
时间:2022-10-19 13:24:24 | 来源:语文通



哈利波特读后感 篇1《哈利波特》读后感 篇2哈利波特的读后感 篇3哈利波特读后感 篇4《哈利波特》读后感 篇5

哈利波特读后感 篇1


I only read Harry Potter this semester. The order of reading this series of books is Ha 3, Ha 6, Ha 5, 1, 2 (Ha 2 has not finished reading, Ha 4 has not yet read). The reason for watching Hashi was very simple. First, I saw that some of my classmates liked it very much, so I wanted to see it. Second, I saw that Rowling was famous for "Hashi", and I also wanted to see this best-selling book. Third, I saw part of "Hashi 3" on TV at that time. After reading "Hashi 3", I thought that her article was very interesting, so I saw "Hashi 6", and the sentences were very real. But in Haha 6, Sirius died (Harry is taking Sirius' legacy at the beginning of the book). And Snape killed Dumbledore. Although Harry said Snape killed Sirius. But I don't believe that Sirius is dead (because when Dumbledore died, Harry said that Sirius WWW. Composition fan. CN Star could not even find a skeleton when he died. "Live to see a man, die to see a corpse" Since Sirius can't find a skeleton, it can't be said that Sirius is dead). Second, I don't believe that Snape is a bad man. (In the film "Ha ha 1", Harry and his colleagues mistook Snape for the man who stole the magic stone. Snape said, "It's hard not to be suspicious to wander around at an inappropriate time and place." Later, it was found that Rocky was the one who stole the magic stone. After that, I thought Snape was not a bad man.) So I quickly watched Haha 5 again. When I saw Snape in the Order of the Phoenix, I thought there was no problem. And what shoots Sirius is a red light, not a green light, which is the Avada spell. So in Haha 7, Snape must play the role of a good man (standing on Harry's side). Sirius will certainly appear (because he is not dead), and he may also use shape shifting (because he is talented).


Ha 1 is characterized by its complete structure, beginning, development, climax and ending of the story. However, the content is not sufficient, and the language is a little rusty (maybe there is a problem with translation). The preceding paragraphs are a little redundant. Harry was bullied by his aunt and uncle. As a result, it was always the best when something happened.


I will not comment on Ha 2 before I finish reading it.


The character "Sirius" in Ha 3 is very successful.


In Ha 4 (I only read a few pages), I found that different characters were saying different words. What Ron and Hermione said when Harry thought of his scar pain (although it was more about the truth of human nature, including some small actions, I felt the same deeply.


In "Ha 6", the author's language is more perfect than that in "Ha 1". But the oath of the story and the death of Dumbledore can not be regarded as a complete story. At best, it is the prequel of Ha 7. But I think it also indicates that Ha 7 will be better. And I think her grasp of Voldemort is as good as Sirius.

《哈利波特》读后感 篇2


A friend told me that Harry Potter was a good book, so he begged his mother to buy one for me. At that time, there was no question whether the book was good or not. I bought it. I don't know what magic it is. It attracts me tightly. From then on, I watched every day and immersed myself in the world Harry Potter brought me.


When Harry was young, Voldemort's people were killed by his parents to protect Harry. Just when he sent out the killing spell, a miracle happened: Voldemort's spell bounced back on him. At the same time, he became Voldemort's seventh Horcrux, and Harry became famous overnight. When he was 11 years old, he received a letter of acceptance from Hogwarts and began his career as a wizard. At Hogwarts, he met two of his friends: Hermione and Ron. These two friends used to help and accompany Harry when he was in the most difficult time; When Harry was hunted down by the Ministry of Magic, they always encouraged him and enlightened him. When Harry knew that he was the seventh Horcrux, he knew that he must die and cut off the relationship, because "only one of the two people could survive." I thought Harry would flinch. Unexpectedly, he chose to face reality. Harry met Voldemort in the Forbidden Forest, and Harry fell under the last one, the last death artifact they were looking for. However, Voldemort did not achieve his wish. The Deathly Hallows could not defeat the pure soul. Harry finally won.


I admire JK Rowling very much. She can give full play to her writing ability, which makes readers feel an unprecedented feeling and makes them unable to resist reading. After reading Harry Potter, I have a deeper understanding of justice. What is justice? Justice is a force against evil, a force to clear the wronged, and a force to maintain fairness.


I think the book "Harry Potter" is very good. If you have a chance, you can also read it!

哈利波特的读后感 篇3


When it comes to Harry Potter, everyone must know it! This is a novel by an English writer, J. K. Rowling. Look, look, I slowly closed my eyes, and many moving scenes in the book emerged in my mind one after another


Look, Harry's cousin Dali is eating ice cream with relish. Harry, who was celebrating his birthday, cleaned the windows, washed the car, and cleaned the bedroom in the hot summer day... The sweat kept pouring down from Harry's head, but he could finish everything with gusto. He also happily sang the Birthday Song for himself: "Happy birthday to me, happy birthday to me..." This not only reminds me of my own birthday.


In the past, my parents were always busy on my birthday. Not only did I have to prepare a table of good food to entertain me, but also carefully prepared gifts for me. However, as a "little birthday star", I was ungrateful, either because the cake was too small, or because I complained that the gifts were too few, not as beautiful as last year, which made everyone very unhappy. Now that I have read Harry's story, I finally understand why parents always say that today's children are not blessed. Yes, if we know how to pay, but don't know how to be grateful, can we experience happiness? We have parents at home to take good care of; In the school, there are teachers who care carefully; In life, there is also a lot of enthusiastic help and care from students.


Isn't that exactly the happiness Harry expected? I don't know how to be grateful, how to be happy and how to pay! Thank you, Harry. It was you who taught me how to live a happy life and how to repay the people who took care of me.

哈利波特读后感 篇4


A pair of big eyes were shining like the brightest stars in the sky; It's a pity that he has a pair of glasses on his cute nose which is not in line with his actual age. His mouth is big and always upward, which brings infinite vitality to everyone and makes many people walk out of the haze to be optimistic. Oh, even though he is always cute, he can still do magic! For some reason, he has a lightning scar on his forehead, which also adds a lot of mystery to his story


Who is he? He is Harry Potter, the hero in the works of the famous British novelist J. K. Rowling.


Open the cover with warm colors, you can see some messages and the introduction of the book's characters. I can't help feeling a little sad. After all, Harry Potter has always been with us. From a very young age, I had been hoping for an owl to deliver letters to me, but now I am thirteen years old, but I have never had one. I realized that I was an ordinary person. Many people will feel sorry, because this is the end of the whole novel and tells the fate of all important people.


So, Harry's story at Hogwarts is coming to an end.


After Harry's birthday, members of the Order of the Phoenix carefully planned a plan to transfer Harry secretly to prevent Harry from being attacked by Voldemort and the Death Eaters. However, a terrible accident occurred. So Harry's friend Ron Hermione accompanied him and had to run away to complete Dumbledore's life. He secretly searched for three holy weapons that could kill Voldemort, and Voldemort also started to take action. What's more, they met in the woods, and Harry won in the end.


Then I learned that we all grew up in love. Ron thinks that the world doesn't love him, and Harry is also confused about it. In fact, it is not. Harry could hardly believe that the dead loved him, because they could no longer defend their actions and express their love. So Harry also questioned the old dean for a period of time, and nearly lost his way in the gossip of reporters and people. So we must know that we all grow up in love. The only way to dominate death is to always respect and trust those who have died. And Harry did. In the ocean of love, I can't help closing the book and cheering Harry!

《哈利波特》读后感 篇5


My mother and I have always liked watching Harry Potter movies. With my mother's encouragement, I also saw the original book. It turned out that it was really better than the movie. There are many interesting characters and plots not found in the film. Harry and his friends are more lovely than those in the movie.


Harry lost his parents when he was one year old and has been bullied by his uncle's family. When Harry was eleven years old, he suddenly learned that he was a wizard. He got the admission notice from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. He spent seven years of magical and adventurous study in Gryffindor College, and met Ron and Hermione, his two best friends., After many hardships, they finally defeated their sworn enemy, Voldemort, the most powerful evil wizard in history.


When Harry and his friends face a choice between rebirth and death, love is a word that appears repeatedly. This may be what this set of books tells us. Love can change a person's destiny. Love is a realm that even the deepest magic cannot reach. Even in the most desperate time, do not give up love and hope. They can transcend death and light up the darkness, because love and hope are more powerful than fate!


Secondly, Harry's eagerness to learn, intelligence and courage, his courage, and his kindness have also made me admire. These good qualities are what we should all learn and have.