
时间:2022-11-10 13:20:20 | 来源:语文通



圆明园的毁灭读后感 篇1圆明园的毁灭读后感 篇2《圆明园的毁灭》读后感 篇3圆明园毁灭读后感 篇4圆明园的毁灭读后感 篇5

圆明园的毁灭读后感 篇1


After reading The Destruction of the Old Summer Palace, I felt extremely angry and sorry!


Due to the fatuity and incompetence of the Qing government and the cowardice of the military and the people, the shameless British and French allied forces invaded Beijing and burned down this world-famous royal garden!


The incompetent Qing government succumbed to the shameless foreigners and signed one unequal treaty after another, which brought great humiliation to our country.


The cowardly soldiers and civilians did not dare to compete with the British and French troops when they invaded Beijing. In the Ming Dynasty, the British and French allied forces only used 3000 troops, while the Qing government had 100000 troops, which could be attributed to the incompetence and backwardness of the Qing government; Cowardice of the army and the people; Let the British and French forces run amok in China, killing, burning, robbing and pillaging with impunity


The most hateful are the evil foreigners, who not only invade China at will, but also burn and destroy our scenic spots and historic sites! They did not know how many thousands of pairs of eyes looked at them with tears! How many angry eyes are looking at them!


Look at the Yuanmingyuan now: the remaining stone columns are seven upside down and eight crooked, as if crying, telling the scene at that time; The weeds on the ground swayed from side to side, as if lamenting the destruction of this royal garden!


Why did our Congress suffer such humiliation? Because at that time, European and American countries were developing rapidly, while China was still thinking that we were the most amazing in the prosperous Tang Dynasty! The national strength gradually declined and became backward, so that even the slapping Japan dared to bully us!


If you are poor, you will fall behind, and if you fall behind, you will be beaten! If we, like European and American countries, study more, learn more and innovate more! Do they dare to bully us?


"If you are young, your country will be strong!" We need to always remember: Don't forget the national humiliation, revitalize China!

圆明园的毁灭读后感 篇2


Today, we finished learning the article "The Destruction of the Old Summer Palace", which made me feel the fatuity and incompetence of the Qing government at that time, the cowardice of the army and the people, and even more abhorrent is the shameless British French coalition!


The Old Summer Palace was once a magnificent royal garden, the treasure of Chinese garden art, and the essence of architecture. The Old Summer Palace is not only beautiful, but also gathers the precious historical relics of our great Chinese nation for more than 5000 years. It was the largest museum and art museum at that time.


However, on October 6, 1860, British and French troops invaded Beijing and came to the Old Summer Palace, where they burned, killed, robbed and plundered wantonly, but no one stopped them. Everyone's pockets were bulging when they left the park, and they even set fire to the Yuan Ming Park, which has unlimited value.


After learning this text, I felt infinite regret for the destruction of the Old Summer Palace. However, the incompetent Qing government at that time succumbed to these evil foreigners' rapists, gave orders not to resist, and took foreigners as backers, hoping to rely on foreign guns to wipe out domestic revolutionary forces. I denounce the dark Qing government.


But the most abominable are the evil foreigners. They not only invaded China at will, but also burned or destroyed our scenic spots and historic sites. They also made us sign the unequal treaty of humiliating our country, which made our national dignity suffer great regret.


Why did the Anglo French coalition invade us? The reason is that we are too backward. If we were strong at that time, would they dare? So if you fall behind, you will be beaten. I want to study hard, serve the motherland when I grow up, and let the motherland rank first among the powerful countries forever!

《圆明园的毁灭》读后感 篇3


After learning the text "The Destruction of the Old Summer Palace", I was filled with emotion.


This article is about the Old Summer Palace, which was once known as the "Garden of Ten Thousand Gardens" in the northwest suburb of Beijing. It used to be a royal garden; It is the treasure of garden art and the essence of architectural art; It was the largest museum and art gallery in the world at that time. Due to imperialist aggression, the Old Summer Palace was destroyed.


It can be said that the Old Summer Palace is the crystallization of the wisdom and sweat of the Chinese people and a model of Chinese architecture and culture. Not only that, there are countless priceless treasures in the Old Summer Palace, as well as extremely rare historical books and records and rich collections of historical relics, gold and silver treasures, Song and Yuan ceramics, historical calligraphy and painting, which can be regarded as one of the treasure houses of human culture. However, why does this beautiful thing disappear? Who did it? After the Old Summer Palace was looted by the British and French allied forces, they ordered to burn it in order to eliminate dirt and cover up crimes. The fire lasted three days and three nights. The earth was shaking and people were crying. The world-famous Old Summer Palace has become a ruin ever since


After reading The Destruction of the Old Summer Palace, I was silent. This is a kind of silence after being stabbed, and the heart seems to be burning with fire. This is the shame left by history! This humiliation was more than just this time in old China? Why does the great Chinese nation have such a humiliating day? It is seclusion, political darkness and feudal autocracy... We should firmly remember this history, and we should work harder to become a real world power in the 21st century. We should study for the rise of China!

圆明园毁灭读后感 篇4


Yuanmingyuan is one of the most famous imperial gardens in the Qing Dynasty. After the expansion of five dynasties, countless human, material and financial resources were spent. Every plant, landscape and thing in the courtyard is invaluable... Its scenery is like a fairyland (WWW.. CN), picturesque.


Unfortunately, the good times did not last long. On October 6, 1860, the British and French allied forces invaded Beijing, broke into the Old Summer Palace, and took all the things that were useful to them, while the useless things were given to the torch. Cixi fled after hearing the news. Although we are numerous, we do not have advanced weapons; All kinds of rare treasures had to be carried away by the invaders.


After looting the Old Summer Palace, the vicious invaders ordered more than 3000 soldiers to set fire to it in order to destroy the evidence. The fire burned for three days and three nights. In the fire, we seemed to see the Yuanmingyuan moaning in pain: "Help me, I'm about to be burnt!"


The Old Summer Palace witnessed the glory and decline of an empire, and also recorded the glory and shame of a nation. Although there are a group of robbers who pretend to be "civilized people" and burn up a unique treasure of world culture and architecture with barbaric fire. However, it cannot burn up a nation's yearning for it, because it carries a nation's honor or disgrace and cultural blood.


There are only some remains of the Western Pavilion in the Old Summer Palace. We feel incomparable hatred and regret.

圆明园的毁灭读后感 篇5


Today, I read the article "The Destruction of the Old Summer Palace" in a Chinese book.


The Old Summer Palace in China is a world-famous royal garden. There are three gardens in total, which are distributed in the east, west and south of the Old Summer Palace. In addition, there are many small gardens around the Old Summer Palace.


This is a very prosperous royal garden, but the British and French allied forces turned them into ashes.


On October 6, 1860, British and French troops invaded Beijing and broke into the Old Summer Palace. They took away everything that could be taken away from the garden. Those that could not be taken away were carried by carts or animals. Those that cannot be transported away will be destroyed at will. In order to destroy the criminal evidence, on October 18 and 19, more than 3000 invading troops were ordered to set fire to the park. In this way, the great Old Summer Palace was ruthlessly destroyed by them.


Today, we are the successors of the 21st century. We should not forget the national humiliation. We should learn a lesson, take a firm and calm step, and move forward to a glorious future!