
时间:2022-10-13 13:20:14 | 来源:语文通


励志正能量演讲稿三分钟 篇1分钟正能量演讲稿 篇2励志正能量演讲稿三分钟 篇3分钟正能量演讲稿 篇4

励志正能量演讲稿三分钟 篇1


Dear teachers and students


hello everyone!


Today, our teacher talked about positive and negative energy, and let us know that everyone has positive and negative energy, which is very normal. I have done something recently, which can be said to be a combination of positive and negative energy.


Last Saturday, I wrote it down in my chat book because I found that Xiao A and Xiao B copied homework many times. Afterwards, the teacher talked to the two students. When I saw that they were taught by teachers, it was the result of my struggle with evil forces and victory. It was a positive energy. In fact, I reported that I was jealous because I didn't see them copying each other with the answers, and I felt unfair. I thought this jealousy was a negative energy. But my behavior was attacked by those people, who have a negative energy.


Their behavior of copying homework is spreading negative energy, and I dare to report them, even if one of them is a class committee member. Because she is spreading negative energy, which does not conform to the identity of the class committee. In this way, my behavior is a positive energy to fight against negative energy. They have such negative energy constantly. For example, copying homework will make them superstitious about copying others. They don't use their brains to get some good scores. Although I am always led out by the teacher to talk about topics, and there are more forks than ticks on the test paper, I did not copy, and the teacher praised me for this.


Later, Xiao A broke up with me because of this, because he hated me, and because of that little thing, all his actions took on negative energy, which made him unreasonable and malicious to the people who really helped him. This is the evil result of too much negative energy. What is gratifying is that in a few days, his positive energy will swallow up the negative energy, and he will forget the hatred, because he has always been an optimistic person.


I found that most people are animals with more positive energy and less negative energy. The strength of positive energy is deeper than negative energy. All positive energy devours some unhappy negative energy. I still hope you can touch more positive energy and less negative energy.

分钟正能量演讲稿 篇2


Dear teachers and students


Good morning, everyone!


The title of my speech is "God rewards diligence".


For some time, my heart has been very depressed. Why am I always inferior to others, not as good as others, not as able to do things as others, not as responsive as others, so that I think I am a child forgotten by God.


At this time, I read a story:


Zeng Guofan is one of the most influential figures in Chinese history, but his talent was not high when he was young. One night when he was reading at home, he repeated an article for many times and was still reading aloud because he had not memorized it. At this time, a thief came to his house and lurked under his roof, hoping to make some profit after the scholar slept. But waiting and waiting, I didn't see him sleeping, and I still read the article over and over again. The thief was furious and jumped out and said, "What book should I read at this level?" Then recite the article once and go away!


Thieves are very clever, at least more clever than Mr. Zeng, but he can only become a thief, while Mr. Zeng became a person admired by Chairman Mao Zedong: "The most capable person in modern times."


"Diligence can make up for mistakes is good training. Every penny of hard work is worth every penny of talent." The reason why Mr. Zeng became an influential figure in Chinese history is the word "diligence".


In fact, Zeng Guofan is not alone in the creation of talents through diligence.


Everyone knows the story of Edison.


Edison began to invent the electric light in 1877. In order to achieve satisfactory results in this test, it is necessary to find a material that can burn to incandescence as a filament. This filament must withstand a burning temperature of more than 2000 ℃ for 1000 hours. At the same time, the usage should be simple and the price should be low. Edison first made experiments with carbonized materials. After the failure, he made filament experiments with platinum and iridium high melting point alloys. He also made 1600 different experiments with high-quality ores and mineral seedlings as the filament, and all of them failed. It was not until the carbonized bamboo filament was finally found as the filament that it finally succeeded. His experimental notebooks amounted to more than 200, totaling more than 40000 pages, and the carbonization tests of plants alone amounted to more than 6000, after three years. He works eighteen or nine hours a day. Every morning at three or four o'clock, he just put two or three books on his head and slept under the table for experiment. Sometimes he sleeps on the stool three or four times a day, each time for only half an hour.


Some people praised Edison as a genius, but Edison said: "Where there is a genius, genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration."


From then on, I no longer feel depressed and inferior. Work hard every day and devote yourself to study. No sweat, no gain. My grades began to soar, and I also initially felt the joy of success.


Students, great success is in direct proportion to hard work. No matter how clever a person is, if he does not work hard and hard, he will accomplish nothing. But hard work can often make the otherwise unwise person succeed. Over time, miracles can be created from less to more.


Students, let's remember this sentence - "God rewards diligence".


Students, let's practice this sentence - "God rewards diligence".


Students, let's shout together: (All students together) "Heaven rewards diligence, heaven rewards diligence, and heaven rewards diligence."


Thank you.

励志正能量演讲稿三分钟 篇3


Dear teachers and students


hello everyone!


A wonderful Chinese lesson with positive and negative energy, different writing styles, different ways of venting, and different ways of living.


Positive energy, negative energy, everyone has. When there is too much work and pressure; When something goes wrong; When facing difficulties bravely; When the exam is not good, and muster up courage, pick up textbooks; When you don't understand all the blame... how do you vent your feelings?


Summer is a cool and fidgety season, just like a teenager in adolescence. A warm wind whirred past my sweaty forehead. "Long hair is really troublesome. It's so hot in the back!" I whispered, lifting my long hair with my hands, briefly cooling my back, and looking at the math problems I had thought about for a long time without leaving the examination paper. I'm bored to death. What the hell is this problem! While thinking, I put down the wet pen in my hand. It's really bad. How can we have this kind of weather and this kind of problem. After a while, he picked up his pen again. I came up with an idea to solve the problem, but I was not very happy. Because the following is a long "boundless" explanation. In the middle of writing, the pen ran out of oil. The already irritable mood is even more angry.


The sky is so ugly! In anger, I finished writing the paper angrily. That day, I spent in anger. Everything is really not going well! The long summer was still going on, I did well in the exam, and I was in a great mood. When I was doing my math homework, I encountered a difficult problem. I racked my brains and finally came up with an answer. "What a wonderful day! I've worked out this busy and difficult problem." I am a little happy. The heat of midsummer did not dissipate, but I was in a great mood. The homework is almost done. Think of this, it is more joy, less heat. I hummed a tune and walked along the road step by step, looking at each leaf as lovely as that.


This summer vacation, I went to Xinjiang to travel. The long journey and tiredness made me unhappy and even more irritable. My mother showed me a picture and a paragraph from my father. In the vast universe, the earth is just an inconspicuous dot, a tiny particle of dust. Then human beings are the dust in the dust. How small. But some people complain all day long, think they are big and righteous. Put people in space, how small the universe is. How dare you complain. Seeing this, I was thinking about the meaning of living. It is so insignificant. In the long river of time, life is only a few decades. What's the meaning of living. The father again said, "When you know the truth, love life.".


Yeah! Happiness is a day, trouble is a day, why not live each day happily. After knowing the truth, I still love life. The trees outside the window are green and luxuriant, and the wild flowers on the roadside are dancing in the wind. Even though they knew they would die one day, they still worked hard to thrive. The trees are greener and the flowers are more beautiful.

分钟正能量演讲稿 篇4


Dear teachers and students


In one's life, there are many joys, but there are also many disappointments. Those setbacks are a headache, but we live in setbacks. Frustrations accompany our growth, and we grow up in setbacks.


When I just entered the new grade of junior two, the National Day is coming, and my classmates and I are lucky to be selected as the background performers of the National Day parade. We will experience a long time of training, of course, including many setbacks.


At the beginning of the training, it was still a hot summer. We stood on the playground in the hot sun. Sweat covered every student's cheek. Everyone's clothes were soaked. Some people fainted because of the sun, but no one flinched. Our white and tender faces were suntanned and our hair was hot, but we stuck to it because it was a task entrusted to us by our motherland. There are more setbacks in the National Day training. The training time is very short, so we must strengthen the intensity of training, which is very tiring, but we must persist. The weather is always our enemy. We are always accompanied by rain during training, and the most serious is the airport joint training. When we first arrived at the airport, it was already raining. When we started training, the rain was even heavier, and our raincoats could hardly bear the many and dense raindrops. There was water on the outside and in the raincoats, and our faces were already covered with cold drops of water. But we should adhere to it. For the sake of our motherland, we must adhere to it, not afraid of setbacks, and strive to adhere to it. I heard someone shout: "Brothers, hold on, victory is ahead!" Many people who heard this sentence laughed, and so did I. However, this sentence also strengthened my determination to overcome setbacks.


Finally, we ushered in the National Day parade. People's Liberation Army soldiers passed us with flags and guns, tanks and armored vehicles drove past us, helicopters and fighter jets roared over our heads, and we still turned over our props carefully. Finally, when the last picture was turned over, the National Day parade ended after everyone shouted: "Long live the motherland". We overcame setbacks and achieved victory. We grew up in setbacks.


I remember that when I used to practice riding a bike, I also experienced many setbacks. I fell down countless times and got up countless times. I learned to ride a bike because I had a heart to face setbacks and strive to overcome them.


Frustrations surround us. We grow up in setbacks. As long as you dare to face setbacks and have confidence to overcome them, you will not be bothered by setbacks. Frustrations will bow in front of you.