
时间:2022-11-09 13:29:58 | 来源:语文通



为你自己工作读后感 篇1工作读后感 篇2为自己工作读后感 篇3工作读后感 篇4《为你自己工作》读后感 篇5为你自己工作读后感 篇6工作读后感 篇7为你自己工作读后感 篇8

为你自己工作读后感 篇1


I benefited a lot from reading Work for Yourself. This book uses easy to understand language and reflects the spirit of seeking truth and being pragmatic. Its profound connotation and simple truth. Exceptions are about work responsibilities, which are very persuasive. It clarifies that whether responsibility directly determines the success or failure of things, and also gives me a deeper understanding of the word "responsibility" in the text. What exactly is the responsibility


In fact, "responsibility", in general, is the most basic professional spirit, which is the basic principle for a person to do things from a young age. The most important thing for a person to do well in his work is whether he has a sense of responsibility and whether he has conscientiously performed his duties. A person's life must bear a variety of responsibilities, social, family, work, friends and so on. People can't evade their responsibilities. They should be brave to assume their responsibilities. When they give up their responsibilities, they give up their work and will be given up by the work. Responsibility can make people strong, responsibility can give play to their potential, and ability is always carried by responsibility. Duties can change the attitude towards work, and the attitude towards work determines the success or failure of your work. As the book says, "At any time, we can't give up our responsibilities. No matter what we are engaged in, we need to do our duty". In our work, we should be sober and clear about our responsibilities, fulfill our responsibilities, give full play to our abilities, overcome difficulties, complete the work, recognize and understand our responsibilities, be clear about our responsibilities, and assume the responsibilities of our jobs. Then the work will be transformed from oppressive and passive to proactive, and enjoy the fun of work and the joy of achieving results.


In our work, some things do not require much effort to complete. The gap between doing and not doing lies in responsibility. To put it simply, it is not everyone who can really do some small things like going to work on time and having meetings on time. Violation of the company system is a kind of irresponsible performance in essence. First, it is irresponsible for your own unit and career, and more importantly, it is irresponsible for yourself. There are no bad jobs, only irresponsible people. Responsibility bears the ability. Only a person with a sense of responsibility has the opportunity to fully demonstrate his ability.


"Duty is more important than Mount Tai", and duty is honor. To work for honor is to take the initiative to do more and assume more responsibilities; To work for honor is to go all out and work enthusiastically; Working for honor is to share the worries of the enterprise, relieve the pressure on the leaders and help the colleagues; Working for honor is to perform your duties automatically and perfectly, and make effort a habit. Work hard and be loyal to the enterprise. While defending the honor of the enterprise, they also establish their own honor, and they will be respected by people.

工作读后感 篇2


Reading the book "Who are you working for?" made me gain a lot. This book made me understand that while working for others, I actually work for myself, for my ideal, for my future, and for my success. At the same time, he adjusted his work attitude, rekindled his work passion, and made life from mediocrity to excellence.


Work is what people need to do with their lives. Work is a duty and a duty to you and others. If you just do your work every day, you will slowly be paralyzed by this life. Work and life will not progress, but will regress. Working hard is really smart. As long as you do your work well, you will not work hard to find work tomorrow.


First of all, we should cherish the current job opportunities. A good job is hard won. We should do everything with our heart. Have a heart of upward mobility. No matter what you do, you should work hard. If you work hard to challenge difficulties, there will always be gains. Secondly, they should love their jobs and be dedicated to their work. They should have a high sense of responsibility and loyalty to their work, cherish their jobs and concentrate on doing a good job.


Is a person's attitude towards work intentional or negative? Is it progressive or indifferent? Directly affect the quality of work? Work is a good stage for a person to display his talents. No matter what work he does, he will always gain if he down-to-earth and works hard. This is the unchanging truth. We have entered the era of lifelong learning. It is never too old to live and learn. Only if we work hard, cherish the perfect things in front of us, add our dedication, and pay our actions, we will certainly have outstanding achievements. A person's attitude towards work is the expression of his ambition. Therefore, to understand a person's attitude towards work is to understand that person's attitude towards life. We young people often lack a deeper understanding of salary. In fact, salary is just one way of rewarding work. We should see what work has taught us, what it has trained us, and what it has ahead of us. These are intangible wealth, much more valuable than the limited salary. If a person has potential, others can see it in his normal work without saying it. No boss will ignore talents, unless he wants to shut down, gold will always shine. For example, difficult tasks can exercise our will, new work can expand our character, and enterprises are another school in our growth. Work can enrich our experience and increase our wisdom. Compared with the skills and experience acquired in the job, the low salary will be less important. No matter what work you do, no matter whether your work environment is loose or strict, you should work seriously and not lead well


Turn around and start to slack off. There is no work without supervision. Only when you exercise your potential and improve yourself in your work can you get a raise or promotion.


Actually. Every job is a precious diamond mine. When looking forward to the future, young people are not easy to get bored. They must be aware of what they are having. Young people are often full of dreams, which is a good thing, but young people also need to understand as soon as possible: dreams can only be realized in down-to-earth work. Many impetuous people had dreams before, but they could not realize them all the time. Finally, they only complained and complained, which they attributed to the lack of opportunities. Down to earth people create opportunities in ordinary work, seize opportunities and realize their dreams; Those who do not want to pay attention to the details of the work at hand can only spend an unhappy life in the anxiety of waiting for opportunities. It is not easy to do every simple thing well; To do every ordinary thing well is extraordinary. Work means responsibility. The work task specified by each position is a responsibility. You should take this responsibility for the job you are engaged in. Each of us should be full of sense of responsibility for the responsibilities we assume. Secondly, there should be team spirit. Team is the greatest force to promote individual progress. Only the loyalty of all employees to the enterprise can give play to the strength of the team, march forward bravely and promote the enterprise to success.


It's not easy to procrastinate. We must finish the work of the day on the same day. Only by finishing the work of this day can we make the greatest return to tomorrow. Therefore, we should develop the habit of not procrastinating. We must finish the work that can be done on the same day. It's hard to say that we can do it tomorrow. Because tomorrow is tomorrow, who knows how many tomorrows there are?


In our life and work, we often encounter failures. Failure is not good, and it is not easy to find excuses. Summarize the reasons for failure, so that you can accumulate experience and reduce the failure rate in future work. Keep forging ahead in work, be willing to learn, be willing to bear hardships, summarize more, think more, ask more questions, regard work as a kind of responsibility, regard passion as the soul of work, and then ignite your passion and let it burn heartily.


The survival of an enterprise is inseparable from the potential and wisdom of a few employees, but also requires the loyalty and diligence of the vast majority of employees. It is a pity that a professional employee who refuses to cooperate arrogantly because he is superior to others, or who is careless in cooperation, always tends to fight alone. In fact, he can make himself better with the help of others. In many cases, what a team can do for one person is more about the spirit. A team with heart and spirit can inspire everyone's confidence, a team full of fighting spirit can stimulate everyone's enthusiasm, a team that is always innovative can bring enough space for everyone's creativity research and development, and a team that is coordinated and harmonious can give every member a good feeling, Cultivate your team spirit and work more smoothly in the team.


Finally, it is also very important to note that the work is not your work alone, but the work of many people working together, that is, a team. When you work, you not only do your work well, even if you have finished the work, but also cooperate with your team work. You should have a team spirit. Only in this way can you make progress.

为自己工作读后感 篇3


Life is like a play, with joys and sorrows; The market is like a battlefield, with victory and defeat. However, tragedies always let us have them, and tragedies always let us bear them. Countless days and nights, we asked ourselves more than once; Countless days and nights, we have been searching for more than once. The same beginning, different ending, is the character decides the destiny? Or do details determine success or failure? There are both, but neither is the final answer. Concept, concept determines the fate of people. What kind of concept there is, what kind of life there is. The power of concept is huge.


Work for yourself, be enthusiastic about your work, do your best, pursue excellence, and never be satisfied. Work for yourself, aim at your dreams, go all out, and achieve your dreams. Work for the boss and complete the work mechanically. Do as little as possible to meet the current situation. Aim at the task for the boss, just to complete it and get the boss's salary. Different ideas, different working attitudes; Different pursuits, different life values. Your life is your own plan, and your destiny is your own destiny. Be a person who takes the initiative to attack, and a person who takes the initiative to work diligently and excellently for the company and himself.


A mountain often won't knock you down, but an inadvertent stone may make you fall down and never stand up. Pay attention to details, pay attention to the small things of the company with the spirit of ownership, and make things perfect even if it is the simplest work. An irresponsible act to the company may cause heavy losses to the company. Work for yourself and put the interests of the company above personal interests. Start from scratch, start from a small age, experience your own state of mind, settle your own emotions, do your own thing in place, and become an indispensable employee of the company.


"There is no perfect individual, only perfect team." This view is mentioned more than once in the book Work for Yourself. Today, it is impossible for any company to accomplish all things by one person. Employees must closely cooperate and unite with each other. Work for yourself and do your own job well. At the same time, take the initiative to lighten the burden for others and help your colleagues around you. In this way, you will have a strong fighting team and you will be invincible.


Many people often sigh with emotion: "I have been in the company for many years, but I have not made any contributions and I have also worked hard. I have not been promoted for so long, and my salary has not been promoted." The boss likes the employees who can work together, but prefers the employees with outstanding achievements. If you can always find a more efficient and economical way of doing things at each stage of your work, you can improve your position in the boss's mind, and you will be promoted and entrusted with important tasks. Konosuke Matsushita said that "profit first" is the original driving force of every company. If you can best work for the boss, you will also become the best employee of the company, work for yourself, start from the company's interests, work hard for your dreams, and become the NO in the company. 1。


These are my feelings after reading Mr. Yuan Wenlong's book Work for Yourself. I hope to encourage you all. When we spend a long night, tomorrow we will usher in a completely different morning, and our life will be different from that moment. To work for ourselves, let's devote ourselves to work and enjoy ourselves in work, enjoy our work and life.

工作读后感 篇4


Quietly close the gorgeous cover, I wrote in the title page: Work for yourself, blow the horn of work!


In response to the call of the company, I recently read Mr. Chen Chundong's Work for Yourself, and I was very encouraged and benefited a lot. The emotion of excitement is expressed in words: not only convinced by the author's hard work, but also reflected on the principles of this book. This made me deeply realize that work is for myself, not others. After combining the interests and overall situation of the company with their own actual situation, they are conscientious and dedicated.


This book mainly focuses on the work concept and attitude of enterprise employees, explains the importance and necessity of knowing who to work for, and tells every enterprise employee to change and improve themselves from the aspects of concept, loyalty, details, teamwork and gratitude, so as to achieve a win-win situation for individuals and organizations. Only when we regard the company as our own company and work as our own business, can our competitiveness be improved. To forget all the past events like smoke, and to be selfless.


The book starts with a clear statement that "work is for yourself, not others." I answered the most basic question of many new employees, that is, who I work for. As long as this source is clarified, other problems will naturally be solved. Here, I have a feeling for the author's point of view: salary is not the whole job! At the beginning of graduation, the students lingered among various enterprises. The first words they met were: Have you found a job? Then it is how much money you earn in a month. Now, I can't help feeling ashamed. How shallow and frivolous it was at that time. There is a question in the book: Have you ever wondered why Bill Gates, the former richest man in the world, would still work if his job was just to make money and support his family? Why does Li Ka shing, the richest man in China, still have to work? Time reverberates in my mind. When these business giants were sitting on the wealth of a relative base, they not only did not stagnate, but also were full of energy and old heroes. It is their boundless enthusiasm and interest in work and career that stimulate their boundless fighting spirit. Tang Jun also said that I never felt that I was working for Bill Gates, Chen Tianqiao and Chen Fashu. I was working for Tang Jun. I'm running my own business. I'm working for myself. This book makes me understand that as an employee, don't ask what the enterprise can do for me, but ask what I can do for the enterprise! Now the company provides me with such a superior working environment and career vision, which makes me more determined to work hard. I firmly believe that there will be gains if there is effort.


With the determination of Kuafu chasing the sun, the next question is how to do well. What kind of mentality should we use and what qualities should we cultivate? What impressed me most in the book were loyalty, details and teamwork.


Loyalty is the most basic professional ethics of an employee. As the old saying goes, "You don't treasure gold and jade, but you should treasure your faithfulness - the Book of Rites.". It refers to the importance of a person's loyalty to himself, to others and to the collective. In today's society, people often lose their loyalty and basic principles of life due to various temptations and reasons. I think it is very unwise. Just ask, if the author does not have a loyalty to a better life and career, will he go forward bravely after going through difficulties? There may be many ways to express loyalty, but the only way for me to express loyalty nowadays is to do my duty well for myself and the company. I will exchange my unlimited loyalty for the company's trust.


Details are the basic working state of an employee. Details determine success or failure, which has long been a household word. In the book, the author expounds two viewpoints: first, do a good job of every small thing in work; second, there is no small thing in work. I think this shows the author's attitude of keeping improving. Every little thing in the work should be done well, let alone the big thing? There are no trivial matters in work, that is to say, we should always be conscientious and meticulous, and do all things well in work. As the saying goes, nothing is big or small, and it is best to do it! "Every day, we should work hard, and strive to complete every small thing efficiently. We should try to surpass ourselves and do something extraordinary, not to see the smiling face of leaders, but to make continuous progress."


Team spirit is the most basic cooperation creed of an employee. "Team is the best way to survive". The current team cooperation is no longer a simple superposition of numbers, but the organic cooperation of all parts of the team, division of labor and cooperation, and the most efficient speed and function to give play to the vitality and strength of the team. What is a "team"? I believe that there are "people", "talents", "ears" and "mouths" in the team, which means that talents can achieve the expected results of the company and the organization and maximize the benefits through communication and listening together. I think the values of Haier's team in this book are "human value is higher than material value, common value is higher than individual value, value of cooperation is higher than independent value, and social value is higher than profit value" It is worth our learning. Therefore, only by consciously obeying the needs of team operation, relying on team resources to develop personal talents, and cultivating their team awareness and cooperation attitude can they become better.


At the end of the book, the heart of gratitude is elaborated. This is also the place I have experienced personally. From birth to adulthood, there are many people to thank. A heart of gratitude is like a good prescription for healing. Gratitude is a profound life experience, which can enhance personal charm, open the door to magical power, and explore infinite potential. As the author said, "Let the impetuous heart precipitate in gratitude", "Cherish can have it, and gratitude can last", which is more important for me who just left school and entered the company.


I will turn my enthusiasm and loyalty to the company into motivation for work, work for myself, and play the horn of work more loudly!

《为你自己工作》读后感 篇5


The book "Work for Yourself", like manna, moistens me who has been in drought for a long time in ideology. After working for more than a year, my enthusiasm for work at the beginning of work is fading quietly. Having seen through the inconstancy of human relations, I feel that hard work has backfired. The so-called more wrong is more wrong, which leads to more blame and anxiety. After reading this book, I found that my ideas are totally wrong, because I obviously ignored that having a high sense of responsibility makes me have a sacred sense of mission, so that I can give full play to my subjective initiative and tap my maximum potential.


If I want to succeed, I must establish the concept of working for myself. Because only in this way can I feel that work will never be a kind of labor, but a beautiful thing. I will work enthusiastically, not mechanically. I will not work for salary, but strive to realize my own self-worth. I will not do as little as possible, but do as much as I can. What I get from work is not only salary, but knowledge and experience, I will also realize my dream of life (to reduce pain for patients). I am working hard for myself. My quality, my behavior and my spirit will bring me the greatest harvest.


Work for yourself! In fact, although working in a hospital is to serve patients, as a doctor, you can make your work valuable, save the lives of patients, and also work for yourself. The so-called sense of achievement and pride, all of which should be your own master; Self supervision; Be responsible for yourself; Loyalty is for yourself; Dedication is for yourself; Obedience is for yourself; Credit is still for yourself. "Children, remember, this is your job! No matter what the patient says or does, you should remember to do your job well and treat the patient with due courtesy."


Work for yourself! Stop being lazy, complaining, negative, suspicious, careless, evasive, opportunistic. In this world, everything you do is for survival, and all bad habits will become obstacles to your survival. "Don't stop doing good things because they are small, and don't stop doing bad things because they are small." Subjective thinking determines people's behavior. Changes in values and outlook on life will change your attitude towards work. Don't be so obsessed. If you continue to hold on to your bad habits and hold on to the idea of muddling along, there will be only one result: you bury your time, your talent, and your life.


The so-called "mentality decides everything", so today I am determined to arm my mind with the concept of "working for yourself" and turn it into a driving force for progress, to be a happy self and a successful self.

为你自己工作读后感 篇6


At the moment, many people are looking for a job. What they want from the company seems simple, that is, less working time and workload. But the salary and welfare must be high, at least to meet their needs. However, on the contrary, no company is willing to spend a lot of money to hire a person who is unwilling to do more and make progress.


In the material society, we often rush for life. Perhaps inadvertently, we will compare ourselves with others. Why do you think people can eat well and dress well? Why do other people work and I also work? Is there such a big difference? Even in the same company, all employees get different things. Often, some people will express their dissatisfaction and think that they, like others, go to work on time and leave at the specified time. Indeed, under the rules and regulations of the unit, many people follow this rule every day. By rights, we should get the same salary, right? In fact, you are wrong, you just repeat the machine to complete the task for the unit every day. While others are working for themselves, they are no longer simply completing tasks, but doing something satisfying through their own efforts. It is impossible for people with different attitudes to do exactly the same thing, so how can you get the same result if you pay differently?


It is really important to set up a mindset in your work. Every little thing in your work is what makes you successful. If you have to give examples, there are many things to prove that small things are not small sometimes. The explosion of the US space shuttle Columbia, which killed seven astronauts, has also become a tragic event in the space industry at the beginning of the new century. In fact, the reason seems to be that a piece of insulation material falls off. There are often articles that say that some large international companies may hire you, or they may not hire you, no matter how excellent you are. We may not all be decision makers in the company, but as long as we take good care of the work we are responsible for, we can also make extraordinary achievements in ordinary positions and become successful.


A happy family is created by the joint efforts of everyone, and a good enterprise is also created by the joint efforts of all participants. Sometimes, if you are talented in some aspect or do things well enough, you may think that you are more important to the enterprise than some mediocre people. Don't you understand how you can successfully break through the other side's block on the basketball court and accurately throw the ball into the basket, which requires your teammates to help you pass the ball? If you don't have the cooperation of others, you can really be unique? The enterprise is a group, not the Jianghu as described in the martial arts novels. As long as you have some skills, you can be a great Xia wandering the Jianghu alone. Bernard Shaw's Apple Exchange Theory is enough to show that a team is a home, and home is a team. Only by helping each other, learning and discussing, can the team improve together, thus enhancing the value of the enterprise. In recent two years, it is often said that Steve Jobs, the leader of Apple, has made the greatest contribution to Apple. However, no one has ever said that he made high-quality products of Apple alone. At best, he is a good leader and creator, and the entire Apple empire will not rely on him alone to achieve today's achievements. Each of us should not take ourselves too seriously. Without a good growth environment, no matter how good the rice is, it will not bear ears.


The driving force of an enterprise is to have the ability to innovate, which can not be achieved by several leaders. As ordinary employees, we should also constantly improve our work skills. Work in the study, study hard, so as to contribute to the development of the enterprise. As we said, the enterprise is a team. Only when we all improve our basic quality and skills, can we do our work better. Only when you do better than others, pay more to the enterprise, and have stronger ability to handle things, can leaders understand that you are an indispensable person. To be better than others, you need to "recharge" yourself in addition to working hard. Love learning, not only learning the routine training arranged by the enterprise, but also consulting others in their spare time to learn more about the relevant knowledge of the enterprise. The flexible application of the knowledge learned in the work will certainly achieve a harvest.


Work for yourself. Don't use it as a slogan. Use your own actions to prove it! No longer find excuses for their mistakes in the work, no longer complain about their low pay. You should understand that all this is for yourself, not for others. Turn passivity into initiative, and treat the work assigned by others as if they are working hard for their own success. You will have a different mood. Our work is ordinary, but we love our work very much. The enterprise is our home, and there is no reason not to participate in the construction of this home and work hard and keep moving forward. We are not doing what we look like or just fooling around because I am our own leader. You are always working hard for yourself. Your spirit and character will bring success to you.


Live for yourself, work for yourself, and life will bloom with new applause.

工作读后感 篇7


Applause for Yourself tells us to face the setbacks in life confidently and bravely, to be a strong person in life, and to be the best yourself. It constantly replenishes our minds with nutrients, every word and every sentence, just like the natural spring rain brings the dried up seedlings back to life.


There is a story in the book: a farmer, who was a carpenter, a bricklayer, a rag collector, and a coal seller, was emotionally fatally deceived. He lived without a fixed place every day and wandered around without any economic security. But even though he had such a complex and heavy sad experience, he was still full of confidence in life and wrote many clear and pure poems. Everyone is a unique self, and everyone is unique and irreplaceable. I believe that I should have the courage to cheer for myself. Even if it is just a tiny dust, it will also bloom under the water of the spring of confidence.


In the eyes of the creator, all things are equal. We should have enough confidence in ourselves, and should not set obstacles for ourselves on the way forward. There are no two identical leaves in the world. Everyone has his own value. Even if we are an ordinary leaf, we should also make a different one. From now on, we should strive to find our own characteristics and values, affirm ourselves, appreciate ourselves, and know that we are a beautiful landscape.


Please cheer for yourself!


The contents, simple words and real examples of the book "For whom I am working" deeply let me realize the significance of work. We should all enjoy our work, why and for whom. This book not only makes me understand the profound truth that I am working for others, but also for myself; At the same time, it also helped me to relieve my confusion and adjust my mentality.


After reading the book "Who are you working for", I felt a sense of suddenly enlightened. In the book, John Rockefeller said: "Work is a stage to display our talents. Our knowledge, our resilience, our determination, our adaptability and our coordination ability will all be displayed on such a stage. Except for work, no activity can provide such a high degree of self enrichment, opportunities to express ourselves, such a strong sense of personal mission and a reason to live. The quality of work often determines the quality of life The quality of life. " This passage has a deep influence on me. It makes me understand the importance of work. Each of us needs to work, and we need to work hard. A person's life is very short, we need to have a goal, and the goal can not be achieved without hard work. In my opinion, when you achieve your goals in life, it is also the time to reflect your self-worth.


Easier said than done. It is not easy to achieve your life goals. Whether we can realize our self-worth depends on our attitude towards work. In my opinion, the following are the most important points:


First, no matter what kind of work we are engaged in, we should understand that we are working for ourselves.


Only work can meet our various needs, and both material and spiritual needs can only be realized through hard work; Only when you have the opportunity to work can you give full play to your ability and have the opportunity to show yourself. All the work we have done is to achieve our own goals. So we should cherish the job opportunities and not look at the mountains. In the end, we can only say as the book says: "Work hard today, but work hard tomorrow."


Second, only by working hard can you keep thinking and learning, which is richer than material wealth.


Life is a process of accumulation. The more knowledge and experience you accumulate, the more difficulties you can overcome in your work and life. Only when you don't bow in front of difficulties, can you become more courageous and more frustrated, and can you get closer to achieving your goals. Because we will find many opportunities in our work. Only through hard practice can we better seize the opportunities and realize our ideals.


Third, be enthusiastic about your work and take it as a mission.

工作不仅仅是为了赚钱, 我们工作更多的是为了实现一种价值。如果对工作没有热情,那就失去了前进的动力和信心,不仅不进步,还很有可能倒退,最后被社会所淘汰。

Work is not only for making money, but also for realizing a value. If you are not enthusiastic about your work, you will lose the power and confidence to move forward. Not only will you not make progress, you may also fall back and eventually be eliminated by the society.


Fourth, we should treat our work as if it were our own life, and be meticulous and conscientious.


In work, we should be proactive, not rigid, but creative work and study. Work should be treated like good and evil. "Do not act on the small side of good and do not act on the small side of evil.". Don't think it's ok to be a few minutes late, just procrastinate; Just because a few copies of paper don't matter, you can't just waste them... It's also a responsibility and obligation. Doing everything well will make our life more meaningful.


Fifth, work with gratitude and enjoy the work.


I have a deep understanding of this. I have seen such a story in a book: once there was a cynic who could not calm his heart. He asked Helen Shukman, the writer, for advice on how to remove unpleasant thoughts. Helen only replied, "From today on, please write down one thing that you are grateful for every day." At the beginning, the man had to think for a long time before he could think of anything to be grateful for today. But as time went on, he gradually became grateful for the beauty of nature, and then he found that there were many people and things to be grateful for. Later, he saw that everything in the world was a gift, everything was bright, and his mind was infinitely open. Since then, his anger has disappeared. Therefore, we should work with gratitude. It is our parents, teachers and the country that have given us all favors, so we should work harder. No matter what the environment is, employees should abide by their responsibilities, be loyal to their own work, and be loyal to their own enterprises. Don't waste precious time to analyze and criticize others, and blame others. The most important thing is to focus on how to do their own work perfectly, and gain experience and fun from it.


In short, each of us should work hard to repay our parents, teachers, units and the country. Only by doing excellent work can we realize our ideals and realize our self-worth.

为你自己工作读后感 篇8


Recently, the department organized us to systematically study the book Work for Yourself. Through learning, I feel deeply.


Chen Fan of the Han Dynasty once said, "When a man is in the world, he should sweep away the world. Is it safe to work in one room?" It may be appropriate to use this sentence to verify the mentality of some contemporary young people. The society is changing with each passing day, the culture is colliding with the old and new ideas, and the material life is improving by leaps and bounds. Let many young people, especially those who have just left the ivory tower and entered the society, have a heroic spirit of being a man of honor in their life planning. To run a family, manage a country and level the world, it is necessary to register a company to develop an enterprise and change the society to repay the society on the basis of improving their living standards through their own efforts for several years. Ideal is beautiful, but reality is always skinny. After social training, most of these people found that they could not find their own position in the enterprise. Ability is not found by Bole, work is not challenging, experience is not accumulated, salary position is not promoted, etc. Since more work and less salary are the same, there is no chance to think more and think less. So as for working so hard for the boss and the company. This may be a puzzle that some young people will encounter when they first enter the company.


However, Chen Fan's father had given an answer to the above proposition more than 2000 years ago. "One room can't be ruled. Why should all countries in the world act?"


It is true that soldiers who do not want to be generals are not good soldiers. However, they always work for the boss and do not contribute. They always dream of becoming employees of the boss. Will they be good employees. The answer is obviously no. The relationship between employees and enterprises in modern society is not only employment relationship, but also cultivation relationship. Employees gain the vested interests of the enterprise and the opportunity to learn skills, thus making profits for the development of the enterprise.


Only take every job as your own, for your salary, for your ability to learn skills, for your experience, for the company's training, and for the opportunity provided by the enterprise. Only when a person is grateful and enterprising, can he finish his work with high quality and make continuous progress. So as to continuously move towards success.