
时间:2022-09-27 13:27:02 | 来源:语文通


大蒜成长观察日记 篇1大蒜成长观察日记 篇2大蒜成长观察日记 篇3大蒜成长观察日记 篇4大蒜成长观察日记 篇5

大蒜成长观察日记 篇1


I took out the three -headed garlic and a small plate, peeled the garlic, filled the empty plate with water, and soaked the garlic inside. I look forward to germination of garlic quickly.After two days, I found that the garlic was germinated, and the color was tender. I picked up the garlic to observe carefully and saw that there was a second new bud in the garlic seedlings, which surprised me.几 said, "In a few days, the second new bud will grow back, and the longer the longer." I thought: "The garlic is really fast. The garlic soaked yesterday germinated.


Two days later, when I observed the garlic, I saw the garlic growing white and thin roots, and the garlic seedlings grew a lot!"Haha, the garlic is long," I said.The original garlic did not have long roots, and it was crooked in the east. Now the garlic is long, and it can stand.


On the morning of the fifth day, the second new buds came out, and the white and tender roots were much longer.The tender green seedlings have become green, let alone how happy it is.


On the sixth day, their tender roots were entangled together, and they became more stable. Xiao Miao rushed to grow first, for fear of falling in the team.


Today, I found that the garlic seedlings are greener and the longer is taller, but the garlic is a bit purple. It turned out that the garlic gave all the nutrients to the garlic seedlings, so the garlic became purple and became smaller.I am really happy, because I not only learned to soak garlic, but also knew how to help others. It was also happy to sacrifice myself.

大蒜成长观察日记 篇2


Today we are not in a special class. The teacher asked us to see the planting garlic.

第一件事应该先到平均的土量,再在上面一个小土地添上六个大蒜,另一个小土地也添上六个大蒜,这样就能够让他两个小土地里都有了‘植’, 而且土里也有些肥料,能够让大蒜生长,大蒜是生长在土里面的,在土里面大蒜能生长个完整的,最后还要添上不多不少的水量,这样才能让大蒜能生根,地下的根才能让大蒜的苗发芽,大蒜才能长出一个完整的,才能够让我们吃上大蒜,大蒜是生长在土里的,而不是长在地上面的,而且土地里面也有还得肥料,能让大蒜慢慢的生长,如果没有肥料,大蒜就无法生长,即使有时,大蒜也不会生长的,因为肥料是最重要的,没有肥料所有的植物都不能生长,有的植物是靠水生长的,但是大蒜时在土里面生活的需要肥料,还有花生、土豆都是在土里面生长的,所以他们也需要肥料,任何植物在土地里面生长的,都需要肥料,所以大蒜也需要肥料,水也不能交的太多,虽然淹不死但是也生长不了。

The first thing should be the average amount of soil, and then add six garlic to the above small land, and the other small land is added with six garlic, so that he can have the 'plant' in both small land, Moreover, there are some fertilizers in the soil, which can grow garlic. The garlic grows in the soil. The garlic can grow intact in the soil. In the end Only the roots can make the seedlings of garlic sprout, so that garlic can grow a complete, so that we can eat garlic. The garlic grows in the soil, not growing on the ground. Garlic grows slowly. If there is no fertilizer, garlic cannot grow. Even sometimes, garlic will not grow, because fertilizers are the most important. No fertilizers can grow. Some plants can grow by water. However, the need for fertilizer in the soil, and the peanuts and potatoes are growing in the soil, so they also need fertilizer. Any plant grows in the land and requires fertilizer. I ca n’t pay too much, although I ca n’t die, it ca n’t grow.


So planting garlic is not an easy task.

大蒜成长观察日记 篇3


Monday: Dad and I inserted garlic cloves into the soil.As my father inserted the garlic, he reminded me: "The garlic must be facing down. This is the long root beard." Finally, I poured the garlic water and looked forward to it growing up quickly.


On Tuesday: After dinner, my dad and I came to the garlic in the planting. The garlic did not change much, but the garlic sac was slightly fatter.I comforted myself: "This only the next day, garlic will not germinate."


Wednesday: It was the third day, and I found that the garlic peak changed the garlic, and called my father over: "Dad, come on, the garlic is broken by something!" Dad said to me, "Garlic is going toGel, and persist for a few days. "

星期四: 早上起床后,我迫不及待地去看大蒜,结果还是鼓鼓的苞。我有点耐不住性子了,爸爸鼓励我说:“植物是有生长周期的一定要坚持。”我只好期盼着明天大蒜会长芽。

Thursday: After getting up in the morning, I couldn't wait to look at the garlic, but it was still a bulging bud.I can't bear it. Dad encourages me to say, "Plants must persist in the growth cycle." I had to look forward to the Garlic Chaos of Garlic Tomorrow.

星期五: 我今天可高兴了,蒜顶上冒出了淡黄色的嫩芽,一毫米多,好像在东张西望地看这个陌生的世界呢!

Friday: I am happy today. Light yellow buds appeared on the top of the garlic, more than a millimeter, as if looking at this strange world in the east!


Saturday: Dad and I came back early, and found that the tender buds became color and grew taller.I gently stroked it with my index finger and said, "Small things, don't see it all night, how can you change so much."


Sunday: The weather is fine today. After getting up, I moved the garlic outdoors and sprinkled him with some water to allow it to suck the fresh air in the morning.When I came to the garlic in the afternoon, the green pillar quietly divided the three leaves. I teased it with my fingers and said, "Why am I not paying attention, you changed again!"


Two weeks later, the garlic buds grew to seven or eight centimeters high.It impressed me vigorously, and it also made me understand a lot of knowledge.

大蒜成长观察日记 篇4

6月1日 星期一 晴

Monday, June 1, sunny

Monday, June 1, sunny

Monday, June 1, sunny

Monday, June 1, sunny

Monday, June 1, sunny

Monday, June 1, sunny

Monday, June 1, sunny


I found that a little green appeared on the top of the garlic.The garlic is germinated!I quickly changed a bottle of water and found that the roots were long. I took the ruler and the roots were only a little longer, about 1 mm.

6月1日 星期一 晴

Monday, June 1, sunny

Monday, June 1, sunny

Monday, June 1, sunny

Monday, June 1, sunny

Monday, June 1, sunny

Monday, June 1, sunny

Monday, June 1, sunny


Today, I came to see my garlic. Ah, the buds of garlic hair were hazy a little the day before yesterday. It was not clear. Today, the buds have drilled out. There are two in total, about 7 mm long.I'm afraid that the nutrients in the water are not enough and change the water again.

6月1日 星期一 晴

Monday, June 1, sunny

Monday, June 1, sunny

Monday, June 1, sunny

Monday, June 1, sunny

Monday, June 1, sunny

Monday, June 1, sunny

Monday, June 1, sunny


Today, I found that the buds of garlic are long, about 1 cm long, and the other one is relatively fast, with a total of 1.3 cm long.When I changed the water, it was found that the garlic roots were 4 mm long and a total of 5 mm.

6月1日 星期一 晴

Monday, June 1, sunny

Monday, June 1, sunny

Monday, June 1, sunny

Monday, June 1, sunny

Monday, June 1, sunny

Monday, June 1, sunny

Monday, June 1, sunny


Today, I found that garlic grows very weak.It may be malnutrition, and I added two compound fertilizers to it, hoping that it can grow up faster, hoping that it can grow strong.

6月1日 星期一 晴

Monday, June 1, sunny

Monday, June 1, sunny

Monday, June 1, sunny

Monday, June 1, sunny

Monday, June 1, sunny

Monday, June 1, sunny

Monday, June 1, sunny


Today, I found that the small tender buds of garlic are really taller, and it is relatively strong. I am very happy. I quickly add a complex fertilizer. I was afraid that the nutrients in the water would not meet the growth of garlic.I also found that the two small buds were 1 cm long, 2.5 cm long, and 2 cm long.Garlic roots have also become hovering.

6月1日 星期一 晴

Monday, June 1, sunny

Monday, June 1, sunny

Monday, June 1, sunny

Monday, June 1, sunny

Monday, June 1, sunny

Monday, June 1, sunny

Monday, June 1, sunny


Today, I found that the buds of garlic are 3 mm long, the highest is 2.9 cm, the middle is 2.3 cm, and the shortest 6 mm long.I can't measure the garlic roots, because the root is spinning, and I estimate that it is 6 mm long.

6月1日 星期一 晴

Monday, June 1, sunny

Monday, June 1, sunny

Monday, June 1, sunny

Monday, June 1, sunny

Monday, June 1, sunny

Monday, June 1, sunny

Monday, June 1, sunny


I found out that one of the three tender buds had a small bud that was less than 1 mm, and I added a complex fertilizer.I take a scale, the longest is 3 cm long, but it is still too weak. Maybe it is the cause of malnutrition and lack of sunlight?So I planted it in a flower pot and put it on the balcony to bask in the sun.Local, so that it can have enough nutrients and sunlight.With the soil and enough sunlight, it must grow faster and better!

大蒜成长观察日记 篇5

10月1日 星期六 阴

Saturday, October 1st


Today my mother bought me a garlic seed.I don't know how excited when I planted it!But I don't know when it can grow?I hope someone can answer me.

10月2日 星期日 阴

Sunday, October 2nd Sun Yin


Today, the garlic I planted has grown roots, and one of them has a little longer. I believe that one day, the seeds of garlic will be gone.

10月3日 星期一 晴

Monday, October 3rd


Today, my garlic is very long, with 0.1-1.3 cm, and there is a yellow thing. If the seeds of other garlic are yellow, I will be excited!

10月4日 星期二 阴

Tuesday, October 4th


Today, the seeds of garlic have grown the second yellow thing, one is yesterday, and the other is growing today.I also watered the seeds of garlic!

10月5日 星期三 晴

Wednesday, Wednesday, October 5th


Today, my garlic has another yellow thing. Now there is only one thing without yellow. The final root that does not grow is short!

10月6日 星期四 晴

Thursday, October 6th, sunny


Today I finally knew a thing about garlic, that is, the yellow thing was the germination of the seeds.The first bud of the seeds of my garlic is shorter than the second bud.The last one left has no long bud!

10月6日 星期五 晴

Friday, October 6th, sunny


Today, I have another seed of garlic, and one has grown to the second layer!If it grows to the second floor, the smallest root is still short, and it is particularly slow!

10月11日 星期二 晴

Tuesday, October 11th, sunny


Today, my garlic is very high. I moved them from the bottle to the soil in the flower pot, but I couldn't see their roots in the soil. Mom said, "Seeds are planted in the soil, the seeds are seeds.If you have fertilizers, you will grow stronger. "In my heart, I have something to say, do you want to hear?That's: After my mother said, I also learned a little knowledge!