
时间:2022-10-17 13:29:49 | 来源:语文通



北京冬奥满分彩蛋动画电影我们的冬奥观后感 篇1北京冬奥的满分彩蛋主题作文 篇2谷爱凌北京冬奥满分彩蛋观后感 篇3北京冬奥满分彩蛋动画电影我们的冬奥观后感 篇4谷爱凌北京冬奥满分彩蛋观后感 篇5谷爱凌北京冬奥满分彩蛋观后感 篇6分享你心目中北京冬奥满分彩蛋感想 篇7

北京冬奥满分彩蛋动画电影我们的冬奥观后感 篇1


On the evening of February 20, the Beijing Winter Olympic Games had come to a successful conclusion, but people were still immersed in the emotion and joy brought by the Olympic athletes in the past ten days. In recent days, Bing Dwen Dwen and Shuey Rhon Rhon, the mascots of the Winter Olympic Games, have become "popular" all over the world, which further reflects the love of people all over the world for this ice and snow festival.


Just one day before the closing of the Winter Olympics, the animated film Our Winter Olympics, which was created by Shanghai Fine Arts Film Studio for the 2022 Winter Olympics and the Winter Paralympics in Beijing, was released in major cinemas across the country. The film consists of four chapters: snow and ice rose, winter holiday in September, little Tigress's strange dream, and fat Dasheng's borrowing weapons. It tells a series of fantastic and moving stories that Bing Dwen Dwen and Shuey Rhon Rhon met with many Chinese classic animation images such as Sun Wukong, big ear Tutu and bear two in order to participate in the opening ceremony of the Winter Olympic village. When Bing Dwen Dwen and Shuey Rhon Rhon dreamily linked with various animation characters, they not only recalled the childhood memories of several generations, but also carried forward the Olympic spirit invisibly, and made people feel the charm and style of competitive sports.


The charm of competitive sports is more than confrontation


In the first chapter of the film "Ice and Snow Rose", the five members of "bald headed Qiang" were caught in a sudden snowstorm on their way to the station and were trapped in a cave. In order to help Bing Dwen Dwen and Shuey Rhon Rhon catch the train to Beijing, the five people helped and encouraged each other. Finally, "skinhead" overcame the psychological barrier and passed the rose as a distress signal to the climbers by sliding in the snow. They were rescued successfully. In the second chapter, "winter holiday in September", Bing Dwen Dwen wanders into the street. In order to enable him to participate in the rehearsal of the village opening ceremony on time, "September" and his companions raced against time to overcome difficulties and finally sent Bing Dwen Dwen to the rehearsal site. All the stories in the film tell the audience that only by working together can we win the final victory.


In the real Winter Olympics, the Chinese athletes explained the true meaning of "unity is strength" with their practical actions. On the evening of February 5, the Chinese short track speed skating team won the first gold medal for China by defeating a strong opponent in the mixed team 2000 meter relay race. "You can always trust the Chinese short track speed skating team!" Wang Meng shouted excitedly at the commentator. The strength of unity in the Chinese people is always reassuring. The relay athletes worked together on the field, and their tenacious struggle demonstrated the strength of the team. Coincidentally, in the men's 1000m short track speed skating final of the Beijing Winter Olympic Games on the evening of February 7, when there were still seven laps left, Ren Ziwei was the first to lead the skating. Wu Dajing, who was physically exhausted, touched Ren Ziwei's hand and signaled, "You go first!" Silent gestures and sincere wishes make people feel the charm of competitive sports in addition to speed, which is the value of unity and cooperation and collective victory.


Courage is the first step to success


In the third chapter of the film "Little Tigress's Strange Dreams", Little Tigress was a person who gave up easily and dared not face difficulties directly because she could not learn to skate. Because she had a dream about adventure and challenge, in the dream, she defeated the monster with her own strength and courage and saved her beloved puppet Dundun. After waking up, Tigress realized her shortcomings and finally was willing to step on the ice rink again to practice skating.


Similarly, in the Olympic arena, there is never a shortage of brave people. Courage is the turning 1620 that Gu Ailing made without hesitation in the platform jumping event; It is the 4A action of giving up the possibility of winning gold and resolutely jumping out; It was Claudia, a speed skater nearly half a hundred years old, who sprinted to the finish line at the slowest speed in the whole court.


For the audience, what we want to see is one perfect performance after another, which is an exciting golden moment. But for athletes, what is more important than gold medals may be the moment when they constantly break through themselves and overcome themselves. Gu Ailing won the bet. Her courage helped her to display her strength unreservedly and won her first Olympic gold medal in the freestyle ski jumping event; He lost the bet and missed the chance to win a medal when he failed to complete the 4A movement. 4A is the limit of human physical ability. "This is the wall of limits for figure skaters. I want to create a chapter that transcends the limits." Yu Shengjiexin said in an interview after the game. But to lose is not to win? He won a chance to defeat himself by failing, and won the respect and appreciation of the whole world. The years have never failed every person who has courage to meet difficulties, just like the clear snowflakes. Even though they know that they are about to melt, they have never failed every wonderful moment.


Dreams always have to come true


In the film, skier Xiao Xue insists on loving and practicing, and finally has the opportunity to go to the Beijing Winter Olympics to win glory for the country and realize his dream. Skinhead Qiang, who regards Xiaoxue as his idol, is also working hard to overcome his fear of skiing and dreams of becoming an excellent skier like Xiaoxue's sister in the future. In the world of competitive sports, more athletes are using time and sweat to water their dreams, just to stand on the highest podium.


On February 20, at the closing ceremony of the Beijing Winter Olympics, Gao Tingyu and Xu Mengtao, the two flag bearers of the Chinese team, attracted the attention of the whole audience with their unique appearance: Xu Mengtao "rode" on Gao Tingyu's shoulder, letting the five-star red flag fly at the top. Xu Mengtao then wrote, "Let's hold the Chinese dream high.".


The two athletes who held high the Chinese Dream constantly challenged themselves in this Winter Olympic Games and finally realized their dream of Olympic gold medal: Gao Tingyu, after four years of precipitation and accumulation, broke the Winter Olympic record in 34.32 seconds and won the men's 500m speed skating champion, fulfilling his pledge made at the Pingchang Winter Olympic Games: "Next time, change the medal into gold!" Xu Mengtao, a veteran of the four dynasties and freestyle skier, told a story of "persistence due to love and determination due to dreams" for 12 years. From Vancouver to Sochi, from Pingchang to Beijing, Xu Mengtao's persistence finally won the hard won Olympic gold medal.


The quadrennial Olympic Games is not only the stage for thousands of athletes to sprint for their dreams, but also a rare turning point in their lives. From the champion, we not only saw the glory and courage, but also understood the significance of sticking to the dream. Dreams are always there. What if they come true?


Our Winter Olympics is not just an animation feast. In a practical sense, its sports spirit reflected by various animated characters and the east wind of the Beijing Winter Olympics deserves our attention. From focusing on the Winter Olympics to public participation, from competitive sports to national fitness, the Beijing Winter Olympics will bring the happiness of ice and snow sports to more people. The sports spirit displayed by the Winter Olympic athletes also inspires and inspires everyone's daily work and life, so that sports can be embedded in life and struggle can become a life attitude - this is the best gift left by the Winter Olympics for us.

北京冬奥的满分彩蛋主题作文 篇2


Five square colors, thousands of miles of rivers and mountains, and precious flowers... The award ceremony costumes for the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic Games and the Winter Paralympic Games show the wisdom of Chinese traditional costumes from color matching, patterns to design ideas. When the Winter Olympic Games meet the Lunar New Year, the award ceremony costume "auspicious snow cloud", "lucky landscape" and "flying snow in the Tang Dynasty" will embellish the highlight moment of the Winter Olympic Games with Chinese charm.


Chinese colors depict romantic encounters


The Beijing Winter Olympic Games is in Renyin New Year, and the designers first focus on the cultural elements of the Spring Festival. "China Red is the best expression of the auspicious and festive festival atmosphere. At the same time, the dignified, atmospheric and calm blue reflects the fighting spirit of the Olympic Games." You Jia, the designer of the award dress "Hongyun Landscape" and associate professor of the School of Fashion Arts and Engineering of Beijing Institute of Fashion, said, "Red and blue here are very positive Chinese colors."


What is "positive" color? There is a historical record that "the five colors of blue, red, yellow, white and black are also true". In the opinion of Chu Yan, the designer of "Tanghua Feixue" and professor of the School of Fashion Arts and Engineering of Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology, "Chinese traditional colors have five square positive colors, which usually refer to colors with very high saturation and relatively heavy saturation. For example, red, yellow and blue are highly saturated, which is relatively positive."


With the application of visual elements such as the core graphics and color system of the Beijing Winter Olympics, the color of the award dress has an elegant and beautiful name. The colors of Celestial Blue, Ice Blue, Glow Red and Snow White are derived from the traditional Chinese mineral pigments, which not only come from the research on the Spring Festival culture of the three competition area cities, but also contain the understanding of the four seasons of nature, the five directions of heaven and earth, and the 24 solar terms culture.


The three design schemes are all red and blue, but each set has slightly different colors. In this regard, Chu Yan believed that "whether it is Xiaguang Red, Tianji Blue or Ice Blue, they are all in the core color system of the Winter Olympic Games. Different shades and warm and cold tones appear in the same color system. Designers will match different red and blue according to their own preferences and understanding."


"In traditional Chinese clothing and even painting, the higher the level, the more positive colors are used." He Yang, the curator of the National Costume Museum of Beijing Institute of Fashion, introduced her thinking about color. She is the designer of the Winter Olympics uniforms and the "auspicious snow and cloud" dress hat. She has the same choice for the color matching of the Winter Olympics award dress.

谷爱凌北京冬奥满分彩蛋观后感 篇3


From Su Yiming to Gu Ailing, this is the Chinese youth!


Two Chinese young people who were less than the weakest were shining at the Beijing Winter Olympics! Su Yiming, 17 years old, and Gu Ailing, 18 years old, show the world the image of Chinese youth as warm, open, inclusive and enterprising with their brave performance and open mind.


Su Yiming, the last player in the final, withstood the pressure when Canadian player Parrot scored 90.96 points and completed the first 1800 degree action in the second round of the competition, gaining a valuable silver medal. When the total score of the first two rounds was 5.25 points behind Tess of France, Gu Ailing jumped out of the 1620 super difficult moves that had never been tried in the competition in the last round and won the championship!


Gu Ailing, who won her first Olympic gold medal, did not celebrate wantonly, but went with Mathilde, the bronze medalist, to comfort Tess, who was sorry to win the silver medal. Su Yiming is the only player who has completed 1800 degree movements in the court. In the end, he failed to win the championship and even attracted the support of many foreign netizens. However, Su Yiming doesn't care. On the award platform, he happily embraced his opponent.


Respecting rules, opponents and friendship is the Chinese youth!


On the field, Gu Ailing and Su Yiming amazed the world with their achievements, and their rich growth experience outside the field was also impressive. Su Yiming is not only an excellent snowboarder, but also a little famous child star. This teenager, who once told the camera that he didn't want to take skiing as a career, decided to become a professional skier when he saw that Beijing was awarded the right to host the 2022 Winter Olympics, and fought for his country at home.


Unlike Su Yiming, who has been training abroad for many years, Gu Ailing, who speaks Beijing fluently, is a Chinese American hybrid who grew up in the United States. She has many labels. She is a "gifted ski girl", a famous school "Xueba" and a model. Now, China has fulfilled its promise of "driving 300 million people to participate in snow and ice sports". She hopes that her experience "can encourage thousands of Chinese people to participate in skiing".


With diversified cultural backgrounds, different growth experiences and the common concept of "faster, higher, stronger - more united", this is the Chinese youth!


It resonates with the times and contributes to the development of a great country. In the face of unprecedented changes in a century, young Chinese, represented by Gu Ailing and Su Yiming, closely combine their personal struggle with the development of the motherland. It is the Chinese youth who live up to the times and the youth!

北京冬奥满分彩蛋动画电影我们的冬奥观后感 篇4


At the request of the child, I took him to see the animated film Our Winter Olympics, which was just released this afternoon. I thought I would be bored, but I had a very happy 90 minutes.


"Our Winter Olympics" is a bit like the Chinese animation version of Marvel, which has put many stars in the Chinese animation industry for decades. There are four short stories in general, each part has different characteristics and uses different animation techniques.


I feel it is rare to see a domestic cartoon that can make the whole family have fun.


On the whole, Xiong Da, Xiong ER and bald Qiang in the children's version are the best match with Bing Dwen Dwen and Shuey Rhon Rhon, and they are also the most sophisticated parts made with three-dimensional animation technology. The little sister in the Winter Olympics competition looks like the animated version of Gu Ailing!


Then the urban stories of Nine Tailed Fox, Nezha, white dragon, Guanyin, jade rabbit and Bing Dwen Dwen are also very interesting.


Tigress's skiing part is a little weak, but the feeling of making it with puppets reminds me of the story of Avanti in those years.


Finally, the blessed Great Sage Qi Tian and Big Ear Tutu asked the Dragon King to help them prepare for the Tiangong Winter Olympics, which was very impressive and reminded me of the "Monkey King".


The simple and cute appearance of Bing Dwen Dwen and Shuey Rhon Rhon in the film also makes people happy. Friends with children at home should take their children to see such a good parent-child project!

谷爱凌北京冬奥满分彩蛋观后感 篇5


What most people don't know is that Gu Ailing is more suitable for the title of "all-round talent" than the title of "genius". In addition to skiing, she is also keen on basketball, football, rugby and other ball games. She likes running. She is the MVP of the headmaster's running team. She also participated in cross-country running in the American Youth Games. Cool girls love surfing, rock climbing, kayaking and horseback riding. Even at a young age, he is still a master of handstand and tree climbing. Gu Ailing not only loves sports, but also her level of music, chess, calligraphy and painting is amazing. She has played wonderful piano music, practiced elegant ballet and yoga, published short science fiction stories in English, and is keen on campus musicals. She is the heroine of musicals appointed by the school. Gu Ailing's father is a Harvard high school student. His mother has been admitted to Stanford University all the way from Peking University. His grandfather is also a leader in Stanford University. She seems to have a higher starting point than ordinary people, but she is more disciplined and hardworking than ordinary people. Although she started to learn skiing at the age of 3 and participated in various adult competitions at the age of 13, Gu Ailing never gave up learning. In Gu Ailing's opinion, learning, like skiing, is an important part of her life. Every weekend and holiday, when the little partner is still sleeping late and cleaning her mobile phone, she is always on the way to training. My mother was driving, and she sat in the back reading. In order to leave enough time for the 24th Beijing Winter Olympic Games, Gu Ailing reduced the courses in the last two years of high school to one year, which increased the pressure on his studies. But she was full of confidence in this: "In fact, it's OK. Just list the things that need to be done one by one. I don't think this is an impossible task."


Gu Yan, Gu Ailing's mother, is a native of Beijing. Although she has already emigrated to the United States, she attaches great importance to the education of her daughter's Chinese language and traditional Chinese culture. Therefore, Gu Ailing is not only fluent in Chinese, but also quite authentic in speaking tongue twisters and reciting ancient poems. Under the influence of her mother, Gu Ailing has a deep sense of identity with China and Chinese culture. When she first entered San Francisco, Gu Ailing also wrote about Chinese in the ethnic column of the school questionnaire. According to my mother, when my daughter took her back to Beijing as a child, some people praised her as a "beautiful doll". Gu Ailing also explained to them: "I am not a doll. I am Chinese, just like you." In June 2019, Gu Ailing announced through his personal social media that he was officially converted to Chinese nationality, and sent a message "Chinese freestyle skier Gu Ailing reports for duty", dreaming of participating in the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics as a Chinese player.


Her sunny, firm, elegant, beautiful, youthful face is full of confidence and publicity charm. Her calm attitude and composure beyond age make her radiate irresistible charming light from her bones. Gu Ailing, we look forward to your fighting for the honor of our motherland in the Winter Olympics!


We know that behind the title of champion, there must be unimaginable hardships, and behind the change of nationality, there must be deep feelings of family and country. The sixteen year old beautiful girl perfectly explained to us what is love, what is climbing the peak forever, what is internal and external cultivation, and what is patriotism. Bless her to go forward and win the crown.

谷爱凌北京冬奥满分彩蛋观后感 篇6


After the two jumps, Gu Ailing dropped to the third place with 182.25 points, behind the French and Swiss players. At this time, Gu Ailing called her mother, who asked her to make a 1440 on the left, so that she could get a silver medal. But of course, a silver medal is not enough. "So I decided to jump to the 1620 on the left, and my mother said," Of course, you have the initiative. ".


Gu Ailing did not complete this movement in the previous competition, but she decided to challenge her own history at the most important time. "At that moment, I thought that if I didn't win, I would also be proud of myself. But because it is on such a big stage that I can show the world my spirit of competition, I just want to challenge myself. I don't want to beat others, I just want to be myself, and I want the world to see how much I can do." Because of this, Gu Ailing still challenges the difficulty.


Looking back at that moment, Gu Ailing said that he did not have pressure, and he did not think about pressure, but thought about action. Gu Ailing changed the music before the third jump. She used the music to relax herself and let herself enter the state of competition.


Gliding, flying, turning and landing are all under the control of Gu Ailing. She has completed an action she has never completed and achieved her breakthrough, and the final score has not failed her choice. Gu Ailing hugged his head excitedly and said, "Oh, my God!"


Gu Ailing always regards gold medal as his goal. "I set my desktop as an Olympic gold medal a month or two ago, which is my dream." At this moment, Gu Ailing finally realized his dream.

分享你心目中北京冬奥满分彩蛋感想 篇7


On February 15, Beijing time, the final of the men's big jump of snowboarding in the Winter Olympic Games began to compete. Su Yiming ranked fifth in the preliminary. The final was divided into three rounds. The gold medal was decided by taking the sum of the best results of two different types of movements and adding them together. A total of 12 people participated in the final. In the first round, Su Yiming launched a big move, using 1800 difficult moves, and rose to the second place. In the second round, the players in front of Su Yiming made mistakes in succession, but Su Yiming resisted the pressure and jumped out of the 1800 invincible wind fire round, scoring a high score of 93 points, opening a 17 point lead. In the third round, Su Yiming celebrated winning the gold medal in advance and congratulated the Chinese team on winning the sixth gold medal of the Winter Olympics!


At the beginning of the first round, Canadian athlete Sharp fell to the ground and only got 20 points. Dutch player van der Felden had a good air posture and landed very stably, scoring 83.75 points. Koning, an American player, is also a strong competitor for medals. He chose 1800 difficult moves, with a very high flying height and a good posture. He grabbed the back edge of the board before 1800, and then got a high score of 92 points! And then the Norwegian famous player Leyseveland turned out 1800 and got a high score of 89.25 points. Today, the players entered the state early, and the overall performance was very stable!


It was Su Yiming's turn to come out. After taking off, he controlled his posture very well. He grasped the tail of the board, and 1800 difficult moves. His movements in the air were coherent, and there was no flaw when he landed. CCTV commented that Su Yiming enlarged his moves from the beginning, which was very competitive! In the end, Su Yiming got a high score of 89.50, ranking second. However, several players behind Su Yiming made mistakes in a row. The 1800 movement was very difficult and the degree of completion was not high. After the first round, Su Yiming was ranked second, lagging behind the American player Koning.


At the beginning of the second round, Canada's Sharp scored 82 points in the second jump, and Holland's van der Felden scored 78.25 points in Category B action, ranking first in two rounds. Konin scored 92 points in the first round, but there was an obvious ground support in the second jump, outward turn 1800, and the center of gravity was leaning forward. It was a big mistake, only 35.5 points. The famous Norwegian player Leyseveland scored 75.75 points. Later, several players made mistakes one after another. Everyone wanted to challenge the difficulty, but the effect was not good.


It's Su Yiming's turn to come out, start at full speed, turn inward 1800, from takeoff to takeoff, to rotation in the air, to maintain the posture, to control the whole body, and then to land, 1800 lands perfectly! The flying height is 8 meters 49, and the invincible wind fire wheel! Narrator: It's easy. It's definitely there! After landing, Su Yiming was very excited and waved his fist to the camera to celebrate. The audience on the sidelines were boiling and the whole audience exclaimed perfect! Su Yiming finally got a super high score of 93 points! At one time, there was an own dragon incident on the scene, which cancelled Su Yiming's first jump. Fortunately, he corrected it in time, making a false alarm! After two rounds, Su Yiming has a total score of 182.5 points, 17 points ahead of the second place!


However, the players after Su Yiming have obviously fluctuated in mentality and made mistakes continuously. After the second round, Su Yiming rose to the first place, 17.5 points ahead of the second Norwegian player Leyseveland! The commentary revealed that Su Yiming might challenge the super difficult movements of 1980 in the third round, and he would make history!


At the beginning of the third round, Canadian player Sharp failed again. It's a pity! Japan's Otsuka scored 95 points in the second jump, but failed in the third jump! Canadian veteran Mike Demos fell down again. His panda skateboard is impressive! American athlete Corning only got 64 points in the third jump, which was out of the medal race. Japan's Guowu Dahuang scored 84 points, while Norway's Cleveland made a mistake and only scored 39 points. Dutch player Van der Felden also made mistakes and fell to the ground! Another Norwegian player only got 82.5 points, and Su Yiming locked the gold medal! Su Yiming made his last jump, grabbed the board immediately after takeoff, and fell to the ground to celebrate crazily. All the opponents came to hug Su Yiming! Congratulations to Su Yiming and the Chinese Winter Olympics delegation!