后悔的作文 篇1后悔的作文 篇2后悔话题作文 篇3后悔话题作文 篇4后悔满分作文 篇5后悔的作文 篇1
One day, the Black Cat Sheriff returned to his hometown in Mount Tai and stayed in the Fragrant Hotel.
That night, the swallow attendant ran over and reported to the Black Cat Sheriff that the lark secretary of the construction company was dead, and there was an open cage beside him.
The black cat police chief immediately called the white cat soldiers to the scene.
They cross examined the first witness, the white dove. The white dove said, "This morning, I saw lark chatting with his good friend Huang Gou in the room. Later, Huang Gou left the hotel. In the afternoon, I went to clean the room and found the lark dead."
The black cat police chief asked the white cat soldier to call the yellow dog. The yellow dog came to the scene crying when he knew that his best friend was dead.
The black cat sergeant asked him, "When you went to see the lark today, was there anything unusual about it?" The yellow dog replied, "He was fine when I went out, but he looked sad." After listening to the yellow dog, the black cat police chief released the yellow dog.
The white cat soldier reported to the black cat police chief that there was no murder weapon with blood on the scene.
After several days of investigation, the Black Cat Sheriff finally solved the case. It turned out that the lark lived with a magpie. The lark didn't want to live, so he tied the blade to his neck and secretly connected the blade with the magpie's feet with a thread. The lark opened the cage with its mouth and let the magpie leave it, so this accident happened.
After the case was solved, everyone respected the Black Cat Sheriff more.
后悔的作文 篇2
One can taste many flavors in his life, just like the flavoring agent in the kitchen - sour, sweet, bitter, hot and salty. I believe everyone has tasted it
星期天,我正在写作业,弟弟和妈妈正在谈什么球,不一会儿,弟弟就拿了一个玻璃球进来 ,那球里面有银光粉,闪闪的,漂亮极了。我羡慕的说:“来弟弟,给哥哥玩会儿!” 弟弟满不愿意的说: “不,我就不给,我可是要送给老师的,你弄坏了怎么办!几十块的呢!我可不想让母亲花这冤枉钱!”我说: “哼!小气鬼! ”弟弟把球放在床上就去玩了,还说了句:“不要玩我的球呀!” 我继续做我的作业,可我按耐不住自己,我拿起弟弟的玻璃球左看看,右看看,突然, “砰”的一声玻璃球碎了,我赶紧把玻璃球扫进床底,我当时非常的慌张。我只好插上耳机让自己平静下来。
On Sunday, I was doing my homework. My brother and my mother were talking about some balls. Soon, my brother came in with a glass ball. There was silver powder in the ball. It was shiny and beautiful. I said enviously, "Come and play for your brother!" The younger brother said reluctantly, "No, I won't. I'm going to give it to the teacher. What if you break it! It's worth tens of dollars! I don't want my mother to spend this money!" I said, "Hum, stingy!" The younger brother put the ball on the bed and went to play, saying, "Don't play with my ball!" I continued to do my homework, but I couldn't help myself. I picked up my brother's glass ball and looked left and right. Suddenly, the glass ball broke with a "bang" sound. I quickly swept the glass ball under the bed. I was very nervous at that time. I had to plug in my headphones to calm myself down.
弟弟回了,把我的耳机取下来说:“我的玻璃球呢?”我说:“我哪知道,我又没玩!” 弟弟东找西找,终于在床底找到了,但他的手被碎片割出血了,他跑去找妈妈了,妈妈陪他又去买了一个。我当时真想对你说声对不起弟弟,但是我又没那个胆量。我的就想被针刺了一样痛。
The younger brother returned, took down my earphone and said, "Where is my glass ball?" I said, "How could I know that I didn't play!" The younger brother searched around and finally found it under the bed, but his hand was cut by fragments and bled. He ran to find his mother, who accompanied him to buy another one. I really wanted to say sorry to my brother, but I didn't have the guts. Mine is as painful as a needle.
I regret that I didn't say it. Sometimes people will make a mistake in their life, but they dare not say it out of ordinary avoidance, which will make you regret all your life.
后悔话题作文 篇3
我经历了许许多多的事,有的令我快乐,有的令我自豪,有的使我悲伤,但有一件事使我久久难忘。 那是在我八岁时的署假时发生的。当时我在乡下的表哥教导下刚刚学会了骑自行车,自己觉得很了不起便约定和表哥一起骑自行车到姑姑家玩。当时受到了家长极力的反对,但我硬要去,家长只好再三叮嘱我俩要小心,看车辆,而且吩咐表哥看着我。 我与表哥骑着自行车,在路上我唱着歌,心里有说不出的高兴。表哥叫我下坡时要小心。我听了很扫兴,便对表哥说:“你要睁大个眼睛,看我的绝技表演。”表哥似乎刚要开口说话,我骑着自行车像离弦的箭似的冲下斜坡,我的头发被一阵了凉风吹起来,十分凉爽。我骑着自行车到了半途,自己觉得将要胜利了便放开右手,做了个“yes”的姿势,当时说急不急,说缓又不缓,自行车失去了平行。我觉得一阵阵“暴风”袭击着自己,出了事故。 虽然是自己伤势不重,只是擦伤了皮,但它使我十分想时光倒流回到那时……阻拦这个事故发生。它使我自己明白:凡事不能呈威、蛮干、不听忠言啊!
I have experienced many things. Some made me happy, some made me proud, some made me sad, but one thing made me unforgettable. That happened when I signed off at the age of eight. At that time, I just learned to ride a bike under the guidance of my cousin in the countryside. I thought it was great and agreed to ride a bike with my cousin to my aunt's house. At that time, my parents strongly opposed me, but I insisted on going, so my parents had to tell us again and again to be careful and watch the cars, and told my cousin to watch me. My cousin and I were riding a bike, and I sang songs on the road. I was very happy. Cousin told me to be careful when going downhill. I was very disappointed, so I said to my cousin, "You should open your eyes and watch my stunts." My cousin seemed to be about to speak when I rode down the slope like an arrow leaving the string. My hair was blown up by a gust of cool wind. It was very cool. I rode my bike halfway. I felt that I was about to win, so I let go of my right hand and made a "YES" gesture. At that time, I said "urgent", "slow" and "slow". My bike lost its parallelism. I feel that "storms" hit me and caused accidents. Although I was not seriously injured, I just scratched my skin, but it made me want to go back to that time... to prevent this accident. It makes me understand that nothing can be done with dignity, foolhardy and disobedient to advice!
后悔话题作文 篇4
后悔满分作文 篇5
That was six years ago. My father gave me two pink plastic book covers with these two lovely white rabbits printed on them. I like them very much! But soon, the plastic book cover gradually wrinkled, and the little white rabbit looked listless, as if he was ill. I am very distressed and want to smooth it, but I have tried every means to feel the injustice. What can I do!
有一天,我看见妈妈用电熨斗把一件皱巴巴的衣服烫得平平展展的,像新的一样,我忽然有了主意,高兴的差点跳起来。·妈妈烫完了衣服,断了电源,把电熨斗放桌子上凉着。然后去做饭了。我悄悄取来书皮,学着妈妈的样子,然后把电熨斗提起来一看。哎呀 !这是怎么回事?书皮上的小白兔“飞了,”塑料书皮也皱得更不成样子了。我迷惑不解的朝熨斗看了一眼。噢,小白兔被电熨斗“吃了”。 我既心疼又后悔,坐在床上就“呜呜……”的哭了。· 妈妈听见哭声走过来,看我这这副样子,急忙问道:“南南 ,怎么了?”我边擦泪边断断续续得说:“呜——小白兔——给电熨斗“吃了”!妈妈听了,差点笑弯了腰。他边说,边抚摸着我的头说:“塑料碰到热就会融化,熨斗这么热 ,怎么能熨塑料书皮呢?”我停止了哭泣,半信半疑的点了点头。·
One day, I saw my mother ironing a wrinkled dress flat with an electric iron. It looked like new. I suddenly had an idea and almost jumped up with joy· After ironing, my mother cut off the power and put the iron on the table to cool it. Then I went to cook. I took the book cover quietly, followed my mother's example, and then lifted up the electric iron to have a look. oh dear! What's going on here? The little white rabbit on the book cover "flew," and the plastic book cover was even more wrinkled. I took a puzzled look at the iron. Oh, the rabbit was "eaten" by the electric iron. I was both distressed and regretful. Sitting on the bed, I cried· My mother heard the crying and came to me. Looking at me, she hurriedly asked, "Nannan, what's the matter?" I wiped my tears and said intermittently, "Woo, little white rabbit, I have eaten the electric iron! Mom almost bent over with laughter. He said, stroking my head and said, "The plastic will melt when it hits the heat. How can you iron the plastic book cover when the iron is so hot?" I stopped crying and nodded in disbelief·
Although it has been a long time, I regret it very much, because this is my favorite book cover!
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