
时间:2022-10-26 13:03:52 | 来源:语文通



展望未来演讲稿 篇1展望未来演讲稿 篇2展望未来演讲稿 篇3展望未来演讲稿 篇4展望未来演讲稿 篇5展望未来演讲稿 篇6展望未来演讲稿 篇7

展望未来演讲稿 篇1


Dear teachers and students


How do you do!


The topic of my speech is "Sharpen your will and look forward to the future". Life always needs to sharpen the will, and people grow up in constant sharpening. Therefore, people can succeed only after being honed. As someone said, how can we see a rainbow without wind and rain? Only through tempering can we succeed. How can a young eagle soar without passing the test of life and death on the cliff? How can a flower blossom without wind and rain?


People always have to be honed. After being honed, people will become mature and perfect, and their confidence in the beautiful future will become more and more firm and persistent.


Everyone knows Deng Yaping. Her childhood dream was to become a table tennis champion, but God didn't take care of her. She was short and not good at playing table tennis, but she was not convinced. People didn't pay attention to her, and the coach didn't think highly of her. But she firmly believed that as long as she worked hard, she would come true one day! In this way, she became a world champion.


Yes, if Deng Yaping abandoned herself in the process of God's tempering her, China might lose a world champion.


We should all learn from the lily on the cliff. In the face of wind and rain, and in the face of other people's unimaginable setbacks, it does not give up, and always believes that it is a lily. Finally, it finally bloomed! Facing the fate, are we not as good as a flower?


Since we know that sharpening will make us perfect and mature, let's move forward against the wind and snow and work hard to create our future!


Thank you, my speech is over.

展望未来演讲稿 篇2


Dear teachers and students


How do you do!


The topic of my speech today is "Talking about ideals and looking forward to the future".


Ideal is like a ladder, which helps us climb towards a bright future; Ideal is like a compass, it helps us find the direction of life. A person without ideal is like a bird without wings. How can he fly to a better future?


Everyone has his own ideal. Some want to be soldiers and protect his family and country; Some people want to be teachers and cultivate talents; There is a man who wants to be a doctor to help the dying... and I want to be a doctor!


When I become......, I will do my best to serve mankind.


Nowadays, there are still many countries, regions and people in the world who have not yet solved the problem of food and clothing. In places like Africa and poor mountain areas, food and clothing has become the key to their survival. When I become a genetic expert, the first thing I want to do is to solve the problem of food and clothing for them. I will work on the deoxyribonucleic acid (i.e. DNA) of grain, change the gene chain of these plants, and make the grain yield 30 times the original. In addition, I would like to add the nutrition genes needed by all parts of the human body to the DNA double helix, so that all parts of the human body can be best simplified and better absorbed. Moreover, I want to shorten the growth period of the seeds of this grain, and harvest them one season at a time.


This is my ideal, a lofty and lofty ideal. I know it is not easy to realize this ideal. In order to realize this ideal as soon as possible, I would like to study hard and make unremitting efforts from today on. Because I know that to become a genetic expert, you must have profound knowledge.


My speech is over. Thank you.

展望未来演讲稿 篇3


Dear colleagues, staff relatives and friends


Good evening,everyone!


The law returns to the spring light gradually, and everything starts to update. We bid farewell to the outstanding achievements and ushered in the promising ones. Today, we are gathered here to share our friendship, share harmony and peace, welcome the New Year holiday together and work together for a better tomorrow. On the occasion of the arrival of the New Year, on behalf of the Board of Directors, I would like to express our deep gratitude to all colleagues who have worked hard and worked hard, and to the relatives of employees who care about and support our work! I wish you all peace, good health, family happiness and good luck in the new year!

岁月不居,天道酬勤。刚刚过去的年,是极不平凡的一年。一年来,在企业、企业、企业各级经营团队和全体员工的共同努力下, 我们实现了全年运营收入达万元,顺利完成了xxx工程;为跨越到“创世界品牌,争行业先锋”的运转轨道,我们企业投资万元扩建的二期厂房即将完工,钢铁交易中心顺利投建……这些令人欣喜和振奋的成绩证明:企业董事会的战略是清晰的,定位是准确的,决策是正确的;通过这些成绩,我们看到了一个充满生机和活力的企业新形象。在这里,感谢这个伟大的时代!更感谢一年来全体员工的不懈努力!

Every year, God rewards diligence. The past year has been an extraordinary one. Over the past year, with the joint efforts of the enterprise, its management teams at all levels and all its employees, we have achieved an annual operating income of 10000 yuan and successfully completed the XXX project; In order to stride over the operation track of "creating a world brand and striving for the industry leader", the second phase of our enterprise's 10000 yuan expansion plant is about to be completed, and the steel trading center has been successfully put into construction... These gratifying and exciting achievements prove that the strategy of the board of directors is clear, the positioning is accurate, and the decision is correct; Through these achievements, we have seen a new corporate image full of vitality and vitality. Here, thank you for this great era! Thanks for all the staff's unremitting efforts in the past year!


In the face of good operation in, we should have a clear understanding and a more ambitious goal - to create a world brand and strive for the industry leader. To create a great cause, we must first change our minds and understand the surrounding situation. At present, the city's steel industry is developing rapidly, and the industry is in a rising stage. However, compared with Dongguan, Foshan, Guangzhou and other places, there is still a big gap. To catch up with them, we must break the rules and innovate boldly.


Innovation makes the future! Innovation and integration of knowledge and practice are our way to the future. Reform and innovation is to improve the corporate governance structure, establish and improve the three levels of management system with clear levels and clear responsibilities, increase incentives, implement enterprise reengineering and process innovation, and achieve breakthroughs in management strength and management style; The unity of knowledge and practice is to be strict in management, cautious and realistic in operation, and master the core in technology, aiming at different levels, so as to truly achieve reasonable strategy, efficient organization, perfect system, smooth process, and capable personnel. Colleagues, I hope you can interpret a colorful chapter in the reform and innovation in, and leave behind your fruitful wisdom and diligent footprints


Opportunities and challenges coexist, glory and dreams coexist! Inherit our excellent corporate culture, and through the efforts of all colleagues, we firmly believe that we will usher in a more brilliant tomorrow!

展望未来演讲稿 篇4


Dear teachers and students


Good morning.


I'm * * from Class 2, Senior One. The theme of today's speech under the national flag is to summarize the past and look forward to the future.


Today we stand under the national flag again to welcome a new day. Our first big exam has ended. Whether you feel the cold wind or the warmth this morning is not important. The important thing is to tell your true feelings and how to face reality, recognize yourself and challenge yourself, Sweat like rain in the heat.


As a member of Jianshi No. 1 Middle School, I believe that every student here has a desire to learn well, and they hope that they are excellent in character and study, with excellent results, and that they will be rewarded by their parents, respected by their teachers, and envied by their students. However, some students were discouraged when the exam was not ideal. In fact, the learning process itself is a process of constantly finding and solving problems, and the examination is the best time to expose problems. Behind the unsatisfactory results, there are mistakes that should not occur, which is the exposure of problems. Immediate measures should be taken to correct them, which will definitely bring about improvement in learning. Therefore, this unsatisfactory result is the catalyst for the next improvement in performance, and this failure may be necessary. There is an old Chinese saying that failure is the mother of success. But we all know that not every failure will lead to success. The key here is whether you have learned a lesson and corrected your mistakes after your failure. We should carefully classify the problems on the test paper, and not simply classify the mistakes as careless. Classify each point you have lost according to a certain reason, such as carelessness, lax examination of the topic, unclear concept, poor basic skills, insufficient time, incomplete process, poor ability, etc. Slowly, you will find your real weaknesses and find the next direction of efforts. In addition, our teachers often emphasize that the most effective way to review before the exam is to do the wrong questions that have been done in the past. Therefore, the wrong questions in each exam should be marked and classified.


I don't appreciate those who are timid and comfortable. I admire those who show their spirit of striving and upward. Those who never give in are more respectable. Failure is difficult, but it is worse not to strive for success. Failure is not terrible. What is terrible is not daring to face failure. The essence of life lies in struggle, in persistent pursuit, and in another round of struggle after failure. The real strong person is not cursing the successful person in failure, nor blaming others. Instead, they reflect on themselves in failure, explore their hidden treasure, and try to rally their strength and make a comeback. Although you have shed tears in your failure and hurt your heart, you should dry your tears and work harder for greater victory.


The green mountains cannot cover it. After all, it flows eastward. Time is passing. April showers bring May flowers. Only through hard work can we succeed. Sometimes, we can sail straight to the sea. Our future is not a dream!


That's all for my speech today. Thank you!

展望未来演讲稿 篇5


Dear teachers and students


Good morning, everyone,


I'm * * from Class 2, Senior One. The theme of today's speech under the national flag is to summarize the past and look forward to the future.


Today we stand under the national flag again to welcome a new day. Our first big exam has ended. Whether you feel the cold wind or the warmth this morning is not important. The important thing is to tell your true feelings and how to face reality, recognize yourself and challenge yourself, Sweat like rain in the heat. Speech under the flag: summing up the past and looking forward to the future.


As a member of Jianshi No. 1 Middle School, I believe that every student here has a desire to learn well, and they hope that they are excellent in character and academic performance, and that they will be rewarded by their parents, respected by their teachers, and envied by their students. However, some students were discouraged when the exam was not ideal. In fact, the learning process itself is a process of constantly finding and solving problems, and the examination is the best time to expose problems. Behind the unsatisfactory results, there are mistakes that should not occur, which is the exposure of problems. Immediate measures should be taken to correct them, which will definitely bring about improvement in learning. So this time's unsatisfactory is the catalyst for the next time to improve the performance. This time's failure may be necessary, There is an old Chinese saying that failure is the mother of success. But we all know that not every failure will lead to success. The key here is whether you have learned a lesson and corrected your mistakes after your failure. We should carefully classify the problems on the test paper, and not simply classify the mistakes as careless. Speech under the flag: summing up the past and looking forward to the future. Classify each point you have lost according to a certain reason, such as carelessness, lax examination of the topic, unclear concept, poor basic skills, insufficient time, incomplete process, poor ability, etc. Slowly, you will find your real weaknesses and find the next direction of efforts. In addition, our teacher often emphasizes that the most effective way to review before the exam is to do the wrong questions that have been done in the past, so the wrong questions in each exam should be highlighted and classified for storage.


I don't appreciate those who are timid and comfortable. I admire those who show their spirit of striving and upward. Those who never give in are more respectable. Failure is difficult, but it is worse not to strive for success. Failure is not terrible. What is terrible is not daring to face failure. The essence of life lies in struggle, in persistent pursuit, and in another round of struggle after failure. The real strong person is not cursing the successful person in failure, nor blaming others. Instead, they reflect on themselves in failure, explore their hidden treasure, and try to rally their strength and make a comeback. Although I shed tears in failure and hurt my heart, I should wipe it


Dry your tears and work harder for greater victory.


The green mountains cannot cover it. After all, it flows eastward -- time is passing. The edge of the sword comes from sharpening, and the fragrance of plum blossom comes from bitter cold. Only through hard work can we succeed. Sometimes, we can go straight to the clouds and sail to the sea. Our future is not a dream!


That's all for my speech today. Thank you!

展望未来演讲稿 篇6


Dear colleagues


Good morning!


We gathered here this morning to solemnly hold the semi annual work summary meeting of the Company for 20XX. On behalf of the Board of Directors of the Company, I would like to express my heartfelt thanks and high respect to the departments, stores and individuals who have made great efforts and achieved outstanding results in the first half of the year! Comrades have worked hard!


The first half of 20XX was an eventful year for the company. Due to the frequent changes in the work of the company's senior executives, the company's operation and management were once passive. The achievement of the goals was also a little far away from the goal plan formulated at the beginning of the year. Recently, due to the policy oriented industrial reorganization, the company's profitability was also greatly affected, and the old profit model of the enterprise encountered a bottleneck.


Although there are many obstacles on the way forward, we XX people are still struggling against the market, striving actively and competing bravely, and have made great achievements in the first half of the year. At the same time, many new problems and new models emerging in the new situation need to be summarized and discussed together. There is a good saying: big development will have big difficulties, small development will face small difficulties, and only without development will there be no difficulties. We need to be regional industry leaders. XX people firmly refuse to live without passion and challenges. We pursue the excellence of life, and we need to overcome all obstacles on the way forward with wisdom and action, We have successfully arrived at the other side of the road, so today's semi annual summary meeting is very timely and important. It is a conference to reflect on the summary and plan for the future. We hope you can fully study and implement the spirit of the meeting after the meeting, and lead the team to fully complete the goals and tasks formulated at the beginning of the year.


1、 Summary of the first half of the year


First of all, I would like to take this opportunity to make a brief summary of the achievements and shortcomings of the work in the first half of the year.


1. Just now, several bosses have made a detailed report on the operation of the company in the first half of the year. We will not repeat it here, but only share a few groups of simple data with you.


A. Annual tasks and achievements of direct stores


In the same period of the previous year, we were working hard to break through * * million in monthly sales. In the same period of last year, our monthly sales just broke through * * million. This year, it is nearly 50% higher than that in the same period of last year, doubling over the same period of the previous year. This is a great achievement, indicating that the company's business scale is constantly expanding, and everyone's efforts can see the results.


Let's look at a set of data:


B. Losing stores from January to June


Among them, the first district, Hongxi and Xiangjiang Beishangdian were not included in the loss stores due to their large expenses in the early stage of opening, but now they are in good operating condition, and they actually lost 34000 yuan. The other 16 loss stores lost 297000 yuan of the company's net profit in the first five months, which indicates that the company has too many bad stores, and that the market survey is not in-depth, the evaluation is not scientific, and the company's store location is too arbitrary. In addition to the reasons for site selection, it also shows that the company still lacks core competitiveness in its operation. It does not pay enough attention to loss making stores, has insufficient determination, and has few ways to turn around losses. Most of the time, we rely on the dock to eat. Only when we are truly right at the right time, in the right place and in the right people, can we become stronger on the basis of being bigger. How to become stronger is the key problem we need to solve in the second half of the year.


Of course, achievements are the main thing. After all, development is an eternal theme. All departments and stores have made due contributions to promote the development of the company. Here, we should praise the high-quality stores whose monthly sales performance has reached more than 100000 yuan. We should also praise the store managers who led the team to make up losses in the First District, Xiangjiang Beishang, Wujialing Branch, Hongxi, Yixin, Gospel, Yiqiao and Xinhe stores. The above stores have made profits for three consecutive months, and we should also praise the store managers who led the team to make profits in the first district, Xiangjiang Beishang, Wujialing Branch, Hongxi, Yixin, Gospel, Yiqiao and Xinhe stores The excellent store managers represented by Fu X, Hu X, Ren X, Zhang X, Zhang X and Yin X, without them to lead the team to struggle, let these stores sell more than 200000 yuan each month exist, and the company's development must be difficult. At the same time, the department in charge of the department, human resources, training and other departments also showed good working conditions and professional standards, and made achievements in their work.


Since last month, the door management department and other department comrades, together with Mr. Liu, have carried out regular shop tours three times a week to find problems in the store, listen to the voice of employees, formulate optimization plans, and solve practical problems, which has opened a good start for the improvement of the basic management level of the store, and we hope to continue to maintain it; The comrades in the training department can stay away from the prosperity and endure loneliness in remote mountain villages to overcome the difficulties of mosquito bites, water shortage, power failure, and heat, and have delivered two youth classes and two elite classes to the enterprises. This hard work style is worth learning; Director Yang of the Human Resources Department worked hard to learn and study business after taking office, worked overtime and spent countless efforts according to the requirements of the General Office to divide the cake, and made a major breakthrough in re establishing a scientific salary system and establishing a performance appraisal for all staff.


2. Deficiencies of the work in the first half of the year


(1) The work of the expansion line has delayed the development of the company:


In the first half of the year, the task of the development line was only one quarter of that of the whole year, and most of the performance of the newly opened stores failed to meet the evaluation requirements. Although there are many reasons, the most important thing is that the market survey is not in-depth, the style is not solid, the business is not familiar with, and the evaluation process goes through the motions. I hope Comrade Liu Zhi, who is in charge of the work of this line, will take the lead in strengthening the style construction and business learning of this line, organize a strong team, put the work into practice, and catch up with the backward work in the second half of the year. At the same time, attention should be paid to negotiation skills when negotiating contracts. When signing relevant contracts, they should be rigorous and meticulous, realistic, and effectively safeguard the interests of the company.


(2) The work of the project logistics line cannot keep up with the requirements of the company's development situation:


The comrades in this line have a very practical spirit and have worked hard to do a lot of work, but the results are often not satisfactory. The main reasons are that they cannot keep pace with the times, do not learn new things and technologies, do things without planning and predictability, are used to doing things according to experience and preferences, lack management ability and communication ability, and cannot plan the work of this line comprehensively, leading to headache, foot pain and low efficiency.


For example, vehicle management, air conditioning maintenance, signboard updating, electronic screen production and store image improvement, there is no work that can not be moved without being pushed. It has never actively planned to move forward step by step, and the work is always in a passive position. I think it is not very difficult for some comrades in this line to improve the work of this department if they maintain the hardworking work style, strengthen business learning and communication, carefully plan the work of this department, strengthen planning and the consciousness of serving the stores actively, and at the same time, improve the work of this department.


2、 Work plan for the second half of the year


Just now, General Manager Liu has made an overall plan for the work in the second half of the year, and has re broken down the tasks in the second half of the year. There are goals, measures and methods that are practical and feasible. I agree with him. According to the performance tasks assigned by General Manager Liu, the store managers should lead the team to effectively guarantee the completion of the work. Each department should make every effort to provide services and guidance for the achievement of the store's performance. At the same time, I would like to add some suggestions on the work in the second half of the year.

1、加强基础管理 提升聚客能力

1. Strengthen basic management and improve customer gathering ability


As we all know, in the retail chain business, service and goods are two eternal themes at the store level, so let me talk about service first. I think that to do a good job in service, at least two aspects should be done well: first, create a comfortable, warm and trustworthy shopping environment for customers, and at the same time, let customers enjoy a caring, considerate and cost-effective shopping process. Of course, tracking service effects and improving service added value are also our goals. Therefore, the company's software and hardware should be greatly improved. Therefore, in the second half of the year, we should focus on improving store image and staff service quality.


(1) Improve the store image


Store image belongs to the visual recognition in the enterprise image recognition system. The enterprise can realize visual identification through VI design of store image, obtain the sense of identification and belonging of employees internally, and strengthen the cohesion of the enterprise; Establish the overall image of the enterprise externally, integrate resources, effectively convey the information of the enterprise to the audience, and constantly strengthen the awareness of the audience through visual symbols, so as to obtain the purpose of recognition.


The store image is related to the overall feeling of employees and customers about the company, which is equivalent to the company's internal and external face. For this reason, the company has purposely adjusted and optimized the image system of the store. In the future, all new store decoration must first make construction drawings. From design to material use, it must be humanized and environment-friendly. For example, signs, decoration materials, shelves, etc. should be durable and environment-friendly. The Engineering Logistics Department should strictly control this work, contact and negotiate fixed material suppliers, sign supply contracts, etc. At the beginning of the decoration, we should consider the convenience of hanging banners and flags for the stores, the lighting configuration of the staff's lockers, customers' rest areas and commodity stacks, and more power plugs at the cash register. At the same time, the stores with dormitories should decorate the dormitories together.


A. Make a list of commonly used materials, select suppliers with good quality for negotiation, and ensure the quality.


B. Revise the supply and marketing contract, ensure continuous supply of the same quality and price, and directly settle accounts with the company.


C. Unify the store decoration standards.


D. Gradually replace the faded and outdated signboards.


(2) Improve service quality


After building a good first impression, the key to deeper customer recognition is the daily basic management. It is hard to imagine that a store with spider webs in the sky, sundries on the ground, dust on the goods, untidy uniforms of employees, and disorderly display of goods can make customers feel trustworthy. Store management personnel should take the seemingly minor issues such as hygiene, display, clothing, employees' words and behaviors as major issues, correct the bad habits of casual work according to standardized operating procedures, and cultivate employees' professional demeanor, Customers should always feel that we put customers first. From the smile and greeting when entering the store and a cup of welcome tea to the pharmaceutical service during the consumption process, our employees should be sincere and enthusiastic, and they should form a habit and stick to it. Under the leadership of the Operation Department, the Training Department is responsible for implementing training and combining with the assessment of the Human Resources Department, and using three months to promote and popularize the service standards and form a habit. There is no trivial matter in management. The dike of thousands of miles was destroyed by the ant nest. Once the basic management is well done, the brand image will come up.


Of course, we should pay more attention to our service quality while focusing on basic management. All we do is to maximize the interests of customers in the final analysis, which requires us to have a solid professional foundation. We should let customers buy at ease without commercial fraud, use at ease with quality assurance, and be happy, healthy and affordable after use. We should know that customer publicity is more effective than any advertising. President Liu plans to compile a textbook for professional service in stores, which is a good project to benefit enterprises and people, and also a major project to improve our service quality. He hopes that the book will come out soon and that the whole company will form a strong learning atmosphere.

2、 完善商品体系 转变盈利模式

2. Improve the commodity system and transform the profit model


(1) As we all know, this industry reorganization has a great impact on us. Our profit is based on the rebate of manufacturers, which is a freak profit model that cannot go far. We should make up our minds to change it. First of all, we should broaden the channels for purchasing goods, go out, and establish a national procurement platform. In the second half of the year, the company will introduce senior professional procurement managers, visit large drug distribution centers across the country, and establish extensive cooperation with them.


(2) Sort out and improve the commodities as soon as possible, change the unreasonable commodity structure, and try to ensure that each price of each commodity has a reasonable commodity structure, such as brand commodities, supplementary commodities, and leading commodities, and each commodity has quality assurance and a high cost performance ratio.


3. Take improving the living and working conditions of employees and fostering their growth and progress as the cornerstone of the company's development


(1) Improve the working and living conditions of employees


If employees want to have a sense of belonging and security to the company, they must first solve the problem of employee accommodation. As the saying goes, "soldiers and horses go first without food". Only when employees have no worries about the future can they devote themselves to their work, love the company sincerely, rely on and trust the company, treat the company as their home, and relieve the pressure of employee turnover. This work has been handed over to the Human Resources Department. It is hoped that Director Yang will selflessly urge the Engineering Logistics Department to complete the transformation of the dormitory within the specified time according to the company's standards, and the Human Resources Department will implement effective management in strict accordance with the dormitory management system.


A. Formulate the allocation standard of staff dormitory, such as TV, kitchen supplies, etc., to improve the existing dormitory conditions.


B. The stores without dormitories rent houses in a centralized manner in the area and are configured according to the dormitory standards to solve the worries of employees.


C. When opening a new store in the future, the staff dormitory must be decorated in place at the same time.


The above work is required to be completed within 2 months.


(2) Pay attention to the growth and progress of employees


The Human Resources Department shall establish a talent pool to explain the needs of each employee, make good use of them, and put the right people in the right positions. At the same time, we should listen to the voice of employees, reflect their requirements, and consider and solve the actual difficulties of employees as much as possible when arranging work, so that the HR Department can become the confidant of employees and the enterprise can become the strong backing of employees.


The training part organizes employee learning and training in stages to ensure the right of employees to learn and receive education. According to the actual needs of work, a database of learning and examination questions of corresponding subjects is established to encourage employees to participate in learning and examination. Employees who pass the examination are given certain rewards every month to motivate employees. It is the sacred mission and responsibility of the enterprise to make every employee a useful person in the society.


4. Establish a performance appraisal system for all employees

年初的工作报告我对要完善各部门的工作标准流程以及建立绩效考评系统的重要性和迫切性作了阐述,这里不再重复,董事会只有一个要求,公司下半年一定要推行全员绩效考评。现在杨部长在做方案,如果觉得内脑不够用就聘外脑,花点费用在所不惜,方案出来后从上至下要南宁广告公司 不折不扣地自觉执行它。

In the work report at the beginning of the year, I explained the importance and urgency of improving the work standard process of each department and establishing the performance appraisal system. There is no repetition here. The Board of Directors has only one requirement. The Company must implement the performance appraisal of all employees in the second half of the year. At present, Director Yang is working on a plan. If he feels that the internal brain is not enough, he will hire an external brain. He will not hesitate to spend some money. After the plan comes out, he will ask Nanning Advertising Company to conscientiously implement it from top to bottom.


The performance appraisal is based on the results, which may cause some people to complain or even misunderstand when it is implemented. However, no matter how much resistance, it should be implemented unswervingly. Only in this way can we gradually improve our ability level and professional accomplishments, and can the enterprise operate efficiently and prosper. In the enterprise, "those who want to do things can have a stage, those who want to do things can't do things can leave the stage and learn again, and those who don't want to do things can't do things can leave automatically", realizing the synchronous development of individuals and enterprises.


Comrades, peace, development and win-win are the main themes of today's society. The industry is in an extraordinary period of great change, development and reshuffle. We should seize the opportunity, concentrate, go all out, dare to compete, actively explore, accept challenges, and strive to become a strong player in the industry. Our company now has an excellent team with a good employment mechanism and management system. We believe that as long as everyone is united, down-to-earth and hardworking, we will always put our customers in the first place. Interest is our core interest and the driving force for progress. To achieve each annual goal step by step, we XX will have a better tomorrow.

展望未来演讲稿 篇7


Dear teachers and students


hello everyone!


When we look back, time flies. At that moment, we will be separated. Youth is getting closer and closer to me.


Youth is such a beautiful word. Now we are in the prime of our life. Youth is coming on horseback. Why are we so frivolous when we are young? It's not the last moment to catch up. Perhaps, in the past life, we gave up ourselves, we decadent. Maybe we don't think it will succeed in the future. At this time, we should fight when we don't fight. At this last moment, why don't we force ourselves to succeed. Even if we fail, it's nothing. At least we know that we fought hard at the last moment. That's enough.


In the future life, we will part. When we part, none of us can shed tears. Please let us leave you some strength at the last moment. If we don't cry, it doesn't mean that we are willing. In fact, our hearts really have too much to give up, not to give up our campus, not to give up our teachers, not to give up our friendship. What's the use of not giving up? Don't you say no, they won't leave you? Time is always passing. Some people say that time is like a handful of fine sand. The tighter you grasp it, the faster it flows away. We still have our future. Listen, the thumping heartbeat and the thumping footsteps are getting closer. It's the heartbeat of youth, the footsteps of youth. Do you hear it?


Three years ago, we were ignorant, meaningless and fearless. Three years later, we were tolerant, brave and strong. We must be strong at this time of separation. There is a long way to go in life, a long way to go in youth, and there is still a long way to go in the future. In the past three years, we have grown up a lot and learned a lot. We should know how to be contented and can no longer rely on this place. Now it is time for us to spread our wings and pursue hope.


I firmly believe that, many years later, we will still meet here and talk about heaven and earth here. Each separation between the dart and the target is for the next meeting, so please continue to wait. Youth, quietly came to our side, stopped its pace here, it is waiting, waiting for us to follow it, with it to the future.


I used to be indifferent to youth, but now I am different. When I hear the word youth, I will become energetic and passionate. Youth, let me palpitate.


Thank you!