
时间:2022-10-17 13:29:49 | 来源:语文通



拼搏作文 篇1拼搏作文 篇2拼搏作文 篇3努力奋斗拼搏作文 篇4拼搏作文 篇5以拼搏为话题的作文 篇6

拼搏作文 篇1


There are countless people around us who adhere to their ideals and love life. Only Li Shangyin, a poet of the Tang Dynasty, deeply impressed me with his ambition and life experience. Li Shangyin's official life can be said to be very unfortunate. He was involved in the struggle between the two factions of the imperial court, and both sides were excluded. Therefore, in this case, he was positive and optimistic, and created a masterpiece, Le You Yuan. Although the surface is frank, it actually reflects his lofty ambition.


One of the stories has been told to this day: "The setting sun is infinitely good, but it is nearly dusk." The setting sun is gorgeous, setting off half the sky and making the ancient plain shine. What a beautiful sunset! It's a pity that it's almost dusk. What is wrong with our life? People of all ages in life complain to varying degrees: 60 year old people - hey, old, what a wonderful time in childhood! 30 year old youth -- too hard, if you study hard in junior high school, you don't have to do such hard work!


Whether people are over 60 years old or in the struggle period, they are envious of us. However, we are listening to our thoughts as middle school students: there are too many homework and we can never finish it. It's as happy as adults! Is life overturned? Why do you want to grow up quickly when you are old and young? In fact, this is just like off-season vegetables. Vegetables in each period belong to their growing period, which is a normal phenomenon.


In depth, that is the only way for people. If we feel a little pressure now, it shows that we attach great importance to learning, and this pressure will also become a driving force for progress. Therefore, we should first establish a clear learning goal, stabilize it, and then make it to the top. Those who can cross this threshold will also step into the future. But on the contrary, at this moment, even if there is a little laxity, others will catch up, showing the trend of "the latecomers", becoming 30-year-old and 60-year-old people, and regret for life.


To sum up, life requires constant struggle. The person who gets the sweet taste first may not be happy. However, the person who has experienced hard work and has been working hard all the time, I firmly believe that he will be able to get some return in the future, either material or spiritual.


Finally, I would like to say: Dear students, learning hard, but the fruit will be sweet. There is no end to learning. Let's keep working hard and leave a wonderful moment for our life!

拼搏作文 篇2


When the students knew that the school would hold a talent show, the whole class was excited. Everyone prepared carefully, diligently and diligently, and practiced tirelessly. Over and over again... Look, in the classroom between classes, the students who read the performance aloud are reading to the students around, just like a rehearsal, but they are very serious. Everyone is so active, just like a small soldier in the battle who fills a gun with bullets and is always ready to fight bravely. I still can't forget the way I invested.


Let's talk about myself first. I participated in the exhibition of Chinese calligraphy and English calligraphy. In order to practice the characters well and also for the honor of the class, I tried to observe the shape of each character and imitate them. But it is very close to the game time. I always can't write well. When practicing, my heart is always hanging, just like on the competition field. In order to practice calligraphy well, I tried hard again, but the tension was like a "devil", tormenting me and preventing me from practicing calligraphy at ease. Time flies, and finally it's time for me to be nervous and afraid.


At noon, we were led into the arena. After we sat down in order, I found that there were many gaps on each table, which would have a great impact on writing. After sitting down, I was very nervous, and my hand was still shaking. The competition started. I stabilized my mood and wrote. I'm very focused. I don't even know if someone is taking pictures of me. I found that everyone is so serious and meticulous.


I also wrote carefully, trying to imitate every word and every stroke. I write it one by one, not fast. I thought: I must do my best to win honor for the class and not let teachers and students down. For this, I will refuel, refuel and refuel! But if I can't write it well... no, no, no, I must be able to write it well. I have to believe myself... think about it. I find that I have finished it before I know it. There is still a big gap between it and the copybook. I am a little discouraged, but I have tried my best.


When I returned to the classroom, I felt relaxed, as if I had completed a major task. Looking at other students, I felt as if they were just like me, like soldiers who had just returned from the battlefield with a relaxed face.


Although I only got the second prize this time, it was a test of my courage. My mother said that nervousness is the "devil". In the future, I will stay away from the "devil" and face every challenge bravely.

拼搏作文 篇3


Xiaocao feels the caress of spring because of her struggle before being unearthed; The eagle feels the vastness of the sky because of his struggle before flying; Carps have seen the beautiful scenery of Longmen because of their (more) efforts to jump over the Longmen... Nature is like this, so is life. Only by working hard can we make our life more brilliant.


As the saying goes: "Different work, life will draw parabolas of different heights." Life is short. In order to make our parabola higher, we have to work hard.


The musician Beethoven, the musician Beethoven, suffered from illness when he was very young, and unfortunately lost his hearing when he was 26 years old. However, this great composer did not get discouraged because of such difficulties, but gave out the roar of "holding the throat of destiny". With his spirit of struggle, he worked hard to climb up, and finally reached the highest point of his life's parabola.


Balzac, a famous French writer, although his living conditions were not good, he made the following decision: "He started his career with the sword peak, but I did it with my pen." The lofty ambition of. In order to achieve this goal, he worked hard and finally wrote "Human Comedy" and other works, standing at the highest point of the beautiful parabola that he drew bit by bit with hard work.


On the contrary, some people do not know how to fight. Jiangyan of Nanliang in China was reputed as a "talent in Jiangnan" in the early years. If he knows how to fight, his parabola should continue to extend upward. However, he did not know how to work hard, so his parabola went downhill from then on. Although his parabola also had the highest point, it was much lower than the highest point that he should have reached, and he was also "at his wit's end" and accomplished nothing. Rong Guotuan once said, "How many battles can you have in life?" Although the road of struggle is hard and bumpy. However, in any case, this is a good road. On this road, even one blood print at a time is worth it. In order to make our life more meaningful, and to make us look back on the past when our life is about to end, we can say with a clear conscience: I have worked hard, and my life has no regrets. So from now on, we will fight with the sky, with difficulties and hardships, and with ourselves, for our goals and ideals, so that we can be like those successful people, to make the apex of the parabola of our own life higher, and to make the parabola of our own life shine, then let's work hard together!

努力奋斗拼搏作文 篇4


Posture? What is posture? In my opinion, posture is a unique statement to people. There are many different "postures" in life, because everyone and everything are unique. Even the spirit, so hard work will stand out as a special gesture!


Struggle is a spirit, but also a performance. It is the impact when you are exhausted, the effort at the last moment, and the leap towards the end. As long as you fight, you will get different results!


Remember, the teacher often said to us, "You can make yourself perfect by doing what you should do!" Yes, life is just a few decades, and there is only one life in the third day of the year. Why don't we fight hard in less than a hundred days? Maybe the hard work and sweat in less than a hundred days will give us more fruitful results! Compared with these, what is it to eat a little bitter and leave a little sweat [WWW. BAIHUAWEN. CN]? Don't enjoy ease when others are struggling, otherwise, when others are comfortable, your struggle will be weak and even useless!


As long as you work hard, as long as you work hard, you will not regret yourself. This sentence is really true, and I have a personal experience. I use one thing of my own. It proves that striving is a proud gesture!


The high school entrance examination is a word that students are afraid of, and the high school entrance examination sports is also a big problem for students.


Remember, that was a physical education class. After a series of activities such as six laps running, leg pressing, rope skipping, etc. in the first half of the class, it was very appropriate to describe us as exhausted. However, the teacher announced that he would test two more laps, which was like a bolt from the blue for us. The students pushed and shoved each other onto the runway, but they were reluctant. I'm also telling myself that it's only two minutes, you can! I gritted my teeth and stood on the runway. After the teacher said "start", I tried my best to run out. Soon, the second lap was almost over. At this time, I ranked third. At this time, I rushed forward with all my strength. I fought hard and finally got the first place. I'm very happy. At the same time, I also understand that hard work is a dazzling gesture! We can get amazing results!


Some people live a life of mediocrity, perhaps they live a very comfortable life, but they will never taste the kind of regret and joy after struggling! And we, in the struggle season, should give our all! Let's fight, young man! Struggle is also a gesture!

拼搏作文 篇5


Only by forging ahead bravely, fearing hardships and dangers, and breaking through the obstacles of mountains, can we create the magnificence of zigzags; Only by struggling and striving upward can trees break through the oppression of big rocks and achieve the magnificent of tough life. People are the same. Only by working hard without fear of sweat and tears can we reach the peak and achieve great things.


Kobe Bryant went to the top of his career with his hard work in his heart. In the summer of the year he played in the NBA, he locked himself in the court every day and frantically trained difficult moves, such as throwing the ball when he lost his center of gravity. At that time, he lost his usual handsome, but with long hair, he trained himself like a devil. No one knows how much sweat he left on the good field, but countless people know that in the NBA field later, people shouted to him the title of "Jordan successor". With that hard work, Kobe went to the peak of his career. Can he stand at the peak of his career and be admired and admired so brilliantly without the hard work and sweat that summer?


Many people commemorate Qian Xuesen who just passed away. The sky is so dim that we will remember the lofty image of Qian in our hearts when we look up. After he completed his studies in the United States, he decided to return to China. In his eyes, money, fame and fortune were nothing, and American compulsions and obstacles were nothing. His heart was full of energy. I just wanted to return to China and contribute to the motherland. No obstacles were anything. Five years of long journey back to China and ten years of hard work in China's aerospace, atomic bomb and other fields have made him the father of China's aerospace industry and set up a lofty image in the hearts of the Chinese people with the fearless spirit of scientists. Just ask, if Qian Xuesen did not have his original hard work, would he be able to return home smoothly and make such great contributions to the Chinese people?


Yes, to achieve any great cause requires hard work just like climbing a peak. Liu Xiang has made such great achievements and won the title of Asian Flying Man. Is it not because he has constantly shed sweat on the track and field? Chen Jingrun was able to win the crown of Goldbach's conjecture because of his devotion to mathematics and hard work? Phelps can win eight gold medals in the Olympic Games, but it is not because of the struggle behind the peak?


Climbing the peak is full of difficulties and dangers. Only by paving the way with hard work and guiding with sweat can we reach the peak of our career and achieve brilliance. Climb the peak and see the small mountains.


Struggle, struggle, that is the only way to the peak! Only through sweaty climbing can we reach the peak and achieve great achievements.

以拼搏为话题的作文 篇6


The age of seventeen or eighteen, what a good season. Each of us is working on the land of our own lives, looking forward to the day of harvest.


Young people, we are so arrogant and challenge our destiny again and again. However, it is difficult to cultivate the "land of destiny". In this process, we may get hurt or bleed. But there is no reason for us to escape, because each of us has a responsibility that we can not take away when we obtain life. We can only silently bow our heads and work on our own farmland. Don't try to be taken back for you, because everyone has his own land, and everyone has the responsibility that cannot be avoided.


We are full of vitality, holding a lot of youth in our hands, as well as dreams hidden in our hearts for many years. In an increasingly competitive society, we cannot retreat, because retreat means failure. Time passes like a flash. Even if we have a lot of youth in our hands, we can't resist our wanton spending. Natural selection, survival of the fittest, we should learn to fight, learn to seize opportunities. In the face of competition, we should take the initiative to meet it instead of avoiding it. Only in this way can we grow. Only when we experience more hardships will our wings be harder and we will fly higher. "Without some cold, the plum blossoms will smell sweet." Let us, who are still sheltered by our parents, leave the wings that protect us and face the baptism of the storm bravely.


No matter whether the flowers are amazing or not, no matter whether the fragrance is thousands of miles away, it is enough to open them, as long as they have opened, they will have the greatest harvest. There is a kind of flower in the desert. Its flowering time is only a few days, or even just a few hours. However, it spends six years to absorb nutrition for the opening of flowers in the short moment of waist circumference flowering. What kind of spirit is this? Don't we, full of youth, get something from it? The successful flower, people only admire its bright reality, but its original bud, soaked in the tears of struggle, sprinkled with the blood of sacrifice. It is time for us to wake up. Only when we are sure of the present can we ride the clouds tomorrow; Only by grasping the present can we create the brilliance of tomorrow.


Flowers speechless, to send out fragrance; The youth has no language, to radiate vitality. Let us, full of youth, grasp our own tomorrow and work hard from now on. Repeated failures+repeated failures+believing in the future=success tomorrow. Believe in yourself and one day you will create your own glory.


Let's swing a heavy hammer and hit the most tender part every time. When youth passes, that part will give birth to a thick cocoon, supporting our lives that are no longer young but must be beautiful.