
时间:2022-10-17 13:29:51 | 来源:语文通



中国航天日活动观后感经典 篇1中国航天日活动观后感经典 篇2中国航天日活动观后感经典 篇3中国航天日活动观后感经典 篇4

中国航天日活动观后感经典 篇1


One sunny afternoon, my mother told me that she would take me to visit and study in the Beidou Space Application Center. My heart was filled with great desire and longing. I really wanted to go there at a fast pace!


When I came to the space museum, I saw a huge screen showing the development of China's space industry and the mysterious space. I felt a sense of pride and awe. At this time, the commentator, Mr. Xu, came over with a spacesuit and said, "Hello, little friend. Welcome to the Beidou Applied Space Museum. Put on this spacesuit and start our mysterious journey." I nodded vigorously and put on the spacesuit neatly.


Just listen to the teacher's command: "Assemble!" We ran from all directions. Teacher Xu said to us with a smile, "Little astronauts, today's space flight officially begins." Then the teacher took us to my favorite rocket museum and introduced us to five kinds of rockets. What impressed me most was the "Long March 2F Rocket", which was a manned rocket with a pointed tower - Escape Tower, in which sat astronauts. Through this rocket, astronauts can go into space and explore the mysteries of the universe. If an accident occurs in flight, they can escape through the escape tower. This rocket is really powerful! I also dream of becoming an astronaut, sitting on a rocket, flying into space, and discovering more mysteries of the universe.


After visiting the rocket, we came to the classroom and made a "moon box" together. Through the observation of the change of the "moon phase", I know that the process of the "moon phase" from the new moon to the first quarter moon to the full moon and then to the last quarter moon and finally back to the new moon in a month is really a wonderful change. It is very interesting to make a "moon box" and record the actual moon to see if it is the same as the "moon box".


At the time of free visit, I watched the mini rocket launch scene, wore virtual glasses, and saw the layout in the rocket cabin. It was great to be in the scene!


The space trip ignited a raging fire, and I worked hard for my dream. The spirit of persevering in the struggle filled my heart. "There is always a dream, in case it comes true"!

中国航天日活动观后感经典 篇2


Everyone yearns for the mysterious universe; The bright moon makes people have unlimited reverie. I am no exception. Whenever the moon hangs high in the sky at night and mysterious black covers the sky, I always imagine I can go to the universe and open my eyes.


Ah! Just listen to the sound of "Dong", I came to the universe 20 years later. Wow! It is full of black here, and the shining stars seem to be floating in the big black. "Welcome, friends from China. My name is Rado. Let me introduce you." There is an alien beside me somehow. Lado pointed to the fine sand on the ground and said, "Here, just pick up a handful of sand on the ground and pour a few drops of water on the sand, and it will become a cake immediately. I don't believe you can try it." I'm really a little dubious. I'll try it right away. Miracles are even more amazing than Liu Qian's magic. When I stand here and do nothing, I get a cake for no reason.


Lado said, "Did you see that shopping book? It's priceless! Today you are a guest, so I will show you his uniqueness." With that, Rado opened the shopping book and clicked on the picture of a TV set. It was unthinkable that an identical TV set appeared in front of him. It's a blessing. Lado gave me this shopping book and gave me a villa as a gift.


Lado left. I went back to the house alone, opened the shopping book, and just wanted to order more furniture and snacks. Suddenly, I felt that I had fallen into a bottomless hole, and people were falling down all the time.


Ah! "What's the matter with you? People go to the ground when they fall asleep. Hey, hey!" I rubbed my eyes I guess my mother pushed me again, and I woke up completely. "Hey, why am I here?" "Where else would you like to be?" Mom said in a joking tone.


Oh, it was just a dream! However, I really hope that is true. I believe that 20 years later, or 30 years later, when science and technology are developed, this wish will be realized!


When I was young, I dreamed that I could ride in a spaceship and shuttle in the fascinating space to find a planet suitable for human survival and build our new home there. There is no exhaust gas from cars, no sewage from factories, no severe sandstorm weather, and there is a scene of sunny weather everywhere


One day, I had a magical dream. I wore a spacesuit and swam in the mysterious space. Before I knew it, the spaceship landed on Mars. I carefully went down to the spaceship and just wanted to feel the atmosphere of Mars. Suddenly, a group of strange aliens appeared in front of them. They were almost as tall as human beings, but the difference was that they had a pair of antennae on their heads and a pair of small wings on their backs. I asked them, "What are you doing?" Unexpectedly, they could understand me and replied, "We are going to plant fruit trees! I heard that the apples on the earth are big and sweet, and we also want to plant one." I said happily, "Let me plant with you!" With that, I began to work. One month later, we harvested heavy fruits. We sang and danced happily around each other


"Di Di" A burst of rapid ringing, I opened my eyes and found that I was in bed, the next alarm was desperately shouting, it was a dream.


In this way, the space flight dream took root and sprouted in my heart. Although I am a girl, I firmly want to become an astronaut when I grow up and explore the unknown mysteries of the universe at that time. So I think I must study hard now, read more books and learn more about these aspects in my spare time, so as to lay a solid foundation for my aerospace dream. Maybe in the near future, I will be one of the astronauts in the spaceship. I will work hard for my dream and realize my dream of space flight as soon as possible.


Only with dreams can we have power. Let me work hard to realize my dreams!

中国航天日活动观后感经典 篇3


We took a bus to the gate of the space exhibition to sell tickets, and then went inside to watch the space exhibition. Just entering the door, I saw a long red cloth. A lot of people signed on it, and I also signed it. As a souvenir, we saw the model of the Shenzhou V test module. We asked the staff, and they said, "Shenzhou V is 2.5 meters long, 2.5 meters high, and weighs 1600 kg. The outer body of the test module is made of tempered glass, solid and bright. The words" Shenzhou "on the body and the painted five-star red flag give people a strong sense of pride."


Then we exhibited "Jiuquan Launch Site", which is a large sand table with an area of more than 12 square meters. I can not only witness the majesty of the launch tower, but also experience the mystery shrouded in the "Shenwu" launch control building. I can also experience the exciting and moving scene of the "Shenwu" flying again through the large screen with sound and light behind the sand table.


Finally, we looked at the things of astronauts, as well as the Long March series carrier rocket models.

中国航天日活动观后感经典 篇4


China's space industry has officially started. The success of each space launch mission is a true reflection of China's continuous efforts in space. In the future, with the continuous development of the new generation of Long March series launch vehicles, China's launch vehicle capability will achieve a new leap forward again: the new generation of medium-sized launch vehicles, such as Long March 6A, Long March 7A and Long March 8, are being developed as planned to achieve the "upgrading" of the overall launch vehicle; The Long March 5 rocket will successively carry out several important launch missions to support the steady implementation of major engineering projects such as the return of lunar sampling in the third phase of China's lunar exploration, the launch of the Mars probe in 2020, and the construction of the core module of the space station; Heavy carrier rocket is expected to achieve its first flight in 2030, making China's space transportation system level and capability rank among the world's space powers


At the same time, China's space transportation will also achieve major breakthroughs from one-time use to reuse, from single space transportation to the combination of space transportation and space operation. It is not hard to imagine that, with the continuous enhancement of China's comprehensive aerospace strength, the Long March series carrier rockets will certainly carry China's aerospace dream, embody the spirit of struggle of Chinese aerospace personnel, fly into space again and again, and start the "New Long March" of China's aerospace industry. Looking up at the starry sky, the journey is long. 300 launches are just the first step of the "Long March" of China's space industry. There are 500, 1000 and even more breakthroughs waiting for us to make unremitting efforts.


It is believed that in the future, we will be able to create more space miracles, realize a new and larger "space dream", and leave a more wonderful Chinese mark in the vast universe.