift, the traditional virtue of the Chinese nation, is even more meaningful in today's society.


We have been taught since childhood that saving starts from a very young age, from a grain of rice to a drop of water. However, saving is not just a small problem. Nowadays, society sometimes becomes very strange. Sometimes, people who save thriftily become stingy laugh at it. Sometimes, it is considered as poor performance.


We need to change the so-called vanity consumption psychology and waste concept of the whole society, and we need to re understand the millennium tradition and virtue left by our ancestors.


As a result, I also think our economic consciousness is very big compared with it. Recall that whether we pay attention to saving every drop of water, every kilowatt hour of electricity and every piece of paper in our study and life is often a large waste that we inadvertently cause.


Many papers have only a few words before being thrown into the wastebasket. Electric light at dawn; The toilet faucet is splashing with water, and grains are falling on the ground everywhere... We can do better, but we often neglect these details.


I think we can turn off the lights and water at home. Why do we ignore these details? The key is that we have not really integrated into our lives. We do not regard saving money as a habit or concept.


Economy is not only a measure of family happiness, but also a social responsibility. Economy is a vision, an attitude, and a wisdom. As small as one person, one family, as large as one country, the entire human race cannot survive and develop without the four words "diligence and thrift".


Without the support of the spirit of industry, thrift and hard work, a country cannot thrive. It is difficult to achieve lasting peace and stability in a society without the support of hard work, thrift and the spirit of hard struggle; Without the spirit of industry, thrift and hard work, a nation cannot stand on its own feet.


So today, we need to make a loud proposal: let's take active action, firmly establish the sense of saving, "let saving become a habit", "let saving become a way of life", and insist on starting from ourselves.


From every day, we can save every drop of water, every kilowatt hour of electricity, every grain of food. From every little thing, we can save resources only by being everywhere and saving little by little. We can always start from me and let our earth home be beautiful and rich forever!

勤俭节约的演讲稿 篇3


Dear leaders, teachers and students


How do you do!


My name is XXX. I am a freshman from XXX College majoring in XXX. Today, I am very happy to ask that I can stand here to share my speech. My upcoming speech is "College Students Should Be Diligent and Frugal", which is my topic.


We are college students, and we have grown up, so we should also have a good habit of thrift, and should not spend freely. Now we use all the hard-earned money earned by our parents, so we should economize. We should also learn to understand our parents' hard work and be grateful for what they have done for us.


After college, most people are far away from their hometown. Therefore, the family will usually put money into your card and watch the money go in. In fact, if we spend it generously, the money is not enough. What we should do is not to spend money carelessly, not to use what should not be used, and saving is a sum. Sometimes parents are afraid that we will not be enough. Therefore, sometimes we will give more. In this way, we can't think that we can use and take as much as we want. This is not good. Save a little in the previous month, and there is also room for you to spend money in the next month if you need anything urgent. You should give yourself a bottom line and a way out. How many college students are using money ahead of time, so that when they finally feel embarrassed to ask their parents for money, they go to those informal lending institutions to borrow money, which results in a lot of trouble, which is very painful. We should cultivate the ability to spend money when it is needed and not to use it when it is not. Sometimes when we arrive at the Double 11 or something, we start to buy things on a large scale. When we look at the things on the software and see that they are on sale, we try to push them to the shopping cart. In fact, many of them may not be used in the end. It's better not to spend money wrongly at the beginning than to waste it.


When we live this life, we should learn to be rational. Those things look cheap. In fact, once we buy them, we will find that they cost hundreds, and many of them are pooled. Therefore, the first thing we need to do is to be more rational. If we really want to buy something, we can buy it again. What's more, we can work with others to save money. If we don't have enough to buy, we can work with her to make up the price and buy what we want and need.


As a college student in this new era of society, we also have to do some part-time jobs ourselves. After making money, we have trained our ability to do things and gained some work experience. Isn't that something we can do with one stroke? Finally, as a personal suggestion, I really hope that we college students can be thrifty and thrifty, which is also of great benefit to us after graduation. We should be simple and generous but not stingy.


Thank you! That's all for my speech today.

勤俭节约演讲稿 篇4


Dear teachers and students


hello everyone!


Once upon a time, the poem "No one knows that every meal is hard" often echoes in my ears; Once upon a time, the old adage, "One porridge and one meal, when thought is hard won; a wisp of it, when thought is hard", still haunts my mind; Once upon a time, Mao Zedong, the great leader, said with a loud voice: "Waste is a great crime", which guided generations to work hard and become self reliant.


Observe our campus, waste is around, look! The plastic bags are dancing with the wind. They really embellish the sky. Let's not say what harm these "white pollution" will bring to our environment and health. What kind of losses will these wasted plastic bags bring to our economy? Why don't we recycle them? I suggest you go to the canteen to have a look, which will definitely make you gain a lot. The unfinished meals and vegetables lie on the table helplessly, as well as the faucets that can't be turned off tightly, the electric lights that are lit in the daytime, the exercise books that are thrown away with only one piece of paper, etc


In the face of these wasteful phenomena, we may have been accustomed to them for a long time. However, when we throw away a steamed bun, do we ever think that our parents may be working hard for a meal for the whole family? When we throw away an exercise book with only one piece of paper, do we think that there are many children in the remote mountains who write words on the ground with branches: "I want to go to school!"


Maybe you would say that a little waste by one person is nothing, but what I want to say is that ten people waste, a hundred people waste, and the whole country wastes a little. Who thinks about the consequences? Students, when we point to others' waste, do we also notice our own waste behavior? Have you ever thought about the old and young proposition of saving? Where should we start? Here I want to tell you a short story:


Saving is a virtue. Saving is easier than creating. Saving starts from me and starts from the side. Don't underestimate these inconspicuous little things around us. If everyone can do it, it will be an amazing number. It is no exaggeration to say that each of us holds precious "resources" in our hands, and holds the power to kill or kill the "lifeblood" of the development of these nations. The damage to our success and love lies in our actions.


Saving is a virtue, saving is a wisdom, saving should become a habit and custom. Building a conservation oriented society requires the joint participation and action of the whole society to recover the lost sense of conservation. Start with saving a drop of water, saving a kilowatt hour of electricity, saving a piece of paper, saving a grain of rice, and persevere. In building a conservation oriented society, we will further carry forward the "heirloom" of conservation!


Thank you!

有关勤俭节约的演讲稿 篇5


Dear teachers and students


Would you regret wasting a drop of water? Are you ashamed of wasting a piece of paper? Will you blame yourself for wasting a grain of rice? Do you feel sad because you waste a kilowatt hour of electricity?


Economy is the traditional virtue of the Chinese nation. We should carry forward the thrifty spirit of our ancestors. Saving is the saving of a powerful force. Save one grain of rice and make it into a basket; Save a drop of water and it will form a river; Save one kilowatt hour of electricity and light up the sky; Save a penny and repay your parents.


Save one grain of rice. "Who knows, every meal on the plate is hard" tells us that the hard won grain is full of farmers' painstaking efforts, and we should cherish their achievements. However, the phenomenon of food waste can be seen everywhere in the campus, especially the phenomenon of littering steamed bread and food in restaurants. Perhaps our dishes on the plate are not delicious food, which is inferior to those delicacies, but we are happy compared with those who died of hunger. Students, start from now, start from me, cherish porridge and rice, and save little by little.


Save a drop of water. Water is the source of our life. Without water, our life would be impossible. Students, did you turn off the tap when you washed in the water room? Can't you hear the crying of the earth in the sound of flowing water? Have you ever thought that your little action of turning off the tap can save thousands of lives. Students, start from now on, start from me, save water, twist the faucet, and don't let the last drop of water on the earth become human tears.


Save one kilowatt hour of electricity. I remember learning a sentence in primary school: With electricity, it's more convenient. Without electricity, our life would be unimaginable. We should cherish the happiness that electricity brings to our life. However, the phenomenon of wasting electricity can be seen everywhere. It often happens that we forget to turn off the lights in the classroom. It is shameful to waste such unnecessary money when the sun is still shining in the sky. Turn off the lights when nobody is around, save one kilowatt hour of electricity, and live a more brilliant life.


Save a penny. Boys and girls, our parents always bring us some pocket money at the beginning of school. But, do you know, these pocket money are bought by our parents with painstaking efforts. Please do not use your parents' hard-earned money to do something unrelated to study, please do not use your parents' hard-earned money to satisfy your greedy desire, and please do not use your parents' hard-earned money to play games in life. Students, start from now, start from me, save pocket money and cherish hard-earned money.


Don't be negligent in saving. Boys and girls, let's join hands and start from now on, from me, from the small things, to practice strict economy and prohibit waste.

勤俭节约演讲稿 篇6


Dear teachers and students: Hello!


Since we began to babble, the first voice we could pronounce was "Mom", the first word we could write was "China", and the first song we could sing was "I Love Tiananmen in Beijing". From then on, the childish heart turned to our motherland "mother". In the seventeen years of spring, summer, autumn and winter on our life path, we are very fortunate that we are always full of joy and flowers are everywhere. Our teacher once taught us that only the prosperity and strength of our motherland can make the flowers of happiness bloom forever. Therefore, in order to make our nation stand firm in the forest of the world and make this developing country stand firm in the world, we must carry forward the traditional virtue of thrift from now on, because only thrift, Only the flower of happiness can shine forever; Only by saving can the Chinese nation stand firm in the world!


Diligence and thrift are the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation. In ancient China, there was a saying that "looking at the country and family of the former sages, we can break through extravagance by diligence and thrift". Some students will ask: "Now that our life is so good, do we still need to be thrifty?" My answer is: "Of course." Diligence and thrift is a virtue as well as a spirit, which does not depend on whether the material is rich or not.


To live in poverty, we should be diligent and thrifty, and to live in prosperity, we should also be diligent and thrifty. As the saying goes: sit and eat the mountain. It is not uncommon in history to see examples of "spending time and drinking today, begging on the streets tomorrow". During the Five Dynasties in China, there was a story about Li Cunshen's "giving gifts to a group of godchildren". Li Cunshen was born in poverty, fought for the country for 40 years, and was shot to the bone by the enemy's arrows more than 100 times. Later, he became a high-ranking official. He saw that the children were eating, drinking, and having fun all day long. He was very worried about being spoiled from childhood. He gave the arrows pulled out of the bones to the children, telling them not to forget about thrift and hard work, and saying, "When you know your father started, that's the same thing."


In the western region of China and some remote mountainous areas, the economy is relatively backward. Students live in thrift and hard work to change the fate of themselves and their hometown.


With the continuous improvement of our material standard of living, the spirit of thrift has become richer. To inherit this spirit, we should start from now on. The words of the ancients are still worth learning today: thrift is a common virtue; Extravagance is a great evil. It means that economy is the greatest virtue among virtues, while luxury is the greatest evil among evils. If we save not a drop of water from now on, we can save a river over time; Save not a piece of paper, accumulated over time, we may save a piece of forest; Save every kilowatt hour of electricity, we may save a small power station! So, since saving is so important, let's work hard from now on to make our country more prosperous and prosperous, and let's form the good habit of thrift!