
时间:2022-10-13 13:20:15 | 来源:语文通



中秋节日记 篇1中秋节日记 篇2中秋节日记 篇3中秋节日记 篇4中秋节日记 篇5中秋节日记 篇6中秋节日记精选 篇7中秋节日记 篇8

中秋节日记 篇1


Today is the Mid Autumn Festival, which is also an unforgettable day for me.


In the evening, my grandparents, aunts, uncles, parents and I spent the festival together in my hometown. I was ready to eat. I ate quickly and went to do my homework. Hey hey, you can play games after finishing your homework.


After playing the game, we eat moon cakes. Although the weather was bad, we went to see the moon when we ate moon cakes. Wow, the moon today is really round!


Today is my most unforgettable Mid Autumn Festival!


中秋节日记 篇2


Finally, it was the Mid Autumn Festival. It was a holiday again. My father said he would take me and my friends to travel together. I was very excited. The children and I saw mountains and trees on the bus. We flew past us and came to a stream. We stopped to listen to the birds, the flowing water and catching fish and shrimp in the river. We had a good time.

中秋节日记 篇3

中秋节终于到了。晚上我们一家高高兴兴的到姥姥家过中秋节,走到路上看到一轮明月挂在天空上,皎洁的月光照在千家万户的窗前,于是我想起了一句诗“海上升明月,天涯共此时。 ”中秋节是团圆节,不管在哪里人们都互相牵挂。正想着,不知不觉来到了姥姥家,我又吃到了月饼。

The Mid Autumn Festival is finally here. In the evening, our family happily went to Grandma's house to celebrate the Mid Autumn Festival. On the way, we saw a bright moon hanging in the sky and the bright moonlight shining in front of the windows of thousands of households. So I remembered a poem, "The sea rises and the moon rises, and the horizon is the same time." The Mid Autumn Festival is a reunion festival, and people care about each other no matter where they are. Just thinking, I came to Grandma's house unconsciously, and I ate moon cakes again.

中秋节日记 篇4


I didn't see the moon this Mid Autumn Festival because it was cloudy. I ate a lot of moon cakes, fruit flavored and bean paste flavored. It was said on TV that five kernel moon cakes were not good. I asked my mother, do you have five kernel moon cakes? Mom said no.


Then I breathed a sigh of relief. My mother was very strange. I said that watching TV was bad.

中秋节日记 篇5


Today is the Mid Autumn Festival, but my aunt left by train, and I almost cried.


Do you want to know why? Because when I was in a small kindergarten class, my aunt went to the kindergarten to pick me up. Every time she ran to the kindergarten, she was the first to pick me up. In the summer, my aunt said she was crazy about me. I wish my aunt a happy Double Day.

中秋节日记 篇6


The Mid Autumn Festival is coming, and there is a garden activity in our community, with many games. For example, guessing riddles, stepping on balloons, two people and three feet, etc., my father and I participated in the two people and three feet game. The staff tied one foot of my father and me with a rope. As soon as the command was issued, we rushed forward and ran back. We ran very fast and won the first prize.


After the game, we reluctantly went home. This Mid Autumn Festival is really meaningful.

中秋节日记精选 篇7


According to the Chinese calendar, the eighth month of the lunar calendar is in the middle of autumn, the second month of autumn, and is called the "Mid Autumn". The fifteenth day of August is also in the "Mid Autumn", so it is called the "Mid Autumn". Here are some diaries about the Mid Autumn Festival, which I hope will be helpful to you.

中秋节日记 篇8


We had a happy Mid Autumn Festival at home this evening.


My brother and I celebrated the Mid Autumn Festival for my parents. We put moon cakes, grapes, pomegranates, crispy fried rice and coconut sugar on the table. Unfortunately, there was no round moon in the sky. My mother told me that it was cloudy today, so there were too many dark clouds at night, which covered the moon.


Although there is no moon in the sky, we recite poems about the moon while eating. I think our Mid Autumn Festival is also very happy.