
时间:2022-10-17 13:29:47 | 来源:语文通



小手拉大手共创文明城演讲稿 篇1小手拉大手共创文明城演讲稿 篇2小手拉大手共创文明城演讲稿 篇3小手拉大手共创文明城演讲稿 篇4

小手拉大手共创文明城演讲稿 篇1


Dear teachers and students


hello everyone!


I am Yang Hanyi from Class 2, Grade 3. The topic of my speech is "Walking with Civilization, Creating a Beautiful Campus". In the morning, facing the rising sun and breathing fresh air, we came to the campus, and a new day began.


Whenever parents say goodbye to us, they always say: "Children, pay attention to safety in school." Yes, they hope that we can study and live in peace, and peace depends on us to get along with our classmates and protect ourselves with civilized behavior. I remember one time during the break, several students in the class were playing in the corridor. They chased me and I chased you. They ran as hard as they could. One of the children climbed up the handrails of the stairs and slid down the handrails in order not to be chased by the students. Unexpectedly, he fell down, his mouth was broken, and he cried in pain. So, students, we can't play and fight on the corridors and stairs, or climb the stairs or go to high places to play in school, so that parents can rest assured.


Every morning, there will be a group of busy figures bending over to clean up. They are our teachers and students on duty. They cleaned our classroom and campus. However, after a short time, what did the campus look like? Rubbish is all over the ground. Some students always eat food on the ground when they eat. With your piece of paper, I am a piece of paper. Over time, the campus becomes a mess.


Students, we all hope to have a clean and comfortable learning environment, which requires us to work together to create a clean campus.


Civilization is not only shown in action, but also in civilized language. When you see a teacher, you should say hello and often use "please, hello, sorry, thank you", etc


Be a civilized student.


Our campus is our fertile land for learning and our common home,


Let's walk with civilization and let's. The campus is more beautiful.


Thank you.

小手拉大手共创文明城演讲稿 篇2


Dear judges, teachers and students


Good afternoon, everyone!


I'm player number two. The topic of my speech today is "Sowing the Flower of Civilization and Creating a Civilized Campus".


You must wonder, how can I get a fan in such a cold day? This fan was bought in Bailudong Academy when we went to Jiujiang, Jiangxi Province to travel on the National Day. Bailudong Academy is equivalent to the current "Tsinghua University"! It was founded by Zhu Xi, a famous thinker, educator and litterateur in the Southern Song Dynasty. The rules of the White Deer Cave are: "Father and son are related. The monarch and his subjects are righteous. Couples are different. Growing up and young are orderly. Friends have faith." It is equivalent to our current school rules. (Action: show the fan)

在春秋战国末期,著名的思想家、儒家代表人家荀子也说过:“不学礼无以立,人无礼则不生,事无礼则不成,国无礼则不宁。” 这些古代的圣人告诉了我们一个道理,就是文明礼仪是我们学习、生活的根基,是我们健康成长的臂膀。 我们的祖国,是一个有着五千年历史的文明古国,礼仪之邦。华夏儿女的举手投足、音容笑貌,无不体现着一个人的气质与素养。

At the end of the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, Xunzi, a famous thinker and representative of Confucianism, also said: "If you don't learn etiquette, you can't stand. If you don't have etiquette, you can't live. If you don't have etiquette, you can't succeed. If you don't have etiquette, you can't be peaceful." These ancient sages told us that civilization and etiquette are the foundation of our study and life, and the arm of our healthy growth. Our motherland is an ancient civilized country with a history of five thousand years. All the gestures, faces and smiles of the Chinese people reflect a person's temperament and accomplishment.


However, in modern life, we all regret to find that today, with the rapid development of material civilization, the civilized quality of citizens has declined. On October 7, Xinhua News Agency reported that on the second day of the "National Day" Golden Week, more than 80 South Korean tourists, including many children, gathered to pick up garbage in the Nanshan Scenic Area in Urumqi, Xinjiang. These guests from afar saw garbage everywhere in the scenic area on the way of sightseeing, and they spontaneously organized to clean up the garbage. In just 20 minutes, they cleaned up the garbage nearly 1km around. Then, five cartons full of garbage were sent to the garbage station, and Korean tourists were relieved to continue to play. Liu Rengui, a South Korean tourist who took part in the garbage collection, said: "The wild should be a pure land, but what is surprising is that there is so much garbage in such a beautiful place." Boys and girls, how do you feel after listening to this? This is what happened on our land! By contrast, as a Chinese, how can I save face?


Take a look at many scenic spots in our country. We can see such scenes: smoking in public places, lying on chairs, spitting, jumping in line at will, and littering. All kinds of bad habits have left discordant notes to the scenic spots. Even when traveling abroad, Chinese tourists make a lot of noise, do not queue up, do not observe public order, do not have good health habits and other bad habits that have become commonplace in China have not been curbed, and are more vividly exposed under the contrast of foreign backgrounds, which has greatly damaged the image of the Chinese nation in the eyes of people around the world. It is no wonder that many scenic spots in foreign countries have put up warning signs written in Chinese, "Please don't spit anywhere"! Alas!

作为一名中国人,我们在对外宾捡垃圾的行为表达敬意的同时,也更应该为自己的行为感到惭愧。中国,有让我们引以为骄傲的秀丽风光,更有“礼仪之邦”的美称。然而,秀丽的风光今天仍在,美好礼仪却被一些国人丢得差不多了吧! 同学们,一个社会的全面进步不仅体现在物质的富裕、技术的先进上,更体现在高尚的人格和文明的程度上。让我们的祖国在成为经济强国的同时,也成为新世纪的“礼仪之邦”!

As a Chinese, while we pay tribute to the foreign guests' garbage collection, we should also be ashamed of our own behavior. China has beautiful scenery that we are proud of, and it is also known as the "Land of Etiquette". However, the beautiful scenery is still here today, and some Chinese people have almost lost their good manners! Students, the overall progress of a society is not only reflected in material prosperity and advanced technology, but also in the degree of noble personality and civilization. Let our motherland become an economic power, but also become a "state of etiquette" in the new century!


Today, most of us are only children who have grown up in superior living conditions. There are still many shortcomings in terms of civilization and etiquette: in the family, we are self-centered, do not communicate with parents, do not understand the parents' hard work, are indifferent and selfish to our families, and do not know how to give to them; In school, I didn't listen to the teacher's instructions, didn't know how to learn independently, wore some strange clothes, and wore fashionable hair styles; Make noise and litter in the campus. These uncivilized behaviors directly affect the healthy growth of students and the image of the school.


Our educator Tao Xingzhi has a famous saying: "A thousand teachings teach people to seek truth, and a thousand studies teach people to be true." That is to say: to educate students to be a sincere person, a civilized person and a social person.

播下一个动作,收获一个习惯,播下一个习惯,收获一种品格。 同学们,文明礼仪需要我们从小事做起,从身边做起,做文明的中学生。那么请我们每一个人管住我们的口,不说粗话,不随地吐痰;管住我们的手,不乱扔垃圾,不打架斗殴;管住我们的脚,不践踏草坪。

Sow an action, reap a habit, sow a habit, reap a character. Students, civilized etiquette requires us to start from small things, start from the side, and be civilized middle school students. Then please each of us control our mouth, not to speak foul language, not to spit everywhere; Control our hands, do not litter, do not fight; Keep our feet off the grass.

我相信,经过我们全校师生共同努力,一定会营造出一个文明美好的校园。 同学们,让我们全校上下,携起手来,从今天做起,让文明礼仪之花开满校园的每一个角落!

I believe that through the joint efforts of all our teachers and students, a civilized and beautiful campus will be built. Dear students, let's join hands from all over the school and start today to let the flowers of civilization and etiquette bloom in every corner of the campus!


My speech is over. Thank you!

小手拉大手共创文明城演讲稿 篇3


Dear judges, teachers and students


Good afternoon, everyone!


Our educator Tao Xingzhi has a famous saying: "A thousand teachings teach people to seek truth, and a thousand studies teach people to be true." It is said that teachers should first educate students to be sincere people, and students should also learn to be civilized people, and learn to be social people. Only in this way can we truly achieve "patriotism and law-abiding, courtesy and integrity, solidarity and friendship, diligence and thrift, self-improvement, dedication and dedication".


However, in real life, we all regret to find that in today's highly developed material civilization, there are some problems with the quality of our citizens' civilization. On October 7, Xinhua News Agency reported a news: On the second day of the "National Day" Golden Week, more than 80 South Korean tourists, including more than 30 children, gathered to pick up garbage in the Nanshan Tourist Attraction in Urumqi, Xinjiang.


These guests from afar saw garbage everywhere in the scenic area on the way of sightseeing, and they spontaneously organized to clean up the garbage. In just 20 minutes, nearly 1km of garbage was cleaned up. After driving five cartons full of garbage to the garbage station, Korean tourists can continue to play with peace of mind. Liu Rengui, a South Korean tourist who took part in the collective garbage collection, said: "The wild should be a pure land, but surprisingly, there is a lot of garbage in such a beautiful place."


Look at our children again. The only child growing up under the superior material living conditions also has many uncivilized words and deeds in the aspect of civilization and etiquette: in the family, the elders pay more attention to intellectual learning than moral education, think that children can only learn well, and neglect the education of children's civilization and etiquette, which leads to their indifference and selfishness towards their families, taking themselves as the center, not communicating with their parents, and not understanding their parents' hard work, They do not cherish their parents' money, do not share the family's labor, and simply ask for without giving; In school, I didn't listen to the teacher's instructions, said some fashionable dirty words, wore some strange clothes, and wore fashionable hair styles; I don't know how to study hard, make a lot of noise and litter on campus. These behaviors directly affect the healthy growth of students and the image of the school.


Confucius said, "Do not do to others what you do not want.". Civilized etiquette always reminds us that there are others around us, our behavior will affect each other, and a modern civilized and harmonious interpersonal relationship should be established between people!


In fact, it is not a very difficult thing to become a youth of the era who "stresses civilization and builds new trends". As long as we start from the side and small things, we can develop good habits. Speak civilized language, be a civilized student, and don't speak rude and dirty words at ordinary times; Abide by school rules and disciplines, and do not skip classes, be late and leave early, fight, spit, spit gum and litter; Clean and generous appearance, no heavy makeup, no jewelry, no fancy clothes during school; Respecting teachers, I would like to say hello to them when I see them; Unite with classmates and help each other; Take care of flowers, trees and public facilities, and do not scribble on tables and chairs; Do not enter Internet cafes, advocate civilized Internet access and scientific Internet access; Don't watch unhealthy books and videos; To live frugally is no better than to eat, wear and waste food. At home, we respect our elders and parents, and understand their hard work and frugality.


The all-round progress of society is not only reflected in the abundance of materials and advanced technology, but also needs to cultivate the perfect spirit and noble personality. To promote the construction of the healthy personality of the whole society, it is necessary to rebuild etiquette, so that people can communicate with each other in spirit, get along well, and obtain spiritual pleasure and spiritual satisfaction in a harmonious social life. This requires us to rebuild a new civilized etiquette that reflects the requirements of the times on the basis of carrying forward the excellent traditional etiquette of the Chinese nation, so that China can become an economic power as well as a "state of etiquette" in the new century!

小手拉大手共创文明城演讲稿 篇4


Dear teachers and students


Good morning, everyone!


Mr. Tao Xingzhi, an educator in China, has a famous saying: "thousands of teachers should teach people to seek truth, thousands of students should learn to be true people." It says that teachers should first educate students to be sincere people, and students should learn to be civilized people, and learn to be social people. Only in this way can we truly achieve "patriotism and law-abiding, courtesy and integrity, solidarity and friendship, thrift and self-improvement, dedication and dedication".


However, in real life, we all regret to find that in today's highly developed material civilization, there are some problems with the quality of our citizens' civilization. On October 7, Xinhua News Agency reported a news: On the second day of the "National Day" Golden Week, more than 80 South Korean tourists, including more than 30 children, gathered to pick up garbage in the Nanshan Tourist Attraction in Urumqi, Xinjiang. These guests from afar saw garbage everywhere in the scenic area on the way of sightseeing, and they spontaneously organized to clean up the garbage. In just 20 minutes, nearly 1km of garbage was cleaned up. After driving five cartons full of garbage to the garbage station, Korean tourists can continue to play with peace of mind. Liu Rengui, a South Korean tourist who took part in the collective garbage collection, said: "The wild should be a pure land, but surprisingly, there is a lot of garbage in such a beautiful place."


Look at our children again. The only child growing up under the superior material living conditions also has many uncivilized words and deeds in the aspect of civilization and etiquette: in the family, the elders pay more attention to intellectual learning than moral education, think that children can only learn well, and neglect the education of children's civilization and etiquette, which leads to their indifference and selfishness towards their families, taking themselves as the center, not communicating with their parents, and not understanding their parents' hard work, They do not cherish their parents' money, do not share the family's labor, and simply ask for without giving; In school, I didn't listen to the teacher's instructions, said some fashionable dirty words, wore some strange clothes, and wore fashionable hair styles; I don't know how to study hard, make a lot of noise and litter on campus. These behaviors directly affect the healthy growth of students and the image of the school. Confucius said, "Do not do to others what you do not want.". Civilized etiquette always reminds us that there are others around us, our behavior will affect each other, and a modern civilized and harmonious interpersonal relationship should be established between people!


In fact, it is not a very difficult thing to become a youth of the era who "stresses civilization and builds new trends". As long as we start from the side and small things, we can develop good habits. Speak civilized language, be a civilized student, and don't speak rude and dirty words at ordinary times; Abide by school rules and disciplines, and do not skip classes, be late and leave early, fight, spit, spit gum and litter; Clean and generous appearance, no heavy makeup, no jewelry, no fancy clothes during school; Respecting teachers, I would like to say hello to them when I see them; Unite with classmates and help each other; Take care of flowers, trees and public facilities, and do not scribble on tables and chairs; Do not enter Internet cafes, advocate civilized Internet access and scientific Internet access; Don't watch unhealthy books and videos; To live frugally is no better than to eat, wear and waste food. At home, we respect our elders and parents, and understand their hard work and frugality.


The all-round progress of society is not only reflected in the abundance of materials and advanced technology, but also needs to cultivate the perfect spirit and noble personality. To promote the construction of the healthy personality of the whole society, it is necessary to rebuild etiquette, so that people can communicate with each other in spirit, get along well, and obtain spiritual pleasure and spiritual satisfaction in a harmonious social life. This requires us to rebuild a new civilized etiquette that reflects the requirements of the times on the basis of carrying forward the excellent 'traditional etiquette' of the Chinese nation, so that China can become an economic power as well as a "state of etiquette" in the new century!


Dear students, let's join hands to let the flowers of civilization and etiquette bloom in every corner of the campus, and make unremitting efforts to build our school into a first-class modern famous school!