写周记 篇1写周记 篇2写周记 篇3写周记 篇4大暑周记100字 篇5写周记 篇1
If it was a little rabbit who saw the tiger coming and yelled.Large and small animals ran away. This was only the tiger returned.The fox must say, "You dare to eat me" Tiger said: "Why did I dare not eat you this time?" The fox said, "Do you believe me?"Essence
写周记 篇2
Today, my mother said that she wanted to eat dumplings for me, and my mother asked, "Baby, what kind of rice dumplings do you eat?" I said, "Meat rice dumplings." After lunch, my mother wrapped her rice dumplings, I went to sleep, and I slept for more than forty more than forty more than forty more than forty more than forty.I got up in minutes and went to school.
After school, I smelled a fragrance when I got home.I asked my mother: "What kind of scent of Dongdong?" Mom said, "Dumplings." Then, my mother took a dumplings for me.The rice dumplings are delicious in the mouth, which is delicious.
写周记 篇3
I washed the sofa with my mother today.Mom first hit a pot of water, and then put a lot of laundry powder in it.I picked up a small brush and dipped it with water to the sofa and gently brushed it, and many small bubbles appeared.Bubble took away the dirt on the sofa.The place where my little brush was white and bright.Suddenly, I remembered a song called "Heho", and sang while washing: "Hehimo, hee hemo ..." The small brush in my hand also sang a beautiful song with me.
写周记 篇4
It was snowing, and snowflakes drifted down.I put on my clothes and put on a glove to urge my dad to take me to the snowman.When I came to the courtyard, my father started to be the body of the snowman. I came to be the head of the snowman. We first made the snow pile into a column to make the snowman's body, and then rolled out a snowball as the snowman's head. Finally, with three small stones,I made my eyes and nose, and I made my hands with two branches. After I piled up the snowman, I felt very happy to look at it.
大暑周记100字 篇5
This summer vacation is the first summer vacation of my entry into the primary school gate, so happy!
My mother took me to the beautiful Sanya, and there was a big sister who was going.The hotels we live in are at the seaside, and we can see the wide sea every day, and the turbulent waves are heard.Of course, the most exciting thing is to play sand by the sea.My elder sister and I came to the beach toys to the beach to pile the sand castle. We played happily!It's an unforgettable trip to Sanya.
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