
时间:2022-10-24 12:51:53 | 来源:语文通



天宫课堂观后感 篇1《天宫课堂》央视观后感300字 篇2观看天宫课堂观后感 篇3《天宫课堂》观后感600字 篇4天宫课堂观后感600字 篇5

天宫课堂观后感 篇1


This semester we learned a text called "The Millennium Dream Comes Today". Since then, the dream of traveling in space has quietly sprouted in my heart. Today, we can finally communicate with the astronauts about "heaven" and "earth".


Space is so wonderful! The three astronauts took us to do many interesting experiments. There is an experiment in which a drop of water becomes a hockey ball, a bridge is built by a drop of water, and a water oil separation experiment. My favorite experiment is a small experiment in water oil separation.


First of all, the astronauts on the space station and the students on the ground shook the bottle full of water and oil, so that the water and oil were fully integrated. Because of gravity on the earth, water and oil can be separated quickly, but the space station has no gravity and has always been integrated. Then, the astronaut tied the bottle with a rope and shook it in the form of a circle. Then came the time to witness the miracle. Water and oil were separated by centrifugation. Looking at the magic scenes, I think science is endless.


Although I still can't understand many technical terms, I also benefited a lot. Exploring space has a long way to go, which also inspired my curiosity for the future world.

《天宫课堂》央视观后感300字 篇2


With the explanation of Mr. Wang Yaping, we know the mysterious internal structure for us. Wow, it is really the same as our home. It is fully equipped with refrigerators, microwave ovens and other kitchen equipment.


The funny thing is that our ordinary actions on the earth are different in space. For example, when we drink water on the earth, we just need to pour water into a cup and drink a few mouthfuls. However, in space, astronauts must use special bags to drink water, or they can pour out the water and take it with their mouth open, because the water will flow upward in the absence of gravity. Another example is sleeping on the earth, lying in bed, you can sleep when your eyes are closed, but in space, astronauts can only sleep with sleeping bags, otherwise they will fly everywhere.


Let's think again, how do our astronauts usually walk in the cabin? It turns out that in the cabin, there are handlebars all around, which are used for astronauts to hold and move slowly, step by step, when walking.


Finally, I want to ask the students several questions: How long can a person live in space at most? Are people uncomfortable in space?

观看天宫课堂观后感 篇3


Today, I had an interesting "Tiangong Classroom", which introduced the Tianhe Core Cabin, which is 16 meters long! Wang Yaping, Zhai Zhigang and Ye Guangfu are here to teach us. They talked a lot of interesting knowledge and did some amazing experiments.


First of all, Mr. Wang Yaping led us to visit their space home, which has a space treadmill and space bike for fitness, and a space kitchen with some fresh apples in the refrigerator, so that they can eat apples on the earth. They also introduced a special penguin suit, which is specially designed to fight against muscle atrophy and the decline of cardiovascular function.


Then, Mr. Wang Yaping did several experiments, of which the effervescent tablet experiment attracted me most. Mr. Wang injected blue paint into the water ball, and the transparent water ball suddenly became blue. She put a half piece of effervescent tablet into the blue water ball, and many bubbles appeared in the water ball, which looked like the earth. It was amazing!


Space is so wonderful! I must study hard, grow up to be an astronaut, and go to the universe to explore more unknown mysteries.

《天宫课堂》观后感600字 篇4


On October 16, 2021, with a loud noise, the Long March 2F remote 13 carrier rocket carrying the Shenzhou 13 manned spacecraft was launched at Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center. A month later, the Tianhe Core Module ushered in a new "space travel trio". Three astronauts, Zhai Zhigang, Wang Yaping and Ye Guangfu, will travel in space for half a year. On December 9, 2021, the astronauts Zhai Zhigang, Wang Yaping and Ye Guangfu of the Shenzhou 13 crew will give the first space lesson of "Tiangong Classroom" at the China Space Station.


Behind the "Tiangong Classroom" is the professional confidence of countless aerospace people. Astronaut Wang Yaping once wrote a letter to Academician Lu Yuanjiu, one of the pioneers of China's space industry: "It is your high standards, strict requirements and countless sleepless insistences that have become our confidence in space today!" Although the road of space flight is full of thorns and tears, the dreams and beliefs of spacemen have always been firm as before. Generation after generation of spacemen have forged the spirit of manned space flight, which is especially able to bear hardships, fight, tackle key problems, and contribute with their perseverance and dedication.


Behind the "Tiangong Classroom" is the scientific confidence of the aerospace power. From the successful launch of China's first manned spaceship, Shenzhou V, in October 2003, to the breakthrough of "zero" in many core technologies such as China's space exit and rendezvous and docking, and then to the successful launch of Tianhe's core module... Over the past few decades, Chinese astronauts have worked together, worked together, and worked hard to achieve a great leap in China's manned space industry from scratch, from weak to strong, It has made great contributions to building China into a space power and a science and technology power. If science and technology prosper, the nation will prosper, and if science and technology are strong, the country will be strong.


Behind the "Tiangong Classroom" is the self-confidence of a great country. Everything depends on the strategic deployment of accelerating the construction of a strong scientific and technological country and achieving self-reliance in high-level science and technology, the advantages of the socialist system with Chinese characteristics that focuses on major issues, and the strong leadership of the CPC and the care and support of the 1.4 billion Chinese people. Behind the Chinese people's coming to space is a country's decades of dedication and perseverance, and also a nation's enduring success and accumulation over thousands of years.

天宫课堂观后感600字 篇5


Everyone has his own dream, and I am no exception. My dream is to fly a self designed spaceship to travel in space, walk on the moon, and play football with Martians on Mars


I remember when I was in kindergarten, my father gave me a remote control plane. I was very happy. The fuselage of the aircraft is silver gray, with a pair of wide wings, which is very cool. During the day, I took it to the playground to play and watched the small plane fly up and down freely in the air. I thought it would be great if I could fly the plane on the plane!


In the evening, I had a dream. I dreamed that I had grown up and was in the cockpit of a spaceship. I carefully checked every instrument and everything was normal. When I was sitting in the driver's seat, I heard the command from the radio that the tower agreed to take off. I pressed the start button, pulled up the joystick, and kept staring at various instruments. The spaceship soared into the sky. The scenery on the earth is getting smaller and smaller, and gradually I can't see it clearly. Suddenly a red light flashed in front of me. Soon, the spaceship rushed out of the atmosphere and came to the vast space. The scene in front of me became so fascinating. In the dark blue background, there are countless stars shining blue light. I chose automatic navigation and began to operate various equipment of the spaceship. At this time, the outer hatch cover of the spaceship slowly opened, exposing a large TV wall, and began to broadcast various information about the earth. I said hello to extraterrestrial life in various languages through different sound waves.


While I was busy operating the equipment, the navigation screen indicated that the spacecraft was close to Mars. Suddenly, through the porthole, I saw a spaceship from another planet flying in. It may be the legendary Martians. I greeted them in various ways. They seemed unable to understand, but their expressions were friendly. Then, a sudden alarm bell rang, and a row of red characters flashed on the computer screen: insufficient energy, please return as soon as possible! I was shocked and woke up. The alarm clock on the table was ringing all the time. It was originally a dream.


I always remember this dream. I believe that I can design a real spaceship to explore the vast universe when I grow up through hard study of various scientific knowledge.