
时间:2022-11-07 13:14:00 | 来源:语文通



《钢铁是怎样炼成的》的读书笔记 篇1《钢铁是怎样炼成的》读书笔记 篇2《钢铁是怎样炼成的》读书笔记 篇3钢铁是怎样炼成的读书笔记 篇4钢铁是怎样炼成的读书笔记 篇5《钢铁是怎样炼成的》读书笔记 篇6

《钢铁是怎样炼成的》的读书笔记 篇1


This book was written by Nikolay Ostrovsky of the former Soviet Union. He was born in a poor working family in Warren Province, the western border of Ukraine. Nikolay's life is ready


This summer vacation, I read the book How Steel Was Tempered. This book is about the experience of the hero Paul Kochagin. From him, I learned that a person's perseverance has a great impact on his life. Paul's life was very bumpy, but how could he make himself continue to live? It was perseverance. In all kinds of difficulties, he broke through with his perseverance. He dedicated his life to the revolutionary cause, and he can sacrifice everything for the revolution. He persevered in the agony of his physical disability. As the book says, "Life is the most precious thing for a man. Every man has only one life. A man should spend his life in this way: he will not regret his wasted years or be ashamed of his meanness and vulgarity when recalling the past; at the end of his life, he can say," My whole life and all my energy have been dedicated to the most magnificent cause in the world - to fight for the liberation of all mankind. "


In reality, can we be like Paul? The answer is "can"! As long as each of us can persevere and rise to the challenge, each of us is a living Paul. We do not have war. We, who live in this era, should know how to overcome all kinds of difficulties. A little difficulty is nothing! Come on for everyone!

只要勇敢地去面对每一 .cn 件困难,等事情一过,你会发觉,原来自己是有毅力的。保尔·柯察金的精神,永远值得我们去学习。望每一个人都是坚毅的保尔!

As long as you bravely face every. CN difficulty, you will find that you have perseverance when things pass. Paul Kochagin's spirit is always worth learning. I hope everyone is a tough Paul!

《钢铁是怎样炼成的》读书笔记 篇2


When I think of How Steel Was Tempered, I can see him as a young man with flesh and blood. He has his own ideals and goals. He is a hero in my mind and he is a great and ordinary person. The reason why he is great is that he has ambition, iron willpower and the belief of liberating all mankind. It is this belief that allows him to selflessly and fearlessly dedicate his youth, spirit, and even life; He is ordinary because there are thousands of revolutionary sons and daughters who love the motherland as deeply as him. Only with them can the working people live a happy life today.


Like him, each of us has different ideals and beliefs. It is good to have ideals, but ideals are not illusions. It is useless to just dream. What we should think about is how to realize this ideal? The hero of the story? He gave us the answer: as long as the ideals in our hearts remain unchanged, we have the courage to pursue and never give up, we can realize our ideals! So when he was dying, he could reasonably say: "I did not regret wasting my time, nor was I ashamed of doing nothing. I gave my whole life and all my energy to the most magnificent cause in the world - to fight for the liberation of all mankind!"


We live in a peaceful age. Maybe we can't feel his passion for the cause of liberation and even his own life. Maybe we can't understand his deep love for proletarian compatriots all over the world. But his selfless love and firm will will encourage us to pursue the beautiful ideal in our hearts more persistently, just like him, to be an eagle flying in the sky, not afraid of the wind, not afraid of the rain, Go forward bravely towards your goal. Every time you accept the baptism of wind and rain, you will not give up easily, and will only pursue the dream in your heart more persistently!


He is full of blood, has great ideals, and even more has the lofty spirit of struggling in the face of adversity. Under the condition of illness, he still insists on writing, and has dedicated his entire life and energy to the great socialist cause. Until the last moment of his life, he fought for the people, and has won the respect and praise of many people. Like him, he has never stopped striving for self-improvement. People who struggle against Ecuador are everywhere, There are countless examples. Among these people, there are well-known great people, such as Gou Jian and Cao Xueqin, as well as ordinary people, such as Zhang Haidi. Open your eyes and find out. It turns out that these great men are all ordinary people!


It is inevitable that they will encounter setbacks on the road of life, but they have the perseverance and self-confidence to overcome difficulties and finally get on the throne of success. "A blessing in disguise is a blessing in disguise." In fact, sometimes setbacks are not necessarily a good thing. Only in adversity can we recognize our own shortcomings, analyze the causes of failure, and make greater decisions. Otherwise, how can we say "Failure is the mother of success"? "Difficulties are like springs. It depends on whether you are strong or not. If you are strong, they will be weak, and if you are weak, they will be strong." This is quite true. As long as you overcome difficulties and never say die, success will belong to you sooner or later!

《钢铁是怎样炼成的》读书笔记 篇3


I read How Steel Was Tempered. It told Paul's indomitable story in his hard life, which greatly moved me.


When he was young, his mother sent him to school. A few days later, Paul was very naughty, so the teacher stopped accepting him. Paul Kochajin, who was only a teenager, had to start working. When he was young, he refused to follow his mother's advice and resolutely participated in the revolutionary activities. After several injuries, Paul lost his ability to work, but he began to write again, making his life a miracle again.


I admire Paul's tenacious vitality, but I can't do it. I want to learn from him.


In learning, we should learn Paul's spirit of fearing difficulties and studying hard. In life, we should learn Paul's spirit of fearing setbacks. We should take Paul as an example. Only serious, serious, modest, cautious and diligent can we succeed!


Reading Notes 3 of How Steel Was Tempered


This holiday, I read a book called How Steel Was Tempered. After reading, I have a deep feeling.


The author of this book is Nikolai Oster, a former Soviet writer. The hero of this book is Paul Kochagin. He was originally a bad kid who liked to play pranks in the small town. Later, he was expelled from the school. Paul, who was a waiter in the restaurant, was humiliated. At the same time, he deeply reflected the darkness of Tsar Russia at that time. Later Paul joined the Red Army and became a glorious communist internationalist soldier. In the battle, he was brave and tenacious, fearing no sacrifice. Although he lost one right eye in the battle, he still faced the future life with a strong optimism.


In our life, we will also encounter many difficulties. But compared with Paul's difficulties, what does it count? We should learn from his spirit of not being discouraged and unyielding when encountering difficulties, and be optimistic about life.

钢铁是怎样炼成的读书笔记 篇4


A few days ago, I read a very instructive book, How was Steel Tempered. This is an autobiographical novel. The author Ostrovsky summarized and refined the experience of his own life, and shaped Paul based on himself. The hero is an ordinary and great hero.


Paul. The hero is the representative of the first generation of Soviet Communist Youth League members after the October Revolution, a strong Bolshevik soldier. The author deeply describes the beauty of the character's inner world, and shows the life experience of the hero from childhood to the mature period after the civil war and joining the Party. It reflects his growing process in the fire of revolutionary struggle.


Paul. The hero comes from a working family in Ukraine and has become a staunch proletarian revolutionary soldier through decades of study and struggle. He was honest, honest, honest, courageous and fearless from childhood, but he had a deep hatred for the exploiting class and longed for resistance. At the same time, he asked for self-improvement, loved to read various revolutionary books, and his ideological awareness improved rapidly. He is strong in character, strong and unyielding in front of the enemy, and carries out a strong struggle with the enemy. More importantly, he was able to reflect on himself, fight against the old ideas left in his mind, and overcome the influence of self anarchism and the concept of lack of organizational discipline. No longer be a slave to your feelings and habits. He integrated himself into the masses of the people, completely selfless in his work, and was willing to pay his own everything, even his life, for the benefit of the people. To cope with the deterioration of physical condition and endure severe pain, continue to serve the people on another literary front. He is an ordinary and great hero.


How is steel made? What is the spirit of steel? Suffering in the fire, standing up in difficulties; Tempered in the fire, they just revolted under the oppression of evil forces.


As Ostrovsky said in the number, life is the most precious thing for people. Life belongs to man only once. A man's life should be spent in this way: when he looks back on the past, he will not regret for wasting his time, nor be ashamed of doing nothing; When he was dying again, he could say with a clear conscience: "My whole life and all my energy have been dedicated to the most magnificent cause in the world - the struggle for human liberation!" A man should live quickly and fully, because accidental illness or tragic accident can end his life at any time.


Youth is always perfect, but the real youth belongs to those who always strive for the top, those who always forget themselves and work, and those who are always modest!

钢铁是怎样炼成的读书笔记 篇5


How Steel Was Tempered is a well deserved world masterpiece. After carefully reading this book, I really feel an abnormal feeling. The book introduces the rough experience of the hero Paul Kochagin from his youth to adulthood. The plot is sometimes admirable, sometimes nervous, and sometimes sad. However, in any case, his spirit is eternal in the thick ink fragrance, and his tenacious quality wins readers' hearts.


For dancers, not being able to dance is the most painful thing; For musicians, deafness is the most painful thing; For a soldier, losing his fighting ability is the most painful thing. There is always bloodshed and sacrifice in war. As a soldier, Paul also lost his fighting ability unexpectedly. When I read there, my eyes were slightly moist, and I couldn't imagine the future life of the hero. With a sad and nervous mood, I continued to read and found that I was wrong. The sadness and desolation in his heart did not overthrow him, but rather inspired him by the machine gunners without legs and the Warren Keys New City, which launched 17 charges to overcome all difficulties in a day! Be a warrior who makes the enemy afraid! Paul's words deeply moved me, "Even if life is unbearable, we should be good at living, and make life useful and full!"


Yes, the suffering of the protagonist is much more serious than our failure in an exam, a dispute with friends, and the wrongs misunderstood! What reason do we have to cry and lose heart? When I think about it, I always did not dream about my math test results in the past few times. For this reason, I often shed tears behind my back and looked at the dark blue night sky. Although I was sad, sore, and wronged, I have no reason to cry at this moment. I should be strong! Failure is nothing. It may be a success after failure, but it may still be a rainy day... But the iron will in my heart is enough to dispel the haze and rise up again!


Paul is another living example of this. After he became blind, the world became monotonous, just endless black, and he could not go to the battlefield again. But instead of sleeping in the hot war years, he stepped into the palace of literature step by step. Like Mr. Lu Xun, who is familiar to everyone in modern times, he fought with his pen and emancipated the people's minds! Paul is such a person. It is said in the book that "a person's life should be spent in this way: he does not regret for wasting time, nor is he ashamed of doing nothing!"


After reading this book, I close my eyes and slowly remember Paul's bravery on the battlefield, Paul's natural and unrestrained life, and Paul's stubbornness after suffering from illness... My heart can't help shaking slightly, oh, our hero, the most lovely person! Maybe we can't all become heroes, because heroes are not born, but trained and grown up in life, study, work, and the torrent of the times! I think this is a simple truth revealed to us in How Steel Was Tempered!


The bitter war years forged many people like Paul. They are our role models and teach us to be brave, strong, self respecting and love our motherland! In the era of peace, there is no smoke of gunpowder or fire of war; In the new century, we, young friends, have no mission to go to the battlefield, nor the task of building the motherland for the time being. However, I think we should grow up healthily, study hard, lay the foundation for repaying our motherland in the future, and be a proud Chinese!

《钢铁是怎样炼成的》读书笔记 篇6


"The historical significance of each great person is measured by his contributions to the motherland, and his character is measured by his patriotic actions." Chernychevsky of Russia once said so.


Perhaps Paul did not sacrifice his ego and achieve his great self as Gong Zizhen did; There is no Wen Tianxiang's leisurely surrender to justice and serve the country with death; Neither is Yue Fei's outstanding martial arts strategy and leading the way. However, as a civilian, he had the belief of devoting himself to the country since childhood, and finally became the secretary of the Youth League Committee of the railway factory. It was not easy for him to fight for the country all his life.


In order to supply timber, Paul was in the task of building a railway. The harsh conditions, the threat of disease, the suffering of hunger, and the bandits' raids did not shake their determination in the slightest. They braved all kinds of difficulties and finally built the railway. In order to defend his motherland, he devoted himself to the revolutionary activities of the Red Army. His patriotism is convincing.


Paul fell down and climbed up again and again for the sake of revolution. He is the pride of the motherland and the hero of the people.


Isn't that exactly what life looks like? As long as you are strong willed and go forward bravely, no matter how solid the ice stone is, it will melt.


This is how steel is made.