
时间:2022-10-24 12:51:54 | 来源:语文通



嘟嘟猫观察日记 篇1嘟嘟猫观察日记 篇2嘟嘟猫观察日记 篇3

嘟嘟猫观察日记 篇1

曾被改编为TV动画的四格漫画《嘟嘟猫观察日记》在今天(2月29日)发售的漫画杂志《漫画LIFE MOMO》4月号上刊登了大结局,结束了约12年的连载。单行本最终卷第15卷将于4月27日发售。

The four character cartoon "Dudu Cat Observation Diary", which was once adapted into TV animation, published the grand finale on the April issue of the comic magazine "Cartoon LIFE MOMO", which was released today (February 29), ending a series of about 12 years. Volume 15 of the final booklet will be available on April 27.

《嘟嘟猫观察日记》是日本漫画家树露于2005年开始在《漫画LIFE MOMO》上连载的四格漫画。作品以架空的田园都市千叶县竹马市为舞台,讲述了一只黄色虎纹的球状猫咪嘟嘟与他的主人和朋友们温馨有趣的日常生活。曾于 2012年TV动画化,漫画单行本发售了14卷,最终卷第15卷将于4月27日发售。

"Dudu Cat Observation Diary" is a four character cartoon series published by Japanese cartoonist Shulu on "Cartoon LIFE MOMO" in 2005. Taking the elevated rural city of Zhuma City, Chiba County as the stage, the work tells about the warm and interesting daily life of Dudu, a spherical cat with yellow tiger patterns, and his owners and friends. It was animated on TV in 2012, and the comic booklet sold 14 volumes, and the final volume 15 will be sold on April 27.

在《漫画LIFE MOMO》4月号上除了刊登《嘟嘟猫观察日记》的最终话以外,还刊登了动画版监督大地丙太郎、动画声优大谷育江和三森铃子发表的感言。另外,《姐姐来了》的安西理晃,《无口的森田小姐》的佐野妙等漫画家也送上了贺图。

In addition to the final words of "Dudu Cat Observation Diary", the animated version of "Supervision of Othiro", "Animation Voice Actor" Otani Yujiang "and" Sumori Lingzi "were also published on the April issue of" Cartoon LIFE MOMO ". In addition, Anxi Lihuang of "Sister Comes" and Zuo Yemiao of "Mourless Miss Morita" and other cartoonists also sent congratulatory pictures.

嘟嘟猫观察日记 篇2


Today, I went to my neighbor's grandpa's house to play.


When I got to Grandpa's house, I suddenly wanted to go to the bathroom. I asked him where the bathroom was. Grandpa said, "Go ahead and turn right." "OK, thank you." I said.


I was walking as he said, when I saw an old cat raising its offspring, I quietly approached to have a look. But when the old cat found me, it pounced on me and I fell on the sofa. Fortunately, he was not caught. But I can see from his eyes that he cares about the safety of the kitten very much. Then I went to the balcony to observe it.


When the old cat saw me go, he fell down to feed the kitten. Every time the kitten drinks milk, it will lick the kitten's hair as if it were bathing them. If a kitten is a little uncomfortable, it will keep circling around the kitten, shouting "meow meow". It's like asking "What's wrong with you, baby? Tell your mother quickly!"


After watching this scene, I left silently.

嘟嘟猫观察日记 篇3


One day my father saw a lovely cat in the company. My father looked at it pitifully and brought it back.


I keep it in a cage and feed it every day. It's lovely. Its color is yellow and white. Its eyes are like emeralds. When I take it out to play, it will open its eyes wide as if it is ready to catch a mouse! Several times when I was sleeping soundly, I suddenly heard a cry like a baby. I got up and saw that it was two kittens playing games! Two kittens, you and I seem to be chatting! At once, the two cats tore and beat together, and then hugged and kissed each other. It's interesting! It made me laugh.