
时间:2022-09-29 13:23:59 | 来源:语文通



开学典礼发言稿 篇12021开学典礼精彩发言稿 篇2最新开学典礼发言稿 篇3开学典礼发言稿 篇4开学典礼发言稿 篇5开学典礼演讲稿 篇6

开学典礼发言稿 篇1


Dear school leaders, teachers, dear classmates:


good morning everyone!


In this golden autumn August, we ushered in the beginning of the new semester.I am the XXX of Class XX.I can speak as a sixth grade student representative, and I feel very excited.


First of all, on behalf of the XX small classmates, I have sincerely thank and bless the hard work teachers. I wish the teachers a smooth work, good health, and good luck!


In the five -year study and life, we have learned many scientific and cultural knowledge here, knows a lot of people, and learned a lot of innovation skills to make our minds smarter and make our personality more perfect.Therefore, our little progress has condensed the work of the teacher.Classmates, in the face of teachers who work for us day and night, we have to say to the teachers loudly, "Teacher, you have worked hard!"


The new semester has begun, and we grew up and grow taller.In the new semester, new weather, we must invest in learning life with a new mental appearance: we must regulate our behavior, use the "Specifications for Elementary School Students' Daily Behavior" to guide ourselves to make ourselves more civilized;Classmates, learn to be noble people; in the new semester, we must read more books, read books, and broaden our knowledge.


Haikuo is leaping from the fish, and the sky is flying, and the horn of the ending has sounded. Let us pretend to be ready to go, work hard for our ideals and goals, and strive for us to become a modern person to the world!

最 后,祝老师们工作顺利、身体健康;祝全体同学以新学期新风貌,新姿态迎接新挑战!

In the end, I wish the teachers a smooth work and good health; I wish all the students to welcome new challenges with a new posture and new posture!


thank you all!

2021开学典礼精彩发言稿 篇2


Dear leaders, loved teachers, dear classmates:


Hello everyone!


I am a high school X Class_, I am honored to represent us.In this beautiful season of autumn wind and fruitful fruit, we take our parents' earnest entrustment, with the good vision of the future.Come to the school we dreamed of, the school, and became a real foreigner.We are all proud of this!I am proud!


Enter this elegant environment and clean school gate.In a few days of study and life, we found that there are not only advanced school -running philosophy, good school style, rigorous teaching style, and pragmatic style;; I have the siblings and sisters of the senior high school and third grade of senior high school, and the students of junior high school.Integrate into this warm and harmonious family.Not only are we feel warm but also lucky.Therefore, we can confess to the city's fellow fellows: studying in a foreign school is our wise choice, and I will regret it all my life.


In the fertile knowledge of foreign schools, we not only feel a little fresh, but also add a sense of responsibility and mission.Here, each of us sowed our ideal seeds and worked hard to achieve it.As a first -year freshman, we entered a new school, entered a new starting point, and set foot on a new journey with new hope.What should we install in our backpack to travel?I think we must first bring the ideal and goals, because the ideal is the source of the power of our endless struggle, and the goal is the spiritual pillar of our bravery.


We will continue to write with flying youth and beating enthusiasm.


In the just -concluded military training, we have learned the iron discipline and tenacious will of the armed police soldiers, and experienced the unity, tension, seriousness, and lively of the military life. Therefore, we must take this strict discipline and high fighting spirit withThe spirit of the Long March who is not afraid of difficulties is devoted to the study of the new semester."If you are confident for two hundred years, you will hit 3,000 miles." When we walked into the _x school, we dared to calm down and sing all the way; after we firmly believed that the rainbow was still.Difficulties are not terrible, because the kind and friendly teacher helped us through the difficulties; confused is not afraid, because students who have hand in hand in hand to point each other to point each other.


Here, I would like to represent all the freshmen in the first grade of senior year.


1. Study hard, work hard, and create good results to win glory for the school!


Second, respect the teacher, unite classmates, everyone competes first!


3. Model abide by the school's one -day routine and strive to be an excellent foreign school!


Fourth, love school facilities, maintain campus order, and create a good learning environment!


Teachers, classmates, our freshmen will not live up to everyone's earnest expectations. We will continue to improve, improve ourselves, strive for hard work, and strive for the goal of achieving good results and run through three years of high school life.Go, we will reflect our love for schools on action!"I am proud of the school outside today, and I will be proud of me tomorrow."I believe that under the cultivation of the school leader, we will be elite, and everyone is advanced!


Finally, I wish students a happy new semester!Happy Teacher's Day to Teachers' Day!I wish_Grame brothers and sisters, and schoolmates and schoolgirls achieve better results in the college entrance examination and middle school entrance examination next year, and add glory to foreign schools!


My speech is over, thank you all!

最新开学典礼发言稿 篇3


Dear teacher, dear classmates:


Hello everyone!


The winter vacation passed by the celebration of the Spring Festival. With the footsteps of spring, we faced the drizzle, co -authored the joy of the New Year, and took a light step, and we entered a new semester.Today is the first day of the new semester. First of all, I wish the teachers and classmates be happy, healthy, and peaceful every day!


I am the XX of Class 5 (5). Today I am fortunate to speak here as a student representative, and I am extremely excited.As a student, the first task is learning.I am glad to share with you my plans for learning in the new semester.


1. Self -adjustment and focus on learning.

紧张的学习已经来临,各位同学要进行自我调整,并把以休息为主的假期生活调整到以学习为主的校园生活中来, m.paomian.net 要把全部精力投入到学习上来;要调整作息时间,晚上要按时睡觉,保证第二天有充沛精力投入学习。

The nervous study has arrived. Students must make self -adjustment and adjust the holiday life based on rest to the school -oriented campus life.When the schedule, go to bed on time at night to ensure that he will be devoted to learning the next day.


Second, work hard and strive to catch up with advanced classmates.


In the past semester, our classmates have made different degrees of progress. Of course, the study of individual students is not satisfactory. In the new semester, each student must have new plans and new goals.Expecting the target, establishing confidence, knowing difficulties, forming a backward, advanced, advanced, more advanced comparison, learning, catching, gang, and super learning situation, competing, helping each other, and improving together.


Three, look at more, ask more, ask more, listen to more, say more, write more, master a good learning method.


In more than four years of study, I have been inseparable from "five more": "read more" -reading more books, "ask more" -the questions that you do n’t understand, you need to askEnglish; "more say" -the conversation with others; "more write" -writing, diary.Classmates, learning is nervous, hard, but very happy. The school has created excellent learning conditions and environment for us. There are so many loving teachers to educate and guide carefully. As long as each of our classmates work hard,We can definitely be a student of the comprehensive development of morality, intellectual, physical and labor.


Teachers and classmates, the harvest season is not in nature, she is hidden in the hearts of each of our western villains.Let's learn the "sheep" with a "sheep" in the new semester, live "sheep" and live "sheep", and worry about "sheep" go!thank you all!

开学典礼发言稿 篇4


Dear leaders, teachers, dear classmates:


Hello everyone!Stepping on the golden sunshine of September, we walked into the beautiful XX Middle School. Our campus has neat planning and green grass; there are teachers who follow good and dedicated and dedicated;The students will take off here again!This is where the hope is letting hope; this is where the sun rises!I am proud -became a member of XX Middle School. After the past, we have a heavy responsibility; we continue to glory, we blame to loan!


Standing at a new starting point for life in junior high school, in the face of the eyes of teachers and parents, a sense of mission and responsibility has a sense of mission, and we will consciously take the "Middle School Student Code" and "Specifications for the Daily Behavior of Middle School Students".——The love the motherland, honesty and trustworthiness; honoring parents, united classmates; strictness in discipline, diligent learning; exercise physically and mentally, and bear the responsibility!


Da waves are scattered, Fang Xian's real golden nature; heavy rain rushing, even more relaxed -we are not afraid of difficulties, we are willing to accept challenges!Mr. Liang Qichao once said: The young minds are the national minds, and the young is strong!


We will remember the school motto of civilization, harmony, thick virtue, and knowledge;


We will carry forward the world of determination, learning, hard work, and aggressive tradition!


Today, we are proud of XX Middle School; tomorrow, XX Middle School is proud of us!


thank you all!

开学典礼发言稿 篇5


Dear teacher, dear classmates:


Hello everyone!


The autumn wind is cool, the fruit is fragrant, and the golden autumn is in September, hoping to swell. In this season full of joy, we have ushered in a brand new semester, ushered in a new face of Zhang Zhangzhang, and held such a grandThe opening ceremony.Today, I take this opportunity to extend the most sincere blessings to the students of the whole school. I wish you all the physical and mental health, learning progress, and dreams come true in the new year!I also want to express my gratitude to your parents through my classmates, thank the parents for their support and understanding of all aspects of the school over the past year. I wish them health and happiness forever. At the same time, I hope they care about schools and support the school.


Teachers and classmates, with a good memory of the summer vacation, with a good yearning for the new semester and new life, we have returned to a happy campus and began a tense and happy campus life.On this beautiful and warm day, we are about to usher in the XX Teacher's Day, let us give warm applause to the hard -working greetings and lofty respect to all teachers who have worked hard!


In the past academic year, the teachers and students of the school worked hard, hard work, and worked hard, and achieved gratifying results and great progress in the quality of education and teaching.Each classmate here has made great progress, and the quality of all aspects has improved significantly.Here, please give us your applause again!


As the saying goes: "A good start is half of success." The new semester started, and I believe that students will definitely be full of confidence to succeed.Here, I made six proposals to my classmates:


First, determine a goal, progress every day


The new life starts from selecting goals and clear directions.With the goal and direction and strive for it, you can go step by step!I hope that the new academic year will start, and each of our classmates can determine the goal of their new school year, and formulate specific implementation plans to strive for progress every day!


Second, establish a confidence, sunshine self -confidence


Self -confidence is important to our learning and is the magic weapon for our growth.When we study and study, we need to be determined, confident, acting, and work hard.I hope that all students will participate in all the activities of the school and class with confidence to show our confident side of sunshine.


Third, create a style


At the beginning of the new semester, we must create an excellent learning atmosphere in the class.You must advocate the spirit of "music learning" in the class and learn happily in order to learn to be happy; to take classes seriously, be diligent in thinking, and be good at reflection, you can learn.


Fourth, cultivate a habit and abide by the rules


Excellent is not a behavior, but a habit.What kind of habits are there, what kind of fate is.Good habits are the foundation of a successful person.Students must pay attention to the cultivation of personal moral cultivation and good learning habits and daily behavior habits, strictly demand themselves, so that their words and deeds, every move, and every move are in line with the moral norms of students.Be a civilized and healthy elementary school students!


Fifth, create an environment, civilization orderly


Each class is a microcosm of the school. Each student represents the image of the school. Every inch of campus represents the school appearance. Students must be elegant and civilized. We must cultivate our good behavior under the guidance of the teacher.Habits, learning habits and living habits.Students must consciously observe the rules and regulations of the primary school students and the school's rules and regulations. Whenever and where they are, they must be an educated and grateful person.


Sixth, temper a quality, responsibility


An outstanding talent must have four quality: a sense of responsibility for the country, a spirit of enterprising for learning and work, a team spirit with others, and a negative attitude towards themselves.The core of these four quality is the sense of responsibility.If you want to succeed, you must have a lofty dream to help more people do things, which is to have a sense of social responsibility.For students, hard work and hard work are our responsibilities. Following the law of discipline and abide by the social morality is the responsibility to the society. Respecting parents and respect for the elders is the responsibility of the family.Responsibility.I hope that students must temper their will from an early age, and must strictly ask themselves to strictly ask themselves to strictly ask their own thoughts and studies in accordance with the quality of responsibility and courage to the country, family, family, and life.EssenceOnly in this way can we have a foothold in the future society, and can promote social development while developing themselves, and realize the value of their lives.


I also have to say a few words to parents, teachers, and classmates.


Dear parents, two years ago in September of September, "The First Lesson of the Starting School" was broadcast, many parents were deeply touched by the words in the show: "When educating children, you chose to make money,If you do n’t discipline your child, wait for the child to grow up, you work hard for a lifetime, not enough for him to defeat for a year! When educating the child, you choose to discipline, accompany, wait for the child to be big, and the money you have not earned in your life.I earned it in a year! In any way, you will gain it. The child's educational time is too short. If you miss it, you will never be! What do you have to leave money?What do you keep money! "Yes, education is our most important life investment. Former presidents of Harvard University once said," If you think the cost of education is too high, try the cost of ignorance. "The total amount of each parent is the same. The more worrying and lazy the early period, the greater the price to be paid in the later period.Educating children is very tired, and it must be worth it to accompany the child to grow up.


Dear teachers, calmed down to teach, and dived to educate people.Sprinkle the gardener thousands of sweat, and the East Garden is full of autumn.Every child is a precious wealth.Let us quote the spring, sting the door of the soul, enlighten the lock of wisdom, use love to pour, use the true feelings to influence, use wisdom to enlighten, use personality to influence, and use ideals to shape this life full of hope and dreams.Bar!


Dear classmates, "You don't work hard, the boss is sad", the elementary school is the seeding season of life. Don't complain about learning bitterness. That is the lighthouse that can illuminate your world.Broadcasting a belief, harvesting a action; broadcasting a action, harvesting a habit; broadcasting a habit, harvesting a personality; broadcasting a personality, harvesting a kind of fate.You are the master of the new century, the future of the motherland. On the occasion of our new school year, the teacher sincerely wishes you in the fertile soil of the second primary, start with your ideal wings, and in order to achieve your great ideals and the goals of the new semesterAnd hard work!


Let all of our teachers and students have the same ethics, condense our hearts, firm confidence, achieve dreams with passion, cheer together, and create a new glory of Er Xiao and Beauty Education!


Finally, I wish the teachers good health and a happy work!I wish students a happy growth and learning progress!I wish the second primary school in Nei Township a better tomorrow!thank you all!

开学典礼演讲稿 篇6


Teachers, classmates:


First of all, I want to share two real stories with you:


Story 1:


A magnitude 8.9 earthquake occurred in Japan on March 11, 2011. The destructive power of this earthquake in Japan was equivalent to more than 20 Wenchuan earthquakes.After the earthquake, hundreds of people avoid the earthquake in the square, and after the end of the whole process, no one smokes; the waiter brought some blankets, hot water, and biscuits. All men helped women and ran back to the building to get things for women;Three hours later, people were scattered, there was no garbage on the ground, and no garbage was left.People hiding in various asylons are sitting on both sides of the stairs to ensure that the middle is smooth.Pedestrians on the street also stood in an orderly manner on both sides of the road to try not to hinder traffic.


Story 2:


A college student named Ford went to a car company to apply.After passing the written test, during the interview, the previous people were higher than his education, and he felt that there was no hope.When he knocked on the door and walked into the chairman's office, he found a piece of paper on the ground and bent over and picked it up. At first glance, he threw it into the trash.Then I walked to the chairman's desk and said, "I'm here to apply for Ford." The chairman said: "Good! Mr. Ford, you were hired by us." Ford was surprised.The chairman said: "The first three are indeed higher than you, but they only care about their own interests but they can't see the garbage on the ground. He will not succeed." Ford entered the company like this, and Ford entered the company.This company soon became famous and later changed to "Ford Company". It made the American automotive industry leading the world. He was the creator Ford, the creator of the "Ford of the United States" today.


Everyone said, is it important to pick up waste paper?We have to say that excellence is a habit and an excellent habit, which makes Ford succeed.


Good behavior habits can reflect good ideological and morality and behavioral ability. It is also a sign of a person's success. It is a concentrated reflection of its spiritual style and will.Having good behavior habits will benefit people for life; the formation of bad habits will also harm life, and it can be seen how important the development of good behavior habits is.


Psychologist William James said: "Broadcasting a action, harvesting a habit; broadcasting a habit, harvesting a personality; broadcasting a personality, harvesting a fate."


Ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle said: "Each of us is cast by our repeated behaviors. Therefore, excellence is not a kind of behavior, but a habit."


Remember this sentence: "It is not easy to do every simple thing. It is extraordinary to do every ordinary thing well."