
时间:2022-10-21 13:05:05 | 来源:语文通


《念书的孩子》观后感 篇1念书的孩子观后感 篇2念书的孩子观后感 篇3《念书的孩子》观后感 篇4《念书的孩子》观后感 篇5《念书的孩子》观后感 篇6《念书的孩子》观后感 篇7《念书的孩子》观后感 篇8念书的孩子观后感 篇9

《念书的孩子》观后感 篇1


Today, I saw a movie called "Reading Children 2".


Reading Children 2 tells that when I drove into the city to go to school, I was forced to separate from the stray dog "Xiaodan". However, the friendship between this humane dog and its kind owner transcends geographical barriers and is always connected by a thin telephone line. In order to let Xiaodan have a meal, Kaikai stealthily picks up waste products to collect the phone bill and makes a long-distance call to Xiaodan. After the Spring Festival, Kaikai and his new friends in the city finally welcomed the coward to visit relatives in the city. Xiaodan learned to pick up waste, but unfortunately he had an accident. Open your eyes and read to the dying coward


I was deeply moved by the feelings between Kaikai and Xiaodan! I can't help crying anymore! We should also understand the intention of the film, which focuses on the vulnerable group of migrant workers' children and depicts their survival and spiritual status with a strong sense of social responsibility. They are all children we should pay attention to!

念书的孩子观后感 篇2


Yesterday, the school organized to watch the film "Children at School". After watching the film, my thoughts rose and fell, and the moving scenes in the film kept emerging in my mind. Kaikai, a 9-year-old boy, lives in the countryside with his grandfather when he was young. He is a typical left behind child who is far away from the care of his parents. In addition to being dependent on his grandpa, he also has a "close friend" who has nothing to say, Xiao Dan. Lu Kai is a lively, cheerful, filial, sensible, diligent and studious child. In order to prevent Kaikai from being lonely, grandpa lets Kaikai read to himself every day. Although there are many mistakes, his tone is correct and he speaks very eloquently.


I wait for my parents to call me every night. Maybe this is the spiritual pillar of Kaikai! Kaikai is one of many left behind children. He is stronger than children of the same age and makes people feel sad.


Seeing that Kaikai's childhood was so unfortunate, I immediately thought of myself and my classmates. The conditions at home and the reading environment are all so good, but we also complain all the time, do not want to study, and hate parents' nagging. Compared with the lonely Kaikai, it is extremely happy to have classmates, friends and family around us every day. But we are not satisfied. We quarrel with our family members and do things that make them feel cold because of some trivial things. Mom and Dad have paid so much for us, and we are still in bliss.


Kaikai's indomitable spirit of loving learning has deeply affected me. In the future, I will work hard and work hard like him. No matter what difficulties I encounter, I will learn to face them by myself, not rely on others, and be a strong child!

念书的孩子观后感 篇3


The Student is a moving and inspirational film, which has benefited me a lot.


This film tells the story of Kaikai's parents who went out to work for him and lived with his grandfather since childhood. He became capricious, unwilling to study and naughty due to lack of parental care. Fortunately, God gave him a loving grandfather and an excellent teacher. His grandfather changed him and made him love learning, become lovely and obedient. Don't want an unexpected disaster to attack the originally peaceful life: Kaikai's grandpa died. Maybe it's a blessing in disguise. His parents are back.


Kaikai's parents were worried that he was not safe and wanted to take him to the city to find a school, but it would be difficult to learn. At this time, Kaikai's teacher found his father and told him to go back to the city by himself. Kaikai could live at the teacher's house first. Kaikai's father agreed. Kaikai's parents left him once, and he decided to stay at home alone. After a while, Kaikai's father came to take him to the city.


In this film, I saw the strong and optimistic Kaikai, his strength shocked me, his optimism moved me, and his filial piety moved me even more. His living conditions are no more than one fifth of mine, and his efforts are 500 times mine! His respect for the elders also made me feel inferior and out of reach. My parents also loved me very much, but I did not return the love of my parents as he did. Even my study always makes my parents worry about me.


There is another role in the film that makes me feel very much, that is, the opened pet is also the best partner - "coward". He made me understand the loneliness of left behind children. Therefore, I hope that all parents of left behind children should pay more attention to their children's feelings. How much they yearn for the selfless and warm care of their parents when they sleep alone and think about their parents' children at night!


This film has benefited me a lot. I admire Kaikai's strength and bravery, and I feel inferior to him. I know what to do in the future. No matter what difficulties I encounter in the future, I will be a strong person, not afraid of difficulties and obstacles, and forge ahead bravely.

《念书的孩子》观后感 篇4


I didn't want to see this movie, but I opened Baidu with the strong recommendation of my volunteer friend.


The first act had a great impact on me. In the foggy morning, a child cried and said goodbye to his parents. Stimulated, I continued to watch.


Before we talk about our feelings, we still need to mention the hardware and performance shooting in this movie. How to say, although I have no research on film shooting, I'd better come here to write about my feelings. Personally, I think the filming of this film is average. Maybe I haven't seen it yet, but so far, the acting skills of children I have seen are hard to bring me into the film no matter how good they are. The cut and edit of some films and the mood change every day are quite sudden. Also, this is probably my problem. Some details that I don't agree with will suddenly take me away from the story and break the continuity of the film, such as some details of life: everyone speaks standard Mandarin, and the teacher is a beautiful woman.


However, no matter how bad the acting and shooting are, the theme of this film is perfect. It shows the other side of our lives to those urban children who do not know the human suffering, shows the real life of people in society, arouses our concern for people in another world in China, and makes people want to do something


This is the ultimate achievement of the film. It is not to win awards or be praised by others, but to arouse people's concern and care for the left behind children and make people want to do something for them.

《念书的孩子》观后感 篇5


This week, all the fourth grade teachers and students watched a film called "The Schoolboy". It was a film full of tears. The hero is a child named Lukai. His parents are working in other places. Only his grandfather and a dog named Xiaodan have been with him.


The story goes like this: Lu Kai was a left behind child who lived with his grandfather when he was young. He read the text he learned that day to his grandfather every night. Although he often mispronounced the words, he read it with great interest and emotion, which seemed to give him some comfort. One year, his father gave his grandfather 200 yuan to buy a gas heater. One morning, Xiaodan bit Lukai's pants. Lukai thought that the big dog was bullying his "good friend" again, but Xiaodan pulled him to the living room. At this time, Lukai found that his grandfather was poisoned by gas.


He hurriedly called 120. Grandpa arrived at the hospital and was finally saved by Dr. Lin. But one day, Grandpa died. My parents came back to the village to bury Grandpa. After seeing my grandfather off, my father wants to lead the way to the city, but I have to take a coward when driving, and the train does not allow me to take a dog. Finally, his father forced him onto the train. When the train started to run, it was too timid to follow the train. The road driver shouted: "I'm waiting for you in front. Come on!" The movie ended with a cry.


I really hope Lukai can take the courage to let them live happily together. At the same time, I also understand a truth: now that our parents have given us such a good learning environment, we must cherish it.

《念书的孩子》观后感 篇6


The film "Reading Children" is mainly about the story of a left behind child.


When watching the movie, many students around me were moved to cry, and I cried four times. The first time, Grandpa forgot to open after having a wedding banquet. When Lukai found Grandpa and hugged him, I cried; The second time, my grandpa was poisoned by gas and was saved by the doctor. He opened his arms and cried, and I cried too; The third time was when my grandpa left the world. I was so sad that I left sad tears; The fourth time, my father drove me to the city to go to school and left Xiaodan behind. But Xiaodan always chased the bus. I was deeply moved by Xiaodan's human feelings and cried again.


Kaikai loves learning and often reads to his grandfather. Although he often mispronounces the words, his attitude of paying close attention to his grandfather's reading deeply moved me and my grandfather also got great satisfaction and comfort from it.


When I got home, I compared me with Lukai. I felt that I was much happier than Lukai. When I was hot and cold, I turned on the air conditioner. When I was hungry, I had delicious food. Besides, I also had a mobile phone and a point reader. At the same time, my parents accompanied me and I was immersed in the love between father and mother


Therefore, I am determined to learn from Lukai in the future, cherish the advantages I am in, improve my academic performance and live up to the expectations of society, teachers and parents.

《念书的孩子》观后感 篇7


The golden leaves on the ground are like butterflies dancing. In this quiet and peaceful village, there is a lonely child and a dog.


This is a film about children left behind. The simple village, the real situation, and the moving pictures deeply touched everyone's heartstrings.


Kaikai, the main character, is a left behind child. His parents went out to work, leaving only his seriously ill grandfather to take care of them. But one day, misfortune came: the old grandfather passed away quietly in his sleep, unable to withstand the call of death.


When I saw this, the picture of opening to write still stayed in my mind: a pencil head was too short to hold, and I still held it in my hand to write. Look at us again. A new pen can be thrown away as long as you don't like it. Almost every day there are several pens in the pen container on the platform that can't find home.


In this "well-off" era, our parents hold us in their mouths and hands, and we are bathed in the spring breeze composed of father's love and mother's love all the time. But it is in this "well-off" era that parents have given birth to many "charming young ladies" and "rich young masters". These "charming young ladies" and "rich young masters" would never have thought that there are many children who lack father's love and mother's love in one isolated mountain after another.


Nowadays, although the number of left behind children has decreased, the number of mentally retarded children who can not withstand setbacks has greatly increased. When I think of this, I can't help being ashamed of it.


Everyone who is blessed should not be afraid that our parents have not given enough. We are lucky to be able to live in this "well-off" era.

《念书的孩子》观后感 篇8


Today, I saw a movie called "The Children Studying". The hero is Lu Kai, a nine year old boy who is lonely in heart, needs care, and is indomitable and brave. He was a left behind child, and he vowed to accompany her to death with a dog named "Xiaodan".


The film tells that Lukai's parents go to work in the city, and his grandpa takes care of the nine year old. Kaikai picked up a stray dog named Xiaodan. The coward is very timid. He doesn't dare to bark at ordinary times. Grandpa thinks he is a mute dog. The coward is very smart. He can do whatever he wants. He will follow every step he takes. He is afraid that he will lose it again. Xiaodan became the best friend of Kaikai. Grandpa had a heart attack, which brought down the family's economy. In order to take medicine, he didn't even pay the cable TV fee. There was nothing to do after school. Grandpa was afraid of being empty, so he coaxed him to read the text. Today's text is read, yesterday's lesson is consolidated, and tomorrow's lesson is previewed. Grandpa doesn't care whether Kaikai is right or wrong, as long as he can make Kaikai have something to do. Every time when I was reading, the little coward would be very supportive, sitting on Grandpa's shoes and listening carefully. The teacher began to praise Kaikai. He said that he read well and wrote well in his composition, so he would be admitted to graduate school or even doctoral school in the future. I started to study more vigorously. After studying in class and outside class, I studied Yue Fei and the Three Kingdoms. One day, Xiaodan suddenly cried out, biting the open leg of his pants and dragging it to Grandpa's room. Opened and ran over, but found Grandpa lying in bed without breathing. Kaikai's parents came back to bury Grandpa, and they wanted to take Kaikai to the city. Kaikai didn't want to leave. She said that Wu Meifang, a member of her class, had not found a school in the city for half a year and returned after a period of time. Kaikai wants to study in the village instead of going to the city. Kaikai's father works in the city and lives in a shed. My mother is a nanny in the city and lives in the employer's house. If you drive into the city, there is really no place for him to live


I shed tears of shame again and again when I watched this movie. In contrast, we live a rich and sufficient life. I don't understand that some parents spoil their children like flowers in a greenhouse, who can't experience wind and rain and can't face nature. I am here to warn all children of my age that we should strive for self-improvement, self-reliance, self-respect and self love from now on. Don't let us become the flowers in the greenhouse.


Finally, I would like to congratulate Kaikai here: get together with "Xiaodan" as soon as possible, and live a happy life in the city with my parents. Achieve academic success!

念书的孩子观后感 篇9

今天,老师带领我们看了一部感人的电影《念书的孩子》。主人公是一个内心孤独,需要关怀、勇敢顽强的九岁男孩——路开。 他是一名留守儿童,誓死陪伴他的是一只名叫“小胆儿”的狗。

Today, the teacher led us to watch a moving film, "The Schoolboy". The hero is Lu Kai, a brave and tenacious nine year old boy who is lonely in heart and needs care. He is a left behind child. He is accompanied to death by a dog named "Xiaodan".


In the movie, because Kaikai's grandpa has pulmonary heart disease, his parents have to leave Kaikai, who is only 9 years old, to work in the city. In order not to make Kaikai lonely, grandpa coaxes Kaikai to read the text. Grandfather and grandson depend on each other. Later, my father wanted to light a stove for my family, but my grandfather refused. It was a cold day without a stove, so I survived. But my father had to pretend, so my grandfather agreed. The next day, Xiaodan, a stray dog who opened the bag, went to Grandpa's house with his pants legs open. He opened the bag and ran to Grandpa's house. He found that the gas valve was not closed and Grandpa was poisoned by gas. I called 120 in a hurry. Fortunately, the rescue was timely, so Grandpa woke up. One day, Xiaodan grabbed the open leg of his pants and ran to find that Grandpa had stopped breathing. He and the dog were the only ones left at home. Later, Kaikai's parents came back to bury grandpa and wanted to take Kaikai to the city. He said that Wu Meifang, a member of his class, had not found a school in the city for half a year. So Kaikai's father had to spend money to find some people to solve the problem. When I left, Kaikai's father said that Xiaodan had left and went to the city to buy him a better one. Kaikai disagreed. He was reluctant to leave the dog that had accompanied him for so long. He couldn't bear to leave the dog alone in the village. So his father broke his open hand and threw away the dog rope. He just held it and drove to the car. The car drove away. While driving away, he resisted his father and cried to let Xiaodan run quickly, saying that I was waiting for you in front. Xiaodan ran as hard as he could to catch up with the car, but the farther he ran away from it.


After watching this film, I understand the loneliness of left behind children. Therefore, I hope that all


Parents who watch over children can care more about their children's feelings. How eager they are to be loved by their parents when they are lonely and helpless and sleep at night thinking about their parents' children! I benefited a lot from watching this film. I admire Kaikai's strength and bravery. Compared with him, I feel inferior. I know what to do in the future. In the future, no matter what difficulties I encounter, I will be a strong "study child".