
时间:2022-10-24 12:51:53 | 来源:语文通



观《隐入尘烟》观后感 篇1《隐入尘烟》的观后感 篇2观《隐入尘烟》观后感 篇3观《隐入尘烟》观后感 篇4《隐入尘烟》的观后感 篇5《隐入尘烟》的观后感 篇6观《隐入尘烟》观后感 篇7观《隐入尘烟》观后感 篇8

观《隐入尘烟》观后感 篇1


The film continues the director Li Ruijun's ever profound humanistic care. Starting from the emotional life of the heroes and heroines, it depicts the picture of rural life in the northwest with the real rural situation as the background.


Guiying, the heroine played by Hai Qing, is suffering from spinal disability, incontinence and infertility. A middle-aged woman like her has a very difficult situation in rural Gansu. The elder brother and sister-in-law let her live in the shack behind the house like an animal in captivity, until they married her to Ma Youtie, the "fourth brother" who had worked for his brother for half his life and could not find a wife. The story of the two started.



Spring is the vitality of green seedlings, summer is the hot sun and rain, autumn is full harvest, winter is bleak and cold; Wearing the blue turban of the lake, Guiying walked with difficulty, closely following Ma Youtie.


They build houses, farm and harvest, incubate chickens, build nests for swallows, sleep on the roof, and bathe in ditches, which forms a sharp contrast with other symbols that are separated from reality in movies. The real camera lets the audience in front of the screen quickly replace the character stories: the needs of survival reflect the underlying relationship, and the modern civilization and urban prosperity related to them are weakened, becoming a foil for the rural marginal groups. In the state of being forgotten or ignored by the original society, the hero and heroine obtain a pure and desirable freedom.


"Don't you think you have planted your footprints in the ground? After a few days, the autumn vegetables haven't grown out. What if there are many more footprints?"


"I don't want to grow. I can't go anywhere if my feet are in the ground."


"The opposite is true. People can always walk around with long feet, which is much better than crops and vegetables planted in the field. Food can't go anywhere when it is planted in the field. Those who are exposed to the wind and the sun, who live and die, can only work next to each other in the field."


Ma Youtie and Guiying represent thousands of peasants who face the loess and face the sky. Their dialogue has accumulated from thousands of years of agricultural social cultivation.


"What can be said about wheat is pecked by flying sparrows; what can be said about wheat is eaten by their own donkeys; what can be said about wheat is harvested by sickles..."


Faced with being rejected and squeezed by relatives; Be despised and ridiculed by villagers; The creditors who were pushed away by the village head to donate blood for free to save everyone... As abandoned, lonely and humble individuals, the protagonists and heroines gave simple and open-minded feedback.


The warm part of the film is that there are four flowers. Ma Youtie stuck a flower print of wheat seed on Guiying's back of hand and pressed it hard: "I planted a flower for you, made a mark, and you can't lose it anywhere". Two people who brighten each other's world snuggle up in the cold night for warmth, long and sincere.


At last, the film ends with Guiying drowning, Ma Youtie committing suicide, and the house being pushed to dust, which makes the audience's vision fall into the cruel reality, the order is ruthlessly disrupted, and life is insignificant.


The director's "surrealism" approach is a metaphor for the film's profound criticism of social injustice and the darkness of human nature. It is exposure, attack and even awakening!

《隐入尘烟》的观后感 篇2


In a narrative with strong literary and artistic quality and more shocking life along the way, the rural story film "Hiding in the Dust" brings a simple hymn of beautiful humanity in hard life, and a reflection on the strength of hard work and self choice in the process of farmers' poverty alleviation.


The film narrative reflects a high degree of cinematicization, fully uses the camera screen to express the story content, and the language dialogue is extremely simple. Cao Guiying, the heroine, appeared at the very beginning and said nothing for more than ten minutes. However, on the occasion of "blind date" dominated by her sister-in-law, she presented the unfortunate fate of a poor rural woman: she had been suffering from urinary incontinence for a long time and was unable to marry due to infertility. Her life was arranged by her brother and sister-in-law, and she was able to marry the "fourth" poor old farmer who was nearly half a hundred years old. The lens narrative is full of stories, straight to the end, plain, simple and not boring. The fate of the heroes and heroines always firmly grasp the hearts of the audience.


The speechless Guiying and the speechless Youtie began to live together. The combination of poverty and illness created by brother and sister-in-law is not a tragic marriage story. On the contrary, two poor and unfortunate people took care of each other carefully from the beginning. Their mutual kindness soon brought them together and began to share weal and woe. Their property and ability were almost only kindness and diligence, plus a donkey. Relying on kindness and hard work, Youtie and Guiying work day after day and want to change their lives. The main plot is that they did not put forward any requirements in the demolition of rural construction, but built an earth house with their own strength. At the same time, the village required iron to donate its rare RH negative blood again and again, as a land contractor involved in the treatment of the village's land income. The kind-hearted people have no choice but to cooperate calmly again and again. They even use their own grains to pay back the donated blood and clothes. In the whole process of building houses, from digging, peeling, wall building, logging, beams, grass transportation, mat weaving, roof paving and other tile work, the iron is almost all on your own, and the only helpers are Guiying and donkeys. It took a summer to build a row of simple and beautiful traditional dwellings on the flat.


The plain flow of life, simple, true, not sensational, not ostentatious, let the day and life itself speak, not only brings moving narrative, but also highlights the choice of the two material poor farmers to live independently. In the film, what Youtie cares about is not wealth and status, but the power of choice. He doesn't care about his relatives, friends, neighbors who do business, or come back from work, and their living clothes have changed. He is not happy to reward him with an 80 square meter building even to thank him for donating blood to help the poor in the village. He asked, "How do you raise donkeys, pigs and chickens when you live in a building?"? He said to Guiying that we peasants could not live without land. His and Guiying's rare joy was in farm work and labor. It was the night of the storm when two people crowded together to cover the adobe they had worked so hard to get rid of. They were drenched and fell to the ground laughing. It was the admiration of Youtie when he saw Guiying's small grass horse made of straw. It was the kindness of Guiying when he saw Youtie who refused to hit the donkey. It was the joy of watching the chickens grow into laying hens running around the yard. Kindness and diligence are the main contents of the film to shape the heroes and heroines. In their choice of hard life, there are many bottom workers who are simple and kind and stand aloof from the world. The film gives a detailed description of poetry and philosophy. When they were thinning the wheat seedlings, Guiying accidentally dug up a wheat seedling after weeding. She was comforted by iron, but Guiying held the wheat seedling in her hand and said that it was also a life. She buried it carefully and carefully. She was very considerate. After Guiying's accidental death, Youtie was so disillusioned that he lost his ambition to work. In dealing with the aftermath, he finally came to the donkey who followed him all his life. He untied the reins, patted the donkey, and said, "I have worked for people all my life. Let's go. I have been watching the donkey disappear in the desert.". This set of symbolic pictures thoroughly expresses the desire of having iron to give oneself and all life to make life choices. The kindness embodied in their choice is determined by the natural and people's production and life, that is, the kindness of relationship formed in the benign configuration of production activities, rather than the doctrinal and woven kindness. The film's meticulous portrayal of Youtie and Guiying's kindness and diligence vividly reflects the depth of artistic creation's expression of the people's character. This depth lies in the fact that ordinary workers reflect the natural happy and optimistic life in the most difficult life, reflecting that life and history are created and continued in the work of millions of ordinary people; More importantly, in the authenticity of life, the film describes the spiritual autonomy of the bottom farmers, and their choice to live independently and for themselves. Simple and natural spiritual autonomy has become an unusual expression of the film's people's character.


In the sincere expression of the people's character, the important connotation of the film is not to generally express the commonality of farmers' lives, but to face up to the contradictory coexistence relationship between individuality and commonality, clearly describe how farmers' personalized needs and the commonality of rural construction and development are harmoniously integrated in the farmers' life relationship, and propose that rural construction should pay more attention to farmers' personalized wishes and respect farmers' choices, Will be more energetic. In the film, there are others other than Tie and Guiying. Few of their brothers, villagers and village leaders have ever thought of Tie's will, choice, dignity, or disdain, or ask them to combine, move, and donate blood according to the requirements of others, and to donate blood continuously for the benefit of all villagers, and also to live in buildings. As a result, some iron couples worked hard all summer, and the adobe new house built by hand was suddenly knocked down by bulldozers under demolition planning. Here, the film shows the serious problem of how to harmonize commonness and individuality.


Youtie's independent choice of production labor is always kind and hardworking in hardships, and its self effort in changing personal destiny shows the simple beauty of human nature of workers, and also brings about reflection on the role of the old production mode to people under the conditions of modernity. He should have the free choice of iron production mode, but his agricultural technology has been far away from the modern economic environment and modern technological productivity. There is no doubt that the iron house building technology is beautiful, but those adobe walls and thatched roofs are outdated after all, which cannot be compared with the comfort and progress of modern industrial civilization. There is still a big gap between the kind and hard work of Youtie and Guiying and their quality of life. Therefore, the film actually reflects that only kindness and hard work are not enough to change life. To realize their ideal, they must have a substantial increase in productivity. After Guiying accidentally fell into the water and died, the skill and dream of having iron completely collapsed. This reminds people of the film Talo, which is a brilliant film. The film's hero, Tibetan herdsman Taluo, also faces the desire to change his destiny in the rapid development of urbanization, but he has no skills to adapt to urbanization except reciting. At the end, Taro stopped on the road on his motorcycle without fuel (also a symbol of incapacity) and put up a column of fireworks pointlessly, as if to express his uncertainty about the changing world. While Youtieze and his nephew lived in the building at the end of the film to give the audience some comfort, it is still an open unknown whether the desire of people with iron desire to live in harmony with the natural land can be realized.


Sing praises the good and industrious human nature in the difficult life, face the harmonious development of the commonality and individuality in rural construction, cause people to pay attention to the harmonious development of the new countryside, the outstanding performance of the male and female leading actors, including the director's artistic development of the performance potential of non professional actors, so that the irreplaceable life authenticity of ordinary actors and the literary depth of the script are closely integrated, and Haiqing's physical and mental investment in the "remote" role The true interpretation has brought rich spiritual meaning to "Hiding in the Smoke".

观《隐入尘烟》观后感 篇3


Some time ago, I watched the movie "Hiding in the Dust" with my friends. The whole movie seemed ordinary, but after watching it, I found it mixed. Ma Youtie, the hero of the film, and Cao Guiying, the heroine, met each other on a blind date. After meeting, the elders of both sides decided to make the marriage. Although Guiying suffers from a hidden disease (lameness and incontinence), he was not disliked when he was discovered by Youtie. From the beginning, they did not speak. Later, they went to work together in the field, building houses, raising pigs and raising chickens together. Although they were poor, they built their own house with their own hands. They had a wonderful life.


There are many details that impressed me deeply in this film. For example, on the wedding night, Guiying shamefully covered the wet mattress with her feet after wetting the bed. After finding Youtie, she did not blame, or even say anything, pretending nothing happened; For example, Tie helped the third brother to fetch goods in the city. When he came back at night, he saw Guiying holding a lamp at the entrance of the village to light him up. Guiying took out a large cup of hot water from his arms (in fact, the hot water has been cold for several times) and gave Youtie a warm drink, while Youtie put on the coat he just bought in the city (used to cover wet pants); For example, when iron found that Guiying had a wheat rash, he took Guiying to take a bath in the ditch to relieve itching; For example, the two people moved several times after marriage, but after each move, Youtie will re paste the wedding letter; For example, some iron is printed on Guiying's wrist with wheat grains, saying it will not be lost; For example, Youtie was kidnapped by the villagers to draw blood to cure the richest man in the village. Every time he went to draw blood, he did not eat the food prepared by the richest man's home. Even if he received the clothes from the richest man's son, it was also considered as a credit, which was deducted when the richest man's son received his food; For example, Guiying rolled up her sleeves trembling and said to the nurse, "Take mine" after the iron was pulled away for many times to draw blood; Another example is that some iron paid off the debt before he died.


There are not many spectacular passages in the film. They are all about the daily life of poor people, but it is memorable after watching. In particular, the emotional development and relationship between them remind me of a word I read recently: interactivity. Although the ending of the film is very sad, the interaction between them is benign. Intimacy is interactive, and both parties will influence each other and jointly build a comfortable living mode. However, most of us only pay attention to the behavior of the other party in the intimate relationship, but rarely reflect on whether we have problems. In fact, self is the root of all problems. After finding problems, communicate and express feelings in a timely manner, and make changes and adjustments, rather than complaining, blaming and consuming each other. Just like in the film, Youtie found that Guiying was suffering from a hidden disease. He did not complain or dislike Guiying, but bought a coat for her when he had the opportunity to go to the city. He planned to take Guiying to the city to find an expert to cure her. The change of Guiying was also obvious to all. You come and I go, courtesy comes and goes.


When I came out of the cinema, I told my friends that no matter who he married, Youtie would have a good life, because he was very good. Although he was poor, he lived a colorful life with his own hands. One can't expect marriage as a way to change the life trajectory. Self change and promotion are the most important. If you become better, your partner will become better, thus forming a virtuous circle. You don't have to worry about changing yourself, but the other person won't. As mentioned earlier, intimate relationships are interactive, which may be a metaphysic that needs more in-depth research.

观《隐入尘烟》观后感 篇4


I saw it last Sunday. It was raining that day, and I suddenly wanted to see a movie. I searched the ticket for the recently popular Big Things in Life. I was not very interested. Suddenly I found a name I liked with a good score. I opened the clip and decided it was it.


Today, I just remembered to write about the feeling of watching movies, because I felt that there was no fluctuation in my mood when I remembered the plot of the movie.


First of all, we should praise this film. It is a good film.


I am familiar with farmers, land, corn, wheat, adobe houses, disabled people and others in the film, and even I am familiar with the cruelty and warmth in the film. I am a true northerner. Although I have never experienced the yellow sand, I often saw the yellow soil flying all over the sky when I was a child. That is the unique memory of the northern village boy. If I want to forget, it is just a self deception. Finally, I realized that it is a part of my life and I should respect it.


Guiying's disability and incontinence remind me of the year when my grandmother left. At that time, my grandmother had not reached the point of incontinence, but it was inconvenient to get out of bed and walk, so we had to solve the problem in the house. Grandma had Alzheimer's disease in those two years. At that time, grandpa had died. Grandma often recognized the identities of her five sons wrongly and was deaf. Only if she could not admit that she was the youngest grandson of the third generation, that is, I, my grandparents loved me most when I was young. Later, I went to school and work outside all the year round, and only went back home after the annual holiday. That year, she returned home because several daughter-in-law and my mother had to take turns to take care of Grandma, My family is only a wall away from my grandma's, so my family takes care of more. I want to accompany my grandma more if she needs to watch at night. Before going to bed, I should pull her up to urinate, and then she will wake up in the middle of the night. Now I think of it, I was lucky to have stayed with her for a while.


So this movie brought me back a few years ago. Thank you for this movie.


Ma Youtie is an honest rural person. Although he is dull, he is honest. This film is a tragic ending, and the box office is not always ideal. But the real world is often like this. No one can guarantee that his ending is a tragedy or a comedy.


We are glad that we are not the protagonists and heroines in this society. Although this society is involved, we have sound limbs, and we can receive good education. Although it is difficult to give birth to a son from a poor family, we will be ordinary people and do what we like, which is also valuable.

《隐入尘烟》的观后感 篇5


This film, "Hiding in the Dust", starring Hai Qing and Wu Renlin, brings the audience back to the rural areas of northern Shaanxi. Cao Guiying, played by Hai Qing, and Ma Youtie, played by Wu Renlin, are always on the edge of the village and are often forgotten by villagers. However, they warm up each other in the most clumsy way. Although life is hard, it can't resist. They warm each other with their own sincerity. Their images are very untidy, but they are praised by many netizens.


This film shows us the real living conditions and changes in the northwest region. The pigs, chickens and other animals in the film as well as the scenes of labor make many audiences have a strong sense of substitution. After watching it, many netizens also said that the film "Hiding in the Dust" perfectly restored the real and warm scenes in the countryside. In this film, we also saw the kindness and simplicity of the previous generation and their sincere attitude towards love.

《隐入尘烟》的观后感 篇6


"Hiding in the Dust" This is a realistic film focusing on the northwest countryside.


It tells the story of Guiying and Ma Youtie, played by Haiqing, who are close to each other, rely on each other and guard each other under the help of their families. Guiying suffers from disability, infertility and incontinence, and has experienced many misfortunes in her native family.


The two married and lived together. After three moves, they finally moved into the small home they built. In Guiying's story, I felt the ordinary but extremely touching warmth and romance, for example:


1. The noble people often sit on the donkey cart on the way to the ground, which makes the women in the village envious.


2. The nobleman aroused the unusual eyes of many villagers because of incontinence. The fourth man wanted to choose a coat to cover her pants, so that she would have more dignity;


3. In the wheat field, the fourth brother used wheat grains to print flowers on Guiying's hands. Both of them were very happy.


4. When the fourth man came to the city, he waited for him to come back, only to let him have a drink of hot water. He changed the hot water for countless times.


5. When he went to sleep on the roof in hot weather, the fourth brother tied Guiying to his waist with a rope for fear that Guiying might fall.


6. Every time you see the old man donating blood, Guiying looks at the delicacies on the table and can't eat them. She silently accompanies the old man and is very distressed to see him draw so much blood.


At the same time, this play also let me see the simplicity and love of the old man.


① He treats swallows and donkeys as well as his family;


② He took good care of his wife in the face of neighbors' jokes;


③ For their own small family, very diligent and hard work;


④ In the face of selfless blood donation, considering the future of the village people, take the initiative to undertake.


⑤ Be responsible and give back everything you borrowed (coats, eggs, potatoes)


I have to say that Haiqing's acting skills are really good, except for his appearance; From the stooped back, to the appearance of the lame man, and the details of shaking hands are all in place.

观《隐入尘烟》观后感 篇7


Recently, a popular film, "Hiding in the Dust", has entered into the discussion of many people.


The film tells the story of two people abandoned by their respective families. Although they have no emotional foundation, they learned to pay each other and love in their ordinary daily life after marriage.


The woman Guiying stoops and is born with incontinence, while the man who has iron is not strong enough to marry a daughter-in-law. In this way, two miserable people have established a new family.


After that, no matter where men go, they will let women sit on donkey carts and take her to work in the fields together, planting wheat and harvesting wheat together, planting autumn vegetables together, hatching chickens together, and making adobe together to build a new house


The two people who grew up in the soil gradually cultivated a pure feeling born out of the soil. Although men are not good at words, they often think of leaving good things to women, and they will also use a few grains of wheat to print the shape of a flower on women's hands, saying that this can leave a mark. Women do their best to cook and fight, so that men can drink a mouthful of hot water when they come back. They wait at the entrance of the village again and again in cold weather, and change the hot water when it is cold.


This is the clumsy way to express love, but it is enough to move people, sincere and true.


However, the sky always fails. Just when everything is getting better and better, the woman accidentally falls into the river and dies.


Sadly, the woman's posthumous photos were still taken from the wedding photos and then turned into black and white.


The beautiful life has just sprouted, so it was rooted out.


The man arranged the affairs for Guiying, sold all the food and livestock in the family, and even the new house built with the woman was knocked down and flattened by the forklift.


Maybe for a man, if the woman is gone, everything will lose its meaning, as if everything has returned to the origin and belongs to the dust.


In a narrative with strong literary and artistic quality and more shocking life along the way, the rural story film "Hiding in the Dust" brings a simple hymn of beautiful humanity in hard life, and a reflection on the strength of hard work and self choice in the process of farmers' poverty alleviation.


The film narrative reflects a high degree of cinematicization, fully uses the camera screen to express the story content, and the language dialogue is extremely simple. Cao Guiying, the heroine, appeared at the very beginning and said nothing for more than ten minutes. However, on the occasion of "blind date" dominated by her sister-in-law, she presented the unfortunate fate of a poor rural woman: she had been suffering from urinary incontinence for a long time and was unable to marry due to infertility. Her life was arranged by her brother and sister-in-law, and she was able to marry the "fourth" poor old farmer who was nearly half a hundred years old. The lens narrative is full of stories, straight to the end, plain, simple and not boring. The fate of the heroes and heroines always firmly grasp the hearts of the audience.


The speechless Guiying and the speechless Youtie began to live together. The combination of poverty and illness created by brother and sister-in-law is not a tragic marriage story. On the contrary, two poor and unfortunate people took care of each other carefully from the beginning. Their mutual kindness soon brought them together and began to share weal and woe. Their property and ability were almost only kindness and diligence, plus a donkey. Relying on kindness and hard work, Youtie and Guiying work day after day and want to change their lives. The main plot is that they did not put forward any requirements in the demolition of rural construction, but built an earth house with their own strength. At the same time, the village required iron to donate its rare RH negative blood again and again, as a land contractor involved in the treatment of the village's land income. The kind-hearted people have no choice but to cooperate calmly again and again. They even use their own grains to pay back the donated blood and clothes. In the whole process of building houses, from digging, peeling, wall building, logging, beams, grass transportation, mat weaving, roof paving and other tile work, the iron is almost all on your own, and the only helpers are Guiying and donkeys. It took a summer to build a row of simple and beautiful traditional dwellings on the flat.


The plain flow of life, simple, true, not sensational, not ostentatious, let the day and life itself speak, not only brings moving narrative, but also highlights the choice of the two material poor farmers to live independently. In the film, what Youtie cares about is not wealth and status, but the power of choice. He doesn't care about his relatives, friends, neighbors who do business, or come back from work, and their living clothes have changed. He is not happy to reward him with an 80 square meter building even to thank him for donating blood to help the poor in the village. He asked, "How do you raise donkeys, pigs and chickens when you live in a building?"? He said to Guiying that we peasants could not live without land. His and Guiying's rare joy was in farm work and labor. It was the night of the storm when two people crowded together to cover the adobe they had worked so hard to get rid of. They were drenched and fell to the ground laughing. It was the admiration of Youtie when he saw Guiying's small grass horse made of straw. It was the kindness of Guiying when he saw Youtie who refused to hit the donkey. It was the joy of watching the chickens grow into laying hens running around the yard. Kindness and diligence are the main contents of the film to shape the heroes and heroines. In their choice of hard life, there are many bottom workers who are simple and kind and stand aloof from the world. The film gives a detailed description of poetry and philosophy. When they were thinning the wheat seedlings, Guiying accidentally dug up a wheat seedling after weeding. She was comforted by iron, but Guiying held the wheat seedling in her hand and said that it was also a life. She buried it carefully and carefully. She was very considerate. After Guiying's accidental death, Youtie was so disillusioned that he lost his ambition to work. In dealing with the aftermath, he finally came to the donkey who followed him all his life. He untied the reins, patted the donkey, and said, "I have worked for people all my life. Let's go. I have been watching the donkey disappear in the desert.". This set of symbolic pictures thoroughly expresses the desire of having iron to give oneself and all life to make life choices. The kindness embodied in their choice is determined by the natural and people's production and life, that is, the kindness of relationship formed in the benign configuration of production activities, rather than the doctrinal and woven kindness. The film's meticulous portrayal of Youtie and Guiying's kindness and diligence vividly reflects the depth of artistic creation's expression of the people's character. This depth lies in the fact that ordinary workers reflect the natural happy and optimistic life in the most difficult life, reflecting that life and history are created and continued in the work of millions of ordinary people; More importantly, in the authenticity of life, the film describes the spiritual autonomy of the bottom farmers, and their choice to live independently and for themselves. Simple and natural. Spiritual autonomy has become an unusual expression of the film's popularity.


In the sincere expression of the people's character, the important connotation of the film is not to generally express the commonality of farmers' lives, but to face up to the contradictory coexistence relationship between individuality and commonality, clearly describe how farmers' personalized needs and the commonality of rural construction and development are harmoniously integrated in the farmers' life relationship, and propose that rural construction should pay more attention to farmers' personalized wishes and respect farmers' choices, Will be more energetic. In the film, there are others other than Tie and Guiying. Few of their brothers, villagers and village leaders have ever thought of Tie's will, choice, dignity, or disdain, or ask them to combine, move, and donate blood according to the requirements of others, and to donate blood continuously for the benefit of all villagers, and also to live in buildings. As a result, some iron couples worked hard all summer, and the adobe new house built by hand was suddenly knocked down by bulldozers under demolition planning. Here, the film shows the serious problem of how to harmonize commonness and individuality.


Youtie's independent choice of production labor is always kind and hardworking in hardships, and its self effort in changing personal destiny shows the simple beauty of human nature of workers, and also brings about reflection on the role of the old production mode to people under the conditions of modernity. He should have the free choice of iron production mode, but his agricultural technology has been far away from the modern economic environment and modern technological productivity. There is no doubt that the iron house building technology is beautiful, but those adobe walls and thatched roofs are outdated after all, which cannot be compared with the comfort and progress of modern industrial civilization. There is still a big gap between the kind and hard work of Youtie and Guiying and their quality of life. Therefore, the film actually reflects that only kindness and hard work are not enough to change life. To realize their ideal, they must have a substantial increase in productivity. After Guiying accidentally fell into the water and died, the skill and dream of having iron completely collapsed. This reminds people of the film Talo, which is a brilliant film. The film's hero, Tibetan herdsman Taluo, also faces the desire to change his destiny in the rapid development of urbanization, but he has no skills to adapt to urbanization except reciting. At the end, Taro stopped on the road on his motorcycle without fuel (also a symbol of incapacity) and put up a column of fireworks pointlessly, as if to express his uncertainty about the changing world. While Youtieze and his nephew lived in the building at the end of the film to give the audience some comfort, it is still an open unknown whether the desire of people with iron desire to live in harmony with the natural land can be realized.


Sing praises the good and industrious human nature in the difficult life, face the harmonious development of the commonality and individuality in rural construction, cause people to pay attention to the harmonious development of the new countryside, the outstanding performance of the male and female leading actors, including the director's artistic development of the performance potential of non professional actors, so that the irreplaceable life authenticity of ordinary actors and the literary depth of the script are closely integrated, and Haiqing's physical and mental investment in the "remote" role The true interpretation has brought rich spiritual meaning to "Hiding in the Smoke".

观《隐入尘烟》观后感 篇8


Last Saturday, I went to see the movie "Hiding in the Dust".


Too many people are recommending this film. It is an unexpected show. There are few cinemas to choose from. When I went to see it that day, it was estimated that there were no more than 10 people.


What's the story? After Cao Guiying and Ma Youtie (his real name is Ma Youtie) were introduced by the matchmaker, Ma Laosi was stared at by Cao Guiying with embarrassment and nowhere to put his eyes; Cao Guiying sensed that Ma Youtie was a good man because of Ma Laosi's love for donkeys, and decided to follow him. So they took a wedding photo and lived together. Cao Guiying lived with his elder brother and sister-in-law before the fourth brother, but she did not live as well as a donkey. She would be beaten by her elder brother and sister-in-law, resulting in disability and infertility. Introducing Cao Guiying to Ma Laosi was also a way for her to get rid of her. Fortunately, Ma Laosi loved her very much, and the two of them also warmed each other. At last, life became better and better. When the good days came, Cao Guiying, as he said, was a pariah, suddenly fell ill and drowned in the water. From then on, Ma Laosi sold all his food and started a new life.


Seeing the whole movie, I was touched many times, especially in the scene where Cao Guiying left: Ma Laosi learned that Cao Guiying had fallen into the water, and he struggled to pick up Cao Guiying in the water alone, despairing. When the camera turned around, he intercepted Cao Guiying's part from the wedding photo, and then directly changed the color to black and white. This was just one color, that was a person from birth to death, and that moment was too shocking, Next, Ma Laosi replaced the "Double Happiness" pasted on the bedside with a posthumous picture of Cao Guiying.


I was deeply impressed by the narration of "soil" in the film.


In one scene, Cao Guiying and Ma Laosi were eating steamed buns in Tianli. Guiying dropped a piece of steamed bun on the ground. The fourth picked it up and wanted to eat it. Guiying said, "Don't eat it. It's all on the soil." The fourth said, "What are you afraid of? What is not the first thing in the soil? What is not grown in the soil? The soil doesn't want to abandon us. We don't want to abandon the soil for what?".


Their houses for shelter also came from soil, and they made many pieces of soil blanks, which were almost destroyed in a heavy rain. Relying on these clay blanks, the fourth brother and Guiying built their own homes. Before that, they used other people's houses, and always turned into mud when they moved away. But after Guiying left, their homes turned into mud in a flash.


Not to mention that farmers depend on the land for survival. From plowing, sowing to harvesting, the fourth man and Guiying work together in the field and occasionally say some very philosophical words, such as footprints planted in the field. Guiying said, "I don't want my feet to grow in the field. I can't go anywhere if they grow in the field.", The fourth man said, "People with feet can always walk around, which is much better than the crops and vegetables planted in the field. In other words, where can we go if we have feet? We are not firmly tied to the ground. We can't go anywhere. You say, how can farmers live if they leave the land?". The fourth one left the ground.


I have experienced the farm work scenes in the film. Now I look at them on the screen, and I not only feel that it is very hard, because it is all done by people, but also understand that the fourth man scolded Guiying after he failed to pick up the wheat bale in Guiying.


Then I turn to Guiying and Laosi to see that from the time when the eggs are hatched to the time when the chickens grow up and lay eggs, it is a hope for them to expand slowly, but unfortunately it will not last long.


Although the life of the fourth brother and Guiying is very ordinary, there is no lack of romance. They use wheat to press a flower on each other's back of the hand, and let each other eat the delicious food first. In those moments, they become the dependence of each other, which is also the warmth they give each other. Therefore, some people will envy Mu Guiying and others will feel hurt. When someone says that the fourth brother wants to tie Guiying to his trousers, he sleeps on the roof that night to prevent Guiying from rolling off the roof, The fourth brother really tied Guiying to his trousers.


But when Guiying left, the fourth brother lost his home. He released the donkey that had accompanied him for a long time, returned the borrowed eggs, sold the grain, paid the bill, and the house he had built collapsed in a flash. The fourth brother may still have left the ground.


When I left the cinema, many scenes in the film reverberated in my mind. I felt that I had a lot to say, but I didn't know how to say it at the moment. I just recorded that I had seen the film in this article.