
时间:2022-10-24 12:51:53 | 来源:语文通



隐入尘烟简短影评 篇1隐入尘烟经典影评 篇2隐入尘烟简短影评 篇3隐入尘烟影评观后感 篇4隐入尘烟简短影评 篇5

隐入尘烟简短影评 篇1


There are no roses in the desert of northwest China, and the wheat flowers with iron are particularly brilliant.


Guiying and Youtie, who live in the mud, have strong vitality. They have gone from having nothing to having chickens and earth houses. When the wheat is ripe, the chicks lay eggs.


The human nature is cold and thin. The third man is selfish and greedy. He is squeezing iron and uses his own brother as a coolie. The rich and noble man is mercenary. He sucks his blood and dislikes his blood dirt. When he donates blood to land contractors, he often speaks well to them, but Guiying dies in the ditch at the bridgehead full of people. Honesty and kindness should not be at the mercy of others. But he still kept his original kindness and warmth. They are the cleanest and purest people.


He and Guiying are a beam of light from each other's barren life. They care about each other, maintain each other's dignity, love those chickens and the donkey. Their precious feelings are also rare, and they are simple ideas: they take care of all things by paying back what they borrow, and paying back what they get.

隐入尘烟经典影评 篇2


I grew up in the countryside when I was young, and the life in my hometown is similar to that in the movies. I have also experienced farming and harvesting, and have seen the process of ramming earth to build houses. So far, I have been influenced by the simple values and family values in the countryside. I can also understand the feelings that the director wants to express to the audience. And "Hiding in the Smoke" can be said to be the best film I have seen in recent years.


First of all, the film shows respect for life.


Whether it's the wheat sprouts growing in the fields, the swallows nesting under the eaves, the chickens just coming out of their shells, or the donkeys being ordered by people. From beginning to end, the film is expressing respect for these lives. Yes, this is true in the countryside. They not only love their crops. If bees or swallows build nests under the eaves, they will regard it as a kind of luck. Even if pigs are slaughtered every year, every family will turn a piece of paper money and send a prayer to the pigs. Some people may say that this is superstition, but I have known since childhood that this is respect for life. And the movie also conveys this kind of emotion, I feel very moved.


Secondly, the film places the respect for workers in an important position.


Nowadays, many success studies believe that it is even a success in life to throw off the identity of grassroots workers. Therefore, many people pay less and less attention to grassroots workers, and many film and television books are also extremely exaggerating the suffering and sadness of grassroots workers, and then make a magnificent turn for the "suffering" masters - to get rid of the plight of grassroots workers. This kind of movie looks very cool. In fact, it is just selling the tragedy of life, but it has imperceptibly devalued a group of people, devalued a kind of life, and also discouraged people from choosing this kind of life. But "Hiding in the Smoke" did not sell miserably and bitterly, but it also let the audience see a kind of beauty and happiness in the lives of the heroes and heroines. It also did not sell successfully. It just showed the difficulties of workers on the big screen, and also showed the ancient working people's experiences for thousands of years. Wisdom and diligence. Every frame, every picture, it expresses respect for workers, it also tells the audience before the screen a way of life, maybe one day, a group of people can really aspire to such a way of life. The image of a simple and industrious worker should be able to move anyone.


Thirdly, we should respect life.


Maybe we are used to seeing big fish and big meat on the table. Many people have forgotten how a grain of rice or wheat has become a delicacy on our table. Hiding in the Smoke and Dust shows us the whole process from planting to harvest, from a seed to food - sweat, toil, natural disasters and helplessness. Until a seed becomes a steamed bun in the hand and a bowl of noodles. Every step, whether as a crop in the field or as a cultivator, is not easy to live. But life is not easy. No matter you live in a busy market, or work in a farm, or live in a temple, or travel far away from the Jianghu, or live, you have to suffer attacks from all sides. No one can be an exception, and no one really lives easily. But at least we can still live and sit down and talk about life. So, less complaining, less harsh, live a good life and respect life.


Finally, the film showed me a clean and respected love.


Nowadays, when it comes to love, movies and TV show that A loves B and B loves C, or A falls in love with B and C at the same time. It is confusing to watch. It seems that everyone is very fraternal, and it is difficult to give up love. In fact, it is just the desire to engage in prostitution. After careful consideration, it is full of dirt and stench. While the heroes and heroines in the movie "Hiding in the Smoke", their love, or family love, is far more clean and pure, although not perfect. Their mutual support and stalemate, on the surface, look like a difficult husband and wife. In fact, their feelings make everyone envious and jealous. Their union has no emotional basis, but they rely on their instinct, their simplicity and true temperament, so that the two lonely hearts can rely on each other. Without the contrast of luxury houses and cars, they still have established a great family bond, which is both love and friendship. In their emotional world, luxury houses and cars are undoubtedly a kind of pollution and destruction. Such a clean emotion makes every audience feel that when she leaves, he should also leave with her. In fact, it doesn't matter whether he goes with us or not. Off the screen, let's feel that he is gone, and the meaning of the film is in place. The people who should be moved are also moved now.


Of course, I like this movie, so Baba said a lot about the good movies here. I know that many people still don't like this movie, or don't like similar movies. I'm not writing this article to let those who don't like this movie change their positions, but I hope that those who don't like this movie can tolerate such a good movie, and don't say it is useless, Let those who like this kind of film flinch, after all, the film contains so many of us.

隐入尘烟简短影评 篇3


The first time I saw a movie in the cinema was with my ex girlfriend. The movie was called Waiting for You at the End of the World. I don't know who played it. It took me a long time to remember the movie title, and I almost forgot the plot. I only remember walking into the movie theater and waking up to find my ex girlfriend's face touched by the rain. They also asked me to take videos. I took the video, which is embarrassing. I can't bear to delete it. It is still in the mobile phone album, but I don't like that clip. When I walked out of the cinema, my ex girlfriend asked me, "Will you love me like a man?"


I said, "Yes."


In fact, I don't like this kind of film, let alone moved. Is it true that the reality can not satisfy the love of people now, and needs illusory things to realize love? Most of the films are sensationalism to the extreme, either in a different place, or encounter any difficulties, anyway, it is not good together. We live in the real world, how can we put aside the reality?


"Hiding in the Dust" is a film about love. It lasts for two hours and 13 minutes. There is no word of "love" in the whole process. But all the details are telling of love. The impact on me after watching the film is not very strong, but it just gives me a refreshing feeling. The ordinary reveals the sacred.


The story should take place in Shaanxi, Gansu and Ningxia. The first meeting between the fourth brother (Youtie) and Guiying was introduced by the matchmaker. Neither of them spoke or looked at the other. Guiying has been suffering from incontinence since she was a child. Guiying's sister-in-law was afraid that Guiying would urinate in the iron house, so she asked Guiying to go to the Maoquan to let water out. After putting the water in, Guiying sees that there is iron eating beside the donkeys. This is also the first time for the two to look at each other.


Then there was marriage, no bride price, no wedding banquet, and no blessing from relatives and friends. There was only a red background group photo of two people without smiling faces.


The married life is also very ordinary. Youtie takes good care of Guiying. It can be seen from all the details. Knowing that Guiying would incontinence, he filled the stove with firewood. Wash your wet clothes. After donating blood, even if he only has 50 yuan, he also wants to buy a longer coat for Guiying to cover his lower body. It is not the first time to protect the adobe when it rains, but to wrap Guiying in plastic. He will make a small nest for Guiying on the donkey cart. Print a flower on Guiying's hand with wheat. Guiying's pony is made of wheat straw. It holds iron until death. This film is not spectacular, but it is very plain details that move people.


Guiying also loves iron, as can be seen from the following clip.


It is worth mentioning that this film not only describes the details of love. He also described the integrity and kindness of the bottom people in particular.


When fetching water, some iron picks up tadpoles and gently releases them


After Youtie donated blood to Zhang Yongfu three times, he didn't ask Zhang Youfu's son for anything substantial, but just let Zhang Youfu pay off the money owed to the workers who usually look down on Guiying.


The house was demolished, and the bird's nest on the eaves was also demolished. Afraid of swallows coming back in spring, they had no place to live, so they specially made nests for swallows in the new house


In addition to these, there are many details.


After Guiying died, he didn't want to live with iron. He changed into the clothes his sister-in-law gave him when he met Guiying for the first time, and burned a paper TV for Guiying. The character "Xi", which had been moved twice and pasted on the kang head, was replaced with a picture of Guiying. He also sold all the wheat and paid all the money he owed, even the eggs he owed. He even remembered the two bags of potatoes he had promised the farmer. After all this, he released the donkey he had followed for half his life. This is a very normal thing in our life, but even this is a very normal thing, and most people can't do it. The author not only satirizes the current fast-food love, but also satirizes the people who have lost their kindness and integrity and are still intrigued every day.


In the film, there is a sharp contrast between the iron "treasure donkey" and Zhang Yongfu's BMW.


On the way to donate blood to his father by pulling Youtie for the first time, Guiying was incontinent, didn't care, didn't feel grateful for Youtie, and only complained. The second time when you pulled the iron, BMW's back seat had a layer that fluttered with the wind. As the iron said, BMW could not compare with his "treasure donkey". At least donkeys don't dislike Guiying.


After the death of Youtie, the freed donkey ran back to Youtie's home and appeared in the same scene as the BMW at the door. It's really ironic.


What really made me sad was that Guiying was lying on the kang alone after her death, with no one beside her except iron. Pitifully, Youtie has helped so many people. Donating blood many times is just to help villagers get back their wages. He has always lived in the dark, and Guiying has shined his life like a ray of light. How can anyone who has seen the light live in the dark at ease.


In the current Internet era, the world is developing rapidly. In order not to be eliminated by the times, we stagger to keep up with the trend of the times. But I forgot what I first pursued. Those sincere, simple and kind natures should be repeated in life. Instead of being expressed in movies for people to learn. I sometimes wonder whether the times are progressing or regressing. The other day, I saw someone scolding Gansu online, and I was very puzzled. We are just poor, should we be scolded and looked down upon? We grow our own, eat our own, love the people we want to love, and enjoy ourselves without stealing or robbing. Do we need money to measure a person's value today? If people are unscrupulous to make money, and love is put on the table, what's the meaning of all this? Can we still find people like Guiying who have iron in this era?


I like where I like this movie. It's true. We often say that good people are rewarded, but are good people really rewarded? Is iron a good man? Did he get good results? No, Good people deserve to be bullied and looked down upon. In addition to love, this film fully illustrates this point. But there is at least one Guiying who has iron. Therefore, love is also a good medicine. Even if life is hard, people like Guiying and Iron will live happily. So love heartily, sincerely and boldly.

隐入尘烟影评观后感 篇4


Hiding in the Dust is a slow but moving film. This is not a rural documentary, nor a big rural love story film, but a story about people on the verge of being forgotten and ignored. The subtitles at the end of the film show that the hero Ma Youtie has a new life with a house. But what's the use of a house when you turn around and hide in the dust?


The story took place in the Northwest more than ten years ago. Two lonely people are about to be forced into an arranged marriage by their families. Ma Youtie is an indefatigable, taciturn man who focuses on poor and simple rural life; Cao Guiying is a timid woman. Apart from her inability to bear children, her lameness and incontinence almost push her life into darkness. Of course, Guiying has amazing self-esteem. When she took the wedding photos, her seemingly stubborn and helpless tremor firmly locked our hearts.


Why do we believe that this pair of miserable people can live on? Of course, the director Li Ruijun didn't miss any details: When Ma Youtie and Guiying met for the first time, Guiying witnessed the man's care for the donkey. She knew that Ma Youtie wouldn't go bad. The first day after marriage is naturally very awkward. Men work and women follow. However, as time passed silently, the subtle goodwill between them could no longer deceive anyone's eyes.


In the bitter days, Ma Youtie and Guiying warmed each other. He left a mark on the back of her hand and illuminated the walls with the cardboard box for hatching chickens; She carried a bottle of hot water and waited until it was swallowed by darkness and cold at the junction where he returned home - such a low-key and bone eroding romance never required a thousand words.


Keep a good heart away from the cold world. Ma Youtie is kind-hearted, but he is not "simple" without insight and perception - how can he not know how much benefits his "bear cat blood" can bring to his eyes? How can we not know what virtues are in the bones of those hypocritical neighborhood relatives?


However, he chose to be tender to the world with the values he believed in. Otherwise, how could he remember that he had to return the "borrowed" coat and ten eggs, and how could he never forget the swallows just holding their nests on the eaves of the old house before entering the building. Ma Youtie is not an alien in the countryside at all, but the world has changed, the people have changed, and he remains the same.


Li Ruijun is full of deep attachment and respect for those rural people who are always fearless of evil and persevere in kindness.


Therefore, when the dilapidated village was surrounded by relentless sand dunes, and the new wind blew the dust over the precarious old house, everything was to be abandoned and buried, he asked this unusual couple to build the earth house that no longer leaks rain on the wasteland with their hands. After extreme fatigue, the love for each other came as scheduled. They shut out the noisy and absurd world, leaving an unexpected 'beauty and poetry' in their life: donkeys are their children, and poultry, swallows and corn form their kingdom.


Li Ruijun once said, "People in the countryside caught the train to the city, but both of the main characters missed it. They were like two cyclists running behind people on the high-speed train." This does not mean that "Hiding in the Dust" and Jia Zhangke's "Platform" have similar propositional texture. On the contrary, unlike the latter, who struggles to catch the train, the former cherishes human virtues that are too precious to be taken into account in the process of changing times. Do you have confidence in this virtue and humanity? The ending of the film may give the director's own judgment.


Hiding in the Dust breaks the stereotype that the meaning of love is confined to sex and romance, and highlights the importance of respect, care and trust. This is precisely explained by the superb performance of Wu Renlin and Hai Qing.


In addition to the back rubbing scene of the two in the murmuring water, there are no more intimate WWW.. CN pictures to show in the whole film, but the gradual progress of their emotional relationship and the intensity of their biting each other are convincing. As a plain actor, Wu Renlin's "original" performance did not show any timidity, while Hai Qing was fully integrated into the role from the first scene, and his body language and emotional performance were excellent. It is a little pity that the performances of some ordinary supporting role lack vividness, and we did not wait for their most natural moment.


In terms of art and technology, "Hiding into the Dust" is worthy of the competition film of the Berlin Film Festival. But we must admit that this film is like Ma Youtie's favorite donkey, which is branded with an inexplicable contradiction: when it is tied with a rope, it must find a special and stable narrative perspective to present or hide what it wants to express most. How difficult it is; If we take off the rope one day, will this kind of art film, which will be restrained, slow and calm in aesthetic selection, really conquer the masses in the cinema? This is the most painful and thought-provoking part of "Hiding in the Dust".

隐入尘烟简短影评 篇5


This is the real summer weather, and the heat is unbearable. Nanjing deserves its name.


Yesterday, on the 15th day of the sixth month of the lunar calendar, as usual, the night sky was clear and the full moon was in the sky. But because the heat was rising to the sky, I felt that the moon was covered with thin fog, and the sky was like a veil as thin as a cicada's wings.


Like everything else, nature never has the same scene. Everything is changing.


Embracing change is a helpless move, but it is also the best choice.


Hiding in Dust and Smoke was screened in Nanjing at the back window. I missed the premiere because I watched it late. It was during the Berlin Film Festival at that time. Later, due to the epidemic, I changed gears and didn't officially go online until July 8.


This film was shot during the worst epidemic period in Wuhan. The only news reported in the report was that Hai Qing donated epidemic prevention materials to Wuhan. Other times, it basically disappeared.


However, I had to be hospitalized for surgery after four months of physical problems due to work, children and epidemic, which made me unforgettable in that cold spring.


The words "Don't be afraid" that Haiqing encouraged me on the phone are the only warmth in the cold. There was also Nanjing wintersweet sausage that I could not help her achieve. She planned to buy ten cases and eight cases of it and send it to the village for everyone to eat. The physical reasons and epidemic reasons were superimposed, and things that could not be simpler in ordinary days became so difficult to achieve.


Therefore, when I finally sat in the cinema to watch this film, I felt totally different from any previous film. I regret that I should not go together, but go alone.


When the song at the end of the film rings and the subtitles run in, I especially want to sit quietly for a while, but I can't help being pulled away by the crowd. At the corner, I caught a glimpse of the independent woman who is still sitting in the middle of the theater, immersed in the plot, with tears in her eyes. I think that most people who can choose to go into the theater to watch this film will have a seemingly slow but lasting resonance.


This film made me forget Haiqing,


Our unhappiness comes from having too much, having too many desires, and having too many choices. When both material and spiritual are extremely poor, our happiness will be simple and pure, unforgettable, like a spring in the desert, and all people are eager to go.


Rich and poor are not the only way to define. Compared with the people in the village, Guiying is the poorest, but she is the richest.


And the endless work of the four seasons, the sowing, hope and fruit produced by the land, are waiting in dormancy. Year after year, our life can always rely on our hands to become rich, and the earth has given us the most reliable dependence, only the land has not given Guiying the due reward.


When Guiying and the house built with iron were finally restored to the earth by bulldozers, and the people in the world stood on the fairest land, calculating the gain and loss of benefits, all the money seemed so light as a feather.


The end result of life ultimately belongs to the dust. Guiying is happy and full. Although it is short, it has surpassed many long and inactive lives. The flowers are blooming just for a moment. Fortunately, she has been in full bloom.


This movie, I think, will be watched again by myself.