
时间:2022-09-29 13:23:55 | 来源:语文通



抗战胜利70周年阅兵观后感 篇1纪念抗战胜利70周年阅兵仪式观后感500字<四> 篇2周年阅兵式观后感作文400字 篇3抗战胜利70周年阅兵观后感 篇4

抗战胜利70周年阅兵观后感 篇1


Guanda's parade has a sense of military parade, September 3, 2015, it is an extremely ordinary day, but also a special day -the 70th anniversary of the anti -Sitez.On this day, I watched the "Anti -Fascist 70th Anniversary Parade" and felt deeply.


After watching the parade, I couldn't help but think of grandma telling the story of them going to the mountains to avoid Japanese devils at that time; I think of the poverty of China at that time;In the dark period, how can there be today without the blood and tears of the martyrs and patriots?How can we forget?At the end of the parade ceremony, a large number of peace pigeons and balloons were released on the square.Our flesh and blood cast into our new Great Wall. The Chinese nation has reached the most dangerous moment, moving forward, moving forward, advanced ... "The impassioned national anthem sounded people's hearts, and echoed in my ears.Yeah, even at the most dangerous moment, we have to be one heart. As long as we are in unison, we can spend the difficulties together.After watching the "70th anniversary of the victory of the anti -Fasters", I felt quite deep.


Over the past 70 years, how many bumps have the Chinese nation experienced, and eventually Nirvana was reborn and became an oriental dragon, standing in the world.

纪念抗战胜利70周年阅兵仪式观后感500字<四> 篇2


Rites and glory, singing loudly; neat teams, majestic arms; clear sky, cheers.It all shows the grand and spectacular of this celebration. The 70th anniversary of the victory of the anti -fascist war involved in hundreds of thousands of people participated in the military parade celebration. We moved us and left us a lot of thoughts.In the forest of the world.


The military parade began on time. A pair of trained soldiers walked the standard and appeared at Tiananmen. With the impassioned band's sonato, they walked through the attention of the masses and rose the dazzling five -star red flag.


Parade has always been considered to be the best way to exhibit national strength and promote military power.The 60th anniversary of the National Day parade can not only show the great achievements and new features of the PLA's modernization and formalization, but also show the strong confidence of the Chinese army to maintain national security and unity, promote world peace and development, and show the "Chinese power" to the world.


This year marks the 70th anniversary of the victory of the Anti -Japanese War. The war of aggression brought a serious disaster to the Chinese people, and also caused the Japanese people to suffer.This period of history must not be forgotten, let alone tampered with and wiped.learn from past experience.We emphasize that history is not to continue hatred, but to learn from history and facing the future.


One of the prominent features of this year's National Day military parade is that it pays great attention to innovation. Whether it is a military parade, or a column, it will be concentrated in content, form, arrangement, and organization to innovate compared with previous National Day military parade.


The celebration ended in the sound of the people across the country. It made me see the prosperity of the motherland and self -improvement.I deeply bless you, dear motherland!

周年阅兵式观后感作文400字 篇3


In countless blue and brown eyes, I have a pair of gem -like black eyes. I am proud, I am Chinese.


September 3, 2015 is a great day, the anniversary of the 70th anniversary of the victory of the Chinese Anti -Japanese War.my country will hold a military parade in Tiananmen Square.With the noise of 9 o'clock, the parade began, and the 70s ranged through the sky.The national flag guard walked through the red carpet and took 121 steps. With the national anthem, our great five -star red flag rose rising. At this moment, let us remember history and welcome the great victory.


Immediately after a neat and powerful square team advanced.Those who have been fighting on the battlefield who have been fighting on the battlefield are now very high, and some can't even raise their hands. Despite this, they still hold up their right hands and salute us.More mighty, more admirable and respectable!The parade continued, a rack early warning aircraft, fighter, tanker ... various formations passed through Tiananmen.See, the dozens of aircraft are ranked into two numbers, and they are flying to us ...


Seeing this, I can't help but feel sorry: China has lived the most difficult days, and the hardships can not overwhelm the Chinese people.The enemy can only stimulate the heroic spirit of the Chinese nation's anti -Japanese war. Our oriental lion has woke up and the country has become strong.However, only better and not the best, we can also be stronger. I believe that with the development of science and technology, our motherland will be more powerful and stronger.


I am proud, I am Chinese!

抗战胜利70周年阅兵观后感 篇4


September 3rd is the day to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the victory of the Anti -Japanese War. It coincides with duty and watched the entire parade with colleagues in the office.


In 1999, it was the first time that I watched the parade. I was 10 years old that year, the second parade in 2009, and I was 20 years old that year.At that time, I was lamented. When I watched the parade next time, I was about 30 years old. Maybe I would accompany my husband and the child to watch the parade.But happiness comes like this. The news I heard a few months ago will be held on September 3 this year to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the victory of the Anti -Japanese War. From then on, I have been looking forward to it.Today I woke up at 5 o'clock. The first thing to get up was to start the TV, watch the CCTV's pre -parade live broadcast, go out at 8 o'clock, take a taxi to the unit, and I have been urging the driver and the master to open it.Picture ...


Before the parade began, when the Thousand Talent Choir sang a song of the Anti -Japanese War, my heart was extremely excited. I have sang or heard all the songs before, but I have never brought me such a shock. I want to be inPeople at the scene will definitely feel a deeper feeling.


Seeing the veteran of the Anti -Japanese War sitting in the car and using a trembling handle ceremony, they still stubbornly moved a inexplicable movement in my heart.Beautiful homeland, the motherland and the people will never forget.


The sense of ritual is the unique emotional appeal of human beings. Watch the military parade and feel the prestige of the country!