
时间:2022-10-26 13:03:50 | 来源:语文通



关于国庆节的演讲稿 篇1喜迎国庆的演讲稿 篇2国庆节的演讲稿 篇3关于国庆节的演讲稿 篇4迎国庆演讲稿 篇5迎国庆演讲〖www..cn〗稿 篇6

关于国庆节的演讲稿 篇1


Dear leaders, teachers and students


hello everyone!


In the golden autumn of October, the sweet smell of cinnamon wafts. In this harvest season, we ushered in the 60th birthday of our motherland. The whole country is jubilant, and the whole land of China is celebrating together.


__ Years ago, an old man solemnly declared to the world on the Tiananmen Gate Tower: "The People's Republic of China is founded!" With a loud noise, a giant stands in the east of the world; Thirty years ago, another old man drew a circle around the South China Sea. "Development is the absolute principle", and China's economy grew miraculously;


We are located in the Maoshan Old Area, which was also full of war and chaos. The people in the old area suffered from hardship and humiliation. Under the correct leadership of the CPC, the people in the old area fought to the death with Japanese imperialism and won the final victory of the War of Resistance__ Years of old mulberry__ Years of struggle__ Years of brilliance. Today, our motherland is like a soaring dragon, announcing our extraordinary success to the world with the momentum of Lingyun. It is unstoppable. Today, all the children of Chuncheng Central Primary School in Maoshan Old Area will use a special way -- the form of a thousand people paper-cut celebration of the National Day, to put together everyone's paper-cut works into a 60 meter long banner, "Warmly celebrate the 60th anniversary of the People's Republic of China!" Present a gift to the great motherland to express the most sincere love of the children in the old area for the great motherland, and wish the great motherland a happy birthday and prosperity forever!


Paper cutting is one of the most popular folk arts in China. According to archaeology, its history can be traced back to the sixth century A.D., but people think that its actual starting time is hundreds of years earlier. Paper cutting is often used in religious ceremonies, decoration and plastic arts. Paper cutting plays an important role in cultivating students' thinking ability, practical ability and aesthetic ability. In the process of implementing the new curriculum reform, our school actively developed the school-based curriculum, and selected Paper Cutting as our school-based curriculum. In the process of carrying out the paper-cut activity class, we collected and created some paper-cut materials. At the same time, we compiled a school-based textbook for students of different grades - Paper Cutting, which is combined with patriotism education, traditional culture education, and ideological virtue education in material selection, Reflect ideology and the spirit of the times. With the paper-cut art suitable for the characteristics of Jiangnan as the main body, we train students in cognition, operation and emotion, so that they can master basic paper-cut knowledge and skills, cultivate students to love the excellent art and culture of the Chinese nation, inherit and carry forward the feelings of folk art, give full play to students' personality and expertise, organize a dynamic paper-cut team, and enrich our campus.


Today is just a demonstration of the achievements of paper-cut quality education in our school. We will also actively increase the development of school-based curriculum, so that more children are interested in folk art, so that more children in old areas can benefit from it, and more teachers can love folk art. Our school will vigorously build school-based curriculum development and research as the school running characteristics, and make constant efforts to improve the school running taste, improve the professional growth of teachers, and comprehensively improve the comprehensive quality of children! Dear leaders and guests, now please enjoy the wonderful performance of the children!


Finally, I wish the great motherland good luck and prosperity again!

喜迎国庆的演讲稿 篇2


Dear teachers and students


hello everyone! The topic of my speech today is "Welcoming the National Day".


Patriotism is a flag that never fades in the world. This flag is even more colorful in China. The first flying man in Asia, Ke Shouliang expressed his deep love for his motherland with his own practical actions, and also declared to the world that the Chinese are not cowards. Qian Sanqiang broke through many obstacles, gave up the generous living treatment, resolutely returned home, and realized his life value. While deeply admiring his personality charm, I think that if a person wants to gain the value of life, patriotism will be his strong backing. It can be seen that patriotism needs a doer.


Throughout the history corridor, many famous people have a patriotic heart. Yue Fei's devotion to the country; Fan Zhongyan first worried about the world, then enjoyed the world; Lu Yous is not as sad as Jiuzhou; Huo Qubing's Hun is still alive, why is he home They did not that because of strong patriotic feelings? Who is not a patriotic doer, who is not a man of lofty ideals who dedicates himself to the cause of China? On the contrary, people who only pursue their own interests and ignore the national interests will not remain immortal, but will fall into the category of eternal criminals. Just like Yuan Shikai! He met his personal desires and achieved his dream of being an emperor. His achievements should not be small, but in the end, what did he gain? It's just people's spitting, it's just the eternal name of the thief. Xian Xinghai, an outstanding musician, once said, "My personality and conscience cannot be bought by money." And that's exactly what he did. The songs he composed with full patriotic enthusiasm added a brilliant touch to the history of revolutionary music in China.


All the past is gone, and several celebrities still look at the present. Yes, our country is moving forward at a speed that attracts the attention of the world. What people see is a country that stands up. At present, we need more and more patriotic doers to create the glory of our motherland.


My speech is over, thank you!

国庆节的演讲稿 篇3


In 63 years, the glorious years were just around the corner. In 63 years, the great changes took place in China.


On October 1, XX, our great motherland welcomed her 63rd birthday.


On October 1, 1949, the People's Republic of China was founded! The Chinese people, who have experienced war and suffering, have finally stood up again!


Like a giant dragon, China stands tall again in the east of the world as a great power!


Suddenly, looking back, New China has gone through 60 years. Sixty years is nothing in the long history of five thousand years, but in this short period of time, our motherland has undergone earth shaking changes. Science and technology, economy and culture can be described as a thousand miles in a day.


From the early days of liberation when the economy was seriously backward and the society was desolate, to the prosperity after 30 years of reform and opening up. Our great motherland is emerging in front of the world with an unprecedented new look. Because of the strength of the motherland, Hong Kong and Macao can return to the embrace of the motherland; Due to the strength of the motherland, the 29th Olympic Games in XX was held in Beijing; Due to the strength of the motherland, the Shenzhou series manned spaceships were successfully launched into the sky; Because of the strength of the motherland, the people of the motherland can live a prosperous life and run towards a well-off life... This once again proves the strength and prosperity of the motherland today. Once again, the Oriental Dragon is full of youth and is marching towards a new era with high spirits!


However, in recent years, the road of development of the motherland has not been smooth. In China, natural and man-made disasters such as freezing rain and snow in the south, the Wenchuan earthquake, the international financial crisis and the spread of influenza A have occurred one after another... However, the disaster has not destroyed the will of the Chinese people, but has made all Chinese people more united and strong. The domestic economy continued to maintain steady and rapid development, and various social undertakings advanced steadily. This makes every Chinese feel more deeply the strength and warmth of the motherland.


October 1, XX, is the birthday of our motherland. It is an unusual day and a day that attracts the attention of the world.


In the golden autumn of October, red flags are displayed, the whole country is celebrating, and music and dance are flying. In every corner and position, we can feel the joy of our Chinese people on our mother's birthday and the warmth of the Party.


It is with you, the motherland, that the hardworking Chinese people can move forward and be happy and healthy! It is because of you that we can feel the warmth of home and make contributions to our country!

关于国庆节的演讲稿 篇4


Dear teachers and students


hello everyone! Our motherland has not only beautiful mountains and rivers, but also a long history and culture. But there is also a difficult journey. Today, the topic of my speech is Love the Motherland.


The motherland has a magnificent Great Wall. Looking at the Great Wall from a distance, it looks like a long dragon, winding and circling between the mountains, from Shanhaiguan in the east to Jiayuguan in the west, more than 13000 miles. The top of the city wall is paved with square bricks, which are very flat and made of huge stones. One piece weighed two or three thousand jin. At that time, without trains, cars or cranes, they were lifted up the steep mountains step by step by countless shoulders and hands. Such a magnificent project is a great miracle in world history. Of course, the motherland is not only the Great Wall, but also the ancient Forbidden City, the beautiful Summer Palace, the famous Longmen Grottoes. There are 21 cultural heritages in China, and 4 natural heritages: Wulingyuan Scenic Area, Jiuzhaigou Scenic Area, Huanglong Scenic Area, and Yunnan's "Three Parallel Rivers" natural landscape. There are 4 natural and cultural heritages: Wuyi Mountain Scenic Area, Taishan Mountain Scenic Area, Huangshan Mountain Scenic Area, and Emei Mountain Leshan Giant Buddha.


China has a long history and rich culture. The font of Chinese characters has changed a lot in thousands of years of history. From oracle bone inscriptions to inscriptions on bronze, small seal characters, official script, regular script, cursive script, running script, to our current regular script characters, it is really "Chinese characters, vivid images, spreading civilization, unparalleled"!


The motherland also has a difficult journey, and countless heroes have emerged. For example, Ma Baoyu, Ge Zhenlin, Hu Delin, Hu Fucai and Song Xueyi, the five heroes of Langya Mountain, would rather die than humiliate themselves. Huang Jiguang blocked the enemy's muzzle with his chest for his motherland. Dong Cunrui, a heroic soldier, defied his own life to withstand the explosive package with his own body and won the battle. Throughout the ages, sad songs and earth shaking stories all tell a simple and simple belief that I love my country!


The story of spring, sung by Dong Wenhua, resounded from north to south, and China launched a new picture. Shame and misfortune have become history, and new China has ushered in new glory.


Today, our beautiful life was bought by the martyrs at the cost of blood. We should start from the little things around us, protect the environment and save water resources. Study hard and make progress day by day. Read for the rise of China, the rejuvenation of the nation, and the prosperity of the motherland. After growing up, he will become the pillar of the motherland and serve the motherland.


Students, let's love our great motherland together!


Thank you!

迎国庆演讲稿 篇5


Dear teachers and students


hello everyone!


The topic of my speech today is My Chinese Knot.


Who has never had a beautiful dream? Who hasn't had a happy childhood? When you study in a bright classroom, don't you think it is a kind of happiness? However, this seemingly ordinary happy life is full of moving carols and solemn and stirring history. Today, as we celebrate the birthday of our motherland, our mother, please allow me to hold the Chinese knot that I have cherished for a long time


Once upon a time, our motherland has gone through many vicissitudes and hardships. It has become a place for imperialism to dump opium, a battlefield for warlords, a casino for imperialism to carve up the world, and a arena for ambitious people to compete for power and power. She was covered in bruises and wounds. Every inch of land is branded with deep bloodstains, and every face is covered with the haze of fear.


In this scene, mountains and rivers are sobbing, pines and billows are weeping, and China is struggling under the dark clouds. Where is the road to our motherland? What is the hope of the nation? At this moment, we are in love with our Chinese ancestors who were born and grew up in Sri Lanka. At this critical moment when our mother's life and death were forgotten, they used a stream of lofty feelings and a stream of loyalty to express the magnificent songs echoed by the sea. In order to save my fallen Chinese nation, they struggled, failed, fought in bloody battles, and returned the dead horse


The raging fire of Lin Zexu destructed opium at Humen, the sad song of Wang Erxiao's blood sprinkling on the mountain, the echo of Liu Hulan's determination to die, the heroic deeds of the Red Army soldiers climbing snow mountains, crossing grasslands and swallowing mountains and rivers, and the heroic spirit of the five heroes of Langya Mountain who startled the world and sobbed ghosts and gods, made our Chinese people shout and rise up. Mother, you have condensed the pain, bitterness and blood tears of many generations, and you have condensed the hope, faith and struggle of many people with lofty ideals.


Decades of expectations, decades of suffering and the struggle of tens of thousands of compatriots finally brought the earth shaking voice of Tian'anmen Tower - "The Chinese people have stood up from now on"! I saw the mushroom cloud that pierced the sky above Lop Nur and frightened the imperialists. I saw the magnificent Three Gorges Dam and the glittering medals in the hands of Olympic athletes. Five thousand years, a great China. The great Chinese nation, the oriental giant dragon, carries the sound of war drums in the borders of Qin, Han, and Tang; The surging poems carrying the high gorge out of the Pinghu Lake; Carrying the banner of reform and opening up, carrying the vision of the Chinese nation, we are running forward at an amazing speed!

同学们!回顾过去,我们雄心激扬;盛世年华,我们信心百倍;展望未来,我们豪情满怀。沧桑的岁月已留痕,繁荣的祖国正兴盛。当于根伟一脚怒射,把中国队第一次踢进世界杯时,我们怎能不狂欢?当我们听到萨马兰奇老人轻轻说出“beijing”的时候,我们怎能不欢呼?当  如今,这片热土早已是天翻地覆慨而慷,龙腾虎跃今胜昔了。同学们,少年强则国强,祖国人民在期盼着我们,时代赋予的责任和使命,我们能忘记吗?当然不能。那就让我们行动起来,点燃心中那团火焰,为实现我们中华民族的伟大复兴而努力!再铸我们的民族之魂!

Students! Looking back, we are ambitious; In the prime of time, we are confident; Looking ahead, we are full of pride. The vicissitudes of life have left traces, and the prosperous motherland is thriving. When Yu Genwei kicked the Chinese team into the World Cup for the first time, how can we not revel? How can we not cheer when we hear old Samaranch gently say "BEIJING"? Now, this hot land is already earth shaking and generous. Students, if you are young, your country will be strong. The people of our motherland are looking forward to us. Can we forget the responsibility and mission entrusted by the times? Of course not. Let's take action, light the flame in our hearts, and work hard to realize the great rejuvenation of our Chinese nation! Recast the soul of our nation!

迎国庆演讲〖www..cn〗稿 篇6


Dear teachers and students


hello everyone:


In October this autumn, our motherland is celebrating its birthday again. Our motherland has a vast territory, a long history and advanced science and technology. As the Chinese people, I feel extremely proud and proud.


It has been 150 years since 1860 when Yuanmingyuan was set ablaze! This is a permanent pain in the heart of the Chinese people and a shame in the history of human courtesy. More than 100 years ago, the Eight Power Allied Forces ignored the dignity of the Chinese nation and set fire to the Summer Palace. The fire burned for three days and three nights. The earth trembled, people were crying, and the world-famous Summer Palace, which combines art and architecture, became a ruin... Although these wild animals burned the artistic crystallization of the Chinese nation, they could not erase the patriotism of every Chinese.


Now, the Chinese people have stood up, and a lot of impossible things have happened to us. For example, the completion of the Qinghai Tibet Plateau Railway, the millennium dream of flying into the sky, Chang'e-2's successful ascent into the sky have taken a big step in history. With the success of the Beijing Olympic Games, the Shanghai World Expo has reached 64.4943 million person times, surpassing the entry record set by the 1970 Osaka World Expo, and becoming the World Expo with the largest number of visitors, which is the pride of the Chinese people.


There is also our Harmony Number. The acceleration of the train has witnessed the rapid development of China's railway industry. The gap between China and the developed countries in the world is narrowing. At this moment, the speed of our trains is also countless. Many foreign countries have also introduced our Harmony Number. Our science will be more developed, our nation will be more united, China will be strong, and the motherland will have a better tomorrow. Our motherland is developing rapidly, and the blueprint for the future of our motherland needs to be described. We should bear in mind the great humiliations of the past, study hard, master scientific and cultural knowledge, build a strong physique, cultivate good morality, establish the lofty ambition of serving the country, and become a qualified socialist builder.