
时间:2022-10-25 13:03:42 | 来源:语文通



书香伴我成长的演讲稿 篇1书香伴我成长演讲稿优秀 篇2书香伴我成长的演讲稿 篇3书香伴我成长 篇4

书香伴我成长的演讲稿 篇1


Dear leaders, teachers and students


hello everyone!


Today we are here to hold the launching ceremony of the 2nd Campus Reading Festival of Jinnan Primary School. On this beautiful occasion, on behalf of the Party branch and the school committee, I would like to congratulate all teachers and students.


This Reading Festival is another measure for the school to further strengthen moral education, build a cultural campus and promote the growth of teachers and students. It is also the concentration of campus culture and the embodiment of school running characteristics. The theme of this activity is "scholarly growth with us", and the purpose is "inheriting excellent culture and enriching campus life". It actively builds "scholarly campus and scholarly class", and cultivates "scholarly youth and scholarly teachers". Through various forms and all-round activities, it spreads the cultural theme of "mutual growth, virtue and talent" to all teachers and students, to show the achievements of all teachers and students in the education and teaching reform, To further enhance the connotation and quality of the school.


Here I put forward several requirements, please follow them:


1. In the Reading Festival, all our teachers and students should actively read, enjoy reading, and enjoy reading.


2. An outdoor book supermarket has been set up on campus. Every student should take good care of the books on the outdoor book shelves and make full use of these books. They should not be damaged, let alone borrowed or returned.


3. At the gate of the class, we have a small blackboard for writing. Under the guidance of the teacher, students write their reading experience and sentences on it every day to show themselves and let all teachers and students enjoy it.


4. The head teachers of each class should also pay attention to organizing students to carry out various activities arranged by the school in the Reading Festival, so that children can really grow up in reading.


Teachers and students, culture dances with the wind, and civilization flies with the wind. Here, I call on all teachers and students of the school to devote themselves to the construction of campus culture with full enthusiasm, make their own efforts for the success of this Reading Festival, and make our campus rich in strong cultural heritage and distinctive cultural characteristics.


Finally, I wish this event a complete success!

书香伴我成长演讲稿优秀 篇2


Dear leaders and teachers


hello everyone!


"The Fragrance of Books, Accompanied My Growth" is the theme of my speech.


Books are precious wealth. Sages and sages compile their own thoughts and principles into a book, and the long history is recorded on the page. Writers write books about ideas they want to describe for people to read. Reading is to listen to the speeches of the sages, watch the passage of time, and feel the feelings of an author.


Some works just can't understand at the beginning, then they will shed tears and grow up inadvertently. Many people read the same works in their youth and adulthood, and their feelings are different. A book worth reading can accompany our growth and stand the polishing of time.


When I was young, I used to love reading picture books. Like Alice, when she sees a book without illustrations, she feels bored. However, her sister, who could read books full of words, could not help feeling the movement around her. She will be herself when she grows up. She came into contact with famous works, and the writer's thinking attracted readers to follow. Her writing and feeling become the focus of her reading when she grows up. Those stories will linger for a long time, let me recall for a long time. Those words are very subtle, and they are naturally revealed when writing.


Books can let us find our close friends and not feel lonely in the vast sea of people. Helen Hanff is a poor and free playwright. He loves old books. When best-selling books became popular, she couldn't stand the tedium of books on the shelves, so she sent her first letter to a second-hand bookstore in Britain, which had been running legendary books for 20 years. The friendship she established with Frank, the owner of second-hand bookstore, is the same love for second-hand books, spanning regions and spaces. They have never even met, but letters connect the souls who appreciate each other. This is the true story of "84 Charing Cross Road".


No one is an island, and every book is a world.


Wang Zengqi's lively writing style has an elegant world; Peiping in Lao She's book, the right and wrong in Xiaoyangjuan Street, and the tea drinkers in and out of teahouses of two generations; Dickens' sympathy for the times and merciful salvation; Island is the rise and fall and rebirth of a family.


I deeply feel that I cannot grow up without the company of scholarly books. Books are faithful and silent companions. I found myself in the book, can feel all the emotions, sadness or happiness. Reading makes me feel everything in the text.


I am very proud and happy that I grew up with a good book!

书香伴我成长的演讲稿 篇3


Dear students


Beer is a flowing bread, red wine is a flowing cake, and books are a spring of knowledge. When I was young, I spent my time in happy children's songs. When I was a child, I walked through beautiful fairy tales. Now I have become a teenager and am fascinated by foreign classics.


When I was a child, I always liked to read or recite those lively and interesting songs. Today, I still remember some of the children's songs well. I seem to taste the beautiful, sweet, childish and lovely childhood flavor when singing the childhood songs.


In my childhood, my body emperor always piled up Andersen's Fairy Tales, Green's Fairy Tales, Wilde's Fairy Tales... I often read fairy tales for hours. Fairy tale books are like a vast blue sea. I am a fish in it; Fairy tale is like a great philosopher, I always talk with him. Fairy tales are like a virtual world, in which I feel the truth, the good and the beautiful, as well as the false, the evil and the ugly... In short, each fairy tale contains a truth, which benefits me immensely.


The time of childhood is fleeting. Now I am an obedient and sensible young man.


Looking back, fairy songs can no longer accompany me. I should also read more world famous books to help me study. I have read the four classical Chinese masterpieces, but my favorite is foreign masterpieces. So I often shuttle between the bookstore and my home. Sometimes, in order to see more content, I often squat in the bookstore for a long time. During this time, I learned more about local customs, traveled around the world without leaving home, and learned more writing techniques. In many famous books, I feel the spiritual quality of the heroes in the book, and I am moved by their perseverance and self-improvement.


Now books have become a part of my life. I can't live without them. Reading alone can make you reborn and become a good person. "Book" is the ladder of human progress, which is Gorky's words. I believe that if people in the world can read good books, then human civilization will progress faster, more beautiful and better!


I have spent my childhood and childhood in Shuxiang. I believe that my young pioneers, young people, middle-aged people and old people will all go through it!

书香伴我成长 篇4


Dear teachers and students


On the way of life, there are many hardships. When I was frustrated, it was books that helped me regain confidence; When I succeed, it is books that make me guard against arrogance and rashness; In times of hardship, it is books that keep me going; When I am lonely, it is books that fill me with hope


When I was young, I always pestered my mother to tell me all kinds of fairy tales. Every time, I seem to travel in the fairy tale world: dancing with the mermaid and making friends with Snow White. Later, I learned that the original thing full of magic and imagination is called 'book'. It was also at that time that I began to explore the world and always asked some strange questions. Therefore, I got another copy of "One Hundred Thousand Whys". From it, I learned "Why are there days and nights?" "Why are there four seasons?" "Why do you snore when you sleep?" It is books that lead me to explore the unknown world and swim in the ocean of knowledge.


When I was in primary school, I fell in love with literature books. I always look for good memories of my childhood in Cao Wenxuan's "Grass House", feel the cruelty and danger of the times in Yang Yiyan's "Red Rock", and look for the ups and downs of history in "Five Thousand Years of China"... It is books that lead me to experience the changes of society and the vicissitudes of the world.


Su Shi once said: 'There is poetry and calligraphy in the belly, and reading thousands of volumes can lead to spiritual understanding.' Indeed, books enable us to cultivate our minds, broaden our horizons, and amaze us at the beauty of the world.


Without books, we can hardly grasp the pulse of the times; Without books, we can hardly control the course of life; Without books, we can hardly get bright flowers! If you want to succeed, you must study; If you want to be brilliant, you must study; If you want to achieve something, you must study. In today's society, the competition is fierce. If you want to be outstanding in a society full of talents and occupy a seat, only reading is the right way!


Finally, I would like to encourage everyone with a poem by Su Shi: "Make efforts to know all the characters in the world and aspire to read all the books on earth!" Let's make friends and learn from books together, and keep pace with the times and keep the fragrance of books!