
时间:2022-10-28 13:07:21 | 来源:语文通



读你,千遍不厌倦 篇1笔染红尘,墨成情缘 篇2

读你,千遍不厌倦 篇1


"I don't get tired of reading you a thousand times, and it feels like spring..." A classic old song, which has been sung across the country, prefers the lyrics of this song.


Love surrounds your heart. How can you get tired of it a thousand times? It's like a spring breeze, and you can caress green waves of green water; Like summer flowers, like smoke, like painting, colorful, curling around your fingers.


Carve a beautiful picture and step into the middle; Engrave a bright moon and clear wind, blowing into dreams; Read you, write you, thousands of times, never tired!


Reading you, a thousand times not tired, reading your feeling, such as the breeze in March, graceful dance.


There is a long market with many words, which depicts a paper of colorful butterflies falling in love with flowers and bees dancing among flowers. Then, write down your years in your eyebrows.


Jumping words, swimming freely among colorful clouds, looking for your word eyes, for missing, a quiet house, miss silently!


When the moonlight in August warms the flowers and sails thousands of miles on the way, thousands of hills and valleys are always passed. It is a happy thing to read you in the beauty of summer flowers.


There is a person in the world who deserves to spend his whole life talking about time. He has spent a long time with us, tasted sweet and sour, and is satisfied.


I will wait and be a blue in your hand and a cinnabar between your eyebrows. I will not be tired of reading those years!


Read you, look forward to life, dance drunk summer flowers, moved the summer rain, touching the promise of a journey of peach blossom and flowing water.


My eyes are full of Cong Rong. If you don't come, I will never grow old. So when I cross the horse at the window, I cut out my missing and moved every day.


Build a graceful small building, full of fragrant flowers, with flowing water around your fingers, waiting for you to smell; Planting Bodhi 3000, waiting for you to sort it out, quietly reading your intonation, to be gentle and delicate, tender as water for a journey!


Imagine coming from the misty rain south of the Yangtze River, stepping on the long mossy flagstone road, holding on to a flower umbrella of yearning, and painting on the blue tiles and white walls: I am waiting for you, waiting for you to solve the mysteries of stories.


The secret is embedded in the blue and white porcelain between the eyebrows, engraved, hollowed out, and retained for thousands of years the infatuation, telling the unchanged theme, the unchanged original heart, just like the quarterly interpretation in the fairy tale world.


Reading you, a thousand times also tired of reading your feelings, never like the first; Reading you is the joy between the eyebrows and the 'like between the fingers; Reading you is like the pure heart of Tianshan Snow Lotus, blooming on the vast grassland, swimming in the vast sky with yearning.


That is, it is thoroughly bright and mildly fragrant. It spreads from spring to summer. Like flowers, it flows into the heart in clusters. When it comes, it leaves a lingering fragrance.


Reading you, on the paper of memory, you will appear in small regular script, or plain, or thick, verbose notes, curling around in the old notes, copying the feelings of the past one by one, walking through the page, wrinkled days, reading you in the past, the pool in the bottom of my heart, let its waves, consider by yourself, and make you intimate, gently skim!


Never stop, the yearning for a city has seen through the rain. It was once wet. It was still at the end of August, when we sought the baggage of memory and spliced the forgotten paragraphs, we will never forget the moment when our fingers touched the journey.


Around the mountains, past events are stained with plum snow, horse hooves are buckled, and spring is warm and flowers are blooming. In summer, letters are spread out with joy, and I collect a sentence of your pen fragrance. I just want to try to read you


Reading you for thousands of times is not tiring. You in the distant mountains are my yearning near the mountains, and you in my eyebrows are my beautiful eyes.


Quietly read you, in the river covered with moonlight, send a message of the most beautiful poem line, twist flowers into ink, and regain the full bloom; Write flowers, paint a prison, for you I would like; Enchanting time, this obsession; The stars have been cut, the sun and the moon embroidered, the evening drums and the morning bells, in order to look forward to, in order to read!


"I am not tired of reading you a thousand times. Reading your feeling is like March, a romantic season, and intoxicated poems.


I am not tired of reading you for thousands of times. Reading your feeling is like spring, a joyful classic, a beautiful ending, between your eyes and eyebrows, between your lips and teeth that lock my pity, I keep my vows, and your movements control my vision. You are my poem. "


Read you, a thousand times not tired, read your feeling, always like the first; Reading your feeling is like spring forever.


Reading you is like touching the tip of the heart flower, whispering in spring, dancing in summer, and intoxicated by the fragrance, in order to read my wish!

笔染红尘,墨成情缘 篇2


Time flies, a person walking on a stranger's road, the love in my heart always looks too dim.


After the fleeting years of light and shadow, I witnessed the rainbow of youth. At that time, I was only willing to stop for love, write into ink, and twist words into warmth.




Once upon a time, meeting you was a touch of tenderness in my heart.


I still remember when we met at the beginning, your beautiful face had already been reflected in my heart in the moment of looking back. A casual turn, your dimpled smile deeply affected my heart.


Love has always been a constant topic.


Love in the world of mortals makes people love each other. Once they get involved, they will live a lifetime.


Because you planted the poison of Acacia and owed you the debt of loneliness, this is my doomed love destiny.


Meeting is just the season when a flower is in full bloom, leaving is just the time of a song, but forgetting is to take the sentimental attachment of this life.


At the beginning of each love, the ending has been written.


Although we clearly know that the final result may not be the good we originally hoped for, or even we will lose everything, but what? At that time, we could fight against the world for love, against all the obstacles of love, and did our best to be with you.


When I love you, you also happen to love me, so all the dark years are beautiful.


Love comes too suddenly, which always makes us happy when we are young, but we are at a loss.


Time goes so fast that it's too late to say goodbye. You and I have already disappeared into each other's vast sea of people.


The beginning is to meet, the beauty is the process, and the separation has become the doomed outcome.


At first, sweetness is the two people holding hands, happiness is the two hearts connected, and romance is the love we look forward to together under the starry sky.


Later, the lonely is a person, the lonely is a heart, and the dead is the love that can't go back.


When we fall in love, love is a flower, which warms our hearts and whispers to you endlessly. We are willing to waste our whole youth for you.


After separation, the feeling has become a thorn, which has been rooted in the bottom of my heart and can not extricate itself. Even missing has become a kind of inexplicable pain.


The lonely wind, the emaciated rain, and the lingering love of Acacia once occupied the whole inner world.


A gust of wind, blowing a shallow miss.


A rain, caused a deep lingering.


A love between you and me has poured out the whole human heart, affecting the memories of a city.


When I look back, I am here and you are on the other side. The two hearts are not connected after all.


The story has become the past, the past has become a memory, but the heart is still the same when you met the warmth of the sun.


The flowering period lingers in the reincarnation of the seasons, but the love return is unknown.


Several times in the old dream of lovesickness, a lot of tenderness is better than water, but the moon shadow tower is alone. Lonely wutong bows its eyebrows, and the heart revolves thousands of times. The person is on the other side of the river, and the time to return is endless. When was the end of the world.


He was looked for thousands of times in the crowd. When I looked back, the man was in the dim light.


As you get older, your memories fade and your heart cools.


Time is no longer, love is not read, love does not return.


Acacia still, dream still, this past years, read broken.


Looking back, at that time, that person, that feeling, was at ease.


I don't hate the strong love at the beginning, but I hate the hasty departure.


Twist a bud of time, and it will blossom quietly in the long years. Let the memories of time fragrance the light feelings of the past. It's lucky to meet you in a blooming season.


It is a very beautiful thing to pick up a wisp of fireworks in the fleeting years and let them bloom in shallow time. Let the warm fleeting years warm the past love stories and fall in love with you in a bunch of years that have passed by secretly.


Walking through the years, you can sing in a low voice in the clear time and relive the old dreams in the reincarnation of the seasons. The eyes and hearts are bleak, disconnected and confused again. At that time, you only wish it was no longer full of desolation.


In life, there are always some people who are not around but at ease; There are always some thoughts that feel warm without words; There are always some people who are moved. It is wonderful not to use action to return.


Those feelings in the old days are deeply etched into the heart, occasionally they will be remembered, and then they will be lowered, and always blend with the long years quietly.


Meeting turns into time, memory turns into petals, meeting is a stranger, leaving is no longer sad.


Somehow, when we meet the people we want to meet, experience the love we want to experience, and miss the scenery of youth, we must start again after all, because you and I are always on the road.


I have met young love, missed a happy encounter, and seen the color of youth. I have no regrets, and I hope you will not leave any regrets.


Through the traces of years, I remember the beautiful past and bid farewell to the stories in my memory. Since then, we have had different directions. I hope we can all reach the other side of our hearts.


In the depths of the world of mortals, the love I have been waiting for is the love I can't part with this life. I am willing to wait for you wholeheartedly, whether you come or not.


Some people say I'm stupid, some people say I'm stupid, but maybe only I know, this is my destiny of love.


This life, you can come, is the best, because all waiting has expectations.


It doesn't matter if you don't come, because time has its own arrangements.


I always believe that there must be someone in the world who knows that I have been waiting for him at the Red Dust Ferry, and that person must also be rushing to this beautiful encounter of love.