
时间:2022-11-07 13:14:01 | 来源:语文通



《钢铁是怎样炼成的》的读书笔记 篇1《钢铁是怎样炼成的》读书笔记 篇2钢铁是怎样炼成的读书笔记 篇3钢铁是怎样炼成的读书笔记 篇4《钢铁是怎样炼成的》读书笔记 篇5钢铁是怎样炼成的读书笔记 篇6钢铁是怎样炼成的读书笔记 篇7

《钢铁是怎样炼成的》的读书笔记 篇1


Paul Kochagin is such a person. Paul is the main character in the novel How Steel Was Tempered by the Soviet writer Ostrovsky. When a reporter asked him why he chose How Steel Was Tempered as the title of the book, He replied: "Steel is forged in the fierce fire and sudden cold. Only in this way can it be hard and not afraid of anything. Our generation has also been tempered in such struggle and hard test, and learned not to be decadent in front of life."


The vague emotion between Paul and Tonya did not hinder Paul's progress. Therefore, Paul abandoned his mediocre life and climbed to a peak of life - breaking away from vulgarity and humbleness, and dedicated his life and all his energy to the most magnificent cause in the world - to fight for the cause of human liberation.

保尔·柯察金具有顽强的毅力与永不言败的精神,他在重重磨砺下无所畏惧,意志如同钢铁 般坚强,他曾经说过:“人最宝贵的是生命,生命对于我们只有一次,人的一生应当这样度过:当他回首往事的时候,他不会因为虚度年华而悔恨,也不会因为碌碌无为而羞愧。”

Paul Kochagin has tenacious perseverance and the spirit of never giving up. He is fearless after many hardships, and his will is as strong as steel


The road of life is bumpy, but we know Paul Kochagin, his quality and his bravery, which will encourage us to practice bravely and become a hard steel like him!

《钢铁是怎样炼成的》读书笔记 篇2


This summer vacation, I read the famous writer Ostrovsky's novel How Steel Was Tempered. After reading, I felt deeply.


Paul Kochagin, born poor and naughty, was expelled from the school for mischief. After that, his hard life in the canteen and the dark bottom of the society were imprinted on his young mind. At the same time, Paul began a short but beautiful first love with the rich girl Dounia, which became his permanent memory in the future. Until Paul met the underground party Ruhelai, the seeds of revolution began to germinate. He joined the Red Army and became a Bolshevik, carrying out various tasks under difficult conditions. Later, Paul was seriously injured in a car accident, but he did not lose heart. He overcame many difficulties and wrote a highly praised novel. Paul took up a new weapon and went back to the fight.


My favorite character in the book is Paul, the hero. In my opinion, he is a brave, strong and firm Bolshevik. At the age of 16, he was arrested and imprisoned for letting the underground party Ruhelai go. In the face of torture, coercion and inducement, he gritted his teeth and refused to tell the truth. In prison, Paul starved for several days and became thin and weak, but none of these could shake his determination to protect Ru Helai. He still stuck to his belief and did not regret his decision. After reading this, I was moved by Paul's firm belief and strong courage. He is only 16 years old, and his spirit is worthy of our study.


Paul is not only strong and brave, but also a positive, optimistic and confident revolutionary soldier. He was seriously injured after a car accident and went to various hospitals. The process of treatment was painful, and the results were even more impressive. The complications caused by the car accident caused irreversible damage to Paul, completely deprived Paul of his health, and finally made him paralyzed and blind. However, Paul, who was strong willed, was not defeated, but overcame various difficulties. After four years, he wrote the highly praised novel Born in the Storm. So far, the book is over. This is the most exciting part of the novel. When I close the novel, I can't calm down for a long time. Paul's optimistic spirit convinced me. As a patient, he bravely fought against the disease. Under the heavy pressure of various hardships, his belief in revolution never changed and his life is still full of hope. Although he could not go back to the battlefield, he recorded the war with notes, which inspired all people. "The meaning of life lies in struggle". I think Paul has completed the challenges again and again in his life and finally realized his life value because of his indomitable spirit of struggle.


The value of life is a profound life topic. Some people spend their whole lives searching for answers, while others are lost on the way. How should one realize the value of life? With this question, I consulted a lot of materials. Gorky said, "The value of a person should be based on what he has contributed, not what he has achieved." I think Paul, the hero of this book, has made a perfect answer with his own practical actions. As a junior high school student, I think the way to realize the value of life is to set goals, study hard and make contributions to the country and society in the future. But I found that some of the students around me were spoiled, unwilling to bear hardships, unwilling to learn, addicted to online games and material comforts, and talked about online games and idol stars. These students were very excited. When it came to learning, they would frown and often said: "Alas, my parents forced me to learn all day..." They enjoyed the comfortable life provided by their parents, Lack of lofty ideals and goals. Therefore, Paul's fighting spirit and firm belief in the book are particularly valuable in such a peaceful era. Paul tells us with his practical actions that we should first establish correct and ambitious ideals and goals, and then work hard for them with a spirit of struggle in learning and practice. When we grow up, we will contribute our own strength to the country and society. Finally, we will find the true meaning of life.


Ostrovsky, the author of this book, once said: "A person's life can be either burning or decaying. I can't be corrupt, and I am willing to burn!" As the future successors of the motherland, shouldering the mission of revitalizing the motherland, we should burn ourselves like Paul and realize the value of life!

钢铁是怎样炼成的读书笔记 篇3


Recently, I bought a book from the bookstore. It is How Steel Is Tempered. I believe that you are familiar with this book. It has become a well-known novel for Chinese students as an excerpt from the textbook. This book mainly tells about Paul's dedication and sacrifice for the common liberation of mankind. With his iron willpower and unremitting struggle, he conveys a spirit to us, that is, a gentleman with a strong sky will constantly strive for self-improvement, and a gentleman with a noble terrain will carry things with great virtue. He is full of trust. It is this belief that gives him spiritual power. Are people steel? Obviously not, but people can fall down, and the spirit can still stand. This is power!


I recommend this book to you. It can not only gain new knowledge from the words of excellent writers, but also enlighten your wisdom. Don't you want to read such a good book?

钢铁是怎样炼成的读书笔记 篇4


In the summer vacation, I read How Steel Was Tempered, a textbook that has inspired countless people. No matter what stage of your life, you can read it carefully.


How Steel Was Tempered tells the story of Paul Kochagin, who went from an ignorant boy to a Bolshevik soldier who finally became a revolutionary, to a blind but unyielding writer who wrote novels, and finally turned into a "strong steel". This novel praises the spirit of being strong and unyielding in the desperate fate and challenging the fate, reveals the ugly dissatisfaction with those capitalists and socialist society who can only act in an abusive way, and expresses the proletariat's resistance spirit to oppressing the fate represented by Paul at that time.


"Life is the most precious thing for a person. Life is only once for a person. A person should spend his life this way. Looking back on the past, he will not regret the wasted years, nor be ashamed of doing nothing. At the end of his life, he can say: My whole life and all my energy have been dedicated to the most magnificent cause in the world - fighting for the liberation of the people." I can never forget the life maxim in the book that constantly encourages me to advance bravely.


Shouldn't we be like this? Shouldn't we also learn from them? Shouldn't we be the same as them? On this bumpy and winding road of life, there will always be some fierce "roadblocks". But the road to success is doomed to not be smooth.


I still remember someone once said that "the sword edge comes from sharpening, and the plum blossom fragrance comes from bitter cold". How is steel made? Isn't this problem worth our deep thinking? Read the good book How Steel Is Tempered! You will benefit all your life.

《钢铁是怎样炼成的》读书笔记 篇5


A few days ago, I read a very instructive book, How was Steel Tempered. This is an autobiographical novel. The author Ostrovsky summarized and refined the experience of his own life, and shaped Paul, an ordinary and great hero, by taking himself as the prototype.


Paul was the representative of the first generation of Soviet Communist Youth League members and a strong Bolshevik soldier after the October Revolution. The author deeply describes the beauty of the character's inner world, and shows the life experience of the hero from childhood to the mature period after the civil war and joining the Party. It reflects his growing process in the fire of revolutionary struggle.


Born in a working family in Ukraine, Paul has become a staunch proletarian revolutionary soldier through decades of study and struggle. He was honest, honest, honest, courageous and fearless from childhood, but he had a deep hatred for the exploiting class and longed for resistance. At the same time, he asked for self-improvement, loved to read various revolutionary books, and his ideological awareness improved rapidly. He is strong in character, strong and unyielding in front of the enemy, and carries out a strong struggle with the enemy. More importantly, he was able to reflect on himself, fight against the old ideas left in his mind, and overcome the influence of self anarchism and the concept of lack of organizational discipline. No longer be a slave to your feelings and habits. He integrated himself into the masses of the people, completely selfless in his work, and was willing to pay his own everything, even his life, for the benefit of the people. To cope with the deterioration of physical condition and endure severe pain, continue to serve the people on another literary front. He is an ordinary and great hero.


How is steel made? What is the spirit of steel? Suffering in the fire, standing up in difficulties; Tempered in the fire, they just revolted under the oppression of evil forces.


As Ostrovsky said in the number, life is the most precious thing for people. Life belongs to man only once. A man's life should be spent in this way: when he looks back on the past, he will not regret for wasting his time, nor be ashamed of doing nothing; When he was dying again, he could say with a clear conscience: "My whole life and all my energy have been dedicated to the most magnificent cause in the world - the struggle for human liberation!" A man should live quickly and fully, because accidental illness or tragic accident can end his life at any time.


Youth is always perfect, but the real youth belongs to those who always strive for the top, those who always forget themselves and work, and those who are always modest!

钢铁是怎样炼成的读书笔记 篇6


He is a patriotic person; He is a person who is physically handicapped but not mentally handicapped; He is a hero; He is Paul Kochagin, the hero of How Steel Was Tempered. He grew up poor until one day Paul took a gun from the Red Army and became a soldier. He fought bravely in the war and made outstanding achievements. Unfortunately, Paul finally became ill from overwork, and his lower body was paralyzed. However, he still took up the pen to fight and wrote the book.


After reading this book, Paul's story has always encouraged me to move forward. I remember that before, I was not strong enough to retreat when faced with difficulties, such as playing Go, and I would not play with him when faced with a fierce opponent. I don't want to do it when I encounter difficulties. If I always flinch from difficulties for a long time, I will never become a talent. I am a useless person, so I have made up my mind to be a brave man from now on.

钢铁是怎样炼成的读书笔记 篇7


How Steel Was Tempered is a Soviet writer. Ostrovsky, the novel tells the story of the hero.


At first, Paul was expelled from the school by the priest for mischief. He went to the station hotel to work. Later, his brother found him a job in the power plant. At that time, the Tsar was overthrown and the "October Revolution" began. He knew the revolutionary Zhu Helai, taught him to do many things, and gave him a strong will. Paul met Dounia and they fell in love. Later, Paul went to the front. He fought bravely, made contributions and became a political commissar. He liked reading books very much and often read or told stories to his comrades in arms. Later, because he was seriously injured in the battlefield, he left the battlefield. After returning to his hometown, he went to build the railway and continue to build the motherland. Later, because of his selfless work, his physical condition was very poor. Finally, he was nearly paralyzed and blind, but he insisted on writing. Finally, he completed The Birth of the Storm.


My most impressive sentence is that life is the most precious thing for people. Life belongs to people only once, and people should spend their lives in this way: when he looks back on the past, he does not regret for wasting time, nor should he be ashamed of doing nothing. On his deathbed, he was able to say that my whole life and energy were dedicated to the most magnificent cause in the world - the struggle for human liberation. This book looks very heavy. Paul's story tells me that we should have willpower, be strong, and have the courage to overcome difficulties. The book is called How Steel is Tempered, which means that people, like steel, can become talents only after being honed. Today, we live in a peaceful era. It is a hard won era. We should learn more when we enjoy a peaceful and happy social environment. To be an ideal person, we should have different ideals in different times. This is what we need to learn.