
时间:2022-10-26 13:03:49 | 来源:语文通



春游日记 篇1快乐的春游日记范文 篇2春游日记 篇3春游日记 篇4春游日记 篇5春游日记 篇6春游日记 篇7春游日记 篇8快乐的春游日记范文 篇9春游日记 篇10

春游日记 篇1


In spring, I was lucky to see the Yangtze River, and its unique charm was deeply reflected in my mind.


In the morning, before the sun came out, the Yangtze River was shrouded in silence, like a ribbon falling from the sky, lying quietly among the mountains, which were surrounded by gauze like fog, sometimes clear, sometimes hazy. Soon after, the sun came out, and the soft morning light sprinkled on the river like beautiful halos.


At noon, the Yangtze River seemed to be awakened, and the surroundings were full of vitality. Look! The lively and lovely waves, like a dancer in the dance, like a naughty child jumping. Sometimes, they turn into angry lions and rolling dragons, which are as powerful as thousands of soldiers fighting fiercely. After a while, he was calm again. Music is playing on the mountains on both sides - listen! Isn't the singing of birds and cicadas, coupled with the sound of flowing rivers, a beautiful music?


In the evening, the sun reddened the rosy clouds in the sky, but the river surface was colorful, just like a small piece of colorful glass, flashing and jumping, just like the changing patterns in a kaleidoscope. The peaks on both sides of the river seem to be changing their interesting attitudes, sometimes like a sharp sword, sometimes like a lovely baby, sometimes like a lotus in bud.


The night came gradually. Soon, the moon came out and covered the Yangtze River with its gentle and bright moonlight. At this time, the Yangtze River regained its tranquility.


Yangtze River! Beautiful Yangtze River! She has made important contributions to the people of the country. Look! The "South to North Water Transfer" project has solved the problem of water shortage in most cities in the north. The convenient waterway has played an important role in the economic development of the areas along the Yangtze River after the reform and opening up. There is also the Three Gorges Hydropower Station, the largest power station in China. At that time, some foreigners looked down upon China and asserted: "It is impossible for the Chinese to build large-scale hydropower stations in the Three Gorges area." However, with their strong will and hard work, the Chinese started the Yangtze River Water Conservancy Project. Now the Three Gorges Water Conservancy Project has been partially put into operation. When it is completed in 2009, it will be the largest and most advanced hydropower station in the world!


Yangtze River! Yangtze River! You are selfless! I praise you!


The article describes the beautiful scenery of the Yangtze River in three sections in the order of early, middle and late periods. The level is clear and the structure is relatively complete. The ending part expresses his love for the Yangtze River.


As far as the theme of the article is concerned, it is not enough to just write about the natural scenery of the Yangtze River. The article does not pay attention to observing the scenery on both sides of the Yangtze River, such as the giant ship sailing in the river, the bridge flying across the river, and the river with neon lights. If the construction activities carried out by people on the Yangtze River are properly written, it will pave the way for the following praises of the Yangtze River, and make people naturally love the mother river. The beginning of the article is relatively ordinary, without literary color and attraction.

快乐的春游日记范文 篇2


Another beautiful spring is coming, and the school organized us to have a spring outing. The students came to the school early, looking forward to arriving at the destination early. Where are we going this time? After getting on the bus, the students discussed. Some said they would go to a foreign language school, and some said they would go to No. 1 Middle School. All kinds of judgments were different. Suddenly, the car stopped. I looked out. Ah, what a foreign language school we visited! Entering the gate, the first thing I saw was the teaching building. Wow! The teaching building is really beautiful, pink and white, making people feel warm. The bell for class is not a monotonous sound, but a drum sound with music. We also visited the dormitory, canteen and bathroom. On the playground, the headmaster of the school explained the life of the students here... After listening, we all felt that the conditions of the school were very good, and the children must be happy!


After visiting the school, we got on the bus and went to the final destination "Changfengsha". The students sang. However, there seems to be no trace of the beach outside the window.


After getting off the bus, we walked along with the teacher in a neat line. Suddenly, it turned yellow in front of me, and a smell of rape flowers came to my nose. It turned out that there were yellow rape flowers on both sides of the path, and the little bees were "buzzing" to pick honey. It was really beautiful! Walking along the path, you can see the dazzling beach in front of you, and the river is laughing in the unobtrusive sunshine.


The students began to play games. Xu Yawei and I built sand castles. I took out the shovel, and Xu Yawei took out the bucket. However, the sand castle was always not solid, and it collapsed again and again. Later, I found that this was the reason for the uneven ground, so we found a flat place. Sure enough, the sand castle was strong and beautiful, and soon surrounded us.


Time passed quickly, and soon we had to gather again. We reluctantly left here. Although I have been sweating, I am very happy. I really hope I can come here again next time!

春游日记 篇3


In the morning, we got on the bus at school and went to Jinan Zoo.


On the way, the children talked and laughed. They wished the car had wings and flew to the zoo. In fact, we are not strangers to the zoo. But today, our whole class came here for a spring outing, and we all felt very happy.


After arriving at Jinan Zoo, we took a "family photo" at the gate. After entering the park, the whole class made a small train together, and everyone sat in the carriage, feeling as if they were going to a distant place. With the sound of the train whistle, we went through the tunnel, through the bridge, across the plain, and sprinkled happy laughter all the way.


After getting off the train, we walked a short distance to the sculpture of "the best cow in the world". This year is the Year of the Ox. Jinan Zoo is also called "Jinniu Park". This sculpture is also called the best in the world, so it's really interesting to take a group photo here.


In the zoo, the first animal to welcome us is Mr. Sea Lion. He was having breakfast when he saw us. Seeing so many red scarves, Mr. Haishi was so happy that he performed the "stunt" of eating for us: he jumped out of the water like a rocket and took the fish out of the breeder's hand.


Everyone talked and laughed all the way to Peacock's home. He stretched out his beautiful feathers to welcome us. Seeing such a charming peacock opening, many students jumped up with joy.


Unlike the light and elegant peacock, the bear is a clumsy and lovely "big guy". When we came to Bear Mountain, some of them were sleeping and some of them were sitting lazily on the rocks. A brown bear is the most eye-catching. He is proudly performing a salute to everyone. Although bears look stupid, they are smart and united. I heard a story before that a bear in a wildlife park ran out of the pickpocket and ate a meat shop in a mess. A few days after he caught it, another bear climbed the roof of the car and ran out. He ate a lot in the same place. Perhaps the first bear informed the brothers of the secret of escape and the address of the meat shop.


A happy day passed quickly. Farewell to the smart sea lions, the beautiful peacocks, the lovely big bears, and all kinds of animal friends, we reluctantly left the zoo. The annual spring outing is over. I really want to ask the teacher, isn't it, hey hey, there will also be an "autumn outing" in autumn?

春游日记 篇4


Yesterday, we heard the teacher say, "Tomorrow we are going to have a spring outing." We were overjoyed at the news. Some shouted, some slapped the table happily, some danced, and some even laughed on the ground.


In the evening, I was very excited at the thought of spring outing. I also think that time passes very slowly, much slower than before. It's not easy for this day to pass.


The next morning, I was very fast. Soon, I took my father's car to the school. At the gate of the school, I carried two bags into the class.


After a while, we got on the bus and the bus ran quickly. At the gate of Slender West Lake, we lined up and entered the gate of Slender West Hunan. Today is a beautiful day with spring in full bloom. The thin West Lake is full of red, yellow and blue flowers. We walked to the amusement park, looked at the amusement park not far from us, and we ran. After entering the playground, the teacher and we came to the side of the bumper car. Seeing that it was time for us, the staff opened the door and we ran in like horses. I sat in the car and started. I drove the bumper car and bumped, but the car didn't listen to my command. I left and right now. Let's move on to the next amusement project. We came there and looked, oh, it was a rotating cup. We sat in the "shell", for a moment, the "shell" shook violently. In a twinkling of an eye, the "shell" shook more violently, and finally stopped. We were dizzy and staggered.


Time passed quickly. After a while, the sun set and we went back to school.

春游日记 篇5


This Monday, the teacher announced a news that excited the whole class: Spring outing! The spring outing will be held on Wednesday in Nanjing, the famous ancient capital of the Six Dynasties. In the next two days, spring outing became our central topic, and everyone wanted to fly to Nanjing immediately.


Hope and hope, finally it's time for the spring outing. Early in the morning, the car started to drive to Nanjing. When we arrived in Nanjing, our first stop was the Military Sports Park. When we were very interested in playing, we only heard the guide say, "Assemble!" We quickly lined up and drove to Nanjing Hongshan Forest Zoo. When I arrived at the zoo, the first thing I saw was the honest and lovely black bear, "wandering" around in the cage. Seeing such a lovely bear, some students threw the "Virgin Fruit" down. Although it looked clumsy, it was unexpectedly caught with a broad bear's paw and sent it to the mouth. All the students were interested in it. They threw it down like cookies and fruits. The bear was very busy and walked around in the cage. Not far from the black bear is the black tiger. With its black fur and green eyes, I only looked for a while and then slipped to the cage of the northeast tiger next door. By contrast, the northeast tiger looks much more docile. It has willow leaf like black stripes on its body. Its head is big and round, and its eyes are very calm. However, when a classmate threw the stone, it stood up lazily, and then sat down again, There is not a bit of momentum of the King of Forests, which is completely different from what is introduced in the program Animal World. Next, we went to the Animal Performance Hall. One of the programs was "Bear Jumping over the Rails", which was to let bears jump over three railings at a certain distance. It was really unexpected that the bear was so smart. The first bear jumped over one by one dutifully, but the second one was different. He kicked down the railing and then crossed it. This was repeated three times. His naughty behavior made everyone laugh and even the animal trainer shook his head helplessly.


After watching the animal show, we got on the bus and ended the happy spring outing in the sunset.

春游日记 篇6


Today is a sunny day. With the pace of spring, our school ushered in a date with spring - spring outing.

因为是与同学、老师一同春游,我的心情特别兴奋。早上,我早早的起了床,匆匆忙忙的吃完早饭后,高兴的来到学校。不一会,我们排着整齐的队伍来到广场上。在广场上,我们有说有笑,特别开 心,还有几位阿姨给我们照了相。

Because it was a spring outing with my classmates and teachers, I was very excited. In the morning, I got up early, ate breakfast in a hurry, and came to school happily. After a while, we came to the square in a neat line. In the square, we talked and laughed, especially happily, and several aunts took pictures for us.

开始出发了,同学们排着整齐的队伍,带着兴奋,跟着老师走出了校门。一路上,道路两旁,绿树成荫,小草已经钻出地面与我们打招呼了。我还不时的仰望天空,天空中的白云一层又一层的,像一 个个棉花糖。不知不觉的一会就到了动物园。

At the beginning, the students lined up in a neat line and followed the teacher out of the school with excitement. Along the way, trees lined both sides of the road, and grass had come out of the ground to greet us. I also look up at the sky from time to time. The white clouds in the sky layer by layer, like cotton candy. I arrived at the zoo unconsciously.

到了动物园以后,在老师的带领下,看见了许多许多的动物。有羚羊、白虎、东北虎、狐猴,还有……记忆最深的就是那几只狐猴,活蹦乱跳的狐猴看见我们一点也不陌生,不停地叫唤着,好像在和 我们打招呼,还有一只在树上来回乱窜,调皮极了。

After arriving at the zoo, I saw many animals under the guidance of my teacher. There are antelopes, white tigers, Siberian tigers, lemurs, and... The most memorable ones are those lemurs. The lively lemurs are no strangers to us. They keep shouting, as if they are greeting us. Another one is running back and forth in the tree, which is very naughty.

参观完这些动物后,又在老师的带领下来到了树林里,开始野餐。我们班的一个同学把一个好大的布铺在地上,我们全班同学把书包里的好吃的拿了出来,我们坐下以后,就高兴的吃了起来。吃饱以 后,老师让我们自由活动,有的同学在捡垃圾,有的在玩耍,我和我们班的几个同学在种小树苗,开心极了。

After visiting these animals, the teacher led them to the woods and began a picnic. A student in our class spread a large cloth on the ground. Our whole class took out the delicious food from the bag. After we sat down, we ate happily. After we had eaten enough, the teacher let us have free activities. Some students were picking up garbage and some were playing. Several students in my class and I were planting young trees. We were very happy.


Time passed so quickly that it was time to go back to school in a twinkling of an eye. I reluctantly left this place that brought me happiness.

春游日记 篇7


It's sunny today. It's a great day to go out and play. However, I also woke up early from sleep, because we are going to spring outing!


When we got to school, we began to gather and get on the bus. After a while, the car will move to our destination - Green Expo Park! On the bus, some of us read books, some whispered, and some of our classmates got carsick and began to rest. After a while, we finally arrived.


The students rushed out of the car excitedly and quickly ran into the Green Expo Park. The air here is very good, with birds singing and flowers fragrant everywhere. Unconsciously, we have entered the playground.


"Look! The Ferris wheel!" Indeed, a big Ferris wheel stood in front of us. Three other students and I walked into the Ferris wheel quickly. Although we had sent it to us last time, we were still nervous. Unfortunately, the one we are sitting on will shake, and the range is quite large. My heart tensed. Especially when I get to the top, my heart is like a hare running. Song Quanying said: "The scenery is very good." I thought: Yes, I can also see the scenery. After a while, we will land safely. In this way, the trip to Motilion ended.


Next, we went to play "shaking head flying chair". At the beginning, I was a little nervous, but after a while, I was much better. I haven't sat on a swing for a long time. It's really enjoyable.


Finally, we went to play "Jungle Flying Mouse" again. I sat behind Guo Jiayi and firmly grasped the railings on both sides. "Ouch!" It was so fast that we all felt like being thrown out. I couldn't help grasping the railings on both sides more vigorously. In order to relieve the pressure, Guo Jiayi said jokingly, "It's OK. There is grass and soil under it. Even if it falls, it will not be broken." I smiled, and my nervousness immediately disappeared. Finally, the feeling was really exciting. At noon, I had a delicious lunch with four other students.


After a long time, we should go back. I really don't want to leave!

春游日记 篇8


On April 3, our school organized all students to go out for spring outings. We went to Ma Ren Qifeng in Fanchang County to play with the sixth class and fifth class of the sixth grade. I got up very early in the morning. After breakfast, I hurried to school. I was afraid that being late would make teachers and students wait. On the bus to Maren Qifeng, we were all chattering, singing, listening to music, playing games, and the bus was so busy! Unconsciously, we have arrived at the gate of Ma Renshan. The students scrambled to get off the bus. When I entered the gate, I saw the "best censer in the world". According to the guide, this incense burner is 9. It is 9 meters long and weighs 88 tons. It is made of copper and iron. The tripod body is inlaid with 999 blessing characters to pray for world peace. Maren Qifeng Scenic Area is located on the south bank of the Yangtze River, at the junction of Fanchang, Tongling and Nanling counties in Anhui Province, and in the middle of the southern Anhui tourism belt. It is a national AAAA tourist area. There are not only "the best censer in the world" in Maren Qifeng, but also a variety of strange peaks, rocks, rare birds and animals, which constitute the four distinctive landscapes of quiet, dangerous, beautiful and strange Maren Qifeng. The students listened to the introduction of sister while climbing the mountain. They not only exercised their bodies, but also increased their knowledge, and had a further understanding of Ma Renqifeng. At the top of the mountain, we also saw bear stones, flying stones, mother son love and millennium ganoderma lucidum, which are lifelike and lifelike in shape. After going down the mountain, it was also near noon. The students spread tablecloths on the grass and shared their food with everyone. After the picnic, we played for a long time and took many group photos! At about 2:00, we embarked on the journey back!


This is really an unforgettable spring outing!

快乐的春游日记范文 篇9


This morning, I came to the school with great excitement to gather for a spring outing in Shaheba.


Along the way, the students were as happy as the birds just released from the cage. Singing and laughing all the way, we came to Shaheba after a long walk.


When we arrived at the destination, we saw that there were all green grasslands in Shaheba, and beside the grasslands were clear streams. A gentle breeze blew. The green grass on the Shaheba danced happily, sometimes stretching their arms, sometimes bending to the ground, sometimes swinging from side to side. The flowers in the grass also nodded mischievously to us, as if they were welcoming us. The water in the brook also sang happy songs. They were really like a group of innocent children.


We sat by the brook, ate the snacks we brought, and watched the natural scenery, not to mention how pleasant it was! Suddenly someone shouted, "A kite is coming!" We looked up and saw a Fuwa Beibei's kite flying in the sky. "Beibei" sometimes flew in the sky, sometimes hid in the clouds, sometimes... Look, our classmates also came with kites. Soon, there were many colorful kites in the sky. At this time, I could not help thinking of a poem: "Children come back early from school, busy flying paper kites while the east wind blows". We had a great time!


After a while, the teacher asked the group leader to call us together, and then asked us to sit down in a big circle hand in hand. We didn't know what medicine the teacher sold in the gourd. Later, we gradually understood that the teacher was asking the students to play their own specialties and perform various programs


The time passed quickly. It was 10:30 before we knew it. Under the guidance of the teacher, we reluctantly set foot on the road home.


Today, we had a good time. The nature gave us great joy and let our mood fly.

春游日记 篇10


Our school organized a spring outing in a season when everything is reviving, flowers are blooming, birds are singing and flowers are fragrant. This spring outing is our last trip in the primary school stage. I will definitely keep each segment of this trip in mind deeply and become a bad memory.


There are many beautiful and romantic flowers and plants in that place. Where are you? The answer is: Huadu Vanilla World. There are many different kinds of plants in the world of vanilla, such as: Fuliang wild flowers, Hokkaido flowers, roses, rape flowers, lavender and so on. You can see all kinds of flowers, red like fire, white like snow, yellow like gold, pink like rosy clouds, purple showing a romantic atmosphere... All kinds of plants have their own unique shapes and colors, each of which is so intoxicating. Walking into the world of vanilla, I feel very happy and romantic as if I were dancing in a kingdom of flowers.


In the world of vanilla, you can not only enjoy the beautiful flowers, but also create more green trees for Mother Earth. Planting trees has also brought me a lot of happiness and made me understand what "cooperation" is. We work in groups of five, with one sapling in each group. In our group, Yong Yong and I were responsible for taking shovels and hoes, and then Xiao Ya took buckets. When the tools are ready, start planting trees! First, Yong Yong and I used hoes to loosen the soil, and then Xiao Ya and Qiu Qiu were responsible for turning the soil with shovels. It's hard to dig the earth! They both turned and turned, sweating all over their heads, and didn't make a hole. We saw that they were working so hard, so we let them have a rest and let Huihui and I have a look. When I picked up the shovel, I knew it was so heavy. I took the shovel with great effort and tried my best to dig the soil. After a while, my back ached and my hands were weak. After about 20 minutes, we finally found a hole under the cooperation of helping each other and turning the soil in turn. Then, we put the saplings into the hole and fill the hole. Finally, we went to fetch water and water the saplings. Yeah! The task is finally completed! We all have sweet smiles on our faces. Of course, we should take a photo as a souvenir!


After creating more green for Mother Earth, we went to watch face changing, magic and other performances.


Time passed quickly, and soon we had to go home. This trip was spent in happiness and romance, and ended with laughter and our sweet smile.


This spring outing is my memory. I will always remember his scenes and sections. He is the best and happiest memory among our classmates for six years.