
时间:2022-11-03 13:16:27 | 来源:语文通



读《地心游记》有感 篇1读《地心游记》有感 篇2

读《地心游记》有感 篇1


This week, I finished reading the book "Journey to the Central Earth", which benefited me a lot.


This book tells about the wonderful journey of "I" and my uncle together. It also starts from receiving a password letter that day. At that time, after my uncle and I cracked the password letter, we found that the letter was written by an Icelandic alchemist named Aknussel. The letter said that he entered the center of the earth through the crater. If you have the courage, you can try to enter the center of the earth. So, we are ready to start this seemingly incredible journey of the inner earth. At first, when I first entered the crater, I was very scared and thought that I would surely die. However, I gradually found that although it was thousands of feet underground, the temperature was not as high as expected, and "I" found that this was a magical and interesting journey. Along the way, we experienced getting lost, water shortage, earthquakes, and even nearly being eaten by giant beasts. Fortunately, we were not in danger, and finally returned to the surface after a volcanic eruption.


The "I" and my uncle in the book came to the center of the earth through many difficulties through perseverance and incredible courage, and then returned to the ground through volcanic eruptions... For this kind of clothing to stretch out their hands and eat and live happily in us, if you see this exercise, will you take a travel bag to the countryside or go to the jungle for exploration? If one day you also receive such a password letter, will you start a thrilling and wonderful adventure?

读《地心游记》有感 篇2


I was woken up by mosquitoes again. Look at the clock. It's already 11:40 pm. Eh, why is there a sound of "brushing" outside?


I quietly put on my clothes, pushed the door open, and went to the living room. I found that the light in the bathroom was on. I saw from the crack in the door that my mother was still doing housework - washing clothes! I was stunned, my mother was still awake! She took one end of the dress in her left hand and the other end in her right hand. She rubbed it vigorously and painstakingly, and her head was covered with thick beads of sweat. She did not stop rubbing it one by one. Mom, aren't you tired? She picked up another dress again. Oh, isn't that the T-shirt I wore yesterday? I accidentally smeared it yesterday - it has the mark of a watercolor pen on it. Mom squeezed some detergent and rubbed it hard. After a while, she opened her clothes and looked at them. There were still light colors, so she continued to rub. One minute passed, two minutes passed, three minutes and four minutes passed. Mom finally opened her clothes and looked carefully. Ha, no more! I was astonished. My mother picked up the second dress again. At this moment, the clock on the wall rang. I knew that it was 12 o'clock and my mother seemed to forget herself, the time and the existence of the earth.


My eyelids started to fight. Alas, I was going to sleep. I got into bed quietly. Looking up at the ceiling, I fell asleep with admiration for my mother.