
时间:2022-10-25 13:03:40 | 来源:语文通



揭牌仪式的讲话稿 篇1校园安全教育启动仪式领导讲话稿 篇2活动启动仪式讲话稿 篇3

揭牌仪式的讲话稿 篇1


Dear leaders, distinguished guests, teachers and students


Good morning! In this autumn, when the golden osmanthus fragrance is full of harvest, the unveiling ceremony for XX Middle School to be promoted to the provincial first level school was held here. All teachers and students of XX Middle School finally realized their long-awaited dream of "upgrading, creating a famous school, and building a brand". Here, please allow me to express warm congratulations on behalf of XX Municipal Education Bureau.


XX Middle School has always been the goal of our education bureau to establish a provincial school, which is also the expectation and hope of the people of XX County. Building XX Middle School into a provincial level school can better improve the quality of high school education in our city, narrow the gap between ordinary high schools in XX County and advanced regional levels, and lay a solid foundation for Huizhou to achieve the goal of universal high school education. XX Middle School is a sample school of X curriculum reform in XX County that has become stronger and larger, has its own characteristics, has its own brand, and has established XX Middle School into a famous, distinctive and first-class senior middle school in and outside the province with advanced concepts, advanced equipment and beautiful educational environment.


Finally, I wish all leaders, guests, teachers and students good health, happy families and progress in their studies!


Thank you!

校园安全教育启动仪式领导讲话稿 篇2


Dear teachers and students


hello everyone! Today, the topic of my speech under the national flag is "Campus Safety Accompanies Us".


What a vivid word "life" is; What an ancient topic "security" is; "Happiness" is a wonderful realm. Only in safety can life remain vigorous, and only in safety can happiness remain charming. As we all know, the most basic human need is security.


How precious life is! With life, there is happiness and sadness; With life, there is hope and ideal; With life, there is competition and struggle. The most precious thing in the world is life, but life is only once for everyone. Therefore, someone said, "Life is a treasure!", Someone said, "Life is gold!", And I said, "Life is a flower!" Just like the colorful flowers in spring! However, some people easily let the flower of life wither prematurely. Students: As a student, I spend most of the year on campus. In this special environment with dense population and small area, campus safety is closely related to each of our teachers and students, and it is also a key issue that we have been paying attention to.


Therefore, we must do a good job in safety and learn to protect ourselves. Safe behavior is the unshirkable responsibility of every student!


Based on these understandings, I believe that: first of all, all of our students should have a high sense of safety and fully recognize the importance and urgency of safety behaviors; Secondly, we should pay attention to sports safety in various sports. In physical education class, prepare well; Do not collide violently during exercise to avoid injury; We should also pay attention to food safety and so on; Don't stay around the school after school. Everyone should abide by the school rules.


We should firmly establish the awareness of "cherishing life, safety first, observing discipline and law, and living together in harmony", have good self-care literacy and ability, and then develop good habits! In terms of safety, we must take precautions first and be vigilant first. We must establish the awareness that everyone stresses safety, safety at all times, and safety in everything. We must build a protective wall of life with thoughts and actions. So, students, let's take action. From today on, from now on, from me on, let's be the demonstrator, disseminator, pioneer and beneficiary of safety education!


My speech is over! Thank you!

活动启动仪式讲话稿 篇3


Good morning, teachers and students!


Today, XX is here to solemnly hold the launching ceremony of the "Quality Development Training for College Students" activity of XX Specialized College. Please allow me to express warm congratulations on behalf of all employees of the Quality Center!


The comprehensive quality of college students generally consists of three parts: basic, professional and innovative. This expansion will strengthen the students' awareness of "learning to recognize, learn to work, learn to survive, and learn to coexist" through eight project trainings, learn to handle problems with the right methods, cultivate students' healthy and upward mentality, and strive to become modern civilized college students who are virtuous, talkative, and upright.


The rise and fall of national fortune are related to education; Three feet platform is related to the future. Distinguished teachers, as disseminators of human knowledge and inheritors of human civilization, we are shouldering the mission and responsibility of education. Here, I sincerely hope that in this training, our teachers will come down and calm down, integrate strict requirements and careful care into each project, achieve unity, tension, seriousness and liveliness, set an example and guide the training with civilization, and become good teachers that students will always love. At the same time, I also put forward two requirements to the students:


1. Respect leaders, teachers and trainers, obey commands, obey orders, and strictly abide by rules and regulations.


2. Build confidence, unite and cooperate, actively participate in training, be strict with requirements, and train hard. We should devote ourselves to outward bound training, experience with heart and understand deeply, so that training can become an important resume in the growth of students. Through training, we can comprehensively improve our comprehensive quality, and report to schools, teachers and parents with excellent results.


How high is the ideal, how far can we go! Today, eight major events of the "XX Quality Lecture Hall" are in front of you. The stage is infinitely large. Let's see how good the dance skills are!


I hope that the students who participate in the outward bound training will cherish the hard won training opportunities, participate seriously, devote themselves wholeheartedly, help each other, cooperate as a team, surpass themselves and meet challenges!


Finally, I wish this event a complete success! Thank you!