
时间:2022-10-19 13:24:26 | 来源:语文通


演讲稿范文字 篇1竞选班长发言稿400字 篇2演讲稿范文字 篇3国旗下发言稿1500字之爱国主题文章5 篇4演讲稿范文字 篇5发言稿400字 篇6演讲稿范文字 篇7国旗下发言稿900字之爱国主题文章5 篇8国旗下发言稿900字之爱国主题文章5 篇9演讲稿范文字 篇10

演讲稿范文字 篇1


Dear teachers and students


Hello, I'm_ Grade ___, I'm glad I can give you a speech here. The theme of my speech today is "Learn to be grateful".


"Those who say that every inch of grass is worth the sunshine of spring", "Who knows that every meal is hard", these verses we recited when we were young are about gratitude. There is also the idiom "Every drop of water is rewarded by the spring", which tells us that we should be grateful.


Gratitude is the basic moral principle that everyone should have, and gratitude is the minimum accomplishment of life. Gratitude is a reflection of human kindness, a life attitude, a virtue, and a heartfelt statement.


Each of us should learn to be grateful for the kindness of our parents, teachers, classmates and society.


To learn to be grateful is to learn to respect others and always be grateful for their help. Learning to be grateful is to let you know that everyone is enjoying the happiness that others bring to themselves through giving. Learn to be grateful first to have a grateful heart. As long as a person knows how to be grateful, he will know how to pay.


No sunshine, no warmth of the day; Without rain and dew, there would be no grain harvest; No parents, no ourselves; The world without family and friendship will be lonely and dark.


Dear students, let's take active action! Let's float in this grateful spring breeze, make our campus more beautiful, make our future more brilliant, and make our society more peaceful and harmonious!


Thank you, my speech is over.

竞选班长发言稿400字 篇2


Dear teachers and students


hello everyone! I'm Liu Bei. I want to run for monitor very much. Because it's the first time for me to run for monitor, I'm both excited and proud.


I used to have some small problems. For example, I sometimes did some small actions in class and often talked too much. When the teacher taught, I often went in my left ear and out my right ear, which led to my grades slipping all the way from more than 90 points to more than 80 points. If I became the monitor, I would get rid of all those bad problems.


If I become the monitor, I will unite other cadres and students on duty to make our class "quiet" and "clean". If I become the monitor, I will not let our class deduct points. Every week, I can flow the red flag, and finally won the title of five-star class.


If I become a monitor, I can let good students sit with students who have difficulties in learning, and let poor students become good students. I will study hard and try to become better students.


When the teacher criticizes the students, the students' psychology will have some shadows. If I become the monitor, I will become a bridge between the teacher and the students, so that the students' psychology will not suffer from shadows.


If I lose the election, it will prove that I have shortcomings, and I will not give up. I will work hard in the next election. Give me your precious vote. Please give me a chance.


Thank you!

演讲稿范文字 篇3


Dear teachers and students


hello everyone!


Today, the weather is warm and sunny, and the autumn is crisp. We are also celebrating the opening ceremony of the new semester. We are very happy to see the teachers and students who have been separated for two months!


The new semester has begun, dear students, are you ready? The new semester, new starting point, new plan and new harvest require us to make plans for the new school year. On behalf of all students, I am determined to do the following in the new semester:


1、 Abide by the Code for Primary School Students and the Daily Code of Conduct for Primary School Students, and develop good living and learning habits.


2、 In the first month of school, we should study the regular contents carefully, such as forming hygienic habits, being polite students, observing public order and respecting others. Be a good student with standard behavior and civilized language.


3、 Arrange learning tasks scientifically and improve learning performance.


In learning, we must seize the time in class, listen carefully, ask teachers and students in time if we can't, finish the homework assigned by teachers carefully, and be the little master of learning. Never enter the game room or read unhealthy books.


4、 Pay attention to learning methods and master learning skills.


In learning, we should pay attention to summing up our own learning methods, absorbing the learning methods of other students, learning to use these methods, and how to do a good job of preview? How to read well? How to review well? If we master such methods, we will truly become masters of learning.


5、 Actively participate in various activities to improve their overall quality.


Participate in colorful activities, cultivate sentiment, exercise perseverance and improve quality. We should try to participate in basketball activities, calligraphy and painting competitions, essay contests, science and technology competitions, sports competitions, etc. without losing the opportunity to show ourselves.


Students, work out their own learning plans quickly. Let's go forward side by side and make progress together in the new semester, just like young eagles roaming in the blue sky.


Thank you!

国旗下发言稿1500字之爱国主题文章5 篇4


This year marks the 100th anniversary of the May 4th Movement. The May 4th Movement 100 years ago, which broke out at the time of national crisis, was a great patriotic revolutionary movement against imperialism and feudalism, with advanced young intellectuals as the vanguard and the broad masses of the people participating. It was also a great ideological enlightenment movement to spread new ideas, new cultures and new knowledge.


Youth is the vanguard and new force of the times. Since ancient times, heroes have emerged from youth. In the long history, young heroes have emerged in large numbers in human society. Marx was 30 years old and Engels was 28 years old when the Communist Manifesto was issued. Lenin was only 17 when he first took part in revolutionary activities. Newton and Leibniz were 22 and 28 years old respectively when they discovered calculus, Darwin was 22 when he began to sail around the world, and Einstein was 26 when he put forward the special theory of relativity. Jia Yi was less than 30 years old when he wrote "the best political comment of the Western Han Dynasty", while Wang Bo was in his twenties when he wrote the ancient famous Preface to Tengwang Pavilion. Mao Zedong was 28 years old when the first National Congress of the Communist Party of China was held, Zhou Enlai was 23 years old when he joined the CPC, and Deng Xiaoping was 18 years old when he joined the Young Communist Party of China in Europe. Wang Jicai, who has guarded the island for 32 years, was 26 years old when he first boarded Kaishan Island. The average age of the Chang'e team and Shenzhou team serving the country in aerospace was 33 years old, and the average age of the Beidou team was 35 years old. There are countless young heroes at all times and in all countries!


If the young generation has ideals, skills and responsibilities, the country will have a future and the nation will have hope. Today, students in the new era are at the best time for the development of the Chinese nation. They are faced with a rare life experience of making achievements and making achievements, as well as the mission of the times of "heaven will bring great responsibilities to these people". The mission of the new era is to adhere to the leadership of the CPC and strive for the realization of the two centenary goals and the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.


First, to set up lofty ideals, we must establish our faith in Marxism, socialism with Chinese characteristics, and the Chinese Dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. To set up a lofty ideal, we should not only look up to the stars, but also be down-to-earth. The high school stage is the "jointing booting stage" of life. We should make our own career planning. Only by constantly achieving a personal goal, can we lay a solid foundation for the lofty ideal.


Second, to love the great motherland, we should listen to the Party's words, follow the Party, be patriotic and fulfill our aspiration to serve the country. At this stage, it is necessary to carry forward the spirit of the May 4th Movement, practice collectivism, sing the main theme, and transmit positive energy. Start with me, start with little by little, and use your own practical actions to convey the good voice of Jiangning High School, tell the good stories of Jiangning High School, and be the image ambassador of Jiangning High School. Only by doing a good job in the "ego" can you achieve the "big ego".


Third, to shoulder the responsibility of the times, we need to experience and grow in the process of taking responsibility. Each generation has its own Long March, and each generation has its own responsibility. With the promotion of the comprehensive reform of the college entrance examination in Jiangsu Province, the training and selection of talents are required to be higher and more comprehensive. The new college entrance examination reform has brought unprecedented opportunities and challenges to our school. Only by seizing the opportunities, meeting the challenges, and comprehensively improving the core quality, can we become the socialist builders and successors with all-round development of morality, intelligence, physique, beauty and labor.


Fourth, we should be brave to forge ahead and strive to be a pioneer in the new era. Struggle is the most beautiful background of youth. "Be confident that if you live 200 years, you will hit 3000 li with water." Today, our living conditions are better, but the spirit of hard work is indispensable. At present, the education competition is becoming increasingly fierce, and the path of school innovation, reform and development will not be smooth, often full of frustrations. Only the strong can rise from setbacks.


Fifth, to develop excellent skills, we should enhance the sense of urgency in learning, and increase knowledge and ability in learning. In today's era, knowledge updating is speeding up, social division of labor is increasingly refined, and new technologies, new models and new forms of business emerge in endlessly. Students should cherish Shaohua and live up to their youth. Students in Grade One are about to choose subjects and classes. I hope you can choose their strengths and seize the opportunity; The sophomores are about to enter the third year of senior high school. I hope you can sing the final part of the current college entrance examination well; Students in Grade Three will take the college entrance examination in only one month. I hope you can go high and win.

六是锤炼品德修为,就要自觉树立和践行社会主义核心价值观。人无德不立,品德是为人之本。青年学生要明辨是非、恪守正道,不人云亦云、盲目跟风,面对外部诱惑,要保持定力、严守规矩,要把正确的道德认知、自觉的道德养成、积极的道德实践紧密结合起来,不断践行“崇德 力行”的校训,做一个堂堂正正的江宁高中人。

Sixthly, to cultivate moral integrity, we should consciously establish and practice the core socialist values. No one can stand without virtue. Morality is the foundation of being a man. Young students should clearly distinguish between right and wrong, adhere to the right path, not follow others blindly, face external temptations, maintain composure, strictly abide by the rules, closely combine correct moral cognition, conscious moral cultivation, and active moral practice, constantly practice the school motto of "upholding morality and practicing it", and become an upright Jiangning senior high school student.


"The sea is wide on both sides, and the wind is blowing.". In the new era and new achievements, students should burn the "calories" of youth and run out of the "acceleration" of youth. With the youth and struggle, they should make contributions to the magnificent transformation of school running, pave the way for national rejuvenation, and add luster to the construction of the motherland.

演讲稿范文字 篇5


Dear parents and students


hello everyone!


In the golden autumn season, the earth is flowing with gold. In this fruitful autumn light, in this moment filled with infinite novelty and dreams, we are here solemnly__ The opening ceremony for freshmen of primary school is not only a welcoming ceremony, but also a new starting point for students to grow up and fly. Here, on behalf of the school and all the teachers and students, I want to enter with excellent performance__ The new students and their parents in the first grade of the primary school express their heartfelt congratulations and warm welcome!


Dear children, today is a beautiful and special day, with warm sunshine, attractive flowers, happy smiling faces, excited chests, and even grass singing happily. That's because from today on, you have two names, one is your own name, and the other is the common name of everyone, that is, primary school students. Are you happy to be a pupil? Being a pupil shows that you have grown up, can understand more truth, and can learn more skills, which is glorious.


Children, what makes you happy most is that you come to __, Every teacher here cares about you and helps you as much as your parents do, and will try to make you enjoy your study and play here. We believe that every child is lovely and excellent, and will love school, teachers and reading. From today on__ The primary school will accompany you for six years, and will become a permanent gas station for your future career. In the future, you will learn knowledge here, learn how to behave and grow up healthily. I firmly believe that you will become the pride of the school!


"It has been eight years since the wind and rain came, and we have searched up and down for love." Now I am following the path of "specification, characteristics and brand" to ride the wind and waves. The fragrance of calligraphy, singing and dancing, and melodious music are__ The campus is a beautiful landscape. I firmly believe that the sparks of children's thinking can bloom here at will, and the horses of the soul can gallop freely here. I sincerely hope that every child can become a good student with healthy development and happy growth!


Finally, on behalf of the school, I would like to extend our warm welcome and sincere thanks to the parents for their coming and your support and cooperation in the work of the school.


Thank you!

发言稿400字 篇6


Dear teachers and students


hello everyone!


As a new generation, our ideals are full and we are full of passion for the future, but we have to admit that the reality is bone deep! Because youth needs not only passion, but also a realistic and enterprising heart! Everyone has his own dream, but the dream is always far away from the reality.


Some people dream of becoming people's teachers who teach and educate people, some people dream of becoming angels in white who save the dying and heal the wounded, some people dream of becoming people's soldiers who defend the country, and some people dream of becoming engineers for the development of human society... No matter whether they are teachers, doctors, soldiers or engineers, they all have the same beautiful name as long as they have contributed their value to the country and society, It's called "the engineer of human green soul".


Some people say that the 19th century is the century of the British, the 20th century is the century of the Americans, and the 21st century is the century of our Chinese people. After decades of hard construction, China has achieved rapid development of "riding the wind and breaking the waves". But let's not forget that we are still a developing country, and there are many places to be improved and developed.


There is a saying that there are only two kinds of creatures that can climb the pyramids: eagles and snails. Although we can't all soar to the sky like eagles, we can at least move forward silently like snails with our own endurance. We firmly believe that the sword edge comes from sharpening!


Thank you!

演讲稿范文字 篇7


Dear teachers and students


hello everyone! Today, the topic of my speech is Safety Self Care.


Security, these two words are so familiar! He is around us all the time, because security is the most beautiful eternity, it is the flower of life, with life, the world will become colorful, and security is an eternal premise.


Safety is really like a link, connecting all aspects, including campus safety, traffic safety, fire safety, etc., so we must clearly understand that "safety is not a trivial matter".


Maybe some students will say, "Don't be nervous, just be careful!" In fact, on the road of life, there are many potential safety hazards, and various threats also accompany us: food poisoning, traffic accidents, electric shock, drowning, robbery, and so on. Is it enough to pay attention? So, my friend, what is the root cause of the above results? That is, we teenagers lack safety awareness and poor self-protection ability.


What should we do to prevent our fragile life like flowers from withering easily? Here are some suggestions for you to take care of yourself.


I. Diet:


Less than a small stall without a health permit can buy food and do not eat moldy food. Wash the fruits and vegetables before eating. Do not drink raw water or unsanitary water. Develop good hygiene habits. Wash your hands before and after meals. Strengthen physical exercise. Stick to a good breakfast, a full lunch and a good dinner.


II. In terms of drowning prevention:

国旗下发言稿900字之爱国主题文章5 篇8


Since childhood, we have heard many stories about the Long March and seen many films and TV plays on the subject of the Long March. Today, let's review the history that changed China's destiny, a miracle in the history of human war.


The Red Army's Long March lasted from October 1934 to October 1936. It lasted two years. The Chinese workers' and peasants' Red Army led by the CPC made a strategic retreat and transfer from the Jiangxi Soviet area to the Shaanxi Gansu area. During this period, more than 380 battles were carried out, more than 700 county towns were captured, hundreds of Kuomintang regiments were defeated, and the journey was about 25000 li, covering 14 provinces, 18 mountains, 24 rivers, grassland and snow mountains.


The Long March is a model of the indomitable spirit of the Chinese nation. Looking at the whole process of the Long March: starting from Ruijin -- advancing into western Hunan -- breaking through the four blockade lines, the army suffered heavy losses. Comrade Mao Zedong regained military leadership, and the army moved to Guizhou, where the Kuomintang was weak -- crossing the Wujiang River -- seizing Zunyi, an important town in northern Guizhou. The famous Zunyi Conference, which changed the fate of our party, was held here, and the central leadership system of the Party with Comrade Mao Zedong as the core -- crossing the Chishui River four times, was re established, Disrupting the enemy's pursuit and suppression plan - crossing the Jinsha River skillfully, jumping out of the enemy's encirclement circle - crossing the Dadu River by force, seizing Luding Bridge by flight - climbing the snow mountain - crossing the grassland - arriving at Wuqi Town in northern Shaanxi, when the main force of the Red Army arrived from the time of departure, more than 80000 people were less than 30000.


The Long March was a difficult historical struggle. Today we talk about the Long March spirit. What is the Long March spirit? The spirit of the Long March is not afraid of death or suffering; It is the spirit of the Long March not to abandon or give up; It is also the spirit of the Long March to work hard and bear hardships and stand hard work. Perhaps we who live in peaceful times can never understand what happened to the revolutionary martyrs. Imagine that they fought with the enemy with the worst weapons, walked across the snow mountains and grasslands barefoot or in straw sandals. Most of the time, there was not enough food to eat only by grass roots and bark. What kind of perseverance and determination could they achieve the final victory? As the most ordinary people living in this country, how should we practice the spirit of the Long March? As a teacher, we should treat every student seriously, stick to our posts, and give every lesson well to practice the Long March spirit; As a student, we should establish a positive, upward and optimistic character, learn to listen carefully and think independently, and complete all learning tasks to practice the spirit of the Long March.


A period of years, magnificent, unforgettable; A spirit that goes through history and reflects the future. The heroic footprints of the Long March are engraved in the long history of mankind's pursuit of liberation and are always remembered by the Chinese people; The spirit of the Long March has always been the basis for the success of China's revolution and construction, and has always encouraged the Chinese people to make brilliant progress in a firm direction.


Teachers and students, please look up again at the bright red national flag, which is dyed red with the blood of the martyrs. The blue sky is where they exchange their lives for today's freedom and peace. Take a deep breath of the fresh air in the morning, and pay deep tribute to them from the bottom of your heart. They don't need a touch of paper money. Your actual action is the best reward for them. May we always accompany the Long March spirit in our future work and life, Forge ahead and pursue a happy life.

国旗下发言稿900字之爱国主题文章5 篇9


Teachers and students:


Good morning, everyone! Today, the theme of my speech under the national flag is "Chinese people should strive for self-improvement". This topic originates from the discussion topic of "the voice of growth" last week, and is also an event that people are generally concerned about at present. I believe that students are also paying attention to this war without gunpowder smoke.


Since April of the * * year, the United States has imposed tariffs on China's exports to the United States several times in succession. By May 2019, its tariffs on US $200 billion of goods exported to the United States will be as high as 25%. In the face of this trade war, CCTV published the International Review: China is ready for a comprehensive response, pointing out that: for the trade war launched by the United States, China has long expressed its attitude: "We are not willing to fight, but we are not afraid of fighting, and we have to fight when necessary. In the face of the United States' soft and hard hands, China has already given the answer: open the door to talk, fight, and stay with us to the end. What kind of formation has the Chinese nation not seen after more than 5000 years of ups and downs?" The words were loud and powerful, which sounded so exciting.


In the trade war, China's technology company Huawei, following ZTE, was also sanctioned by the United States: the United States prohibits all enterprises from purchasing Huawei equipment, and at the same time prohibits Huawei from purchasing technology or accessories from American enterprises. From Huawei's encounter with the US ban to the recent escalation of Sino US trade frictions, it is in essence a contest of technological strength between countries. Faced with the situation that high-end chips have been monopolized by several large foreign companies, Huawei has already been prepared. In order to reduce dependence on foreign countries, Ren Zhengfei decided to manufacture Chinese own chips. Huawei has already embarked on decades of hard independent research and development. It was this firm choice that enabled Huawei to have a stronger and stronger viability. After being comprehensively sanctioned today, Huawei HiSilicon's "spare tire chip" was righted overnight, and "Hongmeng system" was born. In Huawei, we have seen the national spirit of hard work and indomitability of the Chinese nation.


As middle school students, we should rationally understand the Sino US trade war and constantly improve our own quality. In today's era of information explosion, information and skills are always on the way out of date. If you want to keep pace with the development of the times, you must constantly master and enhance your learning ability. Cultivate the ability to think independently, dare to make breakthroughs, be good at playing your imagination, and make your learning and thinking innovative. Have the ability to constantly overcome difficulties, face difficulties with an optimistic attitude, dialectically view the adversity in life, and be good at actively seeking solutions to problems. In high school, we are full of youth and hope in life. We should have a sense of growth, be confident in the future and bravely overcome difficulties.


Just as the latest short film Wukong released by Huawei wants to express: May we never forget the mountains and the distance, but also remember our original intention to look for the future; Time can't stop those who pursue dreams. When they look back, heaven and earth are at your feet!

演讲稿范文字 篇10


Dear teachers and students


hello everyone!


The long summer vacation passed quietly, and the autumn of golden autumn came unexpectedly. In this fruitful season, a new semester began again. Here, I wish the whole school students good health and progress in the new year!


Looking back on the past, we are excited, proud and unforgettable. Looking forward to the future, we are full of hopes and dreams. The new semester, a new starting point and a new look. I take this opportunity to talk about my views on the new semester, which can be summarized in four sentences:


The first sentence is that everything starts from scratch.


Whether you were good or bad in the past, it has become history. A philosopher once said that the past belongs to others, and the future belongs to you. Your past glory and failure have become yesterday, leaving you only lessons and experience; The new semester has begun. What you need to do is to quickly adjust your state, transfer your mind to study as soon as possible, bid farewell to the past shortcomings, bid farewell to your own shortcomings, constantly challenge yourself, improve yourself, and reshape a new self.


The second sentence is that only adults can become talents.


As the saying goes, first you grow up, then you grow up. In the face of an increasingly complex society, it is not enough just to have some achievements and talents. Only with good morality and noble sentiments can we have a bright future. Therefore, we should take the Code of Conduct for Primary School Students and the Daily Code of Conduct for Primary School Students as the code of conduct, and strictly require ourselves at all times and everywhere. Self respect and self love, pay attention to appearance, harmonious and elegant. Be sincere, friendly and polite. Diligence and frugality, respect the old and love the young. As long as we constantly analyze ourselves, strictly abide by ourselves, and regulate our behaviors in all aspects, we will certainly make gratifying progress in the new year.


The third sentence is to work hard and skillfully.


In learning, we advocate two words - real and skillful. To be practical means to learn, practice and master the most basic knowledge. Start with each question and each small exercise, think independently, and ask questions that you don't understand until you understand them. Being skillful means learning skillfully. This is not opportunism, but to master good methods in order to obtain learning benefits. Each subject has its own characteristics, and each person also has his own personality differences. We should find out the learning methods that are suitable for him under the guidance of teachers.

第四句话是,爱 .cn 拼才会赢。

The fourth sentence is that love. CN will win.


Students, the plum blossom fragrance comes from bitter cold, and the flower of success is watered out with hard sweat. We do not advocate foolhardiness, but we need the spirit of hard work and the courage of tenacity and struggle at all times.

同学们!我们是祖国的未来,民族的希望,"我们是早上八 九点钟的太阳",今天,我们以学校为荣,将来学校将以我们为荣,良好的开端是成功的一半,让我们从现在做起,满怀信心,为实现心中的理想而努力奋斗吧!

Students! We are the future of our motherland and the hope of our nation. "We are the sun at eight or nine o'clock in the morning". Today, we are proud of our school. In the future, our school will be proud of us. A good start is half the success. Let's start now, be confident, and work hard to realize the ideals in our hearts!


Thank you!