
时间:2022-11-01 12:54:08 | 来源:语文通



砥砺奋进创造无悔青春演讲稿 篇1不忘初心砥砺奋进演讲稿 篇2砥砺奋进激情演讲稿 篇3砥砺奋进创造无悔青春演讲稿 篇4砥砺奋进创造无悔青春演讲稿 篇5砥砺奋进创造无悔青春演讲稿 篇6砥砺奋进创造无悔青春演讲稿 篇7

砥砺奋进创造无悔青春演讲稿 篇1


Dear teachers and students


hello everyone!


We have youth, we are passionate. A casual "I want to go to Peking University", we can work hard for it; We can also fight for the rise of school dropout and entrepreneurship. Youth, we should fight against each other.


A few days ago, two teenagers about to take the college entrance examination bravely fought against robbers on the bus, but they were seriously injured. Although they did not take the college entrance examination, some good universities were willing to accept them directly. In my opinion, it is worth it. The meaning of life lies in dedication. They have fought, at least, their youth without regret. If you don't kill yourself, how can you know there will be no afterlife?


I remember Guan Ziwen and Guan Zihao, the twins of Peking University who are very popular on microblogs. In their autobiographies, they described their high school life, with pain and happiness, and fought for their ideals. Although the failure after the effort is always painful, we should work hard until the last moment. Young people, it is possible to win only by fighting against each other.


And Bill Gates, a Harvard dropout, from Apple. Former CEO Steve Jobs fought against each other for their youth. Although Apple's once failed products made Jobs fail, he could not drown and got up again to fight for his life. It is also like Snowden, the exposer of "Prism Gate". Do what you think is right at the expense of personal freedom. He said in the interview: "I have already realized the sacrifice of freedom, even life. The government is most afraid of light." At the age of 29, he fought for his life and the world. For him, he has no regrets.


When we regret for our own incompetence, for not doing too much in our youth, and not fighting for it, we will eventually know that we should have fought when we were young.


Confucius said that "30 years old", our youth is our capital, and we need to fight against each other. Even if we fail, we have fought, we have suffered, and we have been happy. At least, our youth has no regrets.


Yi Zhongtian said: "It is not necessary to survive in a desperate situation. It is not possible to win every battle against the odds." But if we do not put it in the place of death, we will never be reborn; We will never win unless we fight against each other. Maybe, after that extreme pain, there will be extreme happiness.

不忘初心砥砺奋进演讲稿 篇2


Dear teachers and students


hello everyone!


Youth is like a rising sun, which is blooming little by little; Youth is like that vigorous tree, which constantly makes the scenery beautiful with her vitality; Youth is like a river, never flinching, surging with a never ending spirit... Indeed, youth is beautiful, but the youth of struggle is the most wonderful.


The struggle in youth, of course, is nothing more than learning. In school, only by studying hard, can we have an outstanding moment. The competition in the school is particularly fierce. For me, when I was young, I must make efforts to do this. On ordinary days, I always try to listen to the teacher explain every question, every article full of philosophy and thought-provoking. Only by carefully listening to everything, can I successfully conquer mountains that are extremely high. On the day of the exam, I will answer every question more carefully and try to do it. This means that I have worked hard for a semester. It is of great significance! Because I know well: "The young do not work hard, the old are sad" the same regret; I also know the same truth that "black hair doesn't know how to study hard early, and you will be a bald man in the twinkling of an eye".


Therefore, it is the most beautiful youth of life that we need to work hard, and all we can do is to study hard. Therefore, we should work hard and make progress around a goal, "sweet comes after hard work". When we really struggle, we will get a satisfactory answer, from which we can also enjoy the fun of various subjects, the beauty of Chinese, the magic of mathematics The magnificence of geography... A sweet feeling after the struggle suddenly came to my mind, which is really called "Kung Fu pays off!"


In life, when we are in the prime of our youth, we also need to move forward bravely. It is all right to develop morality, intelligence, physique and beauty. For me, it is to set a good example in the class, improve the moral quality, enhance physical exercise, and exercise myself and show my talent in large speeches and performances!


The youth of struggle is a wonderful music; Struggling youth is a hand-painted ink landscape painting; The youth of struggle is a game of chess. Only by constant thinking and exploration can we win through struggle


Only by working hard and struggling in this beautiful life, can our youth stir up a more wonderful life!


My speech is over.


Thank you!

砥砺奋进激情演讲稿 篇3


Dear teachers and students


Good morning, everyone!


American writer Thoreau once said, "Every morning is a happy invitation." I hope this morning is also a pleasant invitation to all of you.


The theme of my speech under the national flag today is "striving to achieve dreams".


Dream, what a beautiful word, makes people feel passionate and excited after listening to it. Who among us in our youth has never had a dream? Who hasn't defended his dream? However, we also know that to realize our dreams, we must go through a lot of hardships and tribulations, because "only when it is difficult, can we show courage; only when it is honed, can we achieve success." Youth is our capital, we may be beaten down, but we will never be deserters; We may fail, but we will never be failures. As Apple CEO Duke said in a speech, "I would rather be a loser than an ordinary person who is content with the status quo."


In real life, there is no shortage of typical strivers. The inspirational film "Wrestling, Dad" is adapted from the real life story of Mahawiya Singh, the Indian national wrestling champion. He made his daughter realize her dream of winning the gold medal through hard training, and Amir Khan, the film's star, also experienced hardships to play this role well. Lei Haiwei, the champion of the finals of the third season China Poetry Conference, is just an ordinary express delivery boy. However, with his dedication and love for poetry, he used his spare time to recite poetry, and finally defeated Peng Min, a talent from Peking University, to become the champion. They all annotated their dreams with their silent struggle.


In fact, the example of the striver is not always far away, and we are often typical.


It is a young school, but it can quickly become a business card of education in less than seven years, relying on the word "struggle". In the twilight of the day, President Zhu and the administrator on duty were waiting at the school gate early; When the first ray of dawn shone on the teaching building, the students' passion for morning reading had already resounded in the sky over the lake; When the bell rang, the teacher's office opened a "second classroom" for training the excellent and supporting the weak; When the voice of independent learning has sounded, the corridor of the classroom is also a beautiful landscape of "mutual help between students and students"; After the bell rang on the fifth day of that night, the classroom of senior three was still brightly lit; When the last light in the Xiang Embroidery Pavilion of Chu Cai's residence went out, what was reflected on the school road was the long figure of each class teacher after checking their sleep.


Teachers and students, what is all this for? It is all for a big dream - the "Extraordinary Dream" of overtaking on curves, which is to realize the dream of every Extraordinary person. Teachers and students, we should really praise the new Changwai and the dream of Changwai!


A philosopher said, "I walked a lot in my dream, but I still woke up in bed." Yes, dreams are not dreamed out, but worked out. A poet said, "If you want to lose, you will lose to the pursuit. If you want to marry, you will marry a dream." At present, our third grade students are in the final stage of the sprint. I hope you can grit your teeth, overcome difficulties, stick to the end and walk the last mile. Believe__ June must be red and victorious.


Finally, I hope that you can take dreams as horses, live up to your youth, and more importantly, take struggle as the whip to ride forward and realize your dreams as soon as possible.


My speech is over, thank you!

砥砺奋进创造无悔青春演讲稿 篇4


Dear teachers and students


hello everyone!


Time flies like a shuttle, as if suddenly I can't find myself - just like the fog hovering around me, I often lie in front of the window and call for the youth like stars.


In the process of growing up, the years are passing carelessly. The withered flowers are grieving their own pain. However, they often find that they already have a heart full of dust with their neglect in the years before they know how to erase it. Sometimes, we are too easy to lose ourselves and find no direction - time has washed away the traces, so we will order the touching chants of youth.


Time is like water, youth is not here, come quietly, leave quietly, can not be eternal. Youth in the dream will also be as cold as zombies, silent, and the voice of the passage of time slowly came, seems to be for what? No, there is nothing but death. In the happy life, no matter how great, youth is manipulated by years.


So, with the wind, with the rain, in silent growth, in the growth of crying, laughing. In the space of youth, who will find his past in silence. The wind asked how much youth is unknown, experienced the new moon meteors, and quietly tasted them, with infinite emotion.


The sun rises in the morning, and we appreciate the arrival of this moment in our reverie. There is no blessing, just a little understanding, and we will shout "Long live". With our faith, we will feel the gradually yellowing years between our eyebrows in our yearning, which takes away everything but never the youth we once had. The setting sun is coming, youth is moving in your fingers, and the wind sends away the last ray of sunshine.


Although we have complained a lot, who has complained about youth? Right, wrong, we all laugh together.


Years take away everything, but they cannot take away the passion of youth. Singing to wine, life geometry, youth is our belief, the breeze takes away only a touch of sadness.


The stars in the sky are changing endlessly. They may have gone through twists and turns, but they will be straight. Even so, the process of recognition is full of fun. Although the years are passing, after all, it is our youth and we never regret.

砥砺奋进创造无悔青春演讲稿 篇5


Dear teachers and students


hello everyone!


Youth is a baptism of our body and mind. At this moment, we bid farewell to ignorance, the unknown and childhood.


In everyone's mind, what is "youth"?


Is it a precocious youth with flying personality? Or a rebellious young man?


Are you a good student who focuses on reading? Or a naughty bad student?


In my opinion, "youth" is just a symbol, a symbol of growing up, a symbol of responsibility. What is grown up? It is neither developed nor entered junior high school, but always has a sense of responsibility. No matter what you do wrong, you can be brave to take responsibility and never escape. Moreover, when you grow up, you also have three incomparable treasures: friendship, maturity and understanding. Friendship: Get some friends who can not only play with you, but also help you and comfort you when you are in trouble and in need; Maturity: become more rational, be able to control yourself, do not not know how to choose, do not quarrel over trifles or do not know how to distinguish occasions; Understanding: When we grow up, we learn to be considerate. Be considerate of your parents' hard work and their efforts. Can share the labor for parents and understand their parents' desire for success. Please cherish them.


Nowadays, many teenagers misunderstand "youth" as treason, pursuit of individuality and fashion, so they dress up as a "killer" and wear clothes that do not belong to their age group. They are unconventional, quarrel with their parents at home for a small matter, play truant at school, or play games and surf the Internet day and night. This is not youth at all, but rebellion! They also find reasons to say that it is the secular rules that bound them, so they should resist and be free! This is wrong.

青春,还象征着努力,象征着奋斗!我们应该趁着大好年华,尽情地去为梦想努力,奋斗!珍惜自己的青春,不要等到人老珠黄才去哀悼叹息!青春是 钱财永远买不到的!而我们要做的,并不是大把大把地挥霍,而是创造,努力、勤奋、脚踏实地地去为自己创造财富,为了自己去奋斗!

Youth is also a symbol of effort and struggle! We should take advantage of the good times to work hard for our dreams! Cherish your youth, don't wait for old people to mourn! Youth can never be bought by money! What we need to do is not to spend a lot of money, but to create. We should work hard, diligently and down-to-earth to create wealth for ourselves and strive for ourselves!


Youth is beautiful. Although it is short, it has left beautiful memories for countless people. Because they have worked hard for it, moved by it, and given up for it, making their youth more meaningful, more beautiful and wonderful! Ke Zhendong once sang in "Those Years": "The heavy rain that was missed in those years, the love that was missed in those years?" We can not miss anything, as long as we cherish our youth more and strive for it, we will not miss anything worth remembering!

青春,是我们前行的动力,更是我们为了梦想而奋斗所不可缺少的动力。Fun的《WE ARE YOUNG》中说的没错,我们能够点燃世界,这正是青春的力量!让青春成为你翱翔的翅膀,让青春成为你追梦的动力!

Youth is the driving force for us to move forward, and it is also an indispensable driving force for us to strive for our dreams. FUN's WE ARE YOUNG is right. We can ignite the world, which is the power of youth! Let youth become your flying wings, and let youth become your driving force to pursue your dreams!


Cherish youth, enjoy youth! My youth, I am the master!

砥砺奋进创造无悔青春演讲稿 篇6


Dear teachers and students


hello everyone!


Youth is like a waltz with soft melody. At the beginning of music, I was more or less confused. In this mysterious and beautiful melody, we should learn to adapt, just like a young eagle to adapt to the blue sky and fly.


In the middle of the dance music, we jump more and more fiercely. Struggle is the theme of youth. Struggle is the only way to gain. When our own struggle is recognized, when God gives us the fruits of victory, what is the hard work and suffering? The harvest after hard work makes us regret our youth.


After a dance, I looked back at my growth footsteps. The footprints on the road were deep and shallow. I seemed to see myself again when I was struggling. I seemed to see my tough eyes at that time. But isn't it because of my own efforts that this song ended perfectly? Isn't it because of my own efforts that my youth has no regrets?


Growth and youth are like paper airplanes that we released when we were children. Their pure and beautiful backs fly away with the wind, but I never knew that they would never return! Although there will be sighs and regret, its departure also means a new beginning.


Youth is precious, we should cherish it!


Growing up years, I want my youth without regret! The flowers bloom invincibly!

砥砺奋进创造无悔青春演讲稿 篇7


Dear teachers and students


hello everyone!


The cold air in autumn brings a little sweet osmanthus. The falling leaves are telling the story of autumn. The fallen leaves slowly float, slowly float, float into my eyes, swing into the lake of my peaceful heart... That is the eternal scenery.


It seems that because of your existence, I have painted a bright color for my growth. Sometimes you are like the warm sun, sometimes you are like the cold ocean. However, no matter what you are, you will let me grow.


At the age of two, it should be the age when every child goes to kindergarten. But every child seems unwilling to go to school. I am different. I am very happy to go to school. When my mother led me to school, I heard cries from afar, and the waves grew higher and higher. This made me very confused, so I asked the teacher: "Why do they cry?" This question made the teacher laugh and cry, and then the teacher said to her mother: "You see she is so good. She doesn't need to work in the small class or the big class. She can work in the middle class directly." Mom can only take me home. When I got home, I told my father about it intact, hoping you could praise me. But you said quietly: "There is nothing to be proud of. There are many children like you."


Seven years old, a sudden car accident almost made me wake up. As the brain was injured, after the operation, the doctor told him that he must not get out of bed without his permission. It was not easy to wait until the doctor announced that I could get out of bed and walk around. But the dizziness of my brain made me stand unsteadily. I wish you and my mother could come and help me! But you forced your mother to leave the ward. I was left alone in the empty ward to move with difficulty.


At the age of twelve, I officially entered junior high school. Life in junior high school is far less beautiful than I imagined. The pressure from study is getting heavier and heavier day by day. When I was almost falling apart, you gave me a hand. I won't forget that time. It was you who patiently swept away the gloom for me, helped me regain confidence, and let me see the hope.


This stroke outlines the footprint of my growth; This is a story of youth.


With your company, my growth years, my youth, no regrets.