2022年电影《万里归途》观后感 篇12022年电影《万里归途》观后感 篇22022年电影《万里归途》观后感 篇32022年电影《万里归途》观后感 篇1
Zong Dawei (Zhang Yi) and his entourage of four were detained by local armed men in order to ask for bribes. Zong Dawei paid his own money to settle the leader of the armed men and was about to open the door to leave. At this time, an explosion suddenly occurred, and the generated air waves knocked down everyone. When Zong Dawei and others got up and came to the street, they looked like a mess.
One of the armed men was "cut in the waist" due to the explosion, his lower body fell to one side, and his upper body was still dying. Across the big screen, you can still feel the feeling of fear of schoolbag WWW.. CN model text. Just imagine, what will happen when you are in the scene? I often see displaced refugees in the news. As a bystander, there is usually no waves in my heart. But The Journey Home makes the audience feel how helpless they will be once caught in the war.
2022年电影《万里归途》观后感 篇2
When Zong Dawei, Cheng Lang (Wang Junkai) and Zhang Ning (Zhang Zixian) are talking downstairs, there is no sign of a firefight on the street nearby, and soon it ends. After confirming his safety, Zong Dawei went back to see Zhang Ning, who had been shot in the neck and died because of ineffective rescue.
The moment before the exchange of fire, Zhang Ning was still fighting with Zong Dawei. Just as he wanted to make peace, he was no longer good. Bloody at the corners of his mouth, he also recited his mantra "EASY". I don't know how to describe this feeling, but it's too unreal. A man who was talking with confidence not long ago suddenly fell into a pool of blood. When he saw this scene, his heart was filled with inexplicable collapse.
2022年电影《万里归途》观后感 篇3
When learning that Zhang Ning's wife, Bai Hua (Yin Tao), has lost contact, Zong Dawei and Cheng Lang decide to turn around and find the city where Bai Hua may be hiding. During the conversation with the leader of the armed men, the other side was suddenly shot. Zong Dawei and Cheng Lang also narrowly escaped the indiscriminate shooting and crash of the helicopter gunship.
You can imagine the scene at that time, when you were talking with someone, and winked, the person was blown out. In this world, I'm afraid there is no more creepy picture, just like the sickle of "Death" scratching his neck, which is absolutely a deep fear.
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