
时间:2022-09-26 13:31:18 | 来源:语文通


数学日记大全 篇1数学日记 篇2数学日记 篇3数学日记 篇4数学日记 篇5数学日记大全 篇6数学日记 篇7数学日记 篇8数学日记200字 篇9数学日记 篇10

数学日记大全 篇1

数学,像一个调皮的小精灵,我以前很讨厌数学,但当我认真学起的时候,还真挺有趣的。它不仅教会我知识,还带给了我 身活体健,也许你会说:”数学,怎么会2带给你身活体健呢?“那是因为,每次我一想到它,身体就非常有劲,所以才说是身活体健,嘻嘻,我是不是跑题了 ?

Mathematics, like a naughty elf, I hated mathematics before, but when I studied seriously, it was really interesting.It not only taught me knowledge, but also brought me to my life and health. May, So I said that I was living and healthy, hee hee, am I running a question?


Learn mathematics, let our brain develop intelligence, classmates, do you like mathematics?Do you understand mathematics?Do you understand the quality and the harmony?If you don't understand, let me tell you!

质数,就是 只有1和它本身两个因数的数,也叫素数,比如:2、3、5、7就是质数。

Quality numbers are the number of only 1 and itself, which are also called prime numbers, such as: 2, 3, 5, 7 are quality numbers.

合数,就是 除了1和它本身两个因数还一其它因数的数,比如:4、6、8、9、12、15、18就是合数。

The number of small numbers is the number of other factor except 1 and its own two factor, such as: 4, 6, 8, 9, 12, 15, and 18.

数学日记 篇2


Looking at the long -awaited Barbie princess in the window, I was excited to jump out of my throat. I bite my mouth hard, for fear of a accidental and ecstatic heart jumped out of my mouth.


The dad was sneaking at the side, and I saw my dad inserted in his pocket with one hand, holding his chin with one hand, and touched the thumb back and forth. There was a strange smile on the corner of his mouth.Dad looked at me with a smile, and it was hard to become a dad to change the hexagram again.Kind+good girl!This is the birthday gift for a full year!


If you ca n’t wait for the fairy, you still want to rely on yourself, take my dad to faint!


Take a step forward, hold my dad's arm in one hand, and say the sweetest voice: Dad, I know you are the most close to me in the world, a hundred times more kissing me than my mother, waiting for me to grow up, I have grown up, meWill make a lot of money for dads and buy Dad's favorite things.Respect you!


Not to mention that this trick is really in control. Dad first squints and looks very useful, and then proud.


I really want this gift?Dad finally spoke and looked like a drama.


Hmm, my head is like a chick pecking rice.




Thank you Dad, you know you are the kiss of me.




What?What?But, but what?Baby I didn't bring money today; the baby turned back to your mother to buy you; or we bought it next year ... For a while, n is just like the bamboo shoots after the rain come out of my mind at the speed of Shenjiu.


But, your answer is a question?


I woke up from God's Jiuzhong and asked with a stutter: What ... what ... the question


Your birthday this year is Wednesday. What day is your birthday after 30 years?


Hey, my dad is so ruthless, I thought, but I thought it was difficult, it was not so easy, for my beloved.Gifts, I just count the counting of my fingers. Besides, I still have secrets, but in order to prevent my dad from playing, I still have to sign a gentleman agreement with my dad.


As soon as my dad heard that I had to sign a gentleman agreement with him, I opened my face and agreed. If I calculated it, I would buy it for me.


Hehehe, too underestimated me, without diamond, I dare to take this porcelain work, my dad looks at me.


In the first step, we set up for 30 years in flat year, every year, that is, 52 weeks plus one day, 30 years is 30 days.


365/7 = 2 ... 1


Step 2: Calculate how many leap years in 30 years, because there are no hundred years of 20xx to 20xx, a leap year every four years, a total of 7 leap years.

20xx年 20xx年 20xx年 20xx年 20xx年

20xx year 20xx 20xx year 20xx 20xx 20xx

20xx 年 20xx年

20xx year 20xx


That is, my birthday has to be added for another 12 days, and the result is:


30+7 = 37 (day)


37/7 = 5 ... 2


My birthday after 30 years is Friday.


The result of my dad was doubtful when I saw me, but we had a "teacher" to verify and turned on the computer to check the perpetual calendar.


Hehehe, looking at my dad's eyes, I was happy to bloom, and my favorite Barbie finally came.


Dear friend, mathematics is like a kaleidoscope. It is all -encompassing. Opening it is like walking into a versatile world. Learning mathematics is really endless and wonderful!

数学日记 篇3


On August 1st, my parents and my grandma and my uncle had a family to travel to Penglai Long Island.We took a car in the New Century at 9:00 pm.Arrive at Long Island Port at 7:00 the next day.It took about 10 hours in total.


We took another 40 minutes to Long Island.We live in the small courtyard of the fishing house, eat seafood every day, have shell meat, fish stuffed dumplings and fried yellow flowers.In the morning, we went to the sea by boat. The adult ticket was 40 yuan per person.


My brother and I did not have more than 1.4 meters tall.In this way, the family of three of our family happened to be 100 yuan.A large family of 7 is 240 yuan.I saw the fisherman's uncle hit a sea shell and a starfish.At night we visit the sea night market.My mother bought me a jade necklace and three puppies made of shells.I bought three jade necklaces for my brother and sister, and spent a total of 50 yuan.

数学日记 篇4


The Spring Festival has passed for a long time. My brother and I plan to deposit the money we have accumulated for many years (including the New Year's money) to the bank, so that the money has greater benefits.Therefore, today, my brother and I went to the bank first.


As soon as we walked into the Industrial and Commercial Bank of the Community, we saw the words on the large electronic screen, which was the deposit interest rate of the currency.Zero deposit and complete deposit, notification deposit, current deposit.We copied the interest rates one by one.


We can't wait to calculate with our mother when we get home. Our money has a total of 3200 yuan, the one -year interest is 3200 × 4.14%= 132.48 yuan, deducting the interest tax of 132.48 × 0.05 = 6.62 yuan, the net interest income is 132.48 -6.62 = 125.86 yuan; the annual income of the two -year interest is 3200 × 4.68%= 149.76 yuan, deducting the interest tax of 149.76 × 0.05 = 7.49 yuan, and the net interest is 142.27 yuan; The interest tax is 8.64 yuan, and the net interest is 164.16 yuan; the five years are 3200 × 5.85%= 187.2 yuan, the interest tax is 9.36 yuan, and the net interest is 177.84 yuan. From the results of calculation, it seems that the interest income of the year is the least, and the most five years. Then, we have made another comparison of one year and other years. If you save two years, the difference is 142.27-125.86 = 16.41 yuan in one year, three years, the difference is 164.16-125.86 = 38.3 yuan, and the difference between five years is 177.84- 125.86 = 51.98 yuan, so it seems that the five -year is the most cost -effective. However, when you think about it, the sale is too long. If we encounter a bank raising interest rates, we cannot withdraw in advance, because in advance, it can only be counted as 0.72%of the current interest rate. Isn't that too much loss? If you save one year, it feels too short. Choose it in two and three years. According to the results of income comparison, we have chosen the three -year period!


Finally, we calculated the total interest income of the three -year deposit of New Year's money, and it should be 164.16 × 3 = 492.48 yuan.Hehe, I also learned about financial management from middle school!

数学日记 篇5


Today, my mother and I go to the supermarket to buy things because we will travel together tomorrow.


We bought a toy Story of the ball 6 yuan, a guest potato chips, 9 yuan, 8 cents, Apollo ice cream 13 yuan 8 cents, seafood flavor cup noodles 3 cups of 5 yuan, xo sauce sea seafood flavor three cups unit price 5Yuan, Wuxiang Beef Flavored Three Cups 3 cups of 5 yuan, Vida roll paper two -one unit price of 30 yuan 8 cents, Jierou roll paper two unit price 27 yuan 8 cents, Qingfeng roll paper two unit price 17 yuan 8 cents, dumplings, 30 yuan 8 cents, 8 cents, 8 cornersEssence

数学日记大全 篇6


One day, my mother and I went to the mall to see the electrical appliance. I saw the price of the refrigerator of 3799 yuan.I also saw that LCD TVs had 4499 yuan, 3999 yuan and 1399 yuan.The people in the mall are endless, and my mother and I came to the small home appliance.We saw that Pentium induction cooker was 599 yuan, and 8 pieces of sets+electric baked seemed to see my mother and I entered a small appliance.I learned a lot of knowledge through the electrical appliances in the mall.

数学日记 篇7


Yesterday evening, I went to buy watermelon with me. This time my task was to bargain with melon farmers and buy delicious watermelon.


There is a row of melon -selling stalls at the entrance of the community.I first came to the first melon stall, because this was the first time I bought watermelon independently, and I asked her gently: "How much is watermelon?" "7 hair." I thought: Why is watermelon so cheap?IntersectionI said, "I buy two for 1 yuan, can I do it?" Gua Nong laughed: "One requires five or six dollars, you want to buy two for one dollar? 7 hair is a pound." "Oh. "I feel particularly embarrassed.Suddenly, I found that there was a stall in front of the yellow watermelon, which was my favorite."Haha, this time I helped me solve it!" I immediately pulled my grandma: "姥, let's buy yellow watermelon." Then, I ran quickly.


This time, I have a bit experienced, I know what the 7 cents that Gua Nong said is!I was going to bargain with him immediately.But I said that I wouldn't, she went to buy two watermelons, but it was only 5 cents cheaper, which was 6 cents and 5 cents a pound.


After sending the watermelon home, I was still unwilling and went to another melon stall myself.This time, I successfully talked about the price, and my grades were much better than 姥: it turned out to be 7 cents a pound. I cut it to 6 cents and 5 cents and pound..65 = 5.85 (dollars), I successfully talked about 5.5 yuan and the transaction.


It ’s not small to get melon this time!

数学日记 篇8


Today I help my mother fried eggs.Let me talk about the time of fried eggs, wash the pot for 30 seconds, heat the oil for 1 minute, take the egg for 10 seconds, stir the eggs for 20 seconds to fry the eggs for 5 minutes, wash the dish for 30 seconds, and put the eggs for 30 seconds.I used 7 minutes to fry the eggs.


Then, I told my mother: "Mom, I fry the eggs for only 7 minutes." Mom said, "Why is it so fast!" I replied, "I learned a reasonable arrangement time.Doing a lot of things in the same time, mathematics is really amazing!


Therefore, I have to learn math in the future.

数学日记200字 篇9


After Teacher Huang taught us to learn the third unit measurement, I thought, "Why don't I measure the length and weight of other things?" So I started to measure.


First of all, I found that the thickness of the idiom dictionary is three centimeters and one millimeters. The length of the book "Smile Cat Diary" is eighteen centimeters and six mm, the book "Naughty Bao Ma Xiao Jump" is six mm thick and so on ...At this time, my mother entered the room and asked, "What are you doing?" "I'm measuring the length of the object."How long is the room? How long is it? "I measured it with a tape ruler and said," Three meters long nine meters, three meters and five -meter meters wide. "" You are awesome, answered right. "Mom said.In the end, I also said that the weight of the small truck was one ton and so on.


After I did these measurements, I found that there are mathematics around us. As long as you observe it carefully, you can find its existence.

数学日记 篇10


Mathematics is really amazing, because it is ubiquitous in life.


I was sitting around the living room. The refrigerators and televisions were rectangular, and the table was square. Each of them was 90 degrees.I observed it carefully. The corner of my small table is composed of two waist triangles from the side.The hanging clock on the wall is round ... These are all related to the 'mathematical pattern I just learned.


Also, people in life often deal with numbers.For example: how much money it costs to calculate by buses and buy things in the supermarket. When the architect under construction, the architect must use a quarrel, a surveying instrument, etc. when building a house.


Life is inseparable from mathematics, and mathematics comes from life.I love mathematics, I must learn math well!