
时间:2022-11-07 13:13:57 | 来源:语文通



《长津湖》观后感 篇1长津湖的观后感 篇2电影《长津湖》优秀观后感 篇3长津湖观后感1100字 篇4长津湖的观后感 篇5

《长津湖》观后感 篇1


After I left the cinema, my mood was still surging and I couldn't calm down. The battle scenes of the Chinese volunteers fighting against the US and aiding Korea in front of the screen still make my blood boil. I deeply feel that even if we are not cruelly treated by the enemy, we cannot forgive the heroes who once wore war clothes. We should not forget that our present time is quiet, and it is the ancestors who carry the burden for us.


Have you ever eaten potatoes at minus 40 degrees? Have you ever had your teeth broken by potatoes? Can you imagine the solemn and stirring of lying under the ice and snow and eating on frozen potatoes? After watching the film, we should be ashamed of wasting food.


Before the war between the two armies, it was the eve of Thanksgiving Day. At minus 40 degrees on one side, the Chinese Volunteer Army, clinging to the cliff, carefully took out the frozen but not too hard black potato from its arms; On the other hand, American soldiers not only brought tanks, bombers and artillery shells to China's territory, but also brought turkey, bacon, coffee, high-fat biscuits and chocolates and all kinds of cans when they even fought... That's why American troops also complained about the cold weather. If you didn't read the historical materials, you wouldn't believe that such ironic and contrasting pictures are true.


However, such a tough fighting environment still cannot suppress our determination to defeat and drive away the American army. After all, our heroes are troops whose advanced weapons, such as tanks and bombers, cannot make us retreat. For American troops who only want to fight comfortably, they certainly can't understand that "there are no heroes who can't be killed by freezing, nor heroes who can't be killed by fighting, only the honor of soldiers."


In fact, what impressed me most was a sentence in the film: "If you can hit one punch, you can avoid a hundred punches." The revolutionary martyrs bought us today's happy life with one fist of life. On the road of peace they paved for us, our new generation of young people must study hard, never forget the history, and forge ahead with determination to strengthen the future of our motherland.

长津湖的观后感 篇2

9 月30日上映的电影《长津湖》,影片陈述了新中国成立不久,在我国北边有不稳定因素,严重威胁着我国安全,美国人的野心不局限于朝鲜,如果占领了朝鲜以后,以朝鲜当跳板,对我国将是严重威胁,也将是被下一个发动攻击的对象,同时朝鲜的领导人联系了中央政府,请求支援。就是在这种背景下,党中央作出了英明的决策--抗美援朝。

The film Changjin Lake, which was released on September 30, stated that shortly after the founding of New China, there were unstable factors in the north of China, which seriously threatened our security. The ambition of Americans was not limited to North Korea. If North Korea was used as a springboard after the occupation of North Korea, it would be a serious threat to our country and would be the next target of attack. At the same time, the leaders of North Korea contacted the central government to request support. It was against this background that the Central Committee of the Party made a wise decision to resist US aggression and aid Korea.


The film takes Wu Qianli, the company commander of the Seventh Company, and his younger brother Wu Wanli as the starting point, and tells about a part of the Korean War, focusing on a place in Changjin Lake.


In this film, I see more history. Our support troops are brave and good at fighting. Although their weapons and equipment are far inferior to those of the US military, even their logistical support cannot keep up with them, they still stick to their positions, even if they are frozen into ice sculptures.


This film shows the cruelty of the war, the bravery and fearlessness of the Chinese People's Liberation Army in supporting the Korean War, the courage to fight and win, and the belief in defending the motherland. I was very excited when I saw it. It is really invincible to have such a military with faith.


Today's peace is not easy to come by. It is the peace that millions of revolutionary ancestors took with blood donation and life.


Thank you! To our ancestors, you will be immortal!


The Chinese nation is a great nation and an invincible nation. Foreign forces must not underestimate the firm will and strong ability of the Chinese nation to defend its sovereignty and territorial integrity.

电影《长津湖》优秀观后感 篇3


Changjin Lake is exciting and full of tears. The film "Changjin Lake" truly restored the exciting history of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea.


The most shocking thing is that the "Ice Sculpture Company" was badly short of cotton padded clothes due to the emergency of the war. The Ninth Regiment went to the coldest areas for a long time to fight when it was short of clothes and food. When it was hungry and cold, the soldiers ate frozen potatoes and used snow to eat, climbed on ice and lay down in snow. The clothes were thin and they ambushed in the ice for ten days and nights. The cold of Changjin Lake was unimaginable. The company wanted to block the escaped enemies, The whole company froze to death on the battlefield in the snow field, and the hero still kept his weapon posture until the last moment of his life.


Today, the country is peaceful and the people are safe; The most lovely people; Only by leaving our lives in the ice and snow can we live a happy life today. As a new era, we should remember history, remember heroes, work hard for the motherland, and contribute to the prosperity and strength of the Chinese nation.


Look, we can have the National Day holiday, we can live happily every day, it is our martyrs' own flesh and blood, their efforts have made our happy life today.


"May our future generations live in peace!" Their wishes have come true. The reason why we can live a happy life is that they once carried on with heavy burdens! As they wish, we were born in a peaceful country. Our happy life was given by the older generation of revolutionary martyrs with blood and life. Thank those martyrs who gave us a happy and great country with blood and life!

长津湖观后感1100字 篇4


I walked in the community, and then in the gentle breeze, a tear crossed my eyes. Looking at the bright moon, I felt sad. I listened to the children's laughter, looked at the busy street, and looked at the happy figure of the three people in front of me. I gradually understood everything. I understood the significance of the soldiers' desperate struggle in the movie Changjin Lake!


At the beginning of the film, Wuqianli took his brother Wubaili home. Wubaili was held in his arms. His brother was very small, thin, short, and only as big as a small box... When Wuqianli saw his parents, he didn't say anything. He just knelt down and kowtowed to them. His mother collapsed in his father's arms, and kept mumbling: "My son... my son..."


The soldiers are optimistic and united. Yu Congrong said: "If an egg is pecked open from the inside, it may turn into a pile of eggs." They did not complain about the war, but treated it optimistically. They took it as their duty to face it positively. I think this should be one of the spirits I learned from them!


Another story is that when the Red Army went to the battlefield, there was a stone field. In order not to be found, American fighter planes could only pretend to be corpses and lie on the rocks. The enemy did not find them, but they thought it was meaningless to go back in this way, so they gambled on money to compare the number of corpses bombed. The blood colored mushroom clouds that exploded one after another rose into the sky, and one soldier lost his life. At the last moment of his life, no one shouted and moved. Other soldiers can only watch their comrades leave them forever. Their eyes are full of tears, but more importantly, they hate!


Those American devils regard this as fun and Chinese lives as gambles. I can't imagine how strong the will of those soldiers is. Even if only half of their bodies are left, they don't cry! They know that if they can't stand this moment, there will be more comrades in arms like them. But now, China has stood up and no one dares to treat them like this again!


In a twinkling of an eye, when Lei Gong was commanding the battle, the US military reconnaissance aircraft dropped a marker bomb. When the marker bomb fell in the barracks, it immediately sent out colorful smoke. Everyone knew that American fighter planes would come here soon to bomb, but Lei Gong knew better that he would put the sign sheet in his car and leave the position alone, and a bomb would come one after another. But he did not hide, just sent the marker bomb to a farther place, and he has made a decision not to come back


A bomb blew up his car and he was pressed under it. Wuqianli, Yu Congrong, Pinghe, they rushed over immediately. Qi Li pushed the cart, but Lei Gong was injured. What impressed me most was that he said, "It hurts... It hurts me... Don't leave me here alone..." At that moment, my tears could no longer be held back. I remember that he said, "No. 17, Lei Gong"


In the film, they once talked about the significance of fighting. Wu Qianli said, "If we don't fight this war, the next generation will be big. We go through life and death to stop fighting for them!" Now that China has won, China stands up! We are no longer living in an age full of gunsmoke. I am glad to be born in China. Now the people have faith, the nation has hope, and the country has power! After watching the film, I would like to see China now. I smiled. This smile contains too many meanings


Watching the scene of war in the film, I always thought: I am lucky to be born in a peaceful age and have the honor to be a descendant of a hero. Finally, I would like to pay tribute to the hero and say "I love you" to my dearest motherland

长津湖的观后感 篇5


Wu Wanli, a naughty kid, secretly joined the army with his brother Wuqianli. From the beginning, he was ignorant and did not know why he wanted to fight, to becoming a real soldier, he grew up while experiencing.


Wu Qianli had just returned home from the Liberation War, when he received a new mission to go on the expedition. He did not hesitate to carry out it immediately to protect his family and the country.


There are three most memorable scenes in the whole film. One is that soldiers fight on the train, and they go away with a noise of fifty thousand li, and suddenly open the door of the train. In an instant, the whole Great Wall was presented to the soldiers, who were fascinated by it. I think they must be thinking that such a beautiful country must not be invaded by foreigners.


At this moment, every soldier's face was flushed by the sunset glow. They knew that their mission was very important, and they were duty bound to defend their country.


The second is that soldiers can only eat frozen potatoes, while Americans held Christmas and ate fish and meat. They also wore thick cotton padded clothes and baked a fire in the tent, while we wore thin and shabby clothes and sat on the ground overnight, even directly picked up snow and sent it to our mouths to quench our thirst.


The third is the last scene. The soldiers are not afraid of the cold. At 1100 meters high, more than 40 degrees below zero, a company of soldiers stood here, frozen into ice men, and their posture was still ready for battle. When the American troops retreated, they couldn't help taking off their hats and saluted when they saw the scene in front of them.


In China, it is just such a lovely group of people who, for the sake of the country's peace, have rushed to the front, regardless of personal safety, and shed their blood, so that our country will no longer be subjected to foreign aggression and oppression.


Fortunately, we were born in New China, but we still cannot forget the revolutionary martyrs, who were so brave and great. Because of them, we now have a beautiful country and a good life.