
时间:2022-11-03 13:16:26 | 来源:语文通


《小兵张嘎》读后感 篇1《小兵张嘎》读后感 篇2《小兵张嘎》读后感 篇3《小兵张嘎》观后感优秀 篇4《小兵张嘎》观后感优秀 篇5《小兵张嘎》读后感 篇6《小兵张嘎》读后感 篇7

《小兵张嘎》读后感 篇1


Last summer vacation, with the teacher's recommendation, I read Little Soldier Zhang Ga with an eager mood. I was deeply attracted by the wisdom and courage of little Gazi's brother in the book, and was also moved by his spirit of loving the motherland.


After reading the book Little Soldier Zhang Ga, I think it is well written. Look, how lovely brother Gazi is in the book! Look at him! On the way, he mistook Luo Jinbao as a traitor. Although he made some jokes, I thought Gazi was really cute and brave! With such bravery, Gazi has grown from an ignorant child to a smart and brave young soldier of the Eighth Route Army in many battles with the devil! I really admire him!


Gazi has taught me a lot. He is my model. At that time, the environment was very bad. Gazi was still very young, but he knew how to love his country and make his due contribution to it. But now our living and learning conditions are so good, why not cherish them?


I remember two years ago, when I first entered the school, I was still an ignorant child. My teacher taught us to learn "We Love Our Motherland". So I know the word "motherland", but I don't know what the motherland is. I can only read aloud after the teacher again and again. Later, as I grew older, I learned more and more: from the map of China, I learned that our motherland is vast, magnificent and rich in products; From many extracurricular books, I know that our motherland is a nation of self-improvement, with a splendid culture of five thousand years; From the TV, I saw that our motherland has developed science and technology, become stronger and stronger, and has contributed to the world's advanced... I think our motherland is great!


What I can't forget is that in the face of earthquake and other disasters, the people of the whole country have the spirit of solidarity, unity of purpose and support from all sides when one side is in trouble. What makes me feel more is that our motherland is like a great mother, who cares and cares for her children all the time. We were born and raised in the motherland like living in a warm family.


Gazi and I are both children of our motherland. Gazi brother defended our motherland with his courage and blood and sweat. He is a good example for me to learn from. Living today, I will study hard, learn my skills, and practice my health, so as to make my due contribution to the construction of the motherland in the future. I will use my wisdom and hands to build my country stronger and make it invincible in the world forever!


Ah, motherland, we will always love you!

《小兵张嘎》读后感 篇2


This summer vacation, I read the classic "Little Soldier Zhang Ga" by the famous writer Xu Guangyao. This book mainly tells the process of Xiaogazi, born in Baoding, Hebei Province, becoming a true soldier of the Eighth Route Army under the guidance of Uncle Zhong, Uncle Luo, the district leader and grandma. The content is very vivid and interesting.

深山藏豹虎,乱世出英雄”,小嘎子就是初生牛犊不怕虎的小英雄!故事发生在抗日战争年代,张嘎与奶奶相依为命,但在一次日本鬼子的扫荡中,张嘎的奶奶不幸被害。嘎子为了替奶奶报仇想加入八路军,共产党看嘎子年龄太小没有同意,但是嘎子从不灰心,在他的努力下终于当上了八路。嘎子小小年纪便有了入八路军打鬼子的志愿。他的勇气、聪明才智,还有吃苦耐劳的毅力让我感动,感动他对友情的生死与共;感动他与奶奶的深厚感情;感动他们为了抗日将生死置之度外的精神 !

There are leopards and tigers in the mountains, and heroes emerge in troubled times. "Xiao Gazi is a young hero who is not afraid of tigers! The story takes place in the Anti Japanese War, when Zhang Ga and her grandmother were dependent on each other, but Zhang Ga's grandmother was killed in a Japanese devil raid. Gazi wanted to join the Eighth Route Army to avenge his grandmother. The Communist Party didn't agree with Gazi because she was too young, but Gazi never lost heart and finally became the Eighth Route Army with his efforts. Gazi had a wish to join the Eighth Route Army at a young age. I was touched by his courage, intelligence, and perseverance, and moved him to share life and death with his friendship; Moved his deep feelings with his grandmother; Moved by their spirit of leaving life and death behind in order to resist Japan!


What impressed me most is that in Little Soldier Zhang Ga, a little devil was killed by a devil during a surprise attack to protect the Eighth Route Army, and Uncle Zhong Liang, the reconnaissance company commander of the Eighth Route Army, was also captured by the devil. Little Gazi was so angry that he decided to revenge and set out to find the local team that beat the ghosts. On the way, he mistook guerrilla platoon leader Luo Jinbao as a traitor and made a joke trying to hand over his gun. Later, Zhang Ga, a little devil, disguised as a peddler selling watermelons, paid the fat translation of "real guy". In order not to let the captain take him away, he was so angry that Gazi hid the gun in the bird's nest. Therefore, Gazi was not only criticized but also locked up. After the education of the district leader, Gazi finally realized his mistake.


Zhang Ga lived during the Anti Japanese War, and his childhood was spent in gunfire. Because of this, his childhood is different from ours. It is precisely because Zhang Ga has experienced gunshot and rainstorm that she has a calmness and composure different from others. When facing the enemy, Gazi was calm, unafraid of danger, and vowed to fight to the death. Thinking of Zhang Ga at that time, how happy we are now. Zhang Ga has defeated the enemy again and again in wars with her own talents. We should also learn from Zhang Ga, not shrink from difficulties, but face them bravely!

《小兵张嘎》读后感 篇3


Speaking of Xiaobing Zhang Ga, I can't help laughing: this child is so familiar with me. I have seen it on TV for many times! I used to be more familiar with Xiao Gazi from TV. This summer vacation, when I finished reading Little Soldier Zhang Ga, I had a more profound understanding of him.


I saw on TV that Xiao Gazi was stubborn and very naughty. Sometimes he punctured the tire, sometimes he fought with others, and often acted without permission. It seemed that the whole ghost was his world. It seems that Brother Gazi often moves under the enemy's nose easily, but the enemy can't help him. From the book, I knew exactly how cruel the struggle was at that time. What I saw on TV was just some superficial excitement.


Xiao Gazi's resourcefulness, courage and fearlessness of difficulties are more vividly displayed in the book, especially in the siege of ghosts. At that time, the situation was very critical. The enemy surrounded the village and captured Uncle Zhong. Gazi receives the task to distract the enemy's attention. But this is not easy to say. He first pretended to be an egg giver, but was sent in by Uncle Chungang who did not know the situation. At the end of the mountain, Gazi took notice of the two dogs. One is the big dog "Xiaohu" of the Han family, and the other is the puppet "Red Eye". As a result, "Xiaohu" brought in a lighted "wicker whip", which made the Han's compound fly and dogs jump, mobilizing the enemy's forces; But the suspicious Gazi is the "red eye" of the 8th Route, and becomes his cover.

我欣赏嘎子的机灵勇敢,尤其是他面对困难毫不妥协的精神更让我佩服。无论到了什么样的境地,他总会勇往直前,藐视一切困难,想办法克服它。与嘎子一对比,我是如此渺小,他简直是个巨人。因为一遇到困难,我最后的选择往往是放弃。记得上学期学校开展船模比赛,我满怀信心地报了名。一开始斗志昂扬,却出现了一个又一个令我绞尽脑汁也不能解决的问题。如电线装不上去了;装上去了却不通电,螺旋桨一动不动;好不容易解决了,船在水里却总是倾斜……一连串的问题让我气急败坏。我一怒之下把小船摔了个稀巴烂。可当我看到同学们的成果时,又忍不住羡慕得两眼发光,心里后悔啊!假如当初我耐心些,再多 想想办法,一定不是这个结果。

I appreciate Gazi's cleverness and bravery, especially his uncompromising spirit in the face of difficulties. No matter what kind of situation he reached, he always went forward bravely, despised all difficulties and tried to overcome them. Compared with Gazi, I am so small, he is a giant. Because when I encounter difficulties, my final choice is often to give up. I remember that the school held a boat model competition last semester, and I signed up with confidence. At the beginning, I had high morale, but one problem after another that I could not solve even after racking my brains. If the wires cannot be installed; After installation, there is no electricity, and the propeller does not move; It was not easy to solve the problem, but the ship always tilted in the water... A series of problems made me angry. I was so angry that I broke the boat. But when I saw the achievements of my classmates, I couldn't help but envy them and regret it! If I had been more patient and tried to do more, it would not have been the result.


Never be a deserter. I will step on difficulties and make them the stepping stones for my success.

《小兵张嘎》观后感优秀 篇4


"In 1937, the devils entered the Central Plains. First they opened the Lugou Bridge, then they entered the Shanhaiguan Pass, and then the railway road led to Jinan. The devils fired cannons, and the Eighth Route Army drew a big chain. They took aim. Alas! They killed an interpreter, and they could see the western sky with their legs stretched out." This is the ending song of Little Soldier Zhang Ga.


After watching the TV play "Little Soldier Zhang Ga", I had a lot of thoughts. I like Gazi's "Ga Qi" and admire his spirit of loving the motherland, dying rather than surrender, wisdom and courage.


Private Zhang Ga is a story of the Anti Japanese War. Zhang Ga, a little boy living in Baiyangdian, lives with his only relative, Grandma. But Grandma Gazi was killed by the Japanese aggressors and captured by the enemy in order to cover Uncle Zhong Liang, the elder of the 8th Route Army reconnaissance company who was wounded at home. In order to avenge her grandmother and save Zhong Liang, Gazi went through hardships to find the Eighth Route Army and become a little scout.


Gazi's spirit of loving the motherland and preferring to die rather than surrender moved me deeply. In order to attack the enemy's sentry, he secretly left the injured villager's home before he recovered, but was arrested on the way back. At this time, I would like to have the "Doraemon" in the cartoon, so that I can use the "time machine" to save him in prison. When the enemy tortured Kazi, he fought bravely and remained strong and unyielding. Gazi was only 13 years old and was so fearless. I really admire him.


How smart and brave Gazi is! He fought with Pangdun, Lele and others against Japanese devils. It's a small matter to deflate the motorcycle tires and put nails into the devil's buttocks. The clever Kazi also made the Devil's headquarters restless, and revealed the traitor in Baiyangdian. When attacking the sentry tower, Gazi managed to set fire inside it, cooperated with the Eighth Route Army, annihilated the enemy, saved Zhong Liang, and avenged Grandma Gazi.


Gazi is great! He is about the same age as us, but he has no fear in the face of evil enemies. We should apply Gazi's spirit of bravely overcoming difficulties, fearing difficulties and setbacks to our current life and study, and work hard to make contributions to the country and the people.

《小兵张嘎》观后感优秀 篇5


Private Zhang Ga is a film mainly about the Japanese invading villages and killing many innocent villagers during the Anti Japanese War. Zhang Ga's grandmother was seriously injured and died soon. Zhang Ga was very sad. After he lost his only relative, he made an amazing decision to join the 8th Route. He will go to the team to fight devils and revenge for his villagers and grandma.


Soldier Zhang Ga, who is a newborn calf, has the courage to fear tigers and the spirit of saving revolution rather than life, which makes me unforgettable. What I admire most is his strength, which is a kind of perseverance. It is the spirit of never giving up when encountering difficulties. He was brave and resourceful, but when he was only 13 years old, he strove to be on the battlefield, for the motherland, for the whole village, and even for his grandmother. He resolutely chose this revolutionary road.


He was also awed by his persistence when he thought of the way he had racked his brains to get a handle. Although he was young, his spirit had to make people sigh that the writers used firm and powerful language to enrich the soul of our motherland and express their love and hope for the motherland. Xiao Gazi didn't have a lot of money, but he was full of blood. He exchanged his humble life for the dignity of a nation. He has always been fighting with the mentality that he is not afraid of sacrifice and only wants to drive Japan out of our own land. Like us, Zhang Ga is only thirteen years old, a colorful age. But he has since embarked on the road of revolution, shouldering the mission of defending the motherland. Our life today is woven by those revolutionary martyrs with their lives and beliefs, which we must firmly remember.


What made us most proud was that Zhang Ga and his followers fought and fought with devils and traitors again and again. They are brave and resourceful. They protect the common people and attack and destroy the enemy in the areas occupied by devils. Let the Japanese devils fall into the ocean of the people's war! Finally, the Eighth Route Army won a great victory, and Zhang Ga was praised by others. Everyone sang our national anthem - March of the Volunteers!


The film is wonderful and inspiring. Zhang Ga, the hero, is not only brave, but also always helps the Eighth Route Army attack the enemy. We are children who grew up in peaceful times in the 21st century. We are young pioneers. The responsibility of young pioneers is to study hard, prepare for growth, and make contributions to the motherland when we grow up! This is something we can all do. We should move forward in this direction first, and do not disappoint the instructions and hopes of the previous generation. We are the future of our motherland, and tomorrow requires us to create with practical actions. However, knowledge and skills are not enough, but courage and exercise are also needed, because "no pines can grow in flowerpots, and no eagles can fly in birdcages"!

《小兵张嘎》读后感 篇6


I recently read a book called Little Soldier Zhang Ga. The Eighth Route Army, I believe you will not be unfamiliar with this word. Yes, it is one of the predecessors of the Chinese People's Liberation Army. Pan Dongzi, Lu Han, Lin Zhong, Fang Lin's sister-in-law, Jiang Jie, Xu Yunfeng, Hua Ziliang, Little Turnip and so on. You must be familiar with these names. They all have unusual experiences.


The story of "Little Soldier Zhang Ga" is set in Baiyangdian in 1934, with Gazi's dream of participating in the 8th Road, and his dream of getting a real gun of his own. Grandma sacrificed herself to protect Balu Laozhong. Gazi went to the county seat alone to find the legendary Luo Jinbao and beat the devil to avenge her. From then on, Gazi regarded himself as a small eighth route, and then fought a curtain fight with the eighth route of the district team. Gazi captured a real gun. Seeing all the dreams come true, the gun was taken by the head of the district. Gazi couldn't figure it out, so he returned to the county town together with Pangdun, the little partner he had bet on. Gazi wants to revenge for Grandma alone. Special commissioner Liu Yan is with the children. Through all kinds of misunderstandings and coincidences, the children led by Kazi smashed the enemy's plot, cooperated with the eighth route of the district team to make the drugs pass smoothly, and wiped out the Japanese devils in Feitian Saito at one fell swoop.


I have benefited a lot from studying the lighting of Wang Yuanjian, Chairman Mao's service to the people, Li Xinghua's memories 16 years ago and He Qifang's overnight work. Li Dazhao's love for his relatives and high responsibility for revolutionary work; Vice battalion commander Hao's sacrifice for the happiness of future generations; Premier Zhou's work is so simple; Chairman Mao's spirit of serving the people... touching scenes of revolutionary martyrs echo in my mind.


Gazi, the protagonist in Little Soldier Zhang Ga, is also a brave soldier. He had suffered for his grandmother's misfortune; He once thought that he was a fearless Eighth Route Army; He once avenged his grandmother; He once realized his dream... If there were people like Gazi in real life. The world will have a little more beauty, a little more joy and a little more happiness. Gazi's strong character drives the hearts of thousands of people. How many martyrs' blood has been exchanged for our current life; How many children's legions like Kazi captured it; How many touching stories were exchanged. The people behind the theater, cleaning aunts, postmen, etc. are all people who silently contribute to the society. Although they do not have the glory of revolutionary soldiers, they also stick to their jobs


After reading this Little Soldier Zhang Ga, I understand how hard our life has been won and how many revolutionary martyrs have paid for their precious lives. Therefore, we should study hard, serve the motherland when we grow up, and make contributions to the society, so that the motherland can be prosperous, more powerful, and no longer be bullied by other countries! Well, that's it. I hope you can read this book when you have time. I hope it's good for you!

《小兵张嘎》读后感 篇7


Last semester, I learned a text in the Chinese textbook - Wrestling. I was deeply impressed by the character Xiaogazi. Because he is witty and resourceful, the most important thing is that the teacher said that he is also an excellent anti Japanese hero, and suggested that we read the film and television work "Little Soldier Zhang Ga" when we have time. In the summer vacation, the teacher assigned us to read a red classic and write an essay about it. So I asked my father to buy me this Little Soldier Zhang Ga.


When I got the book, I eagerly read it. It turned out that Xiaogazi had no parents since she was a child, and she had always been dependent on her grandmother. Grandma was killed by Japanese devils to protect the Eighth Route Army, and the young Kazi became an orphan. He was overcome with grief, determined to revenge, and resolutely set out to find the guerrilla troops that beat the devils. On the way, he mistook guerrilla platoon leader Luo Jinbao as a traitor and made a joke trying to hand over his gun. In order to protect Gazi, platoon leader Luo took him to the secret hiding place of the district team and gave it to captain Qian. From then on, Gazi regarded himself as a small eighth route and fought a curtain fight with the eighth route of the district team. He got a real gun as he wished, but was taken away by the district leader. Gazi and Fatdun went back to the county together, determined to avenge Grandma alone. At the same time, the rear commissioner was ambushed in Baiyangdian, and his whereabouts were unknown. The devil took the opportunity to impersonate the commissioner and enter the district team. The devils' plot was accidentally discovered by Gazi. A group of small anti Japanese heroes led by Gazi joined forces to fight wits and courage with the real and false special commissioners. After all kinds of misunderstandings and coincidences, Gazi and his friends finally smashed the enemy's plot, cooperated with the eighth route of the district team to complete the task successfully, and wiped out the devil of the day at one stroke.


Close the book, and your heart will not be calm for a long time. The child, who is about the same age as us now, in that terrible war era, chose to fight hard when his loved ones left. In the face of fierce enemies, he showed no fear and bravely resisted. His spirit of compassion, righteousness and hatred of evil is worth learning. It is not necessary for us to fight against the enemy in the era of peace, but we are the successors of the new century, the flowers of the motherland, the hope of the future, the construction of society needs us, and the strength of the motherland needs us. Students, please act quickly, cherish the great time ahead, study hard, build the motherland with knowledge, defend the motherland, and strengthen the motherland.