
时间:2022-11-01 12:54:06 | 来源:语文通



朝花夕拾读后感800字 篇1朝花夕拾读后感 篇2书籍简介 篇3朝花夕拾读后感 篇4朝花夕拾读后感 篇5朝花夕拾读后感 篇6《朝花夕拾》读后感 篇7

朝花夕拾读后感800字 篇1


After entering junior high school, I found that every Chinese book had Lu Xun's articles, almost every article was chosen from a good name?? Morning Flowers and Evening Flowers. Whenever Lu Xun's articles are encountered, the teacher will talk in detail, and the notes at the bottom of the text are always dense. The Morning Flowers and the Evening Gathering was originally called "Remembering the Past", which contains 10 articles about Lu Xun's childhood and youth life. The childhood, which should have been a happy and beautiful one, was shrouded in that feudal society and sometimes revealed some pedantry, so Lu Xun wanted to scold that semi feudal and semi colonial society. From the surface of the article, Lu Xun seems to have used some warm words, but in fact, he hid his anger deeper. Some people say that the soft tongue is the most hurtful weapon. Maybe Mr. Lu Xun just wants to achieve this goal. In The Morning Flowers and the Evening Gathering, Lu Xun uses a lot of contrast and satire.


For example, in From Herbal Garden to Sanwei Bookstore, Lu Xun first used many bright words to describe his carefree life in Herbal Garden, and then wrote that "I" had to leave Herbal Garden and go to Sanwei Bookstore to go to school. The Baicaoyuan described above is a good contrast to the boring life of studying in Sanwei Bookstore later, which reflects Lu Xun's dissatisfaction with the old private school. In Mr. Fujino, Lu Xun's Japanese medical tutor, Mr. Fujino, is a person who wears informal clothes. "It is said that Mr. Fujino is too vague in his clothes, and sometimes he forgets to wear a bow tie; winter is an old coat, which is chilly...".


But Mr. Fujino is very serious about his work. He has changed all the "I" handouts with red pen; It should also be pointed out that the blood vessels have moved a little. This comparison technique better describes Mr. Fujino's noble quality and Lu Xun's admiration for him. In addition, Mr. Fujino's tireless teaching and equal treatment of Chinese students form a sharp contrast with the Japanese students' scornful attitude towards Chinese students, which shows that Mr. Fujino is a real gentleman. Lu Xun used quite a lot of pen and ink on a person in Morning Flowers and Evening Gathering. That is Lu Xun's nanny, the "long mother". She is a person who needs to be treated in two. Because of the influence of the society, "Ah Chang" has retained many pedantic customs, such as eating tangerines on the morning of the New Year, liking to scrutinize and complain, blindly commenting on the story of "Long Hair", and even stepping on the hermit mouse that "I" loved. Therefore, "I" hold a grudge against her. Seeing this, the reader has outlined in his mind the image of a woman who is free from vulgarity and conservative. However, Lu Xun's impression of her is far beyond these. She has a lovely side. "Ah Chang" knew that "I" liked "The Book of Mountains and Seas". He went a lot and bought "The Book of Mountains and Seas" for "me". Therefore, "I" also thought that she "has great divine power".

朝花夕拾读后感 篇2


Mr. Lu Xun's Morning Flowers and Evening Gathering has a refined name, which immediately attracted me. It is like a beautiful and colorful flower that quietly blooms under the early morning sunshine. It will be picked at sunset. The flower is also the flower, but it has lost its beauty and fragrance in the morning. But it makes people imaginative and has endless flavor.


In The Morning Flowers and the Evening Gathering, Lu Xun used a lot of descriptions to describe a character, and showed his love for this person in non ornate words. She is Ah Chang. Ah Chang was Lu Xun's baby sitter when she was a child. She has this typical image of a rural working woman. She likes to nag. She loves to "observe carefully" and is ignorant and superstitious, but more of it is simple and kind. She trampled on Lu Xun's beloved little hermit, which made Lu Xun hate her very much. However, she sought to buy and present Lu Xun's long-awaited "The Book of Mountains and Seas", which made Lu Xun respect and appreciate her.


There is another representative character in the book. He is Lu Xun's Japanese hometown, Fan Ainong. He was an awakened intellectual who could not stand in the dark society at that time. Before the revolution, he was dissatisfied with the society and pursued the revolution. After the Revolution of 1911, he saw that the revolution was incomplete and was hit hard. Finally, with pain and sadness, he compromised with the society and committed suicide while traveling with friends in the lake.


From these two characters, we can see that the feudal society persecuted the people, but there are also good memories in The Morning Flowers and the Evening Gathering.


After carefully reading From Herbal Garden to Sanwei Bookstore, you can feel the naivety, innocence and love for nature between the lines. Suddenly, I seemed to see the young Lu Xun running into the Herbal Garden, accompanied by his insects, and picking wild fruits. It seemed to me that Mr. Shoujingwu was dedicated to reading, while the children were doing their own things, while Lu Xun's classmates were painting.


In this book, "Morning Flowers and Evening Gathering", we feel beautiful memories and rational criticism. Perhaps this is the reason why Lu Xun became a famous scholar!

书籍简介 篇3



The Morning Flowers and the Evening Gathering, formerly known as Rethinking the Past, is a collection of essays by Lu Xun, a modern litterateur. It contains 10 reminiscent essays written by Lu Xun in 1926. It was published by Beijing Weiming Press in 1928 and is now included in Volume 2 of Lu Xun's Complete Works. This anthology, as a "record of memories", reflects the author Lu Xun's life in his youth in many aspects, and vividly reflects the formation of his character and interest. The first seven articles reflect his childhood life in his family and private schools in Shaoxing, while the last three describe his experience of going to Nanjing from his hometown, studying in Japan, and then returning to teach; It exposes all kinds of ugly and unreasonable phenomena in the semi feudal and semi colonial society, and reflects the difficult course of aspiring young intellectuals who braved hardships and dangers to find light in the vast darkness of old China, as well as expresses the author's nostalgia for former relatives, friends and teachers.


The anthology is mainly composed of notes, full of strong lyric atmosphere, and often mixed with comments, so that the lyricism, narrative and comments are integrated, beautiful and harmonious, simple and touching. The works are poetic and picturesque, and sometimes interspersed with humor and allegory; The image is vivid, the style is clear, and has a strong appeal.



朝花夕拾读后感 篇4


After carefully reading Mr. Lu Xun's "Morning Flowers and Evening Flowers", I enjoyed the innocent feelings revealed from the lines from time to time. In front of me, there were fascinating natural paintings.


I read Mr. Lu Xun's essays about childhood, just as I read the childlike interest of loving nature and yearning for freedom from the bottom of Mr. Xun's heart. It seems that I saw Lu Xun when he was young. He went into the herb garden without the adults' attention. He was accompanied by insects and picked wild flowers and fruits. In Sanwei Bookstore, despite Mr. Shou's strict instruction, the childishness in the students' hearts is still unbearable.


All the feelings are so naive and interesting, so learning has aroused resonance in my heart. That's why I like it so much, especially when the author looks at the world from the perspective of a child. It makes people feel very kind and passionate when reading.

朝花夕拾读后感 篇5


Warm memories, rational criticism.



“朝花夕拾”是伟大的文学家鲁迅先生的代表作之一,是妇女和儿童的工作。朝鲜鲜花,晚上去接。那天早晨露水的花朵,才去收拾慢慢品味晚上。 “打折花含露,香自然的色彩更好,但我不能。”问题,小词,但包含了无尽的真理,陆荀倜麽先生飞逝,赶上了情感的离奇想法。

"Gathering flowers in the morning and gathering flowers in the evening" is one of the representative works of the great writer Lu Xun, and it is the work of women and children. North Korean flowers, pick them up in the evening. That morning, the dewy flowers were picked up to taste the evening. "Discounted flowers contain dew. Natural colors are better, but I can't." The question is a small word, but it contains endless truth. Mr. Lu Xun Ti flies away and catches up with the strange idea of emotion.


As the inscription said, this is the book, with warm memories and rational criticism. Today, I want to talk with all of us about warm memories. I don't know much about those things that are not chaotic in the society, but I can't just talk about them here.


Mr. Lu Xun's childhood was colorful: the hatred of cats, Paul Ashley's long baby children, the yearning for mountains and seas, and the desire to see the Five Rampant Meetings, the black children and the white impermanence, and the general nature of the Hundred Herbs Garden Sanwei Bookstore, were colorful Until he went abroad to study. I think that this is only a small part of Mr. Lu Xun's childhood. There may be a lot of exclusion.


Memories and criticisms, I prefer to recall; In the wonderful development of our students in Mr. Lu Xun's childhood, I was most interested in the herb garden.

低吟的油,打板球的构图像覆盆子。.。都让我向往。 作为一名美食家,在这个花园里,我最感兴趣的是把这个小珊瑚珠变成一个小球,酸酸甜甜,颜色比桑树好得多的覆盆子。

Whispering oil, cricket composition like raspberry. Let me yearn for. As a gourmet, what I am most interested in in this garden is to turn this small coral bead into a small ball, sour and sweet, which is much better than mulberry.


In my imagination, raspberry must be a wild fruit with bright red light. Very smooth and pleasing. Small and exquisite, you can grasp a lot of data by yourself. Put it in our mouth, it must be very rich and delicious, full of juice, soft, and can be broken by blowing. It is a kind of color, fragrance and taste! It's so tempting.

冬季百草园也很有意思,雪,竹签筛,洒秕谷,长的绳索线,绳 - 捕鸟。这捕鸟真的要注意了!不是只有薄薄的雪,积雪覆盖地面需要有一两天,长无处觅食的鸟类兼职工作。这是我们生活的城市孩子,还真是有点难以看到!

Winter herb garden is also very interesting. Snow, sifting with bamboo sticks, sprinkling chaff grains, long ropes and lines - bird catching. This bird catching really needs attention! It's not just thin snow. It takes a day or two for snow to cover the ground. Birds who have no place to feed work part-time. This is the city kid we live in. It's really hard to see!


This colorful childhood is what I don't have - Lu Xun had it for him, but it was a troubled time to meet him later. The colorful childhood life is naturally an excellent one. I hope I can feel it at the end of my childhood.


There are many interesting things in "Morning Flowers and Evening Gathering". If you are very interested after listening to my introduction, you can look for the taste and taste. This book will not disappoint you.

朝花夕拾读后感 篇6


Lu Xun, formerly known as Zhou Zhangshou, later renamed Zhou Shuren, with the word Yushan, later renamed Yucai. His life is rich in books. There are collections of novels, including Scream, Wandering and New Stories. Collection of essays, such as Morning Flowers and Evening Gathering. In his childhood, Lu Xun, under the influence of his family, read a large number of ancient books, laying the foundation for his later writing. But the peaceful life was broken when Lu Xun was a teenager. His grandfather, Zhou Jiefu, was sent to prison for some reason. His father, Zhou Boyi, was seriously ill and his family fortune declined. The whole family took refuge in the countryside. Even Lu Xun often went to the quality shop and drugstore for his father, and was looked down upon coldly.


Then his father died. The family situation is getting worse. The family held a meeting to divide rooms, and Lu Xun was given poor and small ones. Lu Xun's refusal to sign was scolded by his uncles, and he felt that the world was bleak. When he grew up, Lu Xun went to Sendai, Japan to study medicine. In a class, he saw a group of Chinese people watching another Chinese person being beheaded on the slide. He realized that the most important thing to save China was not the people's body, but their mind. Later, he began to write literature.


Lu Xun's works mainly attacked feudal ethics, for which he was wanted. However, he did not flinch and unswervingly attack imperialism with his pen as a weapon.

《朝花夕拾》读后感 篇7


I read the collection of essays written by Mr. Lu Xun, "Morning Flowers and Evening Gathering". Morning Flowers and Evening Flowers means that flowers in the morning are picked up at night. In his later years, the author recalls his childhood, just like flowers that open in the morning are picked up in the evening. Although they lose their beauty and fragrance when they are in full bloom, the reflection of the setting sun adds a charm to them, which makes people imaginative and memorable. I look at them and fall into meditation


I like to recall the past and the past when I am free. In the enchantment and dizziness, I seem to have returned to the carefree childhood life, one vivid picture after another, one unforgettable thing after another, one friendly and familiar face after another, all of which constitute the memories of my entire childhood. It made me relax and immerse myself in all my troubles at the moment.


When I was young, I would raise my hand to point out a small mistake made by the teacher in class, otherwise I would never stop; Now, even if the teacher has a few wrong words or small problems, I will not do anything except look up the dictionary and turn over the materials.


When I was young, I would be overjoyed to find a coin and praised by my parents and teachers; Now, when I see a coin on the ground, I just look at it and ignore it.


When I was young, I would make a lot of noise because my parents were not around at night. At this moment, I was alone in bed at night, in the dark, without fear, just thinking about something trivial.


In these long years, many memories have passed away quietly with the passage of time. Only the footprints that record your gains and losses will remain in the memory forever, which is unforgettable. I really hope not to lose the joy of childhood, naive?? Fan? Carefree


Childhood is like a cup of rich and delicious coffee, which is sweet when tasted, but a little bitter in sweetness; But growth is like a cup of tea overflowing with fragrance. The taste may be very bitter. That's because you lost your childishness, your courage to persevere, and your spiritual comfort. But then you can taste the mellow and sweet tea, which gives you endless aftertaste. You have learned and understood a lot in your growth.


Childhood memories are like an unforgettable diary. If you accidentally turn it over, you will feel reluctant to leave, unable to laugh or cry, but more joy and joy. When we are free, we might as well taste the cup of tea of growth, and turn over this "diary", you will find that: self gains a lot.