
时间:2022-11-01 12:54:09 | 来源:语文通



电影《建党伟业》观后感500字 篇1建党伟业观后感400字 篇2建党伟业观后感 篇3建党伟业观后感 篇4建党伟业观后感500字 篇5观看历史电影《建党伟业》观后感500字 篇6《建党伟业》观后感500字 篇7《建党伟业》观后感500字 篇8建党伟业观后感 篇9

电影《建党伟业》观后感500字 篇1


I watched a movie "The Great Cause of the Party Building" in the evening, and I had some feelings. I originally wanted to write an article on Douban. Later, I found that Douban set the movie to be non commentable and non scoring, so I had to write this film review on my blog.


This period of history described in The Great Cause of the Founding of the Party is a period of history that I am very interested in, which is also known as the Beiyang Government era. It lasted from 1912 to 1928, In my college textbook "The Course of Chinese Revolutionary History", I described this period of history as follows: "After the Revolution of 1911, there was a period of relatively rapid development, which was called the" golden age "of national industry. During this period, China's national capitalism developed at an unprecedented speed. Both light industry and heavy industry developed rapidly. The construction and development of new schools, the increase of overseas students sent abroad, and hundreds of thousands of intellectuals and young students who had received new education became an important society in China Power ".


The textbook summarized the reasons for the rapid industrial and economic development in this period of history. First, the policies issued by the Beiyang government were conducive to economic development. Second, the boycott of Japanese goods movement promoted the development of national industry and commerce. Third, the World War I made European and American countries busy with wars and relaxed their control over China.


However, the film "The Great Cause of the Founding of the Party" hardly mentioned such an amazing development of China in those years, but focused on discrediting the Beiyang government, highlighting details such as Yuan Shikai's claim to the throne, and portraying the Beiyang government as the worst government in modern China. This description does not quite conform to the fact that the Beiyang government is not such a bad government, on the contrary, objectively speaking, because of external species. However, Beiyang government is a very democratic and free government.

建党伟业观后感400字 篇2


Time flies. The CPC is 90 years old. From the bloodbath of that year to the happiness and tranquility of the present, this party has experienced countless successes, failures and hardships. We should face him squarely for history. No matter right or wrong, we should reflect that China would be unimaginable without this party. Although there is no political pattern and war like that in those years, there is still the threat of local war. We must thank the CPC for its outstanding contributions and never forget the kindness of the CPC!


Thank you very much for the passion this film has brought to me! Although I am not a member of the Communist Party, I have never had this lofty ideal to join any party. I have always been a freedom advocate who has reabsorbed the source of spiritual power from this history. Their persistent beliefs awakened my long lost youth impulse, which gave me a deeper understanding of my faith and the responsibility to adhere to, so as to stimulate myself to find the enthusiasm and motivation of youth, and let me think about my ideal again! Of course, the times are different, and the ideals are also different, but their enthusiasm and spirit can also inspire me to continue to advance for my ideal. This is not only a historical film, but also a youth motivation manual. I hope that more young people can come to review the history of youth, passion, struggle and dedication in this era. Let's wish the CPC a happy 90th birthday with a grateful heart!

建党伟业观后感 篇3


Today, I watched this great work, The Great Cause of the Party Building, with great excitement.


This film started from the Revolution of 1911 and lasted until the CPC, which is the most important decade in China's history. Wuchang Uprising, the Second Revolution, the New Culture Movement, Yuan Shikai's claim to the throne, the May 4th Movement, and the founding of the Party... This event made us angry, sad, and expectant, and there was also a trace of helplessness. Yes, a weak country has no diplomacy. If it falls behind, it will be beaten. In order to make the Chinese strong and the motherland better, the Communist Party must stand up!


So Mao Zedong, Li Dazhao, Sun Yat sen, Hu Shi, Chen Duxiu... "Marx" stood up one by one. The road of revolution is not easy to walk. There is no peace in the storm. Revolution=hardship+hardship+hardship.


In this telecast, the Song case, the "Twenty one Rules", and Chiang Kai shek's killing of Tao Chengzhang, at that time, the future of the motherland was uncertain. The revolution had not yet succeeded, but the parties had internal wars... All these reflected the difficulties of the revolution. However, the ancestors did not retreat, which they must do!


Time flies. The CPC has been founded for 99 years. The new China led by the Communist Party is constantly creating its own glory and writing our own legend. The great cause of the founding of the Party has taken us back to the hardships of the founding of the Party in the bloody past, and we feel the thrill of the revolutionary martyrs who fought hard for our better life, so that we can cherish our life now.


We should remember that time and make our own contribution to China's development in our own way in the current era of peace.

建党伟业观后感 篇4


The history described in The Great Cause of the Founding of the Party is a history that I am very interested in, that is, the era of the Beiyang government, which lasted from 1912 to 1928, In my college textbook "The Course of Chinese Revolutionary History", I described this period of history as follows: "After the Revolution of 1911, there was a period of relatively rapid development, which was called the" golden age "of national industry. During this period, China's national capitalism developed at an unprecedented speed. Both light industry and heavy industry developed rapidly. The construction and development of new schools, the increase of overseas students sent abroad, and hundreds of thousands of intellectuals and young students who received new education became an important social force in China Quantity


The textbook summarized the reasons for the rapid industrial and economic development in this period of history. First, the policies issued by the Beiyang government were conducive to economic development. Second, the boycott of Japanese goods outdoors promoted the development of national industry and commerce. Third, World War I made European and American countries busy with wars and relaxed their control over China.


However, the film "The Great Cause of the Founding of the Party" hardly mentioned such an amazing development of China in those years, but focused on discrediting the Beiyang government, highlighting details such as Yuan Shikai's claim to the throne, and portraying the Beiyang government as the worst government in modern China. This description does not fit the facts very well. The Beiyang government is not such a bad government, on the contrary, objectively speaking, because of external species. However, the Beiyang government is a very democratic and free government.

建党伟业观后感500字 篇5


The 100th anniversary of the Party's birthday is coming soon. The teacher showed us a film - The Great Cause of Party Building.


There are many things worth thinking about in this film. Now let me talk about my humble opinions. I hope you can give me more advice.


First, when the film was broadcast to the time of the Republic of China to elect the President, I had some doubts. Because the original intention of the Kuomintang - the idea of overthrowing the monarchy has not been realized, the new president Yuan Shikai wants to stand on his own feet as king and realize his imperial dream. What for? For ambition! For the sake of ambition, you can even forget your original intention, forget China where the people are living in poverty, and go to the worthless Dan Emperor! And they are dying, and they are still nostalgic for the bright yellow and luxurious imperial clothes.


Secondly, when the film showed the little emperor's unbridled behavior, I felt sad that the country was about to be subjugated. He was still playing tricks on the minister with his brother. He had already been in the Forbidden City. Even the plane flew over the Forbidden City, the former imperial city, without fear, playing tricks on the former "emperor's majesty". Ah! It's really funny and sad. And there is a detail that is worth pondering. When the enemy plane flew right above the imperial palace, the eunuch and the kite, who were teased by the little emperor and had a vivid flying bird kite tied to their braids, fell to the ground. I think the falling flying bird kite symbolizes the decline of imperial power, the decline of the Qing Dynasty and the changes of the country


These are worth savoring. Finally, I would like to pay tribute to the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China!

观看历史电影《建党伟业》观后感500字 篇6

从1911年辛亥革命到1921年中国共产党成立。短短但又极其不平凡的10年,中国可谓 是 巨变迭起:辛亥革命、袁世凯称帝、张勋复辟、护法战争、巴黎和会、五四运动、中国共产党成立。

From the 1911 Revolution to the founding of the CPC in 1921. In a short but extraordinary decade, China has witnessed great changes: the Revolution of 1911, Yuan Shikai's accession to the throne, Zhang Xun's restoration, the law protection war, the Paris Peace Conference, the May 4th Movement, and the founding of the CPC.


After the news that Yuan Shikai and Japan had signed 21 articles of the secret treaty was leaked, students all over the country finally burst out of patriotic enthusiasm. They took to the streets in a fearless manner, shouting "Down with the traitors" and "Long live the revolution".


Let us move more than these? When the Chinese representatives refused to sign the Treaty of Versailles, let us be moved by their courage. In particular, the sonorous and powerful words let me never forget: Distinguished delegates, why do you send China's Shandong Province to Japan? I'm angry! The Chinese will never forget this painful day! " Yes, every Chinese descendant should be angry, but at the same time, it also made me understand that being backward means being beaten.


Finally, on the misty water of Jiaxing Lake, the representatives of the Communist Party sang the "Internationale" on the red boat, with bright eyes full of hope! The eyes clearly said: "The Communist Party will be strong in the future, and China will also be strong!" These outstanding Communists, with their youth and blood, composed a song to revitalize the country.


Time flies like an arrow. The Party has__ I'm years old. Decades of hard work have created our happy life. But we still can't forget the history of humiliation. Let that history become the driving force for our progress. Let's also wish our motherland a better tomorrow!

《建党伟业》观后感500字 篇7


From the bottom of my heart, I don't know why. I am particularly fond of this film. This is the most movie I have ever seen, and I always think of it every once in a while, and I have the desire to watch it again. Although I never read it from beginning to end. However, every time I watch it, I feel shocked.


Today, I had sour eyes many times in the process of watching movies. In particular, the May 4th Movement broke out.


I prefer Snow Leopard for the same reason as I did in the anti Japanese drama. The hero of the anti Japanese drama is a student and a young man.


The revolutionary fragments from young students often moved me most: I envy them so much. I yearn for a life like that: maybe I will be an inconspicuous person in the crowded crowd. No one knows my name even if I die in a riot. But at least he lived and died with great vigour.


Nowadays, most of them are numb and confused students - I often feel that I am just a hundred steps away from the goal - and occasionally there are a few people with great ambitions that are just as high as their life value. As the teacher who delivered the lecture a few days ago said, "We don't have any college students' studying for the rise of China 'like Premier Zhou - of course, the country doesn't need you to do that now." The only thing we can do is to maximize our life value.


So I said, I envy them. Envy their blood, envy that they have something that can burn for them. They are more envious of their lofty ideals, not for themselves, but for the larger and wider world.

《建党伟业》观后感500字 篇8


Recently, I was particularly interested in a movie. I watched it four times. It was The Great Cause of the Founding of the CPC, a special film to celebrate the X anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China.


The film tells the history from the demise of the Qing Dynasty to the establishment of the CPC in 1921. It gives me a clear understanding of how the Chinese state system has transformed from feudal monarchy to the current democratic republic. The people who impressed me most in the film are Sun Wen, Mao Zedong, Li Dazhao, Chen Duxiu... because their appearance saved China, changed history, and achieved the birth of the CPC.


One scene in the film impressed me deeply: a debate held at Peking University, led by Chen Duxiu, Hu Shi and Li Dazhao, insisted that culture should be innovated with the development of the times; The main party, Gu Hongming, believes that the old culture is correct, and we should respect the traditional Chinese culture of 5000 years. From this, I deeply realized the fierce confrontation and conflict between the old and new cultures in the period of innovation.

还 有一个片段让我看后久久不能平静,那就是中国在巴黎和谈上失败,充分验证了“弱国无外交”的说法,也真实地表现了中国当时在世界上是没有任何发言权和地位的,是不被各国列强所重视的。在影片中,我看到了那些爱国志士的失落,我能深深地理解他们当时的那种爱国热情和对不平等对待的委屈和愤懑。

There is another piece that I can't calm down for a long time. That is, China's failure in the Paris peace talks fully verified the statement that "weak countries have no diplomacy", and also truly demonstrated that China did not have any voice and position in the world at that time, and was not valued by the great powers of all countries. In the film, I saw the loss of those patriots, and I can deeply understand their patriotic enthusiasm at that time and their grievances and resentments for unequal treatment.


At the same time, through this film, I am also sincerely proud of the strength of our country. Under the leadership of the Communist Party, China has changed a lot. The economy has become stronger, the country has become stronger, and the people have become richer. Even foreigners have become more and more impressed with China. We should support the leadership of the CPC!

建党伟业观后感 篇9


Today, I watched the film The Great Cause of the Founding of the Party, focusing on the first group of CPC members such as Mao, Li Dazhao, Zhou Enlai, Chen Duxiu, Cai Hesen, Xiang Jingyu, Zhang Guotao, and told their wonderful stories of going through fire and water for the country.


The Great Cause of the Founding of the Party reproduces the turbulent history of the old generation of revolutionaries who, in order to save the people and the people in flames, in order to save China in crisis, went through myriad difficulties and dangers, and finally created the "CPC" through unremitting struggle. It is a good patriotic education for us young people born in the new society and bathed in the party's grace.


At the beginning of the 20th century, China was in a critical moment of its fate: imperialist powers were eyeing fiercely, trying to destroy China and carve up our territory. Some people of insight have taken action to seek the way to save the country. Among them, Dr. Sun Yat sen, the great revolutionary forerunner, led the Revolution of 1911 and overthrew China's more than 2000 years of feudal monarchy. However, the fruits of this revolution were stolen by Yuan Shikai. The ensuing warlord scuffle further aggravated the suffering of the people.


What is more intolerable is that China, as a victorious country in the First World War, could not take back its own territory in a dignified manner. Those powerful countries, regardless of the strong demands of the Chinese people, simply transferred Germany's rights in China to Japan. "A weak country has no diplomacy". In this world of the jungle, if you want to save yourself, you must strengthen yourself.


It was at this time that the CPC was born. It has complied with the requirements of history and the requirements of the nation. Its birth has brought hope to China, brought light to the people, and opened up an unprecedented road for the Chinese revolution. From then on, the Chinese people under the leadership of the CPC began a hard struggle, and finally realized the people's desire to be masters of their own country, and the working people turned over to be masters.