
时间:2022-11-07 13:14:00 | 来源:语文通



竞聘副部长的演讲稿 篇1竞聘副部长的演讲稿 篇2竞聘副部长的演讲稿 篇3竞聘副部长的演讲稿 篇4竞聘副部长的演讲稿 篇5

竞聘副部长的演讲稿 篇1


Distinguished leaders, judges and comrades


hello everyone!


I remember someone said that the biggest disadvantage of people is not that they can't see their own shortcomings, but that they can't see their huge potential. 80% of people only play 20% of their personal abilities. Inspired by this sentence, and with more than ten years of financial work experience, I came to participate in the competition for the manager of the company's financial department. In combination with my job position, I would like to introduce myself first:


My name is, I'm XX years old, majoring in accounting, with a junior professional title. Since my work, I have been engaged in financial management in different units. From July of XX to January of XX, he worked as the financial supervisor in the Jinan office of the Food Bureau; From January to December in XX, he worked as the financial supervisor in the grain and oil company in the high district of XX City; From December of XX to March of XX, he served as the chief of the financial section of XX Co., Ltd. (a foreign-funded enterprise); From March of XX to March of XX, he served as the chief of the financial section of the Fifth Company Branch; Served as the financial manager of XX Co., Ltd. (a foreign-funded enterprise) from March to August of XX; He has been the financial manager of Rui Company since August, XX. In my work, I always take the motto of "Be down-to-earth and honest" as my motto. More than ten years of financial work has tempered my good self quality and cultivated the moral character of being open and aboveboard, having a sense of justice and being ready to help others. In my work and life, I also pay attention to strengthening my self-cultivation, adhering to principles, abiding by laws and disciplines, making progress in thinking, and abiding by laws and disciplines in work. I am deeply trusted by leaders and colleagues.


I deeply know that it is very difficult to do a good job in financial work without certain professional theoretical knowledge. I graduated from Yantai Grain School, Shandong Province, majoring in accounting,? Years of study has enabled me to master solid professional theoretical knowledge. In addition, I have participated in the training of accountant qualification examination twice and worked for more than ten years, which further accumulated my professional knowledge. All these have laid a solid foundation for my financial work.


While theory is important, experience is indispensable for doing a good job. Since my work, I have been engaged in financial work and have been dealing with "money" for more than ten years. "Although it is hard to get ten thousand sieves, it is only when you blow all the wild sand that you get gold". Where there is effort, there is gain. More than ten years of financial work experience has enabled me to accumulate rich financial work experience and exercise my strong financial management ability. I can solve the problems in financial data in the shortest time, and know many difficult problems like the palm of my hand. I think this is necessary for a good financial manager.


In my work, I am also good at learning, learning from books and leaders around me. Driven by the continuous improvement of my overall quality and the strict requirements of adapting to the rapid development of the company, I have never had any major financial data errors since I was engaged in financial work for many years.


I have received traditional education and deeply understand the truth that "the edge of a sword comes from sharpening, and the fragrance of plum blossoms comes from bitter cold". My family education, life and years of work experience have made me exercise a strong spirit of hard work. In order to complete heavy work tasks, I often forget to eat and sleep and work overtime all night. At the same time, over the years, I have also cultivated the character of being brave to take responsibility, never giving up and being brave to innovate. All these have provided a reliable guarantee for me to do a good job as the manager of the financial department.


In addition, it is worth mentioning that I know our company's financial rules and regulations, and I can work more easily. Especially since I was the financial manager, I have mastered and understood the company's financial management skills and methods to the greatest extent, and I am familiar with the formulation of financial management plans and the management of my department.


At the same time, I am sincere, easy-going, tolerant, positive, optimistic, with strong communication, organization and coordination capabilities, and have certain social relations, which is also indispensable for doing a good job.


Now, I'd like to talk about my understanding of the manager of the financial department since I was the financial manager. In my opinion, the manager of the financial department is not only an attractive position, but also a heavy responsibility. The Finance Department is one of the core departments of the entire enterprise, and the financial manager is the chief commander of this department. He must fully implement the company's overall financial management plan and actively improve the company's financial management plans, develop a series of internal management systems, and do a good job in the management of his department. Timely manage and make good use of funds to ensure the rapid development of the company.


If, thanks to the kindness of all leaders, judges and colleagues, I can continue to serve as the leader of the financial manager, I will live up to the expectations and mission, and try to turn this trust of leaders and colleagues into an opportunity to make a turnaround at a new starting point. I will try my best to do the following:


First, play three roles.


The "three roles" are "assistant, leader and friend". First, be a good assistant to leaders. We should be obedient but not blindly obedient in organization, obedient but not obedient, and good but not superior; Take the initiative in work instead of acting blindly, be an assistant instead of shaking hands, integrate instead of catering; Mentally respect leaders and help them solve problems. The second is to communicate with employees, get familiar with the work of the department in charge, find out the key points and difficulties of the work, formulate effective work plans and objectives, and carry out the work well. Third, be a good friend of the staff and workers, care more about the staff and workers in work and life, and think about what the staff and workers want.


Second, strengthen the management of the Finance Department, pay close attention to financial management, and improve various management systems.


I will actively and continuously look for new ideas and methods of work, actively manage the financial department, further manage the company's funds, and establish sound internal management procedures. To make the work of the Finance Department specific and quantitative, with operability. Let employees know how to do it.


Third, strengthen the construction of the staff team and personnel management.


Human resources are the inexhaustible power and source for the continuous development of enterprises. I will actively tap the potential and strengthen training according to the current situation of the personnel in the Finance Department and the characteristics of each department, so as to make the Finance Department form a balanced structure of the proportion of business, technical, managerial and transactional talents. In addition, in terms of management, I will achieve a reasonable division of labor, everyone has something to do, everyone has something to do, reward the diligent and punish the lazy, and improve the working efficiency of employees and accounting ethics. In the work, we adhere to the principle of "the capable are superior, the average is inferior, and the mediocre is inferior", and strive to give opportunities to those who want to do things, posts to those who can do things, and status to those who do good things, and establish and improve various rules and regulations. No rules, no circles. We should manage people and affairs by systems, not by people and people.


Fourth, strengthen self learning. I will continue to strengthen the cultivation of my own quality.


In my work, I will continue to strengthen business learning and ideological construction to improve my overall quality. At the same time, I will also actively study the latest financial management direction and means, take the lead in earnestly studying the knowledge of accounting computerization, master the basic knowledge of computer software and hardware, and improve the practical operation ability in work.


Fifth, be honest and self-discipline, and use power correctly.


The financial manager has certain decision-making power in the process of performing his duties, but the power is given by the organization and leadership, and is given by all staff to better perform his duties. I will strictly abide by the incorruptibility and self-discipline rules of our company, correctly use my rights, actively accept the supervision of the company's leaders and employees, and work incorruptedly. I will never seek personal gains by using power, so that my actions can withstand the supervision and inspection of leaders and colleagues.


As time goes by, we can't wait for a long time. I am young, energetic, passionate, courageous, thoughtful, tenacious, and ambitious. If the competition is successful, I know that what condenses there is not only my personal sweat, but also the unlimited trust and expectation of all leaders, judges and colleagues. I will live up to my great trust, fulfill my mission, and strive for the rapid development of the company with 100 times confidence and 100 times efforts all my life!


Thank you!

竞聘副部长的演讲稿 篇2


Leaders and staff representatives:


hello everyone!


My name is XXX, 34 years old, XX degree, XX title. He is now the deputy chief of the Science and Education Department of Jianyang People's Hospital. Today, I am competing for the position of Director of Staff Training Department. The British playwright Shakespeare once said: "Confidence is the first step on the road to success". Today, I am also very confident! This confidence stems from the examination and analysis of myself, as well as the review and summary of my work in 16 years. I think I have the ability to shoulder the responsibility of the head of the training department and contribute to the training work of our institute. So here I come! Full of love and deep feelings for my work, and with my vision and expectations for my work, I firmly stepped onto the platform where I belong to the strong, and I sincerely communicated with you. I hope my ability can win this position, and I hope my confidence can win everyone's applause!


1、 Have comprehensive and solid professional knowledge.


I majored in financial accounting. Since I took part in the work, I have successively served as material accounting, tax accounting, infrastructure accounting and project final accounts auditor, and deputy head of the financial section. During this period, I worked hard to enrich and improve myself. Obtained the qualification of assistant accountant in 1992; In 1996, he obtained the qualification of project cost engineer,; In XX, he was qualified as an accountant. Be familiar with relevant professional knowledge such as Enterprise Accounting System, Tax Law and Cost Accounting Rules, and be proficient in the application of computerized software and the settlement of e-commerce and online banking.


2、 Have work experience in this position.


In XX, I was appointed as the deputy chief of the financial section through open competition, in charge of accounting and financial analysis. In my work, I am strict with myself and treat others sincerely, and actively strengthen communication and coordination with relevant departments and colleagues to create a good atmosphere of unity and competition. Through nearly two years of work practice, I have accumulated certain management experience, which has greatly improved my business ability, organization and coordination ability, and leadership and deployment ability. I think I can be competent for the work of the Deputy Head of the Finance Department.


3、 There are substantial work achievements, mainly reflected in the following aspects.


1. Assisted the minister in formulating the comprehensive budget of the factory for XX and XX. At the beginning of each year, the annual production and operation budget is prepared according to the general production and operation objectives formulated by the factory headquarters and through careful and thorough calculation. At the same time, dynamic management should be carried out to adjust the deviation in time, so as to provide a reliable basis for leaders to make decisions.


2. Review accounting vouchers and organize the submission of various financial statements. Strictly implement the requirements of the Accounting Law, the Enterprise Accounting System, the Tax Law and the basic accounting specifications, as well as the relevant financial rules and regulations of the industry and the factory, review and strictly check the materials, costs and other vouchers one by one, and organize relevant personnel to prepare and submit various financial statements in a timely and accurate manner.


3. Prepare financial analysis regularly. Analyze the income, cost, tax and profit of our factory every month; Carry out a comprehensive analysis of economic operation every quarter, convert a large amount of report data into useful information for decision-making, and provide timely and accurate information to plant leaders.


4. Responsible for organizing to clear up the loss of non-performing assets of our factory. This year is a year of rapid development of Anhui Tobacco. In order to maintain the healthy and steady development of the enterprise, under the unified deployment of the provincial company, our factory is led by the Finance Department, and I am specifically responsible for organizing the relevant departments to carefully check the bad debt losses caused by historical reasons and the material losses caused by sorting out the product brands of our factory, which are audited and confirmed by Beijing China Taxation Certified Public Accountants, A total of more than 89 million yuan of non-performing asset losses were handled, which drained the assets and strengthened the enterprise's development potential.


5. Be responsible for the review of online shopping mall (material procurement) and online settlement and payment. According to the online settlement application and monthly fund plan of the Material Department, the online material procurement shall be reviewed one by one every month, and the payment shall be confirmed in the online bank of ICBC after being qualified, thus ensuring the fast and safe settlement of funds.


Over the years, I have always been strict with myself. I am open and aboveboard in my conduct and work. I will not do anything harmful to the interests of the enterprise. I will strictly abide by the financial rules and regulations and keep the financial secrets of the enterprise. My speech is over, thank you!

竞聘副部长的演讲稿 篇3


Distinguished leaders and colleagues


hello everyone!


It is said that sincere friendship comes from constant self introduction. But I think enough self-confidence also comes from constant self introduction. My name is XXX. I have been working in a catering chain enterprise for more than a year. My job is as a floor foreman. In more than a year, I was able to complete the work assigned to me by my superiors in quality and quantity, and was unanimously recognized by the leaders, which was attributed to the concern and encouragement of the leaders and colleagues. Thank you sincerely here.


I believe that as a deputy minister, he has played a great role. He is not only a bridge to convey the intentions of leaders, but also a link to summarize and feed back the views and opinions of the following employees. He is also a confidant of employees. He also needs to have super observation ability, be able to grasp the mentality of employees at the first time, and do a good job in communication. They can fully manage a region and lead them to improve their business knowledge and professional skills. Can teach them how to solve any puzzles and problems they have. Of course, I am familiar with and understand the company's corporate culture and rules and regulations. Must have a certain executive ability and a decisive way of thinking when solving problems, and so on.


If I can compete for the position of vice minister, I will do the following:


1. Strive to improve their learning ability. Enhance their own business knowledge and professional skills, learn from leaders and seniors about management experience and the ability to handle customer complaints.


2. While improving ourselves, we should also lead other families to make progress together. Regularly organize some training courses, which can cover a wider range of aspects. From product knowledge to daily customer complaints, they can be taught how to solve them. When appropriate, they can also do some incentive training.


3. Communication is important. Do a good job of ideological work with employees in a timely manner, carefully observe their ideological trends, so as to grasp their ideas and opinions in a timely manner, make records, and give feedback.


4. Complete other tasks assigned by the superior and handle the relationship with colleagues.


The company is developing rapidly. Only when the company is a big family, can we have a better platform for self-improvement. Now there is such a broad stage for us to show our dreams. I will rush to the most dazzling place on this stage!


I am very grateful to the company for providing us with this opportunity to transcend ourselves. I believe I will succeed, and I hope you can have confidence in me.


Thank you!

竞聘副部长的演讲稿 篇4


Dear company leaders and comrades


hello everyone.


First of all, I would like to thank the leaders of the company for giving our young employees this opportunity to show their talents and prove their abilities!


At this moment, when I calmly stand on the platform where challenges and opportunities coexist, success and failure coexist, my heart is full of confidence in winning, and I am ready to fight bravely and shoulder heavy burdens.


My name is XXX. I was born in X, XXX, with college education. I started working in XXX, and worked in other posts successively. Over the past two years, thanks to my sincere commitment to the highway industry, I have made silent contributions to my post and worked hard. I have been praised by the provincial bureau leaders for many times and praised by the company leaders and comrades!


I remember Franklin, a famous American statesman, said, "Push your cause, but don't let it push you." Today, in order to promote the cause I love, I participate in the competition for the post of Deputy Director of the Party Committee's Work Department. Please review it with the company's leaders and comrades.


I only have the courage to participate in this fair competition, mainly based on the following two aspects:


On the one hand, I think I have the quality to be a vice minister:

一是有吃苦耐劳、默默无闻的敬业精神。十余年的求学生涯,使我深深懂得“宝剑锋从磨砺出,梅花香自苦寒来”的道理。大学实习期间,我在 “代岗教育扶贫”,每天早餐和晚饭是咸菜就馒头,晚上在没有暖气的集体宿舍经受零下20多度的考验,给我印象最深的是xxx年教师节,我们的慰问品是一穗水煮玉米。经历了恶劣自然环境和艰苦生活条件的磨练,培养了我“特别能吃苦、特别能忍耐、特别能战斗、特别能奉献”的良好品质。我爱岗敬业,工作踏踏实实,兢兢业业,一丝不苟,不管干什么从不讲价钱,更不怨天忧人,努力把工作做得最好。

First, there is a hard working, unknown professionalism. After more than ten years of student career, I deeply understand the truth that "the edge of a sword comes from sharpening, and the fragrance of plum blossoms comes from bitter cold". During my college internship, I was in the "pro poor education on behalf of the post". Every morning, I ate steamed buns with pickled vegetables for breakfast and dinner. At night, I experienced more than 20 degrees below zero in the collective dormitory without heating. What impressed me most was the Teacher's Day in XXX. Our condolences were a ear of boiled corn. Having experienced the harsh natural environment and hard living conditions, I have cultivated the good quality of "being able to bear hardships, endure hardships, fight and contribute". I love my job, work steadily, conscientiously and meticulously. No matter what I do, I never talk about the price, let alone complain, and try to do my best.


The second is the innovative consciousness of being open-minded and eager to learn and pioneering. Einstein said that love is the best teacher. I love secretarial work. I usually like reading books and newspapers. I often browse some books about politics and economy. After working in the office, I was modest and eager to learn, not ashamed to ask questions, systematically learned relevant business knowledge and the spirit of various documents at all levels, and initially had the necessary business knowledge and policy level for a secretary. In addition, I am active in thinking, have a wide range of hobbies, accept new things quickly, have the courage to practice, and have a pioneering spirit.


Third, it has the good quality of being strict with oneself and honesty. I believe in honesty and self-discipline. In my daily life and work, I have constantly strengthened my personal accomplishment and Party spirit. I take "being honest and hardworking" as my creed, strictly require myself, respect leaders, and unite comrades, which should be said to be recognized by leaders and colleagues.


Fourth, we have a working style of being resolute and pragmatic. After taking part in the work, under the strict requirements of leaders at all levels, especially under the influence of Director Yao, I developed the working habit of being unambiguous in everything and not dragging my feet in doing things, and developed my working attitude of being not only bookish, not only superior, but also realistic. Up to now, I still clearly remember what a leader said to me: Xiaowen, no matter where you work or what position you are in, you should be conscientious, conscientious, quick, and not sloppy.


On the other hand, I think I have the ability to be a vice minister.


First, they have certain political literacy. I usually care about the major events in social life, have a certain understanding of the country's major policies, and have a high ideological and political awareness. Especially after working in the office, I paid more attention to the study of political theoretical knowledge and the transformation of ideological awareness, and was able to always maintain a firm political position and high political sensitivity.


Second, it has a certain written foundation. When I was in middle school, I loved literature and participated in a literature club. During my college life, I published more than 20 articles in the school newspaper. After taking part in the work, with the help of leaders and colleagues, my comprehensive level of writing has improved to a certain extent, and I have published more than 30 articles in the provincial bureau's Briefing. In XXX, the article "Expressway should become the carrier of advanced productivity" written by me was selected into the book "Collection of Dayun Expressway Management Experience" compiled by the provincial bureau.


Third, they have certain management ability. With the support of the company's leaders and the help of the comrades, the company organized and completed the second quarter assessment of the grass-roots units, organized and completed the internal audit of the 9000 quality management system and the first supervision and audit of the Beijing World Standards Certification Center. The company was recommended to maintain the certification qualification, and my work was also recognized by the company's leaders and certified teachers. Through organizing this series of activities, my management ability has been significantly improved.


If I am lucky to succeed in the competition, my working ideas are:

一、以“与时俱进、勇于创新”为信条,提高自身 素质。一方面要加强政治理论知识的学习,不断提高自己的政治理论修养和明辩大是大非的能力;另一方面要加强业务知识和业务技能的学习,在工作实践中辩证的看待自己的长处和短处,扬长避短,团结协作,不断充实和完善自己,更加胜任本职工作。

1、 Adhere to the principle of "keeping pace with the times and being brave in innovation" to improve our own quality. On the one hand, we should strengthen the study of political theory knowledge, and constantly improve our political theory accomplishment and the ability to distinguish major right and major wrong; On the other hand, we should strengthen the study of business knowledge and skills, dialectically view our strengths and weaknesses in work practice, develop strengths and circumvent weaknesses, work together, constantly enrich and improve ourselves, and become more competent for our own work.


2、 With the spirit of "down-to-earth work, forge ahead", be a good adviser to leaders. In the work, we should not only carry forward the good style and tradition of the past, work hard and do a solid job, but also focus on exploring experience and ways in practice, asking for more instructions and reports, communicating with each other, and serving as a bridge between employees and leaders.


3、 With the attitude of "hard working, realistic and innovative", find the right starting point for work.


Empty talk leads to trouble, but hard work leads to prosperity. Although I don't have any lofty words, I don't have any broad and profound policy program. But I know that my career is like a mountain, and I also know that I have another side that I cannot adapt to this position. It was Napoleon's "soldiers who do not want to be generals are not good soldiers" that encouraged me to take the courage to try, respond to the company's call and actively participate in the competition. To be honest, I am concerned about the results of the competition and eager to compete successfully. But I pay more attention to the process of participation, because for young me, the process of participation may sometimes be more important than the results. I think that since I came here to promote my career, whether I succeed or not, I will not change my dedication to the highway cause. But I believe that with the help, support and cooperation of all leaders and colleagues present here, I am confident that I can be a competent deputy minister of the Party's work department.


As the ancient saying goes, "You should not be proud of your ability for a while, or frustrated for a while." In short, no matter what, I will use the same young attitude to face challenges and laugh at life! "The victory is gratifying, and the defeat is without regret!"


Give me a chance, I will return you very wonderful! This is my eternal faith and the promise of this competition.


Thank you!

竞聘副部长的演讲稿 篇5


Dear leaders and colleagues


1. Basic personal information


Thank you for giving me such a competitive speech opportunity to show myself and improve myself. My name is XX. I was born in XX, and I graduated from China University of Mining and Technology in XX, majoring in mine ventilation and safety engineering. After graduation, he successively worked in XX tunneling work area and safety department, and was transferred to XX Coal Mine Construction Engineering Department in X, XX.


2. Competitive advantages


According to the post competition conditions announced this time, the post I am competing for today is the vice minister of the mining construction engineering department. In the past three years, with the care and training of mine leaders and the help and support of colleagues, we have made certain achievements in work and business, and gained a lot.


First, political and ideological awareness has been constantly improved. After years of training and unremitting efforts, I have grown up ideologically and politically. Be able to earnestly implement the decisions made by the mine leaders, obey the arrangements of the leaders, have a strong sense of dedication and responsibility, be diligent and dutiful, and be upright. In the face of major issues of right and wrong, I can be clear headed, stand firm and correctly grasp myself. Love work, brave to bear hardships, selfless dedication, and can correctly handle the relationship between gain and loss, public and private.


Second, the overall business quality of individuals was significantly enhanced. Since working in the Mine Construction Engineering Department, I have been able to integrate myself into this excellent team, adapt to the new environment and new work as soon as possible, do my job well, love my job and do my best. In the past three years of work, I have always been able to maintain a stable attitude and good working condition, keep learning, keep making progress and keep accumulating. The work of the Safety Department has taught me how to communicate with others and how to coordinate work, which has further improved my comprehensive ability and technical level.


3. Understanding of competitive positions


My working experience in coal mine is not long, and there are still many aspects to accumulate experience and improve business level. As the Mine Construction Engineering Department, it can be seen from the naming of this department by the company that this department is directly related to the key effect of the quality of the whole company's construction projects, responsible for all quality supervision and construction safety related work, combined with the work content of every aspect of the previous work, it can also be seen that this department is responsible for the approval, sorting, submission and approval of various measures and data, and the procurement and bidding selection of various construction materials and equipment; Examination and approval of project funds; Review of project budget and settlement, etc. To be an excellent middle-level leader in the mining construction engineering department, we must do our best in wisdom, talent and technical research, and also have a strong sense of responsibility and professionalism. It is responsible for the company's leaders. It should implement the leaders' overall ideas and plans for each project item by item, without any deviation and quality problems. It should report all kinds of information and quality progress in construction to the leaders in a timely manner; For relevant departments, it shall timely convey, implement and implement the information related to the progress of quantities, and horizontally communicate the progress of relevant work; For external project department partners, we should strive to achieve the best project quality results with high standards and quality. Through my work experience in the past few years and practical experience in mining the front-line, I have learned that it is not important what kind of work to do and what kind of title you have, but what is important is to do your best to do it well, complete it, and be able to do each specific work well is the foreshadowing of success.


4. Working ideas

如果我有幸能竞聘成功,我将有以下四点打算: 一是当好配角。找准坐标,摆正位置,分清职责,掌握分寸,做到工作到位而不越位,求实而不死板,积极向领导提建议,主动搞好配合,增强整体合力。同时也决不置身事外,遇有棘手的问题,不上推下卸,勇于承担责任,解决矛盾和问题。要“身为兵位,胸为帅谋”,紧紧围绕我们的中心工作,抓住各个时期的工作重点,钻到领导心里去,走到同事们前面去,善于胸怀大局,立足当前,着眼未来,全方面、多角度地思考,力求把问题考虑得早一点、广一点、远一点、深一点,力求做到领导未谋有所谋,领导未闻有所知,领导未示有所行,为领导、全体同事们提供优质及时的服务,竭力当好领导的参谋和助手,抓好矿建工程的质量和安全,为以后的生产和发展做好坚实的基础。

If I am lucky enough to succeed in the competition, I will have the following four plans: first, to be a good supporting role. Find the right coordinates, put the right position, distinguish responsibilities, and master the sense of proportion, so that the work is in place without offside, realistic without inflexible, actively make suggestions to leaders, actively cooperate, and enhance the overall resultant force. At the same time, we will never stay out of the way. In case of difficult problems, we will not push up and down, but take responsibility and solve conflicts and problems. We should "be a soldier and have a good mind". We should closely focus on our central work, grasp the key points of work in various periods, get into the minds of leaders, go in front of colleagues, be good at thinking about the overall situation, base on the current situation, focus on the future, and think from all aspects and perspectives, and strive to consider problems earlier, wider, farther, and deeper. We should strive to achieve that leaders do not plan, know, and do what they don't know, To provide high-quality and timely services to leaders and all colleagues, strive to be a good adviser and assistant to leaders, pay attention to the quality and safety of mine construction projects, and lay a solid foundation for future production and development.

二是做好工作。在工作中要时刻把自己摆在一个员工的角度上,脚踏实地,甘于奉献,始终树立“抓好矿建工程质量安全” 的思想,对细微小事不马虎,从点滴做起,高标准、严格要求地抓好工程质量进度每一步,力求实现工作的“高标准、高质量、精细化”,通过抓好矿井质量和掘进进度的每一关,完成矿建工程质量安全工作的大事。保持一种以奉献为荣,以建功为乐的思想境界,把自己的工作看作是一个机遇、一种光荣、一份责任、一项使命,踏踏实实做事。把心思花在谋事上,把精力用在干事上,真正做到想干事,能办大事,会办难事,敢办新事。在勇挑重担中练就过硬业务本领,在艰苦磨练中更快成长。

Second, do a good job. In the work, we should always put ourselves in the perspective of an employee, be down-to-earth, be willing to contribute, always set up the idea of "paying attention to the quality and safety of the mine construction project", not careless about small things, start from every bit, pay attention to each step of the project quality progress with high standards and strict requirements, and strive to achieve the "high standards, high quality, and refinement" of the work, by focusing on each step of the mine quality and excavation progress, Complete the quality and safety work of mine construction projects. Maintain an ideological state of taking dedication as pride and making contributions as pleasure, regard your work as an opportunity, a glory, a responsibility and a mission, and work steadily. Put your mind on planning and energy on doing things, and really want to do things, be able to do big things, be able to do difficult things, and dare to do new things. Cultivate excellent business skills in the brave burden, and grow faster in the hard training.


Third, we should focus on learning. Learning ability is competitiveness. Only by strengthening learning can we keep up with the pulse of the times, do our own work better and complete the task of mine construction quality. I will certainly accumulate knowledge, pay attention to reality and collect relevant materials, improve the initiative and consciousness of learning, and regard the learning process as a process of self dissection, self reflection and self improvement. Through active learning, book knowledge is applied to specific work to promote work progress. Actively learn from practice, be good at summarizing the problems encountered in the work and constantly improve yourself in the specific work practice. Take the initiative to learn from leaders, learn how leaders think about problems, reflect on their own gaps, and improve themselves. Take the initiative to learn from colleagues, learn from each person's strengths and weaknesses to make up for their own shortcomings and shortcomings. The real unity of theory and on-site practice, subjective and objective; It is true that every day we learn, think and increase.

四是搞好团结。美国前总统肯尼迪曾说:“前进的最佳方式是与别人一道前进”。我在今后的工作中一定会做到宽以待人,与人为善,取人之长,补己之短,树立尊重别人就是尊重自己的观念,与同志们相互信任、互相理解、互相支持。以积极健康、平和从容的心态来面对工作,以冷静的态度处理问题,以宁静的态度看待个人得失,以清静的态度淡泊名利之扰。 最后,我要说的是,不管今天竞聘的结果如何,我不会以一时之得意而自夸其能,也不会以一时之失意而自坠其志,我会服从安排,一如既往,以踏实的工作作风,进取的工作精神,尽心尽职做好各项工作,请领导和同事们放心。 发言如有不当之处,敬请批评指正。

Fourth, we should improve unity. Former US President Kennedy once said: "The best way to advance is to advance with others.". In my future work, I will treat others leniently, be kind to others, learn from others' strengths, and make up for my own shortcomings. I will establish the concept that respecting others is respecting myself, and trust, understand, and support each other with my comrades. Face work with a positive, healthy, peaceful and calm attitude, handle problems with a calm attitude, treat personal gains and losses with a quiet attitude, and ignore fame and wealth with a quiet attitude. Finally, I would like to say that no matter what the result of today's competition is, I will not boast of my ability with a moment of complacency, nor will I fall down on my ambition with a moment of disappointment. I will obey the arrangement, as always, and do all the work well with a down-to-earth working style and enterprising spirit. Please rest assured that leaders and colleagues. If there is anything improper in your speech, please criticize and correct it.