
时间:2022-10-17 13:29:51 | 来源:语文通


空城计读后感 篇1空城计读后感 篇2空城计优秀读后感作文 篇3《空城计》读后感 篇4空城计读后感 篇5空城计优秀读后感作文 篇6空城计读后感 篇7空城计读后感 篇8空城计读后感 篇9

空城计读后感 篇1


The Romance of the Three Kingdoms is an ancient book with rich contents and distinctive roles. Among them, the article "Empty City Plan" made me feel deeply.


Three Kingdoms Period. During the Wei Shu War, the troops of Cao's army commander Sima Yi came to the western city. After Zhuge Liang learned about it, he wrote to Zhao Yun for help after much deliberation. Because Zhuge Liang's troops happened to be sent outside the city. There were only some old and weak soldiers in the city. After Sima Yi's soldiers entered the city, Zhuge Liang ordered 20 soldiers to dress up as civilians and sweep the ground in front of the city. He also ordered them not to make any noise. He found that there was a lot of noise in and out of the city, so he cut them off. He and two pupils sat on the floor of the city, smiling, burning incense and playing the piano in no hurry. Seeing this situation, Sima Yi did not dare to rush into the city and retreated for a few miles to observe. When the scouts came back to report the situation, Sima Yi woke up. But it was too late. Zhao Yun's army has already entered the city.


This article makes me feel the image of a wise man on both sides of the Taiwan Straits. First of all, Sima Yi is a prudent man. He is rich and knowledgeable, but he also has many worries. "There must be mistakes in the brains of smart people." Zhuge Liang is a very smart and knowledgeable person, so Mr. Lu Xun said: "Zhuge Liang is smart and close to the devil."


After Cao Cao retreated, a soldier asked Zhuge Liang, "Sima Yi is a famous general in Wei. Why didn't he attack when he saw the Prime Minister?"

空城计读后感 篇2


There are many beautiful and vivid literary novels in the long river of history. My favorite is Romance of the Three Kingdoms.


My favorite article is "Empty City Plan".


It tells the story that the State of Wei sent Sima Yi to lead a 150000 army to attack the western city of Shu, and Zhuge Liang skillfully defended the western city with his tricks. Although this is just a short article, it makes me think a lot.


It must be thanks to Zhuge Liang's outstanding wisdom to defend the West City. If Zhuge Liang had not known himself and his enemy, he knew Sima Yi was suspicious. If Zhuge Liang had not known Sima Yi, he would never have done anything uncertain. Otherwise, the West City would not have been defended. He doesn't play cards according to common sense. I came to guard the West City as someone else, either to fight to death, or to escape, or to surrender. In a word, in a word, the West City would fall into the hands of the State of Wei anyway. Of course, this also shows that Zhuge Liang is flexible in thinking, and can not only do things in one mind, but can learn and use things flexibly, adapt quickly, and make his opponents unpredictable.


Of course, it takes great courage to make such a decision. Why? Because the "empty city plan" is not only a plan, but also an adventure with life as a bet. Zhuge Liang's life is on the line, but he is still calm. How much courage and calmness are required! I can't imagine how terrible it would be if Sima Yi entered the city. When I think about it, his back feels cold. This shows that Zhuge Liang has extraordinary courage.


In real life, many people's thinking has become rigid, and what is on the book must be right. All the topics are directly copied from the book, and all the sentences are copied. They lack their own thinking and innovation, and they need courage to do all things. In this society where the weak and the weak eat meat, hiding is not necessarily a good plan. We should need courage, and when we have good ideas, we should speak out, Of course, you should also have the courage to bear the irony and ridicule of others. Failure is not terrible at all. It is to bring stairs for success. You should have the courage to face failure, bear failure and summarize failure. Only in this way can you succeed. If you don't even have the courage to face failure, how can you say success?


I still remember when I was young, my father told me that "courage and wisdom are twin brothers. They are indispensable. Courage without wisdom is reckless, and wisdom without courage is cowardly." I was still young at that time and did not understand. Today Zhuge Liang told me this truth.

空城计优秀读后感作文 篇3


I have long heard that Zhuge Liang was an outstanding talent in ancient China. He knows both astronomy and geography. Today, I learned from the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, an article that I can't stop praising - The Empty City Plan.


The article mainly narrates that during the Three Kingdoms Period, Sima Yi, the governor of the State of Wei, led more than 100000 soldiers to make contributions to Yangping in the State of Shu. At this time, there were dozens of people in the city, one by one, and they were scared to death. Only Zhuge Liang was calm and steady, and skillfully used the "empty city plan". He asked people to open the city gate and arranged around the gate twenty soldiers to sweep the street disguised as civilians, while Zhuge Liang burned incense and played the piano on the tower. Sima Yi's troops rushed to the city gate. The city gate was wide open and the people were sweeping the streets. Zhuge Liang was sitting at the city head, as if nobody was there. Cigarettes were curling up and the sound of the zither was lingering. Sima Yi knew that Zhuge Liang was cautious. He believed that there must be a heavy army ambush, so he immediately withdrew all the soldiers.


After reading this story, I admire Zhuge Liang very much. Zhuge Liang has no soldiers under his command, but he boldly set up such an "empty city plan", which fooled the wily Sima Yi. I think, like Zhuge Liang, I should always be brave, not panic when things happen, and try to solve problems by myself.


This story tells us a very clear truth: "True or false, false or true. You should have courage and be fearless in the face of danger to succeed.".

《空城计》读后感 篇4


Today, I read the article "Empty City Plan" and learned that the main characters of the article are Zhuge Liang, who is calm, calm, thoughtful, and suspicious, and Sima Yi, who is cautious in using troops.


The Empty City Plan is about the period of the Three Kingdoms, when the State of Wei sent Sima Yi to lead more than 100000 troops to attack the State of Shu. In a battle, the army of Shu was weak, so Zhuge Liang had to come up with a way - empty city plan. He opened the gate and sat on the tower, playing the piano leisurely. Finally, Sima Yi, who was suspicious, was scared away and saved a crisis.


After reading the Empty City Plan, I checked the materials and learned that the empty city plan came from the 95th chapter of Romance of the Three Kingdoms by Luo Guanzhong of the Ming Dynasty. I also know the specific meaning of the "empty city plan" - it refers to the clever strategy of concealing emptiness and deceiving the other party in a critical situation, which is used as a metaphor to cover up one's own lack of strength to confuse or retreat the other party. The original text is "If Wei Bing arrives, don't move. I have my own plan. Kong Ming is wearing a crane cloak, a silk towel, a feather fan, two children, and a piano. He sits on the fence in front of the enemy tower in the city, burning incense, playing the piano and singing loudly."


There are many good words and sentences in this article. I benefited a lot from reading it. For example, "striking stones with eggs", I learned from the context that the word "egg" is a metaphor for the weak military state of Shu, and "stone" is a powerful military state of Wei. "At this time, I heard the sound of the piano from the tower, which gradually became hasty, as if a storm was coming." In this sentence, the figurative rhetoric is used to compare the sound of the piano from slow to fast to a storm, which can show Sima Yi's bewilderment at that time and make me feel as if I was in the scene. There are many words like this in the article, which is thought-provoking.


This article tells me that we should not panic when encountering things. Only when we take things calmly and face danger calmly can we achieve ultimate success.

空城计读后感 篇5


A few days ago, I read the story of Empty City Strategy in Romance of the Three Kingdoms, which gave me a deeper understanding of Zhuge Liang.


The story goes like this: because Zhuge Liang misused Ma Su, after losing the street pavilion, only 2500 soldiers were stationed in Xicheng County. Suddenly, Sima Yi led a large army of 150000 to attack the West City. At this time, Zhuge Liang had no senior general around him, only a group of civil servants. Hearing the news, all the officials were shocked. Zhuge Liang pondered for a moment and then announced, "Hide all the flags. The soldiers guard the sentry post in the city. If anyone comes in and goes out of the city gate and speaks loudly, kill him! The four city gates were opened, and each gate was cleaned by 20 soldiers disguised as civilians. When Wei Bing arrives, he must not move. I have a plan to deal with him. "


Sima Yi came to the gate tower and saw Zhuge Liang on the gate tower, smiling, burning incense and playing the piano, with a young man standing on both sides,. Inside and outside the city gate, there were only more than 20 people, who bowed their heads and cleaned as if no one were around. Sima Yi suspected that there were heavy troops in the city after seeing it, and immediately commanded the troops to retreat. Zhuge Liang burst out laughing when he saw Wei's troops leaving. Zhuge Liang said, "He expected me to be cautious and never take risks in my life. Seeing that we were so calm, he suspected that there were heavy troops in ambush, so he withdrew. I'm not taking a risk, just because I have to! " Everyone said admiringly: "The Prime Minister's plan is unpredictable. If we command, we will leave the city. " Zhuge Liang said, "We only have 2500 people. If we abandon the city and leave, we will not go far. Won't we be soon overtaken by the enemy?"


It was Zhuge Liang's resourcefulness that saved Xicheng County. In the future, when we encounter difficulties, we should be as brave as Zhuge Liang, use our brains and come up with a way to achieve the best of both worlds.


Junior One: Cheng Xing

空城计优秀读后感作文 篇6


Now I finally understand that I know a truth: if you have to try something yourself, if you don't try it, just like Sima Yi, if there are soldiers, what's the matter? What's the matter with failure? You can remember the lesson if you don't try.


That means you have no confidence. If you dare to try, you may succeed.

空城计读后感 篇7


The wisdom of Empty City Strategy is empty, and doubts arise from doubts. This is a sentence from the Thirty Six Stratagems. When Zhuge Liang had no troops to defend against the enemy, he opened the city gate and played the zither on the tower. Sima Yi suspected that there was an ambush, so he withdrew. This is the famous empty city plan.


It has been true since ancient times, and it has become inevitable today. Maybe many people see that Zhuge Liang's great wisdom, when facing great difficulties, hides the real situation, deceives the other party, and successfully gets through the dangerous situation. Maybe many people will think this is a fluke, while I think it is a necessity.


Because many people see Sima Yi fleeing from the wilderness, but they don't see Zhuge Liang's calm and steady attitude and strong psychological quality in the face of difficulties. The essence of these lies in Zhuge Liang's understanding of himself and Sima Yi, which is not accidental, but based on his familiarity with each other and his accumulation of experience. As the saying goes, knowing oneself and knowing the enemy is invincible in every battle.


When we return to the present, we sometimes encounter difficulties, big and small. But how do we face them? Find a reason, find an excuse? Did you cheat yourself or others?


What we need to learn here is that when encountering difficulties, we should know how to solve them, face them with a positive attitude, and accumulate the methods we have learned, instead of finding excuses to "cheat" ourselves when encountering difficulties. Only in this way can we skillfully solve the next difficulty. The wisdom of growing wisdom in an emergency is not thought out, but accumulated after solving large and small difficulties.


In fact, while winning the war, there is also a premise that can not be ignored - details, which are proving that details determine success or failure. As described in the article, "Zhuge Liang put on his crane cloak, put on a tall silk scarf, led two little schoolboys, took a piano, went to the city to look at the enemy towers, sat down on the fence, lit incense, and then slowly played the piano." It is a series of descriptions of details that are closely linked. No mistakes are allowed at any step. Are details particularly important today when we always emphasize efficiency?


The dike of thousands of miles collapses in the ant nest. Who can say that the details are unimportant? How much attention do we pay to details today?


So when everyone knows the truth, few of them put it into action. Change starts from this second. I think I will be the one who puts it into action. I will keep a positive attitude when facing difficulties, be calm and calm, not impetuous, move forward step by step, and work towards my own goals, and eventually I will reach the other side of the ideal.

空城计读后感 篇8


I read a story in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms - Empty City Plan.


Because Ma Su lost the street pavilion, the Shu army was at a disadvantage. Zhuge Liang ordered the troops to withdraw. Sima Yi sent 150000 troops to attack the Shu army. Zhuge Liang was quick to get wise, and ordered all the soldiers to open all the gates of the city and hide all the flags of the city. Without saying a word, Zhuge Liang went to the city alone, set a table on it, put an ancient zither on it, and played it. At this time, Sima Yi led troops to the city. Seeing such a scene, no one dared to enter the city. Sima Yi thought: There is no doubt that there are heavy troops in the city. It's better to be careful. So Sima Yi ordered the troops to withdraw.


The story tells of Sima Yi's suspicious psychological characteristics. Zhuge Liang is taking advantage of his characteristics to scare away the Wei army and turn the Shu army from danger to safety.


The inspiration from this story is: Be good at using your brain and thinking diligently in everything you do; When danger and difficulty come, don't panic, be calm and calm.

空城计读后感 篇9


One of my favorite four masterpieces is Romance of the Three Kingdoms, which tells several stories. There are a total of 200 characters in 120 chapters of the book, including Liu Chan, the sage leader, Zhou Yu, the narrow-minded, loyal Lu Su, the brave Zhang Fei, the righteous Guan Yu, Liu Bei, and Zhuge Liang, who skillfully used the sky. I like Zhuge Liang's stories most, among which the empty city plan has benefited me a lot.


The story of Empty City Plan mainly tells that Zhuge Liang was ready to evacuate Xicheng County after he lost his street pavilion. Sima Yi led a hundred thousand soldiers and horses to approach the county town. At this time, Zhuge Liang only had more than two thousand old, weak and disabled soldiers under his command. But Zhuge Liang was not afraid of the danger. Seeing the Wei army swarming toward the county, he asked people to open the city gate. He arranged about twenty soldiers to sweep the street in the guise of ordinary people. Then he dressed smartly and played the piano on the tower. Sima Yi's troops rushed to the gate. The gate was wide open, and the people were sweeping the floor. Zhuge Liang was sitting in the city as if there were no one around. Cigarettes were curling up, and the sound of the piano was lingering. Sima Yi knew that Zhuge Liang was cautious. He believed that there must be a heavy army ambush, so he immediately withdrew all his troops.


After reading this story, I admire Zhuge Liang very much. I want to be a talented person like him.