
时间:2022-10-13 13:20:13 | 来源:语文通


《守护明天》观后感 篇1守护明天观后感 篇2《守护明天》观后感 篇3

《守护明天》观后感 篇1


I watched another program tonight. This is the third time that Guardian of Tomorrow has been broadcast, which has given me a lot of feelings.


The first day was about teenagers taking drugs, the second day was about children stealing things, and today is about domestic violence.


At the beginning, the prosecutor first told an incident. A mother got up in the morning to cook breakfast and told her son to get up. When she opened the door, the scene in front of her was amazing. A child named Mingming was lying on the ground with white face and no breath. The mother cried with her son's body in her arms.


What happened the night before last? The prosecutor told us that the day before yesterday, the mother asked the child to finish the homework of the day before going out to play. At noon, she went out to work and did not go home. She asked Mingming if she had finished her homework? Mingming said that she had finished, and her mother was very happy. But when my mother came home at night, she did not write any homework. Mother was very angry. She asked Mingming to finish all her homework one night, and then she left. After a while, she came in again. Seeing Mingming still didn't write, she hit Mingming with a stick. After playing, she left angrily and asked Mingming to write a guarantee. After waiting for a while, her mother came in again. Seeing that Mingming still didn't write, she immediately took the stick and beat Mingming again until she fell asleep. The next day, Mingming left.


This watch has given me a great feeling, and I sympathize with Mingming. But if Mingming is obedient and won't be beaten like this, I will learn Mingming's lesson, listen to his parents, and earnestly complete everything.

守护明天观后感 篇2


Today, under the leadership of our Chinese teacher, we only watched Channel 3, the second issue of Guarding Tomorrow.


The main point is that some parents rent their children to others when they are young, so that those people can steal with their children. Some parents even take their children to steal, leaving a bad impression on their children. They let their children develop the habit of stealing when they were young. They thought that they were helping their children but actually they were ruining their children's lives. The youngest is four years old and the oldest is seven years old. One child has been tested by a psychologist. The actual age is six years old, and the psychological age is only four years old. Even the basic 1+1 is unknown. A lot of viewers cried when they watched. They really wanted to throw those irresponsible parents into prison, but they couldn't help but grasp the evidence. Only the parental custody can be removed. After their parents were imprisoned, some children even cried in the corner every day because they lost their parents. These children even thought that stealing was a game. As long as the game was played well, there would be rewards and punishments. After a psychological expert judges that a thief has stolen something, he will be very happy. Stealing is the same as taking drugs. His hands will be very itchy if he does not steal anything one day. When he sees something he likes, he can't help taking it. This makes a child leave a bad habit. If he does not change this problem, it will be a crime in the society, and even lead to imprisonment.


I hope they can get rid of the problem of stealing. If they know their mistakes, they can do something better. In this way, they will not have a shadow in their heart, nor will they have the problem of stealing again.

《守护明天》观后感 篇3


"Guarding Tomorrow records not the program, but the feelings of rule of law, and discusses not the case, but the original intention and mission of prosecutors." said Yao Jianlong, president of the School of Criminal Justice of Shanghai University of Political Science and Law, "The three years that Guardian Tomorrow has gone through are also three years of rapid development of the inspection work. Through such a special platform and way, we have cultivated and gathered a group of inspectors who have feelings and dare to take responsibility, passed on the concept of juvenile protection to the people, and promoted judicial progress."


"When recording, it was he who came the earliest and left the latest, and it was he who was most troubled," Zhang said. As the main creator of Guardian of Tomorrow, Wang Hai, the prosecutor of the Ninth Procuratorate of the Supreme People's Procuratorate, has made great efforts.


"It's difficult to make a sequel, but we did it," said Wang Hai. We have the responsibility and obligation to think about the problems caused by these cases and promote the concept of minors' protection to the whole society. I hope that after the program is broadcast, each of us can ask ourselves whether the protection of children is in place.


"Guarding Tomorrow has become our common 'child'." Yu Jia, the general director, aptly described the program.


"Minors are related to the development of the country and the progress of society. We are confident that we can do better." Quan Yong, Deputy Director of the Comprehensive Department of CCTV's Social and Legal Channel and Chief Planner of Guardian Tomorrow, is full of confidence.


"We should use sophisticated production to reflect the level of the front office." Su Dawei, the chief producer of Guardian Tomorrow, said that we should spread the love of Guardian Tomorrow and the unchecked work to every corner.


"I think the burden on me is heavier." Li Qiannan, a teacher at Beijing No. 2 Middle School, told the reporter that the teacher's job is not only to preach and teach, but also to protect the children's physical and mental health.