
时间:2022-10-27 13:02:20 | 来源:语文通



我爱你汉字作文 篇1我爱你汉字作文 篇2我爱你汉字作文 篇3我爱你汉字作文 篇4我爱你汉字作文 篇5我爱你汉字作文 篇6

我爱你汉字作文 篇1


Chinese characters, complete in form, sound and meaning, are the pride of our Chinese nation!


They are not rigid symbols, sometimes as straight as a peak, sometimes as clear as a stream, sometimes as vast as the sea, sometimes as slippery as grease. The Chinese characters are neat and flexible, like beautiful flowers blooming on the paper, like naughty children playing on the paper. It is the witness of the 5000 year civilization of the Chinese nation and the crystallization of the 5000 year wisdom of the Chinese nation.


Chinese characters have a long history of evolution: oracle bone inscriptions, bronze inscriptions, small seal characters, official script, regular script, cursive script, running script. They all tell the long history and long culture of Chinese characters. At the earliest time when humans had characters, they used knives to carve characters on flat objects such as animal bones and tortoise shells. Later, they wrote on connected bamboo pieces.


Chinese characters are magical and interesting. It uses homophonic sounds to form many jokes and allegorical sayings, such as: nephew playing lanterns - as usual (uncle), ice in April - moving (frozen), shallots mixed with tofu - one clear (green) two white... There are countless word puzzles, picture puzzles, action puzzles. A lot of homophonic jokes make people laugh and enjoy themselves. The magic and fun of Chinese homophonic makes us crazy, drunk and fascinated.


Chinese characters are broad and profound. The seal script and official script, with a strong classical flavor, seem to travel through time and space, taking us back to ancient times; Semi cursive script is smooth and natural, and it is always changeable; Regular script is neat, dignified and generous, thick and thin; The wild grass is unrestrained and wild, with the tenacity of grass and the agility of horse. The art of calligraphy is broad and profound!


Chinese characters, you have endless mysteries, you have a long history, you are magical and interesting, you are broad and profound, Chinese characters, I am proud of you, Chinese characters, I am proud of you, I love you, Chinese characters!

我爱你汉字作文 篇2


In life, we can't read and write without Chinese characters. But how much do you know about Chinese characters? As early as 4000 years ago, Cang Jie created Chinese characters. Now Chinese characters are the most widely used characters in the world and have had an important impact on the characters of Japan, South Korea and other countries.


I always feel that although each Chinese character is composed of simple strokes, it has its own feelings. Look at them and you will feel their unique personality. When you see the word cry, you can think of a tearful face crying, and when you see laughter, you can hear a string of silver bell like laughter. The word "happy" makes people happy, while the word "sad" makes people sad. The word "warm" makes people passionate. The word "spring" will remind you of the sound of running water. Oasis seems to make your eyes fall into a lush green. When the word "flowers" appears, you seem to enter a world of flowers. When you write down the word "sunset glow", you can't help thinking of the yellow feather skirt woven from the clouds in the sky, a romantic atmosphere in the air. Calligraphy has been a unique art since ancient times. There have been many famous calligraphers in China since ancient times. Their calligraphies all have their own strengths, such as Wang Xizhi's powerful handwriting, Yan Zhenqing's frustrated handwriting, and Liu Gongquan's neat handwriting. Their calligraphy works are really treasures of art.


The most representative feature of Chinese characters is the classical poetry. When appreciating the plum blossoms, you can sing flowers and ink; When maple leaves fall in autumn, the frost leaves are redder than the flowers in February; Sing in praise of bamboo: it is tough to grind thousands of blows; When praising the lotus, the lotus sings the sun and looks red; When I am homesick, when will the moon shine; In the Qing Dynasty, there was a lot of rain. These classic poems have been deeply imprinted in our hearts.


It's like wandering under the woods in autumn night, intoxicated by the red maple leaves. I believe that Chinese characters will be loved by more people and intoxicated.

我爱你汉字作文 篇3


Like butterflies flying over flowers, like springs flowing through valleys. When I was reading, countless small squares in front of me would always surprise me. They are small, lively and lovely, and are treasures of the Chinese nation. They are like a group of friends, hand in hand, forming a beautiful sentence; It also looks like a naughty elf, and soon goes there to look for partners. The Chinese character is a real little reporter, telling us all kinds of things vividly and vividly.


Chinese characters have different forms, and there are many ways to write them. For example, there are seven or eight ways to write the word "horse". Some Chinese character neighbors are not easy to separate. For example, "governance" is very similar to "smelting", but the difference is in one point. "governance" means treatment and governance; "Metallurgy" means metallurgy.


Chinese characters are changeable. A Chinese character represents different meanings in different words and sentences. "Deep" means big distance in deep mountains, and it means long time in late autumn. There are also some words, which have several pronunciations, and each pronunciation has different meanings. The word "fan" is a verb when it sounds one tone, and a noun when it sounds four tones. Their character is that you are eccentric! One moment this, one moment that. You will feel the power of friends when you see the word "righteousness", and you will feel the warmth of the collective when you see the word "class". The word "autumn" is pleasant, while the word "wind" makes people relaxed and happy. The word "China" makes people feel patriotic, and "unrestrained" seems to gallop on the grassland, free and unrestrained.


I love you, Chinese characters. You have made great contributions in human history. I firmly believe that people have come to understand that Chinese characters cannot be abolished.

我爱你汉字作文 篇4


Chinese characters are not monotonous symbols. They are beautiful. They express colors, sounds and emotions. Don't believe it! Then look down!


Chinese characters paint beautiful colors. "Red flowers and green willows" reminds me of the recovery of everything in spring and the colorful flowers. The willows are sprouting. "White snow" thought of the snowflakes flying all over the sky, and the whole world was like a white cream cake after the snow. "Green Mountains and Ten Thousand Rivers" thought of the tall mountains and the clear water.


Chinese characters play beautiful sounds, "ding dong" and "ding dong" Look! It was the dripping sound of spring water thawing. The bell rang, and the students ran into the classroom like rabbits. The Spring Festival is coming, and firecrackers are going off, ending last year and opening the door to the New Year.

汉字表现出了丰富的情感。比赛获得 了第二名的好成绩,同学们兴高采烈的挑起了舞。考试没考好,小明垂头丧气的背着书包走回家。我要了多年的小狗离我而去,我悲痛欲绝,趴在床上嚎啕大哭。

Chinese characters show rich emotions. The competition won the second place, and the students cheerfully started to dance. After failing in the exam, Xiaoming walked home dejected with his schoolbag on his back. I wanted the dog for many years to leave me. I was so sad that I cried on the bed.


Chinese characters are so colorful, can't I like them?

我爱你汉字作文 篇5


Chinese characters are an indispensable part of Chinese culture. It carries a long history of thousands of years in China, and the calligraphy art derived from it is a cultural treasure worthy of China's reputation. The creation of characters by Cangjie has gone through thousands of years of evolution: oracle bone inscriptions, bronze inscriptions, small seal characters, official script, regular script and running script are loved and inherited by later generations. Of course, I also love Chinese characters.


I love Chinese characters. Every Chinese character is just like every Chinese person. Under Wang Xizhi, they became as elegant as clouds and as light as gossamer; Under Yan Zhenqing's command, he became as vigorous as a startled dragon; Under Liu Gongquan, he became heavier than Mount Tai, with different edges and corners


Moreover, our Chinese characters are broad and profound, and many of them have unusual meanings. For example, the word "Ming" shines with the sun and the moon and shines brightly; The word "sharp" is small on the top and big on the bottom, which looks like a mountain tip; "All" three people unite and unite as one; The word "Yu" means "clothes and grain", a wealthy family


It is precisely because of these Chinese characters that there will be colorful articles and calligraphy works such as Preface to Orchid Pavilion that have been handed down for thousands of years. I am deeply attracted by this Chinese character. I regard practicing calligraphy every day as an essential lesson. With the admiration for each "square spirit", I wrote it in a neat way. But some children often have to be reminded by the teacher to write reluctantly. Is this OK? Chinese characters are the crystallization of Chinese culture, so we should write them carefully. As the saying goes, "A person's word is a person's face." Don't you want your characters to look better?


I love you, Chinese characters! Let's love Chinese characters together, write Chinese characters together, and inherit Chinese culture together!

我爱你汉字作文 篇6


Chinese characters have a long history, are wonderful and interesting, and exude the unique charm of the Chinese nation. If you don't believe it, please follow me to the game of Bichang Composition Class!


nothing can be accomplished without norms and standards. The rules of the game are as follows: The whole class is divided into four groups, four people in each group. Write "time", "place", "person" and "what to do" respectively. Finally, form a sentence to see which group is the most interesting and strange.


The game started, and everyone was laughing and laughing all the time. I thought, "They may be laughing at what they wrote!" I thought about it and wrote "Play computer" on the note The teacher put away the note and immediately began to read it. The students laughed even more. They thought their words could make funny sentences. As expected, every sentence is very interesting. But the most interesting thing is the second group: at the end of the world, Edison and Newton ate at the dung beetle's house. When the students heard this sentence, they laughed up and down.


Chinese characters are not only humorous, but also wonderful. The same words have different pronunciations in different places. Such as: "Good reading is not good reading, good reading is not good reading." It seems that the two sentences are the same, but they have different meanings.


Chinese character culture has a long history and is broad and profound. From early pictographs to oracle bone inscriptions, to inscriptions on bronze, seal characters, official script, running script, regular script and cursive script. Chinese characters have evolved into a big family following Cang Jie's footsteps. The evolution of Chinese characters has never stopped. In the 20th century, traditional characters have evolved into our simplified characters.


It can be imagined how long the history of Chinese characters is! From this we can see how wise the ancients were! Our Chinese characters have spread to Japan, South Korea and North Korea. After their improvement, it became the national language? The wisdom of the ancients is beyond words.


Ah! I love your Chinese characters, and I love the long history of the Chinese nation.