
时间:2022-10-18 12:50:29 | 来源:语文通



五四青年节励志演讲稿 篇1五四青年节励志演讲稿 篇2五四青年节励志演讲稿 篇3五四青年节演讲稿 篇4五四青年节演讲稿 篇5五四青年节爱国励志演讲稿 篇6五四青年节励志演讲稿 篇7五四青年节励志演讲稿 篇8

五四青年节励志演讲稿 篇1


Dear leaders and colleagues


hello everyone! Lotus wind sends fragrance, and bamboo dew drips clear. May is a busy May. May is also a red May. At the beginning of this month, we ushered in Labor Day, and now we ushered in Youth Day. It is a great pleasure to have such a challenging and dynamic stage to show the style of new era and new youth; It's a great pleasure to get together with you and share the feast of youth on such an exciting day. Today, the topic of my speech is "stick to the original intention, youth without regret".


It is always said that youth is the sunrise of life, full of vitality and prosperity; It is always said that youth is the flame of life, hot and intense, blood boiling; People always say that young people are the banner of life. They dance against the wind and are not afraid of the wind and waves__ In his message to the youth, he said, "If the young generation has dreams and responsibilities, the country will have a future and the nation will have expectations.". As young people, we shoulder not only our future, but also the expectations of our country and nation.


As a young man, we are at the best time of our life. In this vigorous time, we have enough time and energy to pursue and fulfill our dreams. The power of youth is infinite, the energy of youth is exuberant, and the dream of youth is ambitious. Chen Duxiu, an early communist, once praised youth in this way. "Youth is like early spring, like the morning sun, like the sprouting of hundreds of flowers, like the new creation of sharp blades, and the most precious period of life. Youth is to society, just like fresh and lively cells." We are the new buds of the vigorous branches, the budding flowers, and the sharp blades that want to get out of the scabbard. We represent all possibilities, and we also create all possibilities. (321 words are omitted in the case)


Youth is a group that is often praised; Youth is a group entrusted with important tasks. We should understand the heavy responsibility that we shoulder, and we should undertake the mission that we should have as young people. In the limited youth time, we should write a brilliant chapter of ourselves.


"The prime of life does not come again, and it is hard to get up again in the morning". Youth is a short-lived fireworks, which is fleeting, so we should do something beneficial to the society, the people and the country in a limited time. (298 words are omitted in the case)


As a young man, we should first set up great ambitions. "There is no limit to the extent of our ambition Then, keep your original intention and try bravely. No matter how far we go, we can't forget the way we came. All the way forward and all the way forward are based on our original aspiration. What is this initial aspiration? This initial aspiration cherishes youth and devotes itself to reading. This initial aspiration is sensitive to knowledge and diligent in learning. Here, I appeal to all of you to cherish the golden thread when you are young, light up your dreams with our blood, and write the hymn of youth with our dedication.


Here, I wish you all a happy Youth Day. My speech is over. Thank you!

五四青年节励志演讲稿 篇2


Dear teachers and students


Good morning, everyone!


Some people say that youth is a song, echoing a cheerful and wonderful melody; Some people say that youth is a painting, engraved with magnificent and romantic colors.


May is the season of youth. Today, we finally welcome the May 4th Youth Day in XX.


On May 4, 1919, in order to drive out the darkness and fight for the light, and for the independence and prosperity of the motherland, a group of high spirited young people wrote the most magnificent song of youth with blood and life, and drew the most magnificent picture of youth. Today, the May 4th Movement has been recorded in the annals of the Chinese nation as a glorious page. However, the May 4th Movement is not only a historical event, but also a spirit, a great spirit of the May 4th Movement. In this spirit, young people have the responsibility and mission to pay attention to the destiny of the country, and young people have the courage and loyalty to revitalize the national cause.


Today, our motherland has entered a new historical period. The responsibility of revitalizing China has fallen on the shoulders of our young people. The torch of the May 4th Movement has been passed on to our young people. The spirit of the May 4th Movement needs us young people to carry forward. However, to carry forward the spirit of the May 4th Movement, we must think about a problem. What kind of youth should we have? What kind of life? Are you going through a muddle, or are you making progress through hard work? The May 4th Movement told us that young people should have a sense of justice and more importantly, a sense of responsibility; The "May 4th Spirit" shows us that young people should be patriotic and enterprising. Our youth should be flying, and our life should be passionate. Therefore, the promotion of the "May 4th Spirit" should not only stay in slogans, but also be reflected in practical actions: in life, we should pay attention to the daily code of conduct, dress appropriately, and display the youthful spirit of young people; In terms of learning, he studied hard and fought bravely, demonstrating the young people's lofty aspirations of "who will give up". Some people say that the 19th century is the century of the British and the 20th century is the century of the Americans. Then, the 21st century is the century of our Chinese people. The 21st century is a century full of hope and challenges, and a century where opportunities and successes coexist. A valuable life should be: yesterday without any regrets, today with abundant fruits, and tomorrow with hope.


Students, let's take action and sing the most magnificent youth song of life with passion; Use youth to draw the most magnificent picture of life! A full life is better because of struggle; The shining life is more beautiful because of hard work!


My speech is over, thank you!

五四青年节励志演讲稿 篇3


Dear leaders, teachers and students

大家好!今天我在国旗下演讲的题目是《五四长存 精神不灭》

hello everyone! Today, the topic of my speech under the national flag is "The May Fourth Movement will last forever"


Time flies. In May, we will welcome the X th May 4th Youth Day since 1919. We must first know what the May Fourth Movement is. After X years of trials and hardships, why is this spirit still alive.


X years ago, a group of young people from China, who were enthusiastic about their motherland's prosperity and national rejuvenation, held high the banner of democracy and scientific progress and stepped on the stage of Chinese history as a new social force. "Strive for sovereignty from outside, punish the national bandits from inside", "fight to the death, and return Qingdao to us" are their call signs, which were heard throughout the land of China at that time, and which are still ringing in the ear across X years. Today, the May 4th Movement has been recorded in the annals of the Chinese nation as a glorious page. However, for us, the May 4th Movement is not just a historical event in books, it is a spirit. With their youth as the flame and the thought of scientific progress as the fuel, the patriotic young people with blood burned the shadow hanging over the top of the Chinese nation. Dispel the unbearable history. To pass on their will with a spiritual force. That is the spirit of the May 4th Movement,


The connotation of the May 4th Movement spirit is to care for the country and the people, be indomitable, be willing to contribute, and dare to struggle. Its core value is patriotism. Patriotism is the most profound education and the most valuable spiritual wealth left to us by the May 4th Movement. It always reminds us that youth is the hope and future of our country. Under its inspiration, generations of people have contributed their youth to the road of national prosperity and national rejuvenation.


Our ancestors have accomplished this glorious mission with their lives and youth. Now, we will uphold the burning May 4th spirit and go further and further.


I want to ask, what is the symbol of youth after talking about youth for so long?


It is youth, which is unique to youth.


Green, is green, is the color of life, spring, is the season, is the season of growth. Youth is a growing life with unlimited possibilities. Youth is a vigorous vitality, a hope that will never die, a courage that will never die, and the most brilliant color in life. Some youth is burning in the dark, while others are silent in the dark.


Once upon a time, when the nation was humiliated, the young people who stepped forward to save the people from suffering with the momentum of turning the tide, their youth was undoubtedly burning.


Today, our motherland has entered a new historical period, and the responsibility of revitalizing China has fallen on our shoulders. It is just the saying: "When young people are wise, the country is wise, when young people are rich, the country is rich, and when young people are strong, the country is strong." Let us hold high the torch of the May 4th Movement, shoulder the responsibility of the times, work hard with knowledge and enthusiasm to explore, create and embrace new hopes.


The spirit of the May 4th Movement will last forever, and the glory of the May 4th Movement will not fade.


May 4th will last forever


This is the end of my speech. Thank you!

五四青年节演讲稿 篇4


Dear teachers and students


hello everyone!


The topic of my speech today is Flying Dream.


Martin Luther King once said: If your faith still stands, no one can make you fall. It is true that many great people in our history have reached the peak of success by relying on this belief.


Throughout the ages, we have heard many people's cries for dreams: I heard the call of Du's Ministry of Industry to "secure thousands of buildings, protect the faces of the world's poor people, and be as secure as a mountain in the wind and rain". This is a cry of concern for the country and the people, and it is Du Fu's biggest dream. Looking back, I heard Mr. Lu Xun look up at the starry sky and exclaim, "I wish to recommend Xuanyuan with my blood because I didn't pay attention to the cold stars", "I have a lot of worries and listen to the thunder in the silent place". This is Mr. Wang's dream of "saving the country with pen". Although he was disappointed with the reality, he did not despair. The voice in the hesitation aroused people's courage and efforts.


"The great task that Heaven will take on these people must first be painstaking, strain their muscles and bones, starve their skin, and empty their bodies..." After enduring the torture of digging out their knees, Sun Bin patiently and persistently completed a military book, Sun Bin's Art of War, which has been handed down for thousands of years. Sun Bin, how many people are impressed by your wealth and how many people are attracted by your wisdom. You fly your dream into the blue sky with your firm belief in silence. Let your dreams fly, and don't forget your firm belief!


"Heaven is strong, and a gentleman should constantly strive for self-improvement." This sentence has inspired many people with lofty ideals, and has made many people lost their way back to life. How can we forget Zhuge Liang's figure in Nanyang. Your talent makes Liu Bei look at the cottage for three times without regret. Your natural and unrestrained manner makes many scholars unable to argue, and you are skilled enough. This is the result of your diligence. "The fragrance of wine is not afraid of the depth of the alley", "The peach and the plum do not say anything, and the next generation will make its own way". You know that your hard work will eventually be rewarded, and you are just waiting for the day when your dreams become reality. Three Qi Zhou Yu, you are natural and unrestrained; Seven arrests and Meng Huo, you are calm. With the support of faith, you have created a great cause.


The snail crept slowly toward the top of the pyramid. Although the sun was burning, the snail believed that although it was not as vigorous as an eagle, its greatest talent was perseverance; Spiders have no wings, but they can tie their webs in the air, because they believe that dreams are the best wings; The leaves are swaying in the wind and rain, but they still stick to the branches, because the leaves believe that the persistent green of their life will surely bring a golden autumn... And I believe that if you put wings on your dreams, you will be able to soar into the sky.


Set up faith, fly your dream, and you will be able to go to beautiful places with it. Set your faith and dream, and you will have a more brilliant tomorrow. Let dreams fly and faith blossom.

五四青年节演讲稿 篇5


Dear friends


hello everyone! If someone asks you: What is wonderful? What would you say? In the war years, the enthusiasm for joining the army, the literature craze in the 1980s, or the enthusiasm for going abroad in the 1990s? Yes, they are wonderful. Each era has its own highlights, and each era has created different highlights. However, the highlights are always closely related to youth.


I remember the first day when I entered the university, the counselor told us that the relaxed college life in Laolang's campus ballad has gone forever. The theory of "reading is useless" advocated in the 1990s has long been swept away by the heated "postgraduate entrance examination" and "textual research". The times have pushed our new generation of young people to the forefront of society. Therefore, we should look for the wonderful things belonging to our generation.


In order to live a wonderful life, we should have goals and beliefs. Goals are a bright light in your heart, and faith is the source of strength that inspires you to move towards your goals. The goal may be elusive, and the road may be bumpy. However, as long as you decide on a bright light, you can swim smoothly across the dangerous ocean! The legendary fire phoenix flies against the sun in order to light its body, because only burning can regenerate. This is somewhat tragic. But it is indeed a magnificent picture. Because the process of struggle is extremely wonderful!


In order to live a wonderful life, we must have knowledge and skills. Knowledge is the foundation of success, and skills are the tools to achieve success. As mankind enters the 21st century, the world is multipolar, information is globalized, and the amount of knowledge and information is increasing at a rate of 100 times. In the face of such a reality, the comfortable scene of the ivory tower in the past has long been gone, and instead of it, we are looking for wonderful hot eyes. The society has brought the cruelty of competition to us, which has also created a new generation of young people's self-improvement and upward mobility. There is a saying that "opportunities are reserved for those who are prepared". So, young friends, let's prepare early.


In order to live a wonderful life, we must have the spirit of continuous transcendence. As Lu Xun once said, "discontent is the soul of progress". The progress of the times makes new things develop at an incredible speed. No iron rice bowl, no shelf life. No matter what time it is, we must meet the challenge at the starting line. Only by constantly learning and improving can we keep up with this wonderful era.


How far is forever? Nobody knows. We are just a small drop in the long river of history. However, as the owner of youth, there is no reason not to cheer for yourself and live a wonderful life! We will all grow old, but we do not come here for eternal youth, but to feel different from our youth. From now on, let's live a wonderful life!

五四青年节爱国励志演讲稿 篇6


Dear teachers and students


Good morning, everyone!

我是八(2)班的 ,我今天国旗下讲话的主题是《青春的火炬》。

I'm from Class 2, Grade 8. The theme of my speech under the national flag today is "The Torch of Youth".


The spring breeze in May is deep and warm. The sea of flowers in May is full of fragrance. With the spring tide and the summer rhyme, in the brilliant season of the sea of flowers, we ushered in another May 4th Youth Day.


At the flick of a finger, mankind has entered the twenty-first century with its head held high. In these long years, China has overcome decline and moved towards revitalization; China is showing itself to the world with a new attitude after breaking away from humiliation and moving forward. However, people will not forget the "May 4th" patriotic movement, which was an epoch-making national salvation movement, nor will they forget the pioneers who raised the banner of national salvation and ushered in a new era of national independence and rejuvenation, nor will they forget the flames of revolutionary war, nor will they forget the heroes who shed their blood for the truth. Today, our motherland has entered a new historical period. The responsibility of revitalizing China has fallen on our shoulders, and the May 4th torch has been passed on to us with honor.


We live in a beautiful season, a word full of youth and vitality, and we want to go back with you and release our youth energy.


Green, is green, is the color of life; Spring is the season and the growing season. Youth becomes the green of life in the growing season and the bright smile in the sun.


Youth is beautiful and short. It may be a post station in your life, but please remember that even if it is like a meteor, we should try our best to make it a brilliant flash, not afraid of difficulties and dangers, dare to work hard, and aspire to the sky.


Middle school is an important milestone in our life. We know that wind and rain will make us strong, and setbacks will make us strong. Mature thought and noble quality come from the baptism of wind and rain and the sharpening of life. We should face the mountain, appreciate its scenery, and strive for the glory of life in the future, so as to reflect the value of life.


Some people say that the 19th century is the century of the British, the 20th century is the century of the Americans, and the 21st century is the century of our Chinese people. After decades of hard construction, China has achieved a rapid development of "riding the wind and breaking the waves". But let's not forget that we are still a developing country, and there are many places to be improved and developed. If we want to make our country rich and strong, we must work hard, The hope lies in our generation.


In the 20th century, on the road of the Chinese nation's progress, the Chinese Communist Youth League left the footprints of heroic struggle and made a contribution worthy of history. The 21st century is a century full of hope and challenges. The Chinese Communist Youth League will continue to write a glorious chapter in the history of the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation with a new look, face the new century, and take new initiatives to open up new undertakings.


We remember the achievements of the pioneers of the May 4th Movement, and look back on the history of the Chinese people and young people throughout the century. As contemporary youth league members, we should uphold the national spirit, hold the torch of the May 4th Movement, and shoulder the responsibility of the times. Let us work hard with knowledge and enthusiasm to open up, create, and embrace new hope to meet this century of opportunities and challenges.

五四青年节励志演讲稿 篇7


Dear leaders and colleagues


good afternoon.


On the arrival of the May 4th Youth Day, as a member of the youth of the Court, I feel very honored to have the opportunity to have a discussion with all leaders and young friends. In particular, I was deeply moved and encouraged by the leaders of the Party Leadership Group of the Academy who took time out of their busy schedule to come to the meeting to welcome the May 4th Festival with us. I have been working in the hospital for two and a half years. The party group of the hospital has given meticulous care to our young people both in work and in life, providing us with a broad space for development. This is not only a concern and care for our young people, but also an incentive and promotion. Especially in the year of training in the letter and visit department, I gained a lot and benefited a lot. I firmly established the concept of the overall situation, and deeply felt that the case handling should be done to close the case. I was more thoughtful, more appropriate, more confident, and more motivated than before. The whole person became more mature and stable. This progress is inseparable from the trust and love of the hospital party group.


It has been 93 years since the May 4th Movement, but the May 4th spirit of "patriotism, progress, democracy and science" has been encouraging generations of young people to move forward. As young judges of the People's Court, we should vigorously carry forward the May 4th spirit, inherit and carry forward the revolutionary tradition, be determined to do our job well, and strive to create first-class work performance, To contribute to the achievement of the goal of striving to be the first in our work. From my own perspective, I think we should make efforts in the following aspects:


First, we should be diligent and eager to learn. Learning is the eternal theme of life. We should take learning as a responsibility, a pursuit, and a realm. We should pursue it diligently and keep forging ahead. We should continue to expand our knowledge and learn from books as well as from leaders and comrades. We should learn from advanced experience, learn from each other's strong points to complement each other's weak points, strive to improve our overall quality, and strive to become an example of a "learning judge".


Second, we should love our posts and work hard. In a big way, it means being loyal to the Party, the motherland, the people and the socialist cause. Specifically, in daily work, we should be loyal to our duties. To achieve "one day on duty, one day dedicated to work", in his position, to seek his politics, perform his duties and assume his responsibilities. Be unknown, hardworking and selfless, and be willing to be a screw that will never be embroidered. It will shine wherever it is screwed. Strive to implement the purpose of "people's judges for the people".


Third, we should develop and innovate. We should focus on reality, look to the future, innovate in practice, and develop in innovation. In the face of ever-changing challenges, we must dare to understand, analyze, research and solve problems with a broad vision, broad vision and open mind. We must keep pace with the times, open up new ways, explore new methods, summarize new experience and carry out various work creatively.


Fourth, we should be honest and self-discipline. We should firmly establish a correct outlook on the world, life, values, power and interests, do things in a down-to-earth manner, be a clean person, be strict with ourselves, abide by disciplines and laws, keep a sober mind at all times, be self respecting, introspective, self alerting and self encouraging, resist all temptations, and build a solid defense line against corruption and integrity.


Finally, we sincerely hope that the Party Group of the Academy will continue to provide a broader platform for the growth and progress of our young people, so that we can have more opportunities to learn, practice and further study, and make us become the pillars of the Academy as soon as possible.


Thank you!

五四青年节励志演讲稿 篇8


Dear teachers and students


hello everyone!


The topic of my speech today is "Remembering the May 4th Movement and Seizing the Today".


How many years have passed since the great waves washed the sand in the long river of history; The painting scroll of the times is magnificent and records countless heroes. Today, let's look at the peak of time, accompany the history, follow the red footprints, and take a rough journey together to savor the ups and downs we have gone through.


Looking back on the past and pondering on the volumes, I will never forget the magnificent songs and pictures of youth written by those energetic young people with blood and life.


On May 4, 1919, in order to dispel the cloud that shrouded the land of China, and for the independence and freedom of the motherland, more than 3000 student representatives from three universities in Beijing broke through the obstruction of the military and police and gathered at Tiananmen Square. They made slogans such as "fight to the death and return Qingdao to us", "reclaim Shandong's rights", "refuse to sign at the Paris Peace Conference", "abolish the Twenty one Articles", "would rather be broken than destroyed", and burned Cao's house, It triggered the event of "burning Zhaojialou". Subsequently, the military and police cracked down and arrested 32 student representatives.


It was a great patriotic movement with far-reaching influence. Their patriotism, the spirit of fighting for truth and justice, the spirit of fearing violence and dark politics are worthy of learning for young people and students of any age. Li Dazhao, the pioneer of the May 4th Movement, said that "events and figures in history have only been once and played once", but "this performance is permanent".


Today, the May 4th Movement has been recorded in the annals of the Chinese nation as a glorious page. In the past, it was this group of young people who stood on the streets and resolutely stood up when the Chinese nation was humiliated to save the people from suffering.


At present, there are a group of young people who lean on the sky with their long bows and immediately face the times. It is they who use their wisdom and courage to raise the sails of their dreams and interpret the fruits of Chunhua with their hard work and sweat.


We are fortunate to live in an era of peace and happiness. Here we have the most beautiful youth. Youth is beautiful and short. Only when we grasp the best middle school age, can we have no regrets in our youth! We are now at the age of flowers. We are now at the age of flowers. We should grasp the present, study hard, use knowledge to open up a higher blue sky, draw a more magnificent blueprint of the motherland, and lead a better future.


How much of yesterday has passed and tomorrow is far away? Only by grasping today can we calmly look back on the past and confidently look forward to the future. We are not heroes, but we should be the most beautiful stamens on the branches of youth! We want to be the most brave pioneers on the big waves! We should be a petrel, fighting against the sky in the storm! From ancient times to the present, the May Fourth Movement has been forged into a sincere badge, which we can wear proudly.


Even if the flowers of youth bloom and fade, leaving me tired, and the rain and snow fly all the year round, making me haggard, I will not regret it!


Remember the May Fourth Movement and grasp today. Only in this way can our youth be without regret!