
时间:2022-10-25 13:03:41 | 来源:语文通



幼儿园中班家长会教师优秀发言稿 篇1幼儿园中班家长会教师优秀发言稿 篇2幼儿园中班家长会教师优秀发言稿 篇3幼儿园中班家长会教师优秀发言稿 篇4幼儿园中班家长会教师优秀发言稿 篇5幼儿园中班家长会教师优秀发言稿 篇6幼儿园中班家长会教师优秀发言稿 篇7幼儿园中班家长会教师优秀发言稿 篇8

幼儿园中班家长会教师优秀发言稿 篇1


Dear parents


Thank you for taking the time to attend the parents' meeting of this class again, and also thank all parents for their strong support and cooperation in our work this semester, so that we successfully and happily completed all the nursing and teaching work this semester. In particular, all parents can actively participate in the home interaction activities and parents' open day activities organized by our class. On behalf of all teachers in our class, I would like to thank all parents once again. This is also a spur to us and makes us more confident to do a good job tomorrow.


1、 Introduce how to lay a good foundation for future learning at the stage of middle class children


The middle class of kindergarten is a connecting stage in the three-year preschool education for children, and also an important period for children's physical and mental development. So, how to lay a good foundation for future learning in the middle class?


First, it is the cultivation of attention. The child is inattentive and likes to wander during activities. This is the age characteristic of children, and this situation will gradually improve with the growth of children's age. Therefore, we can let children finish painting or playing puzzles within the specified time, so that children can focus on doing one thing well and help them establish good learning habits and interests.


Second, the habit of sorting things. Teach your children how to organize things. Parents should not organize things for their children. For example, parents can tidy up children's cabinets and drawers with their children. In kindergarten, we will also strengthen the cultivation of children's habit of sorting things by letting them clean up the toys in the activity area.


Third, reading. Reading can give parents more time to walk into their children's hearts, understand their children's thinking angles and problems, have more opportunities to talk with them, improve their understanding of each other, have more topics to discuss, and feel their understanding of life... Reading can also help children develop the habit of sitting still and listening. It can increase your child's vocabulary and ability to speak with pictures. When parents read drawing books to their children, they must be careful not to add or subtract words at will. Busy parents can also buy story tapes to let their children lie in bed and listen to stories before going to bed.


Fourth, cultivate children with the concept of time and labor. Ask children to do things quickly and without procrastination. Let children put on and take off their clothes in the right way; Slowly learn to brush your teeth and wash your face; Manage toys, appliances and books by yourself; Help parents do housework within their power.


2、 Class work summary:


(1) Cultivate good behavior habits of children


1. Cultivating children's self-protection ability is a concrete manifestation of their ability to cope with the situation when they receive the first or possible danger. The occurrence of accidents ensures children's physical and mental development, and they can know the meaning represented by the most basic numbers such as 119 '120, 110, etc.


2. Cultivate children's behavior habits of being clean, not rolling, not littering fruit shells and not drawing walls.


3. Attention should be paid to safety work. The safety work of children is related to the life safety of all children and affects parents. Our kindergarten puts safety work at the top of the list and strengthens teachers' sense of responsibility. At the same time, our parents and teachers educate children to pay attention to fire prevention, waterproof and electric discharge. All safety accidents, such as falling, stabbing, swallowing and kidnapping, are being prevented.


4. Parents should put dangerous goods at home out of the reach of children to avoid children bringing dangerous goods into the park.


5. In safety accidents, because some children are naughty, scratches are the most likely to occur, but scratches can also be avoided, that is, to cut children's nails and teach children not to fight with children, so that children's health and safety are well protected!


(2) Health care work


Children's physical health is very important. Only with a healthy body can they learn knowledge better. Every day when children enter the kindergarten, we record the name of the drug, how to take it, and how much the dose is. The cups, towels and chopsticks used by our children are disinfected three times at regular intervals. Under the teacher's supervision, our children have developed the good habit of washing hands with soap before and after meals. After children have meals or every manual activity and scrapbooking, they are also reminded to keep the classroom as clean as possible and clean it up in time. The children's awareness of environmental protection has gradually increased.


For lunch, we will post a weekly recipe on the bulletin board at the door every week. In class, children eat by themselves to ensure that children are full and not picky, and gradually cultivate their ability to eat independently. During the lunch break, our teachers are on duty by turns. They will check whether the child is kicked by the quilt at any time. I will ask the child to sleep on his back, not on his stomach or with his head covered. Turn your clothes to the front before going to bed.


I found that the self-care ability of the children in the class has also been strengthened. Now they can put on and take off their clothes, shoes and socks, and shoes in order. Most children will also fold their quilts neatly. In the class, children should be given proper space and time to explore, exercise, fold their quilts, put on and take off their clothes, and eat with food or soup, It doesn't matter if he is willing to help. As long as he is willing to do it, one time he can't do it well, the second time, the third time, and the fourth time, I want to praise the children in our class. They have made great progress in self-care. The quilts they fold are very beautiful. They usually help some young friends who get up late to fold, and they also love to help teachers do something within their power.


(3) Teaching:


Our kindergarten's teaching is based on the children's physical and mental development into a comprehensive, systematic and planned curriculum arrangement: in the teaching area, we will make weekly plans and weekly work priorities every week. Every week, our teachers have to write a weekly plan, which is posted in the home education barrier at the door. In the final evaluation, our headmaster evaluated the children from many aspects, such as children's safety awareness, teaching effect, children's initiative and creativity in class, reading habits (sitting posture, book flipping posture, sliding finger method, reading emotion, etc.) For the cultivation of children's sense of self-protection. For example, how can children protect themselves in case of fire and earthquake? What will you do if you and your family get lost? We also did a fire drill. What would you do if you and your family got lost? The children in my class answered very positively.


3、 Matters requiring parents' cooperation during winter vacation


1. Pay attention to controlling the time of watching TV or playing on the computer, which should not exceed 2 hours per day.


2. Reasonably arrange your schedule. Go to bed early and get up early every day. Don't be a lazy pig!


3. We should insist on physical exercise, and insist on physical exercise or outdoor activities for 2 hours every day.


4. Don't forget to learn some skills while playing, such as drawing, listening to stories, telling stories, singing, dancing, etc. Show your skills to all children after the school starts.


5. Pay attention to safety at home during holidays. Children are not allowed to play with fire. Children should be reminded not to touch the electric plug, play with each other, or play in the kitchen; It is necessary for adults to set off fireworks and firecrackers together, and they must not buy fireworks and firecrackers with high lethality; Fireworks and firecrackers should be set off in an open place and not in a place with combustibles.


6. During the Spring Festival, you are sure to be a guest or invite guests to your home. The teacher hopes you will be polite, respect your elders, and be friendly to your peers and younger brothers and sisters.

幼儿园中班家长会教师优秀发言稿 篇2


Dear parents


Good morning, everyone!


First of all, thank you for coming to our parents' meeting in spite of your busy schedule. Here, we can also see that parents attach importance to children and trust us. I'm Miss Yang from the middle class. In our class, there are 25 children, including 12 boys and 13 girls.


Today's parents' meeting was held, mainly to communicate with parents on several issues. At the same time, let's also carry out the joint education of our homeland.


1、 Learning.


1. Since it is the second semester of the middle class, some children have been promoted from small classes and some children have just started kindergarten. They come to this strange and novel group, and many things are full of curiosity and exploration. But this semester is the preparation for the promotion to the senior class in September. There are great differences in children's acceptance and practice. For example, our "Digital Baby" requires children to write numbers, but for some of the children mentioned above, this is a challenge and a test for them. Some children find it difficult to hold and use pens. Here, I hope parents can prepare pens and notebooks for children at home. Let them practice more. Whether it is good or bad, at least let him have a sense that he can do his own things. At the same time, he will never make such a benign transition from bad to good. Because we have different class hours every day, there is not enough time for children to practice in kindergarten.


2. Operation part


Every Friday, I will arrange a red book with stroke order on it. I will write "homework" on the homework part of the children. Please check your children's books every day to see if they have any home-made works. If any, please help them to develop a good habit.


2、 Independent aspects of young children


1. As children grow up, they should learn to be independent. No matter what you do, let the children do it by themselves first. For example, wash your face, feet, fold clothes, wear shoes and other ordinary things in daily life, so that children can develop a habit of knowing their own things and not relying on their parents.


2. In terms of eating, I often hear many parents say that their children are very disobedient, naughty, and do not eat at home. These may be the natural performance of children in front of their parents. But when most children come to kindergartens, perhaps what they show in front of teachers is another kind of performance. For example, taking meals as an example, most children have to be accompanied, coaxed and fed by their parents at home. Although it is not so exaggerated in the garden, this phenomenon also exists in some children, who open their mouth only after the teacher feeds them. Therefore, I hope that parents and I can help children get rid of this bad habit. At home, parents let children eat by themselves. After the event, give affirmation and praise. Let children know what is good and what is bad. Proper affirmation and praise will also increase children's self-confidence.


3、 Children's work and rest time


8: The first teaching activity of 8:50 breakfast before 40


10: 00 Extracurricular Exercises 10:20 Free Activities 10:40 Second Teaching Activity


11: 20 Lunch 12:10 Noon nap 2:30 Get up


3: 00 First activity 3:40 Classroom activities


4: Depart at 5:00 p.m


The above is the daily work and rest time of children. Parents can refer to it so that you can know your children's daily situation in kindergarten. In addition, please look at the kindergarten parents' instructions on the wall after the meeting. Get ready to send children to the kindergarten. What parents are required to cooperate with and what parents need to pay attention to are clearly written. In our kindergarten, children eat two meals a day. When children return home, their parents usually have dinner at 6:30 or later after work. It is normal for children to ask for meals with their parents. Don't think that the time for meals in the kindergarten can meet the children's food needs for a day. So, here, please don't have this idea. The time from noon after four o'clock to the next day is calculable.


Thank you!

幼儿园中班家长会教师优秀发言稿 篇3


Dear parents


hello everyone!


I am XX, the teacher of Class XX, and I very much welcome parents to attend this parents' meeting. There is still a lot to learn in the big class, and this semester is coming to an end. It is also necessary to communicate well with all parents about their work experience since this semester, and I really feel very meaningful for one of the students since this semester, There are XX children in Class XX, so we should pay more attention to everyone's performance and spend more energy on management.


The children usually get along well, but there are still some fights occasionally. For this kind of situation, we are patient to communicate and let the children resolve conflicts, so that they can get along better in their daily life. This will be what we have always attached importance to. The children in the senior class are also active, and there is still a lot of learning in ordinary times. We really should earnestly implement in learning, All aspects of children should be accumulated. Children in kindergartens should pay attention to this. This parents' meeting hopes that all parents will pay attention to it. It needs to be implemented carefully. After our understanding, some parents are still busy with their daily work, so they ignore children's education and care less about children, So it is really necessary to do a good job. The physical and mental development of children needs the care and care of parents.


In this semester's study, I have summarized a lot, so when I think back, I should be more careful. Class XX is a collective, and I, as the head teacher, will do a good job in this collective's work, so this is what we should accumulate. Next, we need to make reasonable arrangements. Now the weather is getting hotter and hotter. Parents should pay attention to the children's health and pay attention to heatstroke prevention, If it is unnecessary, try not to take the children out for outdoor activities. The weather is too hot now, so we should do a good job of related work. When we are at home, we should tell the children to go to bed early, because in normal classes, we can still see some children napping in class, which has a bad impact and affects the atmosphere of the class, These are what should be reasonably arranged next, let's do well together, and then work hard to do a good job, so that children can have a good living and learning environment.


We should take seriously the learning situation of the large class, and the learning situation of the kindergarten should also be carefully planned. At the same time, we hope that all parents can cooperate with us. I wish parents a smooth work.

幼儿园中班家长会教师优秀发言稿 篇4


Dear parents


I'm glad that you have taken time out of your busy schedule to participate in this activity. Your arrival is to attach importance to children's education and support our work. Thank you here.


Now let's talk about the problems that parents care about:


First of all, parents are most concerned about children. During this period, many children have made great progress, which is inseparable from the efforts of parents. For example, Jing Puyuan could not sit still when he first entered the park, and he always climbed on the ground. Now we can not only sit and live, but also participate in various activities. Another example is that Li Lei always cried when he first came here, and he doesn't cry anymore. Tan Chun, at first he always talked to his mother about conditions, but now he has no such habit. XXX always answers questions positively. XX likes to express themselves very much. Although XXX is young, he does not show weakness. He conscientiously learns all the lessons in singing and dancing. Every child hopes to be encouraged and recognized by others. Therefore, both teachers and parents should find out more about their children's advantages; And give encouragement.


Some parents say that children can't learn in kindergartens. After all, children are children. You can't force them to learn anything. If you always say that children can't learn, it won't hurt their self-esteem, but it will backfire. During this period, we should pay attention to the cultivation of children's abilities and the development of their intelligence. 80% of a person's intelligence is developed before the age of 6, so we should develop children's intelligence. The development of intelligence is not to write more and do more questions, but to let children practice more and think more and play their imaginations.


In a word, we should do a good job of home education and work together to educate children.


The second point is about the charge. The management fee is 142 yuan, the water and electricity fee is 10 yuan, and the meal fee is 4 yuan per day. The meal fee will be refunded on the day of the month when the meal fee is not returned. Superior departments often come to check accounts, so we do not have the problem of arbitrary charges. Our kindergarten charges according to the standard of Class II kindergarten.


The third point is about diet. We are constantly improving the diet according to the requirements of the municipal health station to meet the nutrition needs of children's growth. In terms of health, parents can rest assured that our kindergarten cafeteria and school cafeteria are integrated, and the health and epidemic prevention station will often check that there is no unqualified phenomenon.


The fourth point is about children's multiple diseases in winter and autumn. We have taken some measures to solve this problem: let children drink more water; Disinfect the things used by children; More ventilation, ultraviolet disinfection, etc. I have some basic knowledge about health care that you can take a look at. I will post it in the interactive column of Homeland.


Please leave your valuable comments and thank you again for coming.

幼儿园中班家长会教师优秀发言稿 篇5


Dear parents


How do you do! First of all, I would like to thank all parents for participating in the parents' meeting this semester. Thank you for your understanding and support of our work all the time. This is a new semester. Our children have been promoted to the middle class full of the expectations of teachers and parents. The middle class is a connecting link between the preceding and the following three years before school. It is also an important period for children's physical and mental development. With its age characteristics, in order to better carry out education, I would like to make the following brief introduction:


1、 Age characteristics of middle class children


1. Attention concentration, the time to concentrate on certain activities is also relatively short, generally 20-25 minutes.


2. Active and static, quick reaction, active and active are particularly prominent in children in the middle class. They always change their posture and activity mode constantly. They have many small movements, such as moving hands, stretching legs or running freely. They can not control themselves and master their actions well, and are more relaxed than children in the small class, even unrestricted. Therefore, there are more moderate and quiet activities arranged among teachers this semester.


2、 Class status analysis


Less than two months after the school started, the children quickly adapted to the life of the kindergarten, because the five new students added this semester had strong adaptability, especially the primary and middle school friends of Chen Xin. On the first day, they adapted to the new learning and living environment, and other children gradually adapted within a week. Now, children can not only go to kindergarten happily, but also take the initiative to say hello to teachers. This is a manifestation of children's growth and the result of parents' cooperation with us.


1. Life


At present, all our children are basically able to eat by themselves, but some children have bad habits, such as incorrect spoon holding method, some children talk while eating, some children are picky eaters, and some children eat too slowly, all of which need the help of teachers. We basically give priority to encouragement and put forward positive requirements. Many children have finished their meals with the help of teachers to ensure what children need. Here, I ask parents to ask their children not to be picky about food at home and eat enough food within a certain period of time to ensure adequate nutrition for children. You should wipe your mouth after meals, but some children have not formed the habit of wiping their mouth after meals, and often need teachers to remind them. When going out for activities or when the weather changes, we will add or remove clothes for children at any time, and let children drink water at appropriate intervals. I hope that parents can also cultivate good habits of children at home.


2. Learning


As children grow older, it is also very important to cultivate their listening habits and focus. Therefore, I suggest parents to carry out 15-20 minutes of listening activities or quiet activities at home, which is a positive promotion for children to develop good habits. Some parents may ask their children to write or pinyin at home. In fact, this is not in line with the age characteristics of middle class children, because the small muscle group of middle class children is still underdeveloped, and their ability to control the pen is still weak, so they cannot hold the pen as they wish. This can easily lead to incorrect pen holding posture, which is difficult to correct after entering primary school. Therefore, we do not approve of teaching middle class children to write or pinyin. But you can try your best to do simple color painting exercises, and pay attention to the child's pen holding posture during the practice, which will lay a good foundation for the child.


3、 Education


The kindergarten has prepared a set of integrated teaching materials for children. This set of teaching materials is based on the theme of education and teaching, which includes five major fields: society, art, science and language. We choose appropriate teaching materials for teaching, and carry out education and teaching activities with a theme every month.


1. In the theme unit of "I like", starting from me, let children observe the differences between their appearance, body, mood, etc. and others, and then obtain various ways to express their preferences, learn to establish friendship with others, and express their happiness through various enjoyment.


2. In the curriculum unit of "Sensory Mobilization", I will guide children to see, hear, taste, touch and smell, so that children's feelings and life experience can have a positive interaction, cultivate children's observation ability, and educate children to protect their senses.


3. In the unit of "Umbrella World", I will take children to start with understanding umbrellas, guide them to observe their appearance, types and patterns, explore their characteristics, and then help them form rich experience brought by their association with umbrellas.


4. In the theme unit of "A letter to you", I will guide children to make appropriate choices based on their own preferences, so that they can experience the fun of writing letters, mailing letters and being a postman.


5. In the last unit with the theme of "Dong Dong Qiang", we can combine it with the celebration music. It is an extremely interesting learning tool for children, and children will play an endless imagination in this space.


4、 Homeland cooperation


1. I think it is not difficult for most parents to let their children insist on going to kindergarten, because everyone knows that if children do not insist on going to kindergarten and fish for two days and bask in the net for three days, their separation anxiety will persist, even longer. Therefore, parents should insist on sending their children to the kindergarten every day;


2. Communicate with teachers in a timely manner. When children have some special performance at home, parents should communicate with teachers in a timely manner, because children's performance at home may not be shown in kindergarten. Children's bad habits need to be corrected with the help of their homes. In addition, parents have life or suggestions for us, and they also hope to have a positive exchange with us. We are willing to accept your opinions.


This is the end of today's parents' meeting. Thank you again for your participation. Thank you!

幼儿园中班家长会教师优秀发言稿 篇6


Dear parents: Hello! Before the start of this parents' meeting, first of all, I would like to extend a warm welcome to all parents. I believe that all parents present here today are very concerned about your children's learning and living conditions in the kindergarten. Before this meeting, many parents were busy with their work and didn't have time to communicate with our teachers about their children at home or in the kindergarten. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to attend this parents' meeting. I hope you can continue to support and cooperate with our work as actively as today.


There may be many parents who are unfamiliar with me. Let me introduce myself. My name is Zhu. I am the head teacher of Class 1 this semester, and the other is Mr. Mo. We are responsible for the teaching and conservation of Class 1 together. Since the beginning of school, thanks to your support and cooperation, the children have made great progress in all aspects. I hope we will continue to cooperate and work together to make the children better in all aspects! The contents of today's meeting are as follows:


1. Security issues


The safety of the kindergarten is the top priority of our kindergarten. For a long time, we have put the safety of children first. In order to ensure the safety of children, each of our teachers must treat their daily work carefully and thoughtfully, so that children can enjoy learning and playing in the kindergarten. For this reason, we must pay attention to these problems in our daily work: 1. Do a good job in the first safety education class every Monday. When leading the class, we should be attentive to everyone, the heart and the hand. We should concentrate on doing a good job without leaving children. (Work of the head teacher) Play games in an organized and disciplined manner. Pay attention to the children's every move to prevent injuries. Of course, the children will inevitably have some contradictions together. Today you pushed me, and tomorrow I will touch him again. Our parents (grandparents) are always too worried and like to get involved in the children. They are afraid that their children will be bullied, which will lead to disputes between children. Over time, children will become dependent. We should ask adults to help us solve every little problem. In fact, it is a normal phenomenon for children to find conflicts between themselves. Children are very naive. We need not worry too much about who we have a conflict with the last minute, and then make up the next second. We need to let the children learn how to solve problems themselves, because in the process of solving problems, children need to think, analyze, judge the right or wrong of their own behavior, and try to communicate with each other, If children can solve it by themselves, it does not mean that their ability is improved. If we can guide children to solve conflicts with a correct attitude, for example, I'm sorry! No problem! thank you! Wait a minute, our children also need to be respected. After that, they will be fine, so that the big things can be turned into small ones. Why not? I think it is also what your parents hope.


2. Cultivate children's independence


In kindergartens, teachers help with life, but primary school students need to take care of everything by themselves. Just imagine, one can't even take care of his own meals; How can children who can't tie their shoelaces keep up with everyone's rhythm? In school life, how can he keep up with everyone's steps? In the middle class, our kindergarten requires children to make their own quilts after they get up in the afternoon nap. Such activities as cultivating children's self-care ability also include sorting out their homework, toys, schoolbags, clothing, etc. Basically, most children can do it by themselves, and they work hard, seriously and happily. However, a small number of children cannot complete it.


Therefore, when children are at home, they hope that parents can let children do their own things, overcome dependence, and cultivate self-care ability, which is also the first step to cultivate children's learning spirit. It is also necessary to provide a fixed place for children to study. Schoolbags, textbooks, homework books, stationery and toys after playing must be arranged by children. Parents can guide them, but do not arrange them. Whether it is between children or between children and teachers, we should encourage children to communicate with others and learn to express themselves. We must let children really understand from their hearts that they must do their own things through every little thing, experience and feeling in life and practice.

幼儿园中班家长会教师优秀发言稿 篇7


Dear parents


First of all, thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to attend our class's parents' meeting. In the last semester, with your support and cooperation, through the joint efforts of everyone, the children liked kindergarten and made great progress in all aspects. Here, I would like to express my deep gratitude to you! It is precisely because of your support and help, as well as the daily life with children, that our teachers can fully understand the characteristics of children's personality, and are pleased to see the growth and progress of each child, and have established a deep relationship with children. Therefore, when I came to Class 4 of this semester as their teacher, I felt happy and honored. Thank you again!


In order that we can better carry out our education work, today we are gathered together. No matter what we talk about, we can't leave a theme: our children. How to cultivate children into talents? Mr. Chen Heqin, a famous educator in China, once said: "Early childhood education is a very complicated thing. It is not something that families can be competent alone, nor that kindergartens can be competent alone. Only through cooperation between the two sides can we achieve full effect." I think this sentence is the best answer, that is, "home education", which is also the purpose of today's parents' meeting.


1、 Basic information of the class:


This semester, there are 2 children in our class transferred to other schools, and now there are 35 people in total, including 20 boys and 15 girls. In the last semester, with your support and cooperation, the children made great progress in all aspects through the joint efforts of everyone. This semester, I will be the head teacher of Class 2 of Middle School, and Miss Zhu will be the teacher of the class. I hope that we will continue to cooperate and work together this semester to further improve all aspects of the children.


2、 Key work of this semester:


1. This semester, we continued to carry out theme exploration activities. Last semester, the theme activities were supported and cooperated by many parents, which greatly helped our work. We also need your cooperation and support in the future theme activities. Some items need to be brought by parents. Please take a look at our notice and requirements in time when you pick up the children. Some also need the cooperation of parents in knowledge preparation.


2. In combination with the fairy tale reading project of our kindergarten, we will cultivate each child's early reading habits. As we all know, 3-8 years old is a critical period for the development of children's reading ability. In order to cultivate children's early reading habits in our kindergarten, let teachers, children and parents enjoy the fun of reading together in the fairy tale world, our kindergarten will hold a "Reading Festival" activity from the beginning of this semester, promote "habits" with "activities", encourage teachers and students in the kindergarten to be friends with books and partners with fairy tales, and make reading activities a regular learning activity. By this way, we can broaden our horizons, broaden our knowledge, improve our aesthetic taste and cultural heritage, and lead and promote the common growth of teachers and students of Xinyou kindergarten. Specific contents include:


(1) Class reading activities.


1. Perfect reading area: Each child brings fairy tales from home to share with children.


2. Formulate recommended books for fairy tale reading of all ages, and design the reading record form of the home.


3. Each class shall combine daily activities to ensure 20-30 minutes of reading time for children every day.


4. The teacher tells a fairy tale to the children every day.


5. The teacher organizes a collective fairy tale reading activity once a week.


(2) Parent child reading activities.


1. It is suggested that parents take their children to the bookstore, library and online to buy fairy tales, or borrow fairy tales at the class book corner to expand reading channels.


2. On children's birthdays or festivals, take fairy tales as gifts.


3. Half an hour before going to bed every day is designated as the "Parent Child Reading Time". Every day, we accompany children to read a classic fairy tale.


4. According to the reading content, the children orally narrate, the parents record the children's narrative content, and submit the fairy tale reading record form once a week.


3、 Introduction to early childhood development:


1. Education and teaching: Due to the rapid physical development and energy of middle class children, their bodies have a greater demand for the amount of activities. Children have too much energy to vent, and two problems arise in the classroom routine when they are active:


1. Some children always like to think or do something irrelevant to class when their attention is not focused.


2. Some children are passive in raising their hands to speak, while some children want to speak but forget to raise their hands. They are very casual when they want to speak. In order to let children change this state, we selected textbooks to start from children's interests and try to design some classes that children are interested in and come from children's life. Let them use a variety of senses to actively participate in learning by playing, and improve their attention and interest in activities in turn. For those children who are inactive or inattentive, I will talk individually after class and actively encourage them to perform better in the next class. It is polite to teach children to wait for others to finish speaking before expressing their opinions.


2. In terms of living habits: children's eating habits are generally poor in small classes. First, we love to talk when eating. We don't absolutely forbid children to talk, which is not in line with the new educational concept. However, children will never stop chatting. They can't even eat food, which is easy to cool, and their stomachs are bad after eating. Second, the hygiene habits are poor when eating. The table top and the floor are full of rice and vegetables. Some children throw unwanted food into others' bowls. Third, they are picky. Children often choose one dish over another. Last semester in the middle class, our two teachers made great progress in the children's eating habits and achieved remarkable results. Of course, there are still children who have bad eating habits, including some family reasons. For example, some parents are afraid that their children will eat slowly and dirty, and they also feed their children. These are not conducive to the formation of children's good eating habits. I hope the parents present will pay attention to it in the future.


3. The cultivation of behavior habits: As the saying goes, "No rules, no square." Children's good and civilized behavior is the guarantee for the class to carry out its work. In daily education. We focus on cultivating children's behavior habits through multiple channels. Disputes and aggressive behaviors against the class. We have taken a series of educational measures. first. In the centralized educational activities. Through organizing various activities such as "more friends, more fun" and "bunny looking for happiness", children can understand the benefits of mutual help between peers, grasp examples, and guide children to analyze: why do they quarrel? How do you look and act when arguing? Is there a better solution? In this way, children can feel the disadvantages of disputes and even hands. Secondly, pay attention to individual education, and conduct comprehensive education for prominent individuals with aggressive behaviors in the class. Finally, set an example and stimulate children's desire to correct their shortcomings and strive for progress by giving out small stars, small red flowers, selecting good children and other incentives


4、 Work requiring parents' cooperation:


In the last semester, our various activities were strongly supported by parents, and I sincerely thank all parents for their trust in us! At the same time, we also believe that parents will continue to support our work in the future! Our kindergarten and all parents have a common wish, that is, let our children have a strong body, good habits, broad interests, smart brains. For this common wish, let us understand, support and strengthen communication with each other. Let your children receive better preschool education. So I hope you can cooperate with us to do a good job.


1. In order to enable children to participate in morning activities and not delay normal teaching activities, parents are requested to pay attention to the pickup time and hope that parents can try their best to let children arrive at the kindergarten before 8:00. If you are late in the kindergarten for some special reasons, please say goodbye to the children and talk to the teacher quietly, so as not to affect the normal activities of other children.


2. If your child has emotional instability or physical discomfort at home, please tell the teacher in time when you send the child to the kindergarten, so that we can pay more attention to the child and avoid accidents. If the sick child needs to take medicine, parents must hand the medicine to the health care teacher, explain the usage and dosage of the medicine, and register with the health care teacher before taking medicine.


3. Children are the treasures of the family. They can eat and dress at home. Now that children have entered the second semester of the middle class, they should have a certain degree of independence and self-care ability, which will help children better adapt to collective life. Children can wear and take off clothes when they sleep at home in the morning and night, and guide and encourage children to fold their clothes and trousers neatly, so that their self service ability can be exercised, and they should try their best to do their own things.


4. Please pay attention to the home contact column of this class, ask children to organize their own items every day, and ask parents to help children consolidate what they learned at home.


5. In order to complete our theme activities better, we still need the support of parents. I hope parents can spare some of your precious time to complete our homework with their children, such as some questionnaires.


6. In order to better ensure the safety of your child, please take the transfer card in the morning and in the afternoon when you come to pick up the card. It is better to have a regular parent take charge of the transfer. If there are special circumstances, please let me know in time.


7. If there is any change in your contact number, please let us know in time so as to avoid being unable to contact us in case of emergency.


Next, in order to do our work better, please give us valuable suggestions and requirements.


Finally, I would like to thank all parents for their support and understanding of our work. If you have any questions in the future, I hope you can communicate with us in a timely manner. Thank you again for your cooperation and support in our work. At the same time, we welcome all parents to put forward valuable suggestions and comments on our work at any time. Let's join hands and take good care of each child, so that each child can grow up healthily, safely and happily! Thank you!

幼儿园中班家长会教师优秀发言稿 篇8


Dear parents


Good evening


Thank you for coming to this parents' meeting. For the sake of children's growth, we gather here. Our Class 5 is a big family. Thanks to your full cooperation and support, our Class 5 developed steadily in all aspects last semester. Today, our main purpose is to report your children's life and learning in the kindergarten from the beginning of school to the present. At the same time, through this parent meeting, we will further strengthen the home contact, listen to your good suggestions and opinions, and urge us to constantly improve our work and improve our own quality.


1、 Class advantage analysis


1. Most children have fully adapted to the collective life of the kindergarten, like their own classes, trust their teachers, and their self-confidence is growing. The ability to live has been significantly improved. He can actively and independently complete dressing, putting on shoes, and eating by himself. He knows how to do his own things and how to help others do their own things.



2. Love learning, show a strong interest and curiosity in learning activities, most children can understand the teacher's requirements, and strive to complete as required.


3. The cultivation of the awareness of being polite to others and doing things in a civilized manner has achieved initial results. The courtesy between peers and the use of waiting, exchange and other communication methods and skills that are not easy to conflict with peers are being developed.


2、 Areas to be improved


The gap between individual children and the average development level of the class has a tendency to widen.


After the winter vacation, the children's living habits have advanced and retreated in varying degrees compared with the situation in the park.


Cultivate good sitting posture of children


Good eating habits


Good communication skills and polite questions


Self care ability


Listening habits



3、 Learning and activities of this semester






1. There are 8 theme activities, which are "Kissing the Family, Opening the Door by Little Eggs, Spring Fairy Tales, Versatile Hands, Good Partners, Big Stone Players, Rainy Days, Cold and Hot". What has been completed is kissing the family, and what is in progress is opening the door by Little Eggs. With your cooperation, we can carry out each theme activity smoothly. (such as kissing a family)


2. Games



Independent games, regional activities, outdoor games




1. Celebrating the "Love Mom" parent-child activity on March 8th



2. In combination with the theme of Fairy Tales in Spring, nearby spring outings





4、 Other






Watch TV


Children's work and rest time during holidays


About parent-child reading and childlike discourse (completed and handed in within the specified time)


Notification of changes in parents' phone numbers