
时间:2022-10-22 12:59:12 | 来源:语文通


初中周记600字 篇1初中周记600字 篇2周记初中500字 篇3初中生活周记 篇4初中周记 篇5周末初中周记 篇6

初中周记600字 篇1


School begins! School begins! Our school is naughty NO. The "talents" of Class 6 (3) are ready to go, and there are many interesting stories.


Camera 1: A pot of porridge without a teacher in class


The bell rang for class, "a group of" and "talents" came in, and the classroom sat down. One minute later, the teacher did not come, three minutes later, and five minutes later, the "talents" could not sit still, and began to "dance in chaos". Some of them waved their guns, some talked and laughed, and some played small games... The scene was like a pot of boiling porridge.


"Here comes the teacher!" I don't know who cried out and closed his mouth. He had to put down the "gun" to take the "gun" and sat upright. The classroom was silent at once. Everyone's eyes gathered at the door. No one appeared. The speaker and the "gun" were shining again. One student even walked to the platform and put on a teacher's appearance and said, "XXX, please come up and do this... The atmosphere in the classroom seemed to infect all the students, and everyone laughed. The scene was very happy. Suddenly, the students on the platform quickly slipped off the platform, and all the students' actions stopped suddenly. The classroom was quiet and terrible, and everyone looked at the door together - the teacher came.


Shot 2: "Jiang Cai Ren" with a funny face“


On Thursday afternoon, Jiang Xinrui's ridiculous action and language aroused teacher Jiang's anger when he lined up for physical education class. However, after the collective sit ups, when Mr. Jiang asked the boys to comment on the reasons why the girls' grades were not good, Mr. Jiang Xinrui ("Jiang Cairen") in my class laughed and said, "Teacher, I want to laugh," which made Mr. Jiang's anger just extinguished and rekindled. This time, Mr. Jiang was very angry. There seemed to be a flame beating in his eyes. He shouted, "Do you want to laugh? Then go to the men's room and have a good laugh if you want to. "Then he sent Zhang Yongqiu to supervise him.


It is only a week since the beginning of school, but the interesting stories of the "talented people" in our class are endless, interesting and crazy, as if they were a group of "little crazy people" in the fifth grade.

初中周记600字 篇2


Today is the National Day, the annual birthday of my mother in the motherland. On this special day, all schools do not go to school, so my parents asked my sister and I to go to the zoo to play. My sister and I jumped with joy.


But when we saw the zoo, we knew it was not as easy as we thought -- finding a parking space. Because it was the National Day today, so many people came to visit. The cars lined up on the road like a huge dragon. We finally found a parking space, which had already passed half an hour.


It was not easy to solve a big problem. As soon as we got off the bus, another big problem came into sight -- queue up to buy tickets, and all ticket outlets were full of people, forming huge dragons. Looking down from the height, people were everywhere, and everywhere was a black carpet. We struggled with time for an hour, and finally bought tickets. At this time, I thought in my heart that I could finally enter the zoo, It's not easy.


After entering the zoo, we first went to the Penguin Pavilion. The little penguins in black coats looked like a cute little gentleman. Then we went to the Elephant Pavilion. Look! The elephant shook its big ears and was fighting with other elephants, but he won. So it held its head high and walked away, as if to say, "Look how powerful I am." Then we went to Bird Garden, Crocodile House and Hippo House. It's noon after leaving the Hippo Pavilion.


So we found an empty stone table, and ate the bento my mother made in the morning. After eating, we ate CNDang, my parents sit there to rest, and my sister and I are playing nearby. This is when I saw a group of butterflies from the flowers, and the butterflies wearing only flower clothes, like beautiful elves. In the afternoon, my parents led me and my sister to row a boat for the whole afternoon. When we had enough time to go ashore, the sun was already in the west. My father said, "Let's go home." My sister and I reluctantly agreed.


How happy you are today! I really want to leave time today forever.

周记初中500字 篇3


Summer is coming, and the weather is getting hotter and hotter. The cicada calls impatiently from the tree, "It's so hot! It's so hot!" I was sweating so hot that I really wanted to swim in the swimming pool.


Just do it. My parents took me to the swimming pool. I came to the swimming pool and saw a group of children playing with water. After some intrigue, we decided to have a water war.


We divided into two teams and started a water war. I held my breath and dived into the water, swam behind the other side, and a sneak attack came. The other side didn't respond. I jumped out of the water and slapped them behind with a floating board, which made them unprepared. The spray flew past like bullets, and blossomed on his face, body and head. The other party ran away, "haha..." In the laughter, I won a "good start"!


Who knew that a proud soldier would lose? I became complacent and relaxed my vigilance. When I saw an opponent coming, I sneaked into their defence without thinking. Unexpectedly, they came to a plan to "divert the tiger from the mountain", and the others swam to my territory. I walked around my back. Before I could jump out of the water, I was thrown on my face by a big white wave and choked a few mouthfuls of water. It was because I was careless, wiped the water off my face, and secretly reminded myself that I must keep my spirits up, not be careless.


My friends and I winked and decided to do something: "Lead the snake out of the hole." A partner dived to the other side of the swimming pool, and all the enemies really swam past. So we also dived in and ambushed them. When they came back, we quickly got to the surface of the water and slapped them with water several feet high, "Hua Hua Hua".


The happy laughter of "hahaha" spread far away. Our team won the victory with a score of two to one. It was fun to have a water fight!

初中生活周记 篇4


As time flies, I have been in junior high school for nearly one year. Looking back, I can see from a distance that Grade 1 and Grade 2 are our childish smiling faces and innocence that can not be regained. Although I miss those days very much, my first day life is destined to be the best page in my memory.


When I was in primary school, I thought that the first day of junior high school was boring, with many subjects, teachers and homework... But I was completely wrong. The life of the first day of junior high school is more joyful than that of Class 61, with more interesting subjects and serious and loving teachers... Although I can't breathe sometimes under the pressure of heavy learning tasks, the kind teachers can always gently touch the strings of learning in our hearts and play wonderful music.


When I first entered junior high school, strange faces always showed arrogance. I don't know how I spent that time, but I felt relaxed gradually. Happy, each other will print each other into their minds. Now we are fighting and fighting, united and working together, becoming an inseparable collective, leaving a beautiful rainbow in their hearts.


I like the current class because it records a new period of our life; I like the teachers now, because they take us out of the primary school life and write an enviable chapter on our new page; I like my present classmates because they bring me laughter and accompany my healthy growth.


Behind the sweet, there must be bitter.


Maybe it's because I don't adapt to junior high school life. After I entered junior high school, my performance has always been unsatisfactory. Although I listened to every teacher's earnest instructions carefully, my performance has never given me any reward. This is when I began to miss my primary school life. But I know that people should look ahead and not live in memories, so I will work harder in the future. struggling.


The crisscross of pain and joy weaves out my colorful and bright first day life. I like my first day life!

初中周记 篇5


It's Spring Festival again. I'm so happy. I like Spring Festival best.


When I was young, I found that I always got a lot of things during the Spring Festival. For example, toys, clothes... everything. So I look forward to the Spring Festival every day.


When I was in primary school, I became interested in colorful fireworks and took my parents by the hand to buy fireworks. After buying fireworks, our family put them in the sky on the night of the New Year's Eve. Looking at the colorful fireworks in the sky, I couldn't help admiring: "The Spring Festival is really good."


Later, I learned that I could not always ask others for what I wanted. Instead, I could buy what I wanted with the lucky money given by adults during the Spring Festival. Then, when my parents asked me what I wanted, I took out the lucky money and said, "I use this to buy." Mom and Dad laughed. I took out a piece of money to buy a gift for my parents who raised me hard; A share of money to buy books to read; A money to buy a greeting card, on which I write my heartfelt wishes to my dear friends. In this way, I spent a meaningful Spring Festival.


Now, I know that everyone has a holiday during the Spring Festival, so I can travel around with my parents, or visit relatives and receive red envelopes; Or visit the mountains and waters of the motherland, take photos and record; Or get together and celebrate with good friends... How can I not think about such a good festival day and night?


In the twinkling of an eye, the Spring Festival is coming again this year. I look forward to it day by day, night by night, and have prepared a lot of plans. I will use my hard-earned pocket money to buy my mother's favorite clothes and my father's favorite leather shoes, and give them a surprise in the New Year. I also need to buy fireworks and "travel around" to enjoy the unique natural scenery······


Spring Festival, come quickly.

周末初中周记 篇6


In the morning, a ray of sunshine shines on my cheek. A group of birds wake me up from my sleep. I am at home today, so I have to cook by myself. Laundry. do the homework. It's so lonely to eat!


I got up at 8:30 in the morning and began to do my homework after having breakfast. I forgot the time when I was doing it, and it was here in a flash


It's 1:00 p.m. I went to cook. It was fun. I brought out all kinds of food. Get ready, wash the pot and cut the vegetables. I'm frying the vegetables. The food was ready at once, but the food had not been cooked yet. I'm already hungry. I have to order first. After waiting for a meal, I was very lonely sitting at the table alone, but it was good to eat four dishes alone.


To tell the truth, I haven't cooked successfully many times. I remember that when I was at Grandma's house, I would go downstairs to stir fry as long as Grandma was not at home. But at that time, I couldn't even stir fry eggs and rice, but I wouldn't give up. I have practiced for so many years. I have been looking for time to practice. One day, I seized a very good opportunity, went downstairs immediately to buy a lot of food materials, and started work immediately. Later, when my mother came back and saw the heavy fog, she knew I was cooking again. Mom, I explained right away. What are you cooking. "No stir fry, what's the stir fry, ah mama". "I haven't fried anything yet", my mother's tone seems to be getting heavier and heavier. I didn't say anything, and my mother said how could it be smoke? Tell the truth quickly. If not, I will hit you. After that, my mother will bring the stick to hit me. My mother's stick has been waved. I will tell the truth when I am afraid. "Yes, I am cooking!" My tone is very small. So I didn't give up. My cooking skill is much better than that of many years ago. Now my mother doesn't care much, so I can take a big load of cooking.


Now my mother praises me for my delicious cooking, so this is my weekend fun and boring. My weekend is my beautiful, lonely and happy weekend, isn't it? This is my weekend.