
时间:2022-10-31 13:03:46 | 来源:语文通



开学第一课心得观后感 篇12020年9月央视开学第一课的观后感作文 篇29月开学第一课的观后感 篇32020年9月1日开学第一课的观后心得 篇42020年9月1日开学第一课的观后心得 篇5开学第一课心得观后感 篇62020年9月1日开学第一课的观后心得 篇79月央视开学第一课的观后感作文 篇82020年9月央视开学第一课的观后感作文 篇92020年9月央视开学第一课的观后感作文 篇10

开学第一课心得观后感 篇1

作者:缙云实验中学七(1)班 杨沛迪

Author: Yang Peidi, Class 7 (1), Jinyun Experimental Middle School


"Get up, people who don't want to be slaves, and cast our flesh and blood into our new Great Wall..." Every morning, when the bright five-star red flag is rising against the sun, accompanied by this magnificent song, my heart is excited, excited, proud... At this moment, a history, a history of the People's Republic of China, a new China is slowly emerging in front of me The glorious history of striding forward


In the past, countless revolutionary martyrs shed their blood. For the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, many Chinese people have made the glory of New China with their youth and life. From the Revolution of 1911 to the Autumn Harvest Uprising, from the meeting of Jinggangshan to the 25000 li Long March, from the three major campaigns to the founding of New China, we should not forget who saved the troubled nation from hell with flesh and blood; We should not forget who wiped away mother's bitter tears with a pure heart; We should not forget who won the victory with integrity! The history of China is a bitter history of blood and tears: the painful experience of nearly one hundred years since the war of 1840, and the deep humiliation of being dubbed "the sick man of East Asia", the Chinese people rose up against countless pressures, showing the world China's indomitable: the War of Resistance against Japan, the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, the Hundred Regiments War, and the Great Victory at Pingxingguan China, the sleeping lion, finally woke up and roared with regret. On October 1, 1949, the bright five-star red flag rose slowly on Tian'an Square. The great man of the East proudly stood on Tiananmen Gate and announced that the People's Republic of China was founded, and at the same time, he was declaring to the world that the Chinese nation stood up!

2020年9月央视开学第一课的观后感作文 篇2


The flavor of 2019 has suddenly become tense and fearful. Along with the slow journey home, the "uninvited guest" - the novel coronavirus unexpectedly "occupied" Wuhan City by stepping on the snowflakes all over the sky. Within a week, the virus spread rapidly to all parts of the country and many Asian countries, wantonly plundering the joy of the New Year, and people's panic and fright were extremely traumatized. At this time, Zhong Nanshan, the last "life-saving straw", gave people comfort and hope, and made people more confident to face the virus and defeat the disease!


Life movement


Zhong Nanshan, a "patriotic warrior", was born in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province in October 1936. He is a member of the Communist Party of China, an academician of the CAE Member, a respiratory expert, a leading figure in China's fight against SARS, a former president of Guangzhou Medical College, secretary of the Party Committee, director of the Guangzhou Institute of Respiratory Diseases, director of the Guangzhou National Key Laboratory of Respiratory Diseases, and president of the Chinese Medical Association. His family is a medical family; In September 1959, at the first National Games, Zhong Nanshan won the men's 400 meter hurdles championship with 54.4 seconds, creating a national record at that time. In 1960, he graduated from Beijing Medical College (now Peking University Medical Department); In 2007, he was awarded honorary doctor of Edinburgh University; Director of the State Key Laboratory of Respiratory Diseases in October 2007; In 2014, he was awarded honorary Doctor of Science by the Chinese University of Hong Kong. His life is like moving music.


Never forget the original intention to return to the "battlefield"


In 2002, China and many other countries around the world faced a serious crisis. At that time, China was a "disaster area". The spread of droplets and contacts caused heavy casualties! Zhong Nanshan was informed that regardless of the consequences, he rushed forward to the battlefield to fight against SARS. He spent all day and night to explore a set of effective prevention and treatment experience. With his efforts and will, he finally overcame the SARS epidemic and won the victory. He was praised as the "hero of fighting against SARS"! Now, after 18 years, the 83 year old man has braved the dangers and returned to the "battlefield" regardless of his life, and has dedicated his life to the development of the motherland and the safety of the people! When he received the notice, he immediately came to the disaster area, regardless of the consequences, and began to explore and research day and night again. I believe his efforts will certainly yield different success!


He is an elite leader in medicine and a legend in history that benefits the people of the motherland!

9月开学第一课的观后感 篇3


New starting point, new hope, everything in front of us in the new semester is new. What should we do? Strive hard to prove yourself and surpass yourself! The theme of this year's First Lesson is "strong in youth, strong in China", which is divided into three chapters - "responsibility", "unity" and "science".


There is a special guest on the stage of the First Lesson of School. He is Xie Jun, the chief designer of Beidou-3 navigation satellite. On July 31, 2020, the Beidou-3 global satellite navigation system was officially launched, making China the third country in the world to independently own a global satellite navigation system. In the process of building Huoshen Mountain and Leishen Mountain hospitals, they took advantage of the high precision and wide coverage of Beidou navigation and cooperated with the ground Beidou terminal equipment to provide accurate fixed location for the construction of the two hospitals, and won precious time for the rapid construction of hospitals, saving more lives.


Xie Jun, the chief designer, also put forward many hopes in the program. Let's "look up to the starry sky, and the Big Dipper is bright. Be down-to-earth, and go steady and far"! We are all the stars of the future universe. We should inspire ourselves with the Beidou spirit.


"Therefore, today's responsibility lies not in others, but in my youth." With the singing of Liang Qichao's "Youth in China", the first lesson of the beginning of school ended. Today, only my youth is stronger. We should study hard and grow up to contribute to the construction of the motherland!

2020年9月1日开学第一课的观后心得 篇4


School begins! It is also the beginning of the school year. This year's First Lesson has benefited me a lot. At the beginning, actor Jackie Chan met us in a special way. He talked about his efforts and persistence to realize his dream. After hearing Jackie Chan's speech, I learned that only through struggle can I realize my dream.


Dream is the green of spring, dream is the water of life, dream is a faith. Everyone has his or her own dream, and only by working hard can we realize it. Otherwise, everything is empty talk and fantasy.


We say that dream is a kind of perseverance that never gives up. I can't help thinking of Madame Curie, who is "the mother of radium". I don't know how many setbacks I experienced in refining pure radium. Experiment after experiment, failure after failure. However, Madame Curie did not stop there, but worked harder and finally succeeded.


I remember when I learned to dance in kindergarten, when I saw that others could easily stoop down and split legs, but I couldn't do it at all. I always felt that I couldn't dance as well as others. I felt very sad and almost didn't want to learn. Later, with the encouragement of the teacher, I didn't give up. I often used my free time to practice basic skills. Once I hurt my leg and insisted, because my dream was to become a dancer. Now I am an outstanding dancer in the school dance team, and I often appear on various stages. I also finally understand that only by working hard can the dream come true! Just as the famous saying goes, where there is a will, there is a way!


Yu Minhong, the founder of New Oriental, said that life is a process of struggle. Indeed, his experience confirms this statement. He used to be a repeat student. He took the college entrance examination three times, but he always stuck to his dream and finally realized his dream and was admitted to Peking University. In the beginning of his career, he failed again and again, which was also because he always adhered to his own belief and kept working hard. Finally, he successfully founded New Oriental. On the road of life, there are sweat and tears, but you will certainly get something if you move towards a goal.


It is never too late to pursue your dreams. Grandma Moses, who enjoys a wide reputation around the world. She started painting at the age of 76, held a personal painting exhibition at the age of 80, became a genre painter whose works swept the world at the age of 90, and enlightened Junichi Watanabe, who later became a Japanese writer, at the age of 100. For half a century, her paintings have crossed national borders, presenting a beautiful world cultural landscape. Yes, an elderly woman over the age of sixty still insists on pursuing her dreams in the last stage of her life, not to mention the growing us, which is a grand plan.


Strive to achieve your dream. As primary school students, we are now studying hard and striving for success. If you are strong in youth, China will be strong! Fight, my friends! Step forward in the direction of dreams. I believe that one day, we will see our own rainbow!


Composition The first lesson starts on September 1, 2020: 5 articles:

2020年9月1日开学第一课的观后心得 篇5


In the winter of December 2019, the novel coronavirus infiltrated Wuhan, and the war without gunpowder started


It has spread so fast, a few cases, dozens of cases, hundreds of cases. Up to now, there are more than 14000 cases. We have been told to wear masks, wash hands frequently, and have fewer dinners. The Party Central Committee attaches great importance to bringing medical equipment and materials to Wuhan, and sending angels in white to all parts of the country. Hospitals have sprung up in Wuhan. In the face of the disaster of the epidemic, we Chinese will not be helpless. The country has isolated Wuhan. People of Wuhan, you don't need to panic. Our motherland, our Chinese people, angels in white, and other countries will help you and the people of the whole country tide over the difficulties! Isolate the virus, but not the love!


On New Year's Eve, this day of family unity, listening to "Love is a bridge" shocked my heart. You, the angels in white, are still fighting in the front line of the epidemic. "Call must come", "We are duty bound, ready to be dispatched at any time." Seventeen years ago, they were the new force in fighting against SARS. Seventeen years later, they did not hesitate to press red fingerprints on the letter of invitation.


She was a mother who wanted to see her daughter in other places on New Year's Eve. She was called back at the airport. She took an injection with her sleeve rolled to improve her immunity. A week later, she was still determined despite the mask impression on her face; She is a daughter who helped Wuhan soldiers on New Year's Eve. When a reporter asked her name, she said: "Don't broadcast her name. My mother will worry. I am a party member and a soldier, so it goes without saying my name." In the severely infected area, they completed high-intensity treatment work, and the blood stains and blisters on their faces are also their medals. In the ICU ward, they are fully armed and wrapped in thick protective clothing. We don't know who they are behind the mask, I only know that they are the strongest Chinese!


There are no insurmountable viruses, no insurmountable difficulties, and we are sure to win this "battle"! Let's wait for the "warm spring flowers" in Wuhan and the victory of China!

开学第一课心得观后感 篇6


The First Lesson at the Beginning of School in 2022 officially met us on September 1. As a middle school student, the First Lesson at the Beginning of School is a program that I must watch every year. This year is the 100th birthday of our beloved party. When we celebrate the 100th birthday of the party, the First Lesson at the Beginning of School program also brings us many patriotic deeds and spirits worth learning and honoring in the course of the development of the motherland.


As the first class of the new semester for primary and secondary school students in China, the First Lesson has always brought us many thought-provoking stories. Through watching and understanding, we can not only know clearly what difficulties and obstacles the motherland has experienced in its development process, but also broaden our horizons and make our future growth and learning more directional and objective while tasting the program, Only when you are young can you have a down-to-earth and progressive learning heart.

一个国家的未来,除了看各个领域的建设发展,也要有源源不断的年轻人顶上、替代;只有不断的培养出更多的人才,我们的祖国才能建设的越来越美好,我们能拥有如今这个繁荣富强的新中国,离不开一代代优秀共产党员与先进人才的付出与贡献。因此作为祖国新一代的 继承人,我们一定要像《开学第一课》节目的各位前辈学习,学习他们的爱国精神,学习他们那为了祖国发展,而不顾自身,不求回报的牺牲精神。

The future of a country depends not only on the construction and development of various fields, but also on a steady stream of young people; Only by constantly cultivating more talents can our motherland be built more and more beautiful. We can have a prosperous and powerful new China today, which cannot be separated from the contributions of generations of outstanding Communist Party members and advanced talents. Therefore, as the heirs of the new generation of the motherland, we must learn from the predecessors in the First Lesson of School, their patriotism, and their sacrifice spirit for the development of the motherland, regardless of themselves and without seeking return.


Now perhaps we are still very young, small arms can not lift even a little stronger branches, small bodies look so inconspicuous; But we will eventually grow up, grow taller and stronger, until our arms can support the sky, our bodies can protect others, and we will use our only strength to make our due contributions to the development of our motherland.


As the flowers of the new China in the future, the historical responsibility entrusted to us by the times requires us to have excellent knowledge and abundant physical strength. Let's study hard together, make progress day by day, constantly learn new knowledge, and develop a good body. In the eyes of the predecessors in the First Lesson of School, we will continue to make progress in a better and stronger direction.

2020年9月1日开学第一课的观后心得 篇7


"What is love?" With this thought-provoking question, I finished reading the First Lesson of School on September 1.


The first theme class meeting answered us "Love is sharing". As long as one knows how to share his little love with others, he will get more love.


The second theme class meeting told us that "love is power". The snow disaster in the south, the May 12 Wenchuan earthquake in China, the Beijing Olympic Games, and Taiwan's Typhoon Morakot all tell us that the power of love is infinite, and it can make the snow disaster in the south turn winter into spring; It can turn the magnitude 8 earthquake in Wenchuan into a paper tiger; It will add to the Beijing Olympic Games; It can turn Taiwan's "Morakot" typhoon into spring wind······


The third theme class meeting gave us the answer "Love is commitment". At the beginning, the monitor Jiang Yiyi introduced a new friend to us, Ma Pengfei. Ma Pengfei is an ordinary boy about 14 years old. Although he is about the same age as me, his optimistic spirit, positive attitude and desire for life really make me admire: when he was only eight months old, his parents died, and he and his grandmother were over sixty years old. Because their family is not rich, they live frugally every day. But the merciless God at the age of four made his grandmother suffer from diabetes.


Grandma was laid off in advance because of the pain, and only 200 yuan of subsidy per month. In order to save some money, Xiao Peng flew through the days of food and clothing, and even a dozen yuan of medicine for diabetes was not taken. But one year later, when Xiaopeng Fei was five years old, he lost his eyes because he had not used drugs for a long time, and could no longer take care of Xiaopeng Fei who had just turned five. During the period after blindness, Pengfei's grandmother often sighed and complained. Xiao Pengfei is also unhappy every day, but he seems to understand something.


One day soon after, Xiaopeng Fei said something that Grandma Pengfei would never forget: "Grandma, don't cry any more. In the future, I will be your big tree. You can shade and enjoy the cool under the shade of the tree. You can't see. It doesn't matter. I'll cook in the future!" Xiao Pengfei's tone was very firm. This TV camera made my heart tremble, and tears blurred my eyes. So Pengfei's grandmother was very excited at the scene and said, "In the past nine years, I realized that Pengfei is not only my grandson, but also my son. She has undertaken the family!"


The fourth theme class meeting let us know that "love is glory". A flag waving man said to us, "My father once said to me, 'When you waved the flag, people respected you not because you were great or proud, but because of the five-star red flag in your hand and the glory in your hand." Yang Liwei, the space hero, also said: "In front of many Chinese and foreigners, they love me and support me, not only because I am the first person to land on the moon in China, but also because I represent the glory of the Chinese people."


Now do you know what love is? by the way. Love is sharing, love is strength, love is commitment, love is glory. I also realized that love is selfless and eternal.

9月央视开学第一课的观后感作文 篇8


At the beginning of spring when all things are recovering, the world presents a scene of prosperity. Everyone has a love of beauty, especially women. It is better to "let women please themselves", and even better to "let women please themselves"! With the bugle of spring and the warm sunshine of spring, grass-roots cadres are "ready to move". I said loudly: "I want to be 'good-looking'.".


To prevent and control the epidemic situation, we should be an upward spiral and become "good-looking" persistently. When it comes to snails, most people are disgusted. They are associated with slowness and procrastination at the first time, which is often used to describe a person's slow speed in speaking and doing things. Snails and Orioles is a childhood memory. "It's too early for the grapes to mature. What are you going to do now?" "Ah Huang, O Oriole, don't laugh. I will mature when I climb up to it." I like snails, not only for their wonderful "posture", but also for their persistent spirit. Snails are like cadres at the grass-roots level who always aspire to "high places" and set a lofty goal for them. If I want to become "good-looking", it is not a matter of saying it in one sentence. Grass roots cadres need to be as persistent and persistent as a snail, and one day become "good-looking".


To prevent and control the epidemic, we should be a diligent bee and become "beautiful" busily. There are countless days for grass roots to "wear the stars and wear the moon". Whether it is a hot summer night or a cold winter morning, there are always several "lights" working tirelessly. Winter has gone and spring has come, year after year, the busy figure like a bee is still clearly visible at the grassroots level. I don't know what it is like to be idle and what it is like to be idle, but I know I will be at a loss and I won't like the taste of being idle. "No pains, no gains", bees gather honey and brew happiness. "Don't wait for a moment. The young man's head will turn white and he will feel sad.". Youth is youthful and vigorous. Youth means unlimited possibilities. Even if the grass root is like a "sword mountain" or a "sea of fire", I will show the courage to "spin and jump" at the grass root because the "dancing" posture is the most "beautiful".


To prevent and control the epidemic, we should be a beautiful rose and become "beautiful" quietly. "The shy rose opens quietly." The rose is a favorite flower for women, not only because it is a symbol of feelings, but also because of its virtue of both "inside and outside". One bud after another, without saying a word, fighting or grabbing, strives to grow silently and blooms one after another. Occasionally, there are people who enjoy great achievements in their work, but more grassroots cadres, like roses, "work hard" and "remain unknown", take every link seriously, and strive to do every job well, never care about personal fame and wealth. "But when doing good deeds, don't ask for the future". Grass roots cadres should wait for the blooming "beautiful" roses with the mentality of "I don't have to be the winner, I will be the winner".


To become "good-looking" is a goal, and to become "good-looking" is a process. After knowing "good-looking" snails, "good-looking" bees and "good-looking" roses, I look forward to growing up in the grassroots and becoming "good-looking".

2020年9月央视开学第一课的观后感作文 篇9


Hello! I'm a student of Class 61 of Xinxiang New Area Primary School. My name is Duan Yuchen. This year's Spring Festival is a special Spring Festival. During this sudden visit to the epidemic, everyone stayed at home, waiting for the end of the epidemic. When SARS broke out in 2003, it was you who stood up and led the whole country to defeat it. In 2020, your name will appear at the top of hot search for many times. You are an octogenarian, but your pace is firm; Many times choked, but full of confidence. In the face of the epidemic, you have become the god of hope and protection of the people of the country! Your name is also deeply imprinted on my heart.


Grandpa Zhong, why do people get COVID-19? Why is this epidemic so serious? These days, I found the answer in the news media reports, which also made me think deeply. We should fear the nature, the creatures on the earth, treat them well and live in harmony with them. We should also believe in science. You firmly believe that "truth is as important as medicine!" There is an epidemic in Wuhan. You said that there has been human to human transmission in Wuhan. We suggest that you try not to go to Wuhan. However, you firmly boarded the high-speed railway to Wuhan and built a protective fort for hundreds of millions of Chinese behind you with your ordinary body! You are a qualified doctor and a fearless soldier. You said, "With the help of everyone and the whole country, Wuhan can pass the customs. Wuhan is originally a heroic city."


At a time when our country has encountered unprecedented difficulties, under your leadership, the country's top doctors, experts, soldiers, police and volunteers wear protective clothing and masks every day to save the lives of patients from death. Protect us from the wind and rain, and move forward with heavy load! From today on, I am determined to study harder and make myself a knowledgeable and useful person and a pillar of the country like you!

2020年9月央视开学第一课的观后感作文 篇10


Hello! I am this year's college entrance examination candidate. On the eve of the college entrance examination, the epidemic broke out without warning. The news network broadcast the number of newly diagnosed people day by day. The specific drug has not been successfully developed. The disease is highly infectious and coincides with the Spring Festival. The disease flies to the country like a wing. People are in a panic. Everyone is praying to get through the difficulties. You stood out and told everyone not to be afraid, and reminded everyone not to go to Wuhan, while you, 84 years old, were sitting in the dining car to Wuhan. I would like to say that you are the most beautiful traitor, and we would like to express our sincere respect to you.


However, such retrograde behavior is not just talk. If you have experienced SARS, you must know what it means to go to Wuhan. It means that we can't get together with our families during the Spring Festival, it means we give up our rest time, it means we have been exposed to viruses recently, and it may even mean that we will never return. However, you still went. Why?


I know, because you are a doctor and have a sense of responsibility to save the world from fire and water. Because you wear a white coat, you take on the responsibility of fulfilling your shoulder with your life. When you became a doctor, you swore, "I solemnly promise that I will dedicate everything to serve mankind. I will work in the medical industry with my conscience and dignity. The health of patients should be my primary concern. I will do my best to maintain the honor and noble tradition of the medical industry..." For decades, I have never forgotten. As long as there is still breath, we will never disgrace our mission.


I know, because you can't bear it, you have the benevolence of "the old and the old, the young and the young". Seeing the helpless child lying on the hospital bed, he was so upset that he tightly grasped the doctor's hand and asked whether he could survive. Seeing the old man lying in the hospital bed after isolation from his relatives, he was breathless, dying, and lonely as the shadow in the sunset. You can't bear it after all. In the doctor's inaugural declaration, you said, "I always have the highest respect for human life from the moment of conception..." You are willing to use your own life to exchange for countless fresh lives. Wuhan, once such a prosperous city, has become an empty city that people are afraid of. Empty streets, closed shops, and neighbors talking through windows. Wuhan is like a sick child, curled up in the attack of viruses. After all, you can't bear it. You said that the lovely child of the motherland was ill. He cried and shouted that he needed me, and I would go to save him.


I know, because you are brave and have the determination to face up to difficulties. Roosevelt once said, "What we fear is fear itself." Even if there is an unprecedented enemy ahead, even if the information of the virus is unknown, even if it may die, then what? Life is tough and tenacious, not something that can be defeated by death!