
时间:2022-09-23 13:25:39 | 来源:语文通



担复兴大任,做时代新人演讲稿 篇1担复兴大任,做时代新人演讲稿 篇2学英模事迹做时代新人演讲稿 篇32021年学英模事迹做时代新人演讲稿文本 篇4

担复兴大任,做时代新人演讲稿 篇1


Guests, audience:


Hello everyone!


I am a high school student. I am honored to speak here as a student representative. My theme is to study and be newcomers in the times.


Mr. Liang Qichao's Chinese teenager said, I believe everyone knows, so why are the teenagers strong?I think it is a love of research. Zhang Yadong's high -speed rail video was praised by the audience because of his spirit and behavior of research.


Love is the pursuit of continuous fuel.Those who know are not as good as good, and those who are good are not as good as Zhang Yadong who likes to be an electric toy electromechanical model. He is the best teacher. He is the construction of the railway. I think he can explore three months becauseThe strong love. As a teenager, we should also establish our own hobbies and love it. The reason why Wu Yizhen won the championship at the Chinese Poetry Conference is because he loved ancient poems and traditional culture from an early age.The connotation of the a baihuawen.cn}}}}} a 自己 自己 自己 自己 自己 自己 自己 自己 自己 自己 自己 自己 can only do it well.


Persistence is the reason for success.There are two most valuable words in the world, one is persistence and the other is serious.When Zhang Yadong did not give up, she took the initiative to ask the teacher to ask for advice, find a way, and explore it for three months. If she encounters difficulties, she will easily give up.Give up, insist on struggling in the laboratory, and finally extract artemisinin.Jane losing defeat is the mother of success, and success is successful. Only adherences. We must also persist in studying and love to study. Only with persistence can we wait for the joy of harvesting, and persist in struggle can become a newcomer of the times.


To achieve personal value and contribute personal strength, each of us is part of China. We cannot do without China, and the development of China is inseparable from us. We should love to study independent innovation, excellence, and enrich ourselves. We should work hard and chase it.During the dream, I continued to learn from Huang Danian to give up the excellent benefits abroad, and use actual actions to report to the country with high ambitions. Use scientific and cultural knowledge to do their own contributions to the country's own development.On the occasion of the country, they went to Wuhan, and countless our peers learned the appearance of their predecessors to cure disease and save people. How many years are good, but some people go forward for you.Become a young man, I think this is why China is strong and why China is strong.


Classmates, friends, let us love to study together, be newcomers of the times, work hard together, be dream -chasing people, use dreams as horses, and live up to Shaohua.


My speech is over, thank you all!

担复兴大任,做时代新人演讲稿 篇2


Dear judges, classmates:


Good evening, everybody.


I am Wang Shuo of the Class of International Trade Act. The theme of my speech today is our time.Before we talk about us, let's talk about this era.


Some people say that this is an indifferent era. The old man falls to the ground.Others said that this is an era of gold worship. For money, all kinds of injuries and harm, some merchants have made it.Others say that this is an unbalanced era. The rich can be extravagant, and many children in mountainous areas can't even learn.So, is this era really bad?


But think about China decades ago?We lack clothes and food, lack of materials, and education are quite backward. How many young and middle -aged are illiterate.Compared with the difficulties of decades ago, today's era is developing rapidly.


At the time, those young people who dreamed of eating bread and milk became our father.Just for more than 30 years, they started from scratch, from the blue wrapped, from the lack of supplies to the average well -off, from closed ignorance to openness and development, from a country with a single power to the rise of dignity and status in the world.They changed China with their hard -working hands, and they created our time today!Compared with any previous generation of young people, we are not facing this era is not the best era!


Even in the face of reality, we see a lot of warm pictures.Faced with indifference, we saw the most beautiful Chinese, the most beautiful mothers, and the most beautiful girls. They told us with a warm heart that love is still by your side


As a rational young man, we should realize that the exposure of various issues is the proof of increasingly open public opinion. The violent criticism of moral landslides does not show that this era is refusing to be cold.I believe that in an era of rejection of cold, no matter what the current problem is currently, it is temporarily

学英模事迹做时代新人演讲稿 篇3



Time flies, and the dawn of the 21st century has shown the earth.The following is the "Five Fanwen Essays of the Modeling of the British Modeling as a newcomer speech" compiled by the editor of the Writing Gang Library Network. It is for reference only. Welcome everyone to read.

Five articles on Fanwen of the Newcomer Speech of the Time Newcomer Speech [1]


Dear heads and dear comrades:

Dear heads and dear comrades:


Time is in Chiang, and time flies, and the dawn of the 21st century has shown the earth.In the new century, it looks like a vast vast Tianchou, contains infinite vitality and vitality, and it is like an endless river, hitting a magnificent new picture.

Time is in Chiang, and time flies, and the dawn of the 21st century has shown the earth.In the new century, it looks like a vast vast Tianchou, contains infinite vitality and vitality, and it is like an endless river, hitting a magnificent new picture.


Today is the 50th birthday of our officers and soldiers worthy of pride and pride.The people will not forget, and the history will not forget. For 50 years of storms, fifty years of fifty years, we have moved to the north and south, and we have changed their defense seven times.Sleeping, Yimeng Old District, and Yellow Sea outpost, have participated in major tasks such as liberation war, anti -US aid, and defending the frontiers' warfare to liberate the nation and defend sovereignty.

Today is the 50th birthday of our officers and soldiers worthy of pride and pride.The people will not forget, and the history will not forget. For 50 years of storms, fifty years of fifty years, we have moved to the north and south, and we have changed their defense seven times.Sleeping, Yimeng Old District, and Yellow Sea outpost, have participated in major tasks such as liberation war, anti -US aid, and defending the frontiers' warfare to liberate the nation and defend sovereignty.


Our group was established in 1953 and has gone through fifty winds and rain spring and autumn.Whether it was the war of liberation or the anti -US aid period; whether it was on the battlefield of war, or in the years of peaceful construction, all tasks given by superiors were excellent.We once sounded the horn of victory on the land in the northeast, and we also inserted the red flag to the southern Xinjiang to sleep. It can be said that in the war years, our group was a glorious team with countless honors and infinite combat effectiveness; it can be said that, it can be said that, it can be said thatWe are a well -deserved "God of War."For more than half a century, generations of artillery regiments have created a brilliant performance, writing a magnificent chapter.The glorious history of the artillery regiment is a history of continuous development and growth in the baptism of blood and fire; it is a history of fighting bravely and continuous victory under the leadership of the party;The lessons of successful experience and failure are summarized and the history of continuous improvement; it is a history of countless revolutionary martyrs pursuing truth and using blood and blood.

Our group was established in 1953 and has gone through fifty winds and rain spring and autumn.Whether it was the war of liberation or the anti -US aid period; whether it was on the battlefield of war, or in the years of peaceful construction, all tasks given by superiors were excellent.We once sounded the horn of victory on the land in the northeast, and we also inserted the red flag to the southern Xinjiang to sleep. It can be said that in the war years, our group was a glorious team with countless honors and infinite combat effectiveness; it can be said that, it can be said that, it can be said thatWe are a well -deserved "God of War."For more than half a century, generations of artillery regiments have created a brilliant performance, writing a magnificent chapter.The glorious history of the artillery regiment is a history of continuous development and growth in the baptism of blood and fire; it is a history of fighting bravely and continuous victory under the leadership of the party;The lessons of successful experience and failure are summarized and the history of continuous improvement; it is a history of countless revolutionary martyrs pursuing truth and using blood and blood.


The age of the artillery regiment was a magical artillery force in the war. During the peaceful construction period, we also built a hard and excellent collective.In this collective, there have been excellent soldiers who have won from generation to war and usually have been hard -working.Zhang Ming, the former Political Department's document, copied 0.4 meters wide with hard pen calligraphy, and 120 meters long and 120 meters long.In the case of serious injury to the seven -knife, he still hugged the gangsters tightly. He was hailed as "Xu Honggang's good soldier" by the leader of the General Political Department, and he took the second class;Comrade Zass Duji, a representative of the Tenth National People's Congress of the National People's Congress, even taught himself.

The age of the artillery regiment was a magical artillery force in the war. During the peaceful construction period, we also built a hard and excellent collective.In this collective, there have been excellent soldiers who have won from generation to war and usually have been hard -working.Zhang Ming, the former Political Department's document, copied 0.4 meters wide with hard pen calligraphy, and 120 meters long and 120 meters long.In the case of serious injury to the seven -knife, he still hugged the gangsters tightly. He was hailed as "Xu Honggang's good soldier" by the leader of the General Political Department, and he took the second class;Comrade Zass Duji, a representative of the Tenth National People's Congress of the National People's Congress, even taught himself.


Advanced model of talents.Although their deeds are not vigorous, they are around us. It is real and worthy of our learning!

Advanced model of talents.Although their deeds are not vigorous, they are around us. It is real and worthy of our learning!


The giant wheels of the times are heading for the dawn of the new century, and the revolutionary, modern, and regular construction of our army has begun a new journey.The care of the people, the heavy trust of the motherland, and the expectations of relatives are encouraging us; magnificent goals, arduous tasks, and glorious mission are inspiring us.When we wear bright red flowers in chest, walk in the farewell group of gongs and drums, when we wear green military uniforms, enter the green square matrix we have longed for a long time, and come to this glorious history team, allPride and glory.

The giant wheels of the times are heading for the dawn of the new century, and the revolutionary, modern, and regular construction of our army has begun a new journey.The care of the people, the heavy trust of the motherland, and the expectations of relatives are encouraging us; magnificent goals, arduous tasks, and glorious mission are inspiring us.When we wear bright red flowers in chest, walk in the farewell group of gongs and drums, when we wear green military uniforms, enter the green square matrix we have longed for a long time, and come to this glorious history team, allPride and glory.


For our soldiers, dedication is a kind of mind; losing loss is a style.If you do n’t want to dedicate, you ca n’t appreciate the perfect life; if you do n’t want to suffer, there will be no prosperity of the motherland.We sacrificed the tranquility of the motherland and the reunion of Wanjia. We were exchanged for the happiness of the elderly in the old age and the child's innocent and lovely smiley face.And pride?How can you not appreciate that this dedication is lofty, and this sacrifice is valuable?


A soldier is an incarnation of youth; a military career is a movement of life.In the youth years, playing this beautiful life movement is the dream of every soldier.

A soldier is an incarnation of youth; a military career is a movement of life.In the youth years, playing this beautiful life movement is the dream of every soldier.


We love our own barracks, our career, and our future.What we are nostalgic is not the romantic life in imagination, but the life rhythm of life command and the rhythm of the living rhythm of a straight line; we choose this road full of thorns, which is that we are determined to fight for national defense construction.Delicate as the prosperity of the country, the strength of the army, and the happiness of the people.Our joy is in the desert, on the mountains, on the sea.Looking back at the past, we are happy for the road we can choose; looking forward to the future, we are proud of the wide road, because this is a way to extend its way to the army.In the new century, the new beginning, the new scene, comrades, our bodies condenses the enthusiasm on the training field, the loyalty and the loyalty in the music, the bravery in blood and fire, the strength of life and death, in order to win the winning of life and death.Tomorrow's war, in order to be a high -quality young soldier in the new century, we are willing to use sweat, blood, and life to dedicate, work hard, and make progress.

We love our own barracks, our career, and our future.What we are nostalgic is not the romantic life in imagination, but the life rhythm of life command and the rhythm of the living rhythm of a straight line; we choose this road full of thorns, which is that we are determined to fight for national defense construction.Delicate as the prosperity of the country, the strength of the army, and the happiness of the people.Our joy is in the desert, on the mountains, on the sea.Looking back at the past, we are happy for the road we can choose; looking forward to the future, we are proud of the wide road, because this is a way to extend its way to the army.In the new century, the new beginning, the new scene, comrades, our bodies condenses the enthusiasm on the training field, the loyalty and the loyalty in the music, the bravery in blood and fire, the strength of life and death, in order to win the winning of life and death.Tomorrow's war, in order to be a high -quality young soldier in the new century, we are willing to use sweat, blood, and life to dedicate, work hard, and make progress.


Recalling the past years, the years are long, and the future will be far away.Fifty years of ups and downs, my group scores wrote a gorgeous kite; from scratch, from weak to strong, my group has gone through the extraordinary fifty years.Today, I am proud of the artillery group. Tomorrow, the artillery group is glorious because of me.Comrades, let us always remember history, firm conviction, train hard training, be an excellent soldier, add bricks to the team building, and welcome a brighter and brilliant tomorrow.

Recalling the past years, the years are long, and the future will be far away.Fifty years of ups and downs, my group scores wrote a gorgeous kite; from scratch, from weak to strong, my group has gone through the extraordinary fifty years.Today, I am proud of the artillery group. Tomorrow, the artillery group is glorious because of me.Comrades, let us always remember history, firm conviction, train hard training, be an excellent soldier, add bricks to the team building, and welcome a brighter and brilliant tomorrow.


Xueying Model Standard Five Articles Fanwen of the Time Newcomer Speech [2]


On the occasion of the 85th anniversary of the founding of the party, I learned the advanced deeds of Comrade Qin Zhenzhong and felt deep.Comrade Qin Zhenzhong has served as the director of the Shaobo Shipbuilding Management Office and the party branch secretary in 19 years."Outstanding pacesetters in the big industry" and "Model of Labor in Jiangsu Province", etc., gave a special gift to the party's birthday with their own actual actions.


As a young water conservancy worker, he was deeply moved by Qin Zhenzhong's "Iron Man" deeds. He fought on the ordinary post of the ship gate with a double turbulence and cast a brilliant performance.His spirit inspires me to work in my post, be willing to dedicate, and forge ahead.His dedication of his dedication with the dedication of the gate and the dedication of the job makes me think and move.In the past six years, I have not been able to complete the task of working tasks for the past six years.I think due to the job in the position is the minimum professional ethics of each of our engineering and technical personnel.As a technical person in the management of water conservancy engineering, it happened when the gate failure was encountered in the flood season. In this case, we must learn the spirit of the old scalper of Comrade Qin Zhenzhong's dedication and dedication., Do a good job of organization and coordination, until the gate failure is completely eliminated, and it is necessary to complete the job with a diligent attitude. It is not necessary to pay attention to personal gains and losses.


We young people have to learn his spirit of hard work and forge ahead. He loves and loves at work, dares to meet the challenges, work hard, and dedicate youth and blood to the water conservancy cause.Some people around them work in do nothing, and they retreat when they know difficulties. They do not hit the monk for a day, not to mention the word "dedication".


Learn the dedication of Comrade Qin Zhenzhong, love the job and dedication, use the gate as the home, and put the whole body and mind into the water conservancy cause of the Hong Kong City. Modern society needs such a spirit.Dedication, then our country will go faster to prosperous!


"Innocence means backwardness, it will be eliminated by the times." At present, the reform of public institutions is gradually deepening, and the original distribution system and employment mechanism will have new content.If we do not make ideological preparations and the brewing in action, we will not be able to adapt to the changes in the new situation quickly, and we will fall into a passive situation.Only when we dare to innovate, be courageous, know the difficulties, and take the initiative to meet the new situation, will we develop better and better survive.


After learning the advanced deeds of Comrade Qin Zhenzhong, I always feel that there is endless knowledge and the spirit of endless learning. I will continue to use advanced as a model of learning.The essence becomes its own firm belief and conscious actions, carry forward the dedication spirit of serving the people wholeheartedly, and continuously enhances the sense of career and owner's sense of responsibility.I will do my best in ordinary posts, constantly innovate, and contribute to the development of the water conservancy cause of Hong Kong City!


Xueying Model Standard Five Articles Fanwen of the Time Newcomer Speech [3]


Dear leaders, teachers, dear classmates:


Hello everyone!

Hello everyone!


Qiu Shaoyun suffered from a young age and couldn't afford to learn.Once, he went up the mountain to dig wild vegetables and passed the school with a basket. When he heard the sound of studying, he stopped curiously.At this time, the landlord just came here and saw Qiu Shaoyun, and said badly, "What are you standing here? Stupid and stupid, do you miss the study?" How much Qiu Shaoyun missed!


When he arrived in the army, Qiu Shaoyun had the opportunity to learn culture.He is very serious and hard.


In 1950, US imperialism launched a war that invaded North Korea. In order to protect the country, Qiu Shaoyun and the Chinese People's Volunteer Army corrected it. They crossed the Yalu River and went to the North Korean front.On the Korean battlefield, they fought blood and endured unimaginable pain for the victory of the war.


In 1952, Qiu Shaoyun's company team accepted a glorious and arduous task, which was the U.S. military that eliminated the 991 highland.In order to shorten the impact distance, it was surprisingly defeated and caught off guard by the enemy. Our army decided to lurk the troops at the front of the enemy's position in the night before the launch of the total attack.


Before the soldiers set off, the head of the army instructed: "You lurk this time, the task is arduous, and the goals cannot be exposed in any case." Qiu Shaoyun and his comrades answered firmly: "Resolutely complete the task."


After dark, the soldiers touched the lurk secretly.Everyone inserted weeds from head to toe, pretending to be like grass on the hillside. The cool wind blew up, and the grass on the human body swinged with the grass on the ground, showing no trace.


Time passed really slowly. By noon the next day, the burning bomb of the enemy's investment suddenly fell beside Qiu Shaoyun and burned the weeds on him.At this time, as long as he turns his body or rolls, he can extinguish the flame, and his young life can be saved.However, Qiu Shaoyun knew deeply that as long as he moved, he would expose his target.


The fire quickly burned on Qiu Shaoyun's body.For comrades and for victory, he endured unimaginable physical pain.He gritted his teeth and inserted his hands deeply into the soil until he died at the end. He didn't move or groaned.


Our hero, Qiu Shaoyun, has presented his precious life to the motherland and the people with the willpower of Superman.


Today, we are born in a peaceful age and grow under the five -star red. We should learn like a hero and be a good student who consciously and strictly abide by discipline.


thank you all!

thank you all!


Xueying Model Standard Five Articles Fan of the Time Newcomer Speech [4]


Dear judges and friends:


Hello everyone!

Hello everyone!


Today, the topic of my speech is "One Banner, A Monument".


Look, in the drizzle, tens of thousands of people are delivered to the streets, and they are sent to a good secretary of a people;


Listening to the land of Shenzhou, there was a sound of the same memories, remembering the good public servant of a people.What charm does he have attracted the eyes of the people across the country?What do he do with the sorrow of thousands of people who moved thousands of people?


He is the former secretary of the former Hohhot Municipal Party Committee, Comrade Niu Yuru, a good secretary of the people.What a good name, more clean, more selfless, and more exhausted than Lu Xun's eunuch cow;


What a good secretary, the worry of the people first, and the joy of the people, gave the people a lifetime to the people.


For the prosperity of the city, he worked desperately. He could run 5 cities in 4 days, but he lived in an ordinary standard room.


In order to understand the sweetness and bitterness of the people, he often walks or take taxis to the streets, alleys, residential communities and other places to observe the people.He often said: "Governance for the people is to make the people benefit and enjoy the results."From the planning and construction of urban green space, to the free opening of the park;


From solving the re -employment of laid -off unemployed, to the supply of oil and salt, vinegar and rice, Niu Yuru always do its best to do practical and good things for the masses.


Living is a banner!Passing away is a monument!


At this moment, I remembered a poem from Zang Ke's family: riding on the people, the people broke him;


As a cattle and horse, the people will always remember him!Niu Yuru built a stable monument for the people of Hohhot with hard work and sweat;


Use life and wisdom to make a specific interpretation for the "three representatives";


Use sincerity and persistence to leave the image of the "sister -in -law cow" of the world;


With the burning passion, the banner of "governing the people" of the Communists added a dazzling bright color.


Secretary Niu's deeds are widely spread on our red land. Secretary Niu's spirit is urging the altar to be purple and red. The majority of educators are stepping on the footprint of Secretary Niu, striding forward, and going forward.They always take the party's cause, focus on the overall situation, focus on the interests of the masses.


Luo Yan, a teacher who has worked hard, actively promotes new curriculum reform, and strives to improve the quality of teaching;


There is a deeds to take root in remote mountainous areas, and is willing to be the teacher Zhong Xing, a teacher of Shifu Primary School, Shuixi Town, who is willing to be the dedication of Green Yeqin ... There is also a large number of hard -working and selfless dedication.


As a young organ cadre in the education system, the spirit of Niu Yuru will call for me to move forward. In my own job, I will be pragmatic, work hard, work hard, and learn from Secretary Niu with their actual actions.Starting from small things, starting from now, starting from one by one, writing in selfless lyrics, compositioning with dedication, and singing a new century public servant praise!


Niu Yuru is a banner, bright red and eye -catching!Niu Yuru is a monument, standing upside down, urging people!


Let's answer with action together: Secretary Niu, we followed up!


thank you all!

thank you all!


Xueying Model Standard Five Articles Fan of the Time Newcomer Speech [Five]


Dear heads and dear comrades:

Dear heads and dear comrades:


Time is in Chiang, and time flies, and the dawn of the 21st century has shown the earth.In the new century, it looks like a vast vast Tianchou, contains infinite vitality and vitality, and it is like an endless river, hitting a magnificent new picture.

Time is in Chiang, and time flies, and the dawn of the 21st century has shown the earth.In the new century, it looks like a vast vast Tianchou, contains infinite vitality and vitality, and it is like an endless river, hitting a magnificent new picture.


Today is the 50th birthday of our officers and soldiers worthy of pride and pride.The people will not forget, and the history will not forget. For 50 years of storms, fifty years of fifty years, we have moved to the north and south, and we have changed their defense seven times.Sleeping, Yimeng Old District, and Yellow Sea outpost, have participated in major tasks such as liberation war, anti -US aid, and defending the frontiers' warfare to liberate the nation and defend sovereignty.

Today is the 50th birthday of our officers and soldiers worthy of pride and pride.The people will not forget, and the history will not forget. For 50 years of storms, fifty years of fifty years, we have moved to the north and south, and we have changed their defense seven times.Sleeping, Yimeng Old District, and Yellow Sea outpost, have participated in major tasks such as liberation war, anti -US aid, and defending the frontiers' warfare to liberate the nation and defend sovereignty.


Our group was established in 1953 and has gone through fifty winds and rain spring and autumn.Whether it was the war of liberation or the anti -US aid period; whether it was on the battlefield of war, or in the years of peaceful construction, all tasks given by superiors were excellent.We once sounded the horn of victory on the land in the northeast, and we also inserted the red flag to the southern Xinjiang to sleep. It can be said that in the war years, our group was a glorious team with countless honors and infinite combat effectiveness; it can be said that, it can be said that, it can be said thatWe are a well -deserved "God of War."For more than half a century, generations of artillery regiments have created a brilliant performance, writing a magnificent chapter.The glorious history of the artillery regiment is a history of continuous development and growth in the baptism of blood and fire; it is a history of fighting bravely and continuous victory under the leadership of the party;The lessons of successful experience and failure are summarized and the history of continuous improvement; it is a history of countless revolutionary martyrs pursuing truth and using blood and blood.

Our group was established in 1953 and has gone through fifty winds and rain spring and autumn.Whether it was the war of liberation or the anti -US aid period; whether it was on the battlefield of war, or in the years of peaceful construction, all tasks given by superiors were excellent.We once sounded the horn of victory on the land in the northeast, and we also inserted the red flag to the southern Xinjiang to sleep. It can be said that in the war years, our group was a glorious team with countless honors and infinite combat effectiveness; it can be said that, it can be said that, it can be said thatWe are a well -deserved "God of War."For more than half a century, generations of artillery regiments have created a brilliant performance, writing a magnificent chapter.The glorious history of the artillery regiment is a history of continuous development and growth in the baptism of blood and fire; it is a history of fighting bravely and continuous victory under the leadership of the party;The lessons of successful experience and failure are summarized and the history of continuous improvement; it is a history of countless revolutionary martyrs pursuing truth and using blood and blood.


The age of the artillery regiment was a magical artillery force in the war. During the peaceful construction period, we also built a hard and excellent collective.In this collective, there have been excellent soldiers who have won from generation to war and usually have been hard -working.Zhang Ming, the former Political Department's document, copied 0.4 meters wide with hard pen calligraphy, and 120 meters long and 120 meters long.In the case of serious injury to the seven -knife, he still hugged the gangsters tightly. He was hailed as "Xu Honggang's good soldier" by the leader of the General Political Department, and he took the second class;Comrade Zass Duji, a representative of the Tenth National People's Congress of the National People's Congress, even taught himself.

The age of the artillery regiment was a magical artillery force in the war. During the peaceful construction period, we also built a hard and excellent collective.In this collective, there have been excellent soldiers who have won from generation to war and usually have been hard -working.Zhang Ming, the former Political Department's document, copied 0.4 meters wide with hard pen calligraphy, and 120 meters long and 120 meters long.In the case of serious injury to the seven -knife, he still hugged the gangsters tightly. He was hailed as "Xu Honggang's good soldier" by the leader of the General Political Department, and he took the second class;Comrade Zass Duji, a representative of the Tenth National People's Congress of the National People's Congress, even taught himself.


Advanced model of talents.Although their deeds are not vigorous, they are around us. It is real and worthy of our learning!

Advanced model of talents.Although their deeds are not vigorous, they are around us. It is real and worthy of our learning!


The giant wheels of the times are heading for the dawn of the new century, and the revolutionary, modern, and regular construction of our army has begun a new journey.The care of the people, the heavy trust of the motherland, and the expectations of relatives are encouraging us; magnificent goals, arduous tasks, and glorious mission are inspiring us.When we wear bright red flowers in chest, walk in the farewell group of gongs and drums, when we wear green military uniforms, enter the green square matrix we have longed for a long time, and come to this glorious history team, allPride and glory.

The giant wheels of the times are heading for the dawn of the new century, and the revolutionary, modern, and regular construction of our army has begun a new journey.The care of the people, the heavy trust of the motherland, and the expectations of relatives are encouraging us; magnificent goals, arduous tasks, and glorious mission are inspiring us.When we wear bright red flowers in chest, walk in the farewell group of gongs and drums, when we wear green military uniforms, enter the green square matrix we have longed for a long time, and come to this glorious history team, allPride and glory.


For our soldiers, dedication is a kind of mind; losing loss is a style.If you do n’t want to dedicate, you ca n’t appreciate the perfect life; if you do n’t want to suffer, you will not have the prosperity of the motherland.We sacrificed the tranquility of the motherland and the reunion of Wanjia. We were exchanged for the happiness of the elderly in the old age and the child's innocent and lovely smiley face.And pride?How can you not appreciate that this dedication is lofty, and this sacrifice is valuable?


A soldier is an incarnation of youth; a military career is a movement of life.In the youth years, playing this beautiful life movement is the dream of every soldier.

A soldier is an incarnation of youth; a military career is a movement of life.In the youth years, playing this beautiful life movement is the dream of every soldier.


We love our own barracks, our career, and our future.What we are nostalgic is not the romantic life in imagination, but the life rhythm of life command and the rhythm of the living rhythm of a straight line; we choose this road full of thorns, which is that we are determined to fight for national defense construction.Delicate as the prosperity of the country, the strength of the army, and the happiness of the people.Our joy is in the desert, on the mountains, on the sea.Looking back at the past, we are happy for the road we can choose; looking forward to the future, we are proud of the wide road, because this is a way to extend its way to the army.In the new century, the new beginning, the new scene, comrades, our bodies condenses the enthusiasm on the training field, the loyalty and the loyalty in the music, the bravery in blood and fire, the strength of life and death, in order to win the winning of life and death.Tomorrow's war, in order to be a high -quality young soldier in the new century, we are willing to use sweat, blood, and life to dedicate, work hard, and make progress.

We love our own barracks, our career, and our future.What we are nostalgic is not the romantic life in imagination, but the life rhythm of life command and the rhythm of the living rhythm of a straight line; we choose this road full of thorns, which is that we are determined to fight for national defense construction.Delicate as the prosperity of the country, the strength of the army, and the happiness of the people.Our joy is in the desert, on the mountains, on the sea.Looking back at the past, we are happy for the road we can choose; looking forward to the future, we are proud of the wide road, because this is a way to extend its way to the army.In the new century, the new beginning, the new scene, comrades, our bodies condenses the enthusiasm on the training field, the loyalty and the loyalty in the music, the bravery in blood and fire, the strength of life and death, in order to win the winning of life and death.Tomorrow's war, in order to be a high -quality young soldier in the new century, we are willing to use sweat, blood, and life to dedicate, work hard, and make progress.


Recalling the past years, the years are long, and the future will be far away.Fifty years of ups and downs, my group scores wrote a gorgeous kite; from scratch, from weak to strong, my group has gone through the extraordinary fifty years.Today, I am proud of the artillery group. Tomorrow, the artillery group is glorious because of me.Comrades, let us always remember history, firm conviction, train hard training, be an excellent soldier, add bricks to the team building, and welcome a brighter and brilliant tomorrow.

Recalling the past years, the years are long, and the future will be far away.Fifty years of ups and downs, my group scores wrote a gorgeous kite; from scratch, from weak to strong, my group has gone through the extraordinary fifty years.Today, I am proud of the artillery group. Tomorrow, the artillery group is glorious because of me.Comrades, let us always remember history, firm conviction, train hard training, be an excellent soldier, add bricks to the team building, and welcome a brighter and brilliant tomorrow.

2021年学英模事迹做时代新人演讲稿文本 篇4



The characteristics of the speech are the lack of lack of communication with the audience's thoughts and feelings to avoid reading lectures and recitation speeches.The following is the "2021 Stir School Story of the British Model Story as a Newcomer Speech Text" compiled by the editor of the Writing Gang Library Network. It is for reference only. Welcome everyone to read.

In 2021, I learned the British Model Dragon as a Newcomer Speech Text [1]


Dear leaders and comrades:


Hello everyone!

Hello everyone!

Hello everyone!

Hello everyone!


We often ask the meaning of our lives. Perhaps the meaning of life is not in question, but in action.With such a veteran, he thought he was small, but he created great. He fell with a glorious fall and saved the lives of others. He fell in the sea of fire, but moved and revealed everyone.Come and remember his name forever, let us remember the Yinglie together, and make infinite sorrow.


Today, the topic I want to speak is "Learning the Model Standard as the Newcomer of the Times".




He is the 24 -year -old Shijiahong -Yang Baocu, an ordinary veteran, for 26 strangers, he gave up the hope of life and defended the lives of others with his own life. He took him with his life.Reluctant to the lover, with deep nostalgia for parents, and infinite love for life, fell in the sea of fire, and eventually turned into a ray of green smoke, always rising in the vast mountains ...Essence





3月1日下午1时,客车驶入了广西横县境内,汽车发动机处突然燃烧,一股大火腾空而起。客车司机大声叫道:“起火了,快!大家快跳窗逃命!”车内顿时一片混乱,由于车门控制系统受损,门无法打开,车上又找不到砸玻璃的东西,杨保绪和其他男人们就使出全身的力气用拳头砸、用脚踢、用身子撞。可窗玻璃太厚了,一拳、二拳、三拳、四拳……鲜血顺着窗玻璃缓缓地流了下来,玻璃被砸碎了,而杨保绪的手却已被刺得血肉模糊,惨不忍睹!这时,只听见杨保绪高呼一声:“车上的爷们,让女人和孩子先跳!”,正要准备跳窗逃生的10多个男人被杨保绪铿锵有力的声音震撼了。这些平时毫不起眼的男人们,在烈焰面前展示出了惊天地泣鬼神的豪迈大气,主动把生的希望让给了妇女和孩子。当时已被吓呆的侯春燕正抱着自己5岁的儿子陈圣坐在司机驾驶座后面不知所措。危急的形势让杨保绪已经顾不上疼痛,他奔过去一把抱起小陈圣,穿过火焰,把孩子从窗户递了出去,高呼一声:“外面的人把孩子接住!”没有片刻的迟疑,杨保绪又奔过去把几乎吓昏了的侯春燕拖过来,她的鼻涕、眼泪流了一脸,身体瘫软得像一滩烂泥,杨保绪拼尽全力把她扛到滚烫的车窗上,推出了车外。接着,杨保绪拼命用脚踢碎了一块窗玻璃,抱起陈秋兰就往外推。此时的陈秋兰早已被吓傻了,有气无力地说:“我怕,不敢跳……” 杨保绪大声喊道:“坚强些!不然我们都得死!”他吃力地把女友举到了车窗上,然后用力推了出去……

At 1 pm on March 1st, the passenger cars drove into Hengxian County, Guangxi. The car's engine suddenly burned and a fire rose. The passenger driver shouted loudly: "It's getting angry, hurry up! Everyone jumps at the window and escape!" The car was confused. Due to the damage to the door control system, the door could not be opened, and things that could not be smashed in the car could not find the glass. Men smashed their strengths with fists, kicking, and bumping with their feet. The window glass is too thick, one punch, two punch, three punch, four punch ... The blood flows slowly along the window glass, the glass is smashed, but Yang Baosu's hand has been stabbed to be blurred. Surprisingly! At this time, I only heard Yang Baoxu shout: "The guys in the car let women and children jump first!", More than 10 men who were preparing to jump to escape were shocked by Yang Baosu's strong voice. These inconspicuous men showed the heroic atmosphere of weeping ghosts and gods in front of the flames, and took the initiative to make the hope of birth to women and children. Hou Chunyan, who had been scared at the time, was holding her 5 -year -old son Chen Sheng in the driver's driver's seat. The critical situation made Yang Baoxu no longer the pain. He ran over and picked up Xiao Chen Sheng, passed through the flame, handed the child out of the window, and shouted: "The people outside can catch the child!" His hesitation, Yang Baosu rushed over to drag Hou Chunyan who was almost frightened. Her nose and tears shed a face, her body was paralyzed like a pool of mud. The car was launched. Then, Yang Baoxu desperately kicked a window glass with his feet, picked up Chen Qiulan and pushed it out. At this time, Chen Qiulan was already scared, and said weakly: "I'm scared, dare not jump ..." Yang Baoxu shouted loudly, "Strong! Otherwise, we have to die!" He raised his girlfriend on the window , Then push it out hard ...


The raging carriage has almost become a hell on earth!Driven by Yang Baoxu, more than 10 men did not shrink back, endured the roasted and suffocating smoke, picked up women and children one by one, and launched the sea of death.Watching the fire spreading back, Chen Qiulan ran back and forth in the car. She shouted exhaustedly, "Baoxu, you jump out, jump soon! Why don't you jump?", Eyebrows and clothes, he has become a fire man. In the faintly hearing his girlfriend's shout, he tried to lean into the window. His one foot was across the window and was about to jump down.There was a child's cry from the car: "Mom! Mom!" The heartbreaking cry made him take back his feet and pounced into the sea of fire again.Girl, struggling to launch the children's window.However, our hero Yang Baocu was completely swallowed by the fire, falling down, disappearing in the burning sea of fire, and never stood up ...


The mountains sobbing, the Minjiang River shed tears; the hero is short, the long song is crying!History will always be carved on March 1st.


"The sea is flowing, Fang Xian's heroic character!" For a group of strangers, the ordinary Chinese veterans did not hesitate to abandon small love and practice the most broad and noble love in the world with life.In the great hero's mind, there is a pure heart like water and a strong will of steel. We believe that the hero will live forever in the fire, and the glory will always show the world.He left, walked so hurriedly, but was so firm and persistent.He was deeply shocked by the feat of his life and death, regardless of his body, self -saving and saving people, and the movement of this moment was derived from his inner quality, from the noble feelings he thought about others.Whether it is the behavior of helping others and affection in life, or the behavior of standing forward and dedicating myself when it is crisis, it is a hero's inertial reflection.


After Yang Baoxu's retirement from the army, he did a long string of good things in his hometown in half a year. He often took the initiative to help the township neighbors to solve problems and won a good reputation.Which one is difficult and urgent, as long as he says hello, he will help him enthusiastically.Seeing that someone was struggling, he would always run up to help. Every time he drove the car to the county, when there were elderly people standing in the car, he would take the initiative to make a seat to make the elderly.Take the initiative to help neighbors to cut wheat and plant seedlings.When the news of the sacrifice of heroes returned to her hometown, the father and fellows felt very sorry, and the parents of Yang Baoxu, who were sick, were sad. They felt that the sky suddenly collapsed and the surroundings were dark.The son of the dragon and live tiger left quietly. They hadn't had time to say a word to their son, and even had no time to see the last son of the son, yes!Baoxu is their only son!What kind of desolation is the white -haired man with black hair!





If the summer flowers are gorgeous, the death of the autumn leaves is exquisite.When Yang Baoxu is the most vigorous in life, and the flower of love has not yet gorgeous, in order to save the lives of others, he left frankly and presented his precious life of only 24 years old.The tragic scene will forever the history of the history, and his heroic heroic spirit will stay in people's hearts.Nowadays, the heroes of the martyrs are getting drifting away, and we are glad to see more good men like Yang Baosu in the construction of a harmonious and safe society today.They are all the pride of shooting Hong people, and they are the examples of our learning. The long river of history will also be more brilliant because of their existence.


Here, let us salute the outstanding son of the shot of Hong people, and let us bless us silently: "Heroes go all the way!".


thank you all!

thank you all!

thank you all!

thank you all!

thank you all!


In 2021, the British Model Story is the text of the newcomer speech [2]


Dear teachers, dear classmates: Hello everyone!

Hello everyone!

Hello everyone!

Hello everyone!

Hello everyone!


When you walk into a martyr's cemetery in Longhua County, Hebei, a scene will immediately show his eyes -he is wearing a military uniform, holding his head, a high -handed explosive bag, holding the fuse of his right hand, and the heroic and fearlessness., Qi Zhuangshan and Rivers ... He is only 19 years old, and Dong Cunrui, a national fighting hero and a model Communist Party member.


Today, let us return to the battlefield on May 25, 1948 under the bronze statue of the martyrs ...


That afternoon, Dong Cunrui's Liu Lian was launched the second overall attack against Longhua Middle School.Suddenly, the enemy's machine gun swept over like a rainstorm, pressed the soldiers under a soil slope, and could not lift the head.It turned out that this was the six fire tongue sprayed on a bridge across the dry river in the northeast corner of Longhua Middle School.The cunning enemy fixed a dark castle that pretended to be very clever on the bridge and stopped our army charge.At this time, Dong Cunrui and his comrades asked the company commander to fight, asking the bridge -shaped dark castle.But the blasting hands returned without success.Dong Cunrui saw his comrades' casualties and stepped forward again."You have completed the blasting task several times ..." It is not tolerance to the deputy company commander, Dong Cunrui rushed to say, "I am a Communist Party member, my task is not just a few bunkers.What about completing the task? "The deputy company commander and the instructor discussed it and said to Dong Cunrui:" Okay, you go, you must pay attention to the hidden. "Dong Cunrui said with his fist tightly," Rest assured, don't come back if you don't complete the task! "

董存瑞挟起炸药包,弯着腰冲了出去。桥型暗堡里,敌人的机枪越打越紧,子弹带着尖利的啸声,从他耳边掠过。但董存瑞沉着机智,仍在忽左忽右地爬着。敌人的机枪打紧了,他就伏下不动。敌人的机枪稍一停,他就飞似的向前跃进几米。突然,敌人的机枪又集中朝他打过来,他的腿受了伤,鲜血直流。但他仍抱着炸药包猛冲到桥下。这桥离地面有一人多高,两旁是砖石砌的,没沟、没棱,哪儿也没有安放炸药包的地方。如果把炸药包放在河床上,又炸不着暗堡,河床上又找不到任何东西代替火 药支架。怎么办?董存瑞急得直攥拳头。

Dong Cunrui picked up an explosive bag and bent his waist and rushed out.In the bridge -shaped fortress, the enemy's machine gun was tighter and tighter, and the bullets passed through his ears with sharp roar.But Dong Cunrui was calm and clever, still crawling left and right.When the enemy's machine gun was tightened, he remained motionless.With a short stop of the enemy's machine gun, he leaped forward for a few meters.Suddenly, the enemy's machine gun concentrated at him again. His legs were injured and blood was flowing.But he still rushed to the bridge with an explosive bag.There is a tall person from the ground. The brick and stone on both sides are made of masonry. There is no ditch, no edges, and there is no place where the explosive bag is placed.If the explosives are placed on the riverbed, the dark castle cannot be fried, and nothing can be found instead of thermal stent on the river bed.How to do?Dong Cunrui was anxious to pinch his fist.


At this time, there was a bright charge sound behind him, and the total attack time was.A large number of troops came up like a tide.The bricks on the bridge -shaped bunker were pushed away, and the bullet shot towards the assault forces like a rushing rain.Dong Cunrui looked up at the top of the bridge, and looked at the comrades who fell behind him.No, you must blow up the dark castle immediately, otherwise more comrades will fall down, which will also affect the entire battle.Thinking of this, Dong Cunrui resolutely leaned his body to the left, standing in the center of the bridge, holding up an explosive bag in his left hand, and closely sticking to the bridge -shaped dark castle.sculpture.Just listening to Dong Cunrui shouting loudly: "For the New China, rush!" Suddenly, a loud noise, the ground shook the mountain.The enemy's bridge -shaped fort was blown up.


At this time, a sound sounded in my ear: "Why is the battle flag beautiful and the hero's blood is red. Why the earth spring is often, and the hero's life is flowing." The singing echoed over the cemetery, and it was also lingering.In the hearts of each of us.


thank you all!

thank you all!

thank you all!

thank you all!

thank you all!


In 2021, the British Model Story is the text of the newcomer speech [3]


Hello everyone!

Hello everyone!

Hello everyone!

Hello everyone!

学习英模事迹,争做严格执法、依法办事的表率。坚持严格执法、依法办事是公平正义理念对行政机关及干警提出的最基本的要求。公安干警在执法活动中,要努力做到出于公心、维护公益;摒除邪 恶、弘扬正气;克服己欲、排除私利;态度公允、不偏不倚。坚持严格依法办事,自觉做严格执法、依法办事的表率。要切实做到在法律允许的范围内活动,决不做违反法律法规的事情。处理人民内部要坚持严格依法办事,按政策办事,改进方式方法,既依法维护群众正当权益,又依法维护社会安定团结。要充分发挥公安调解工作职能,畅通信息渠道,依法及时合理地调处群众反映的问题。对人民内部矛盾中遇到的新情况、新问题,要注意从法律角度去观察和思考,善于运用法律手段去调查和解决。对可能由人民内部矛盾引发的群体性事件,做到预警在先,苗头问题早发现;教育在先,重点对象早转化;调解在先,矛盾纠纷早处理;控制在先,敏感时期早防范。

Learn the British model, and strive to do the example of strict law enforcement and work in accordance with the law. Adhering to strict law enforcement and working in accordance with the law are the most basic requirements put forward by the concept of fairness and justice to administrative organs and police officers. In law enforcement activities, the police officers must strive to achieve public minds and maintain public welfare; eliminate evil, promote righteousness; overcome their desires and eliminate private interests; fair attitude and impartiality. Adhere to strictly in accordance with the law, consciously do the example of strict law enforcement, and do things in accordance with the law. It is necessary to effectively move within the scope permitted by law and never do things that violate laws and regulations. To deal with the people within the people, we must adhere to the law strictly in accordance with the law, do things in accordance with the policies, improve the methods and methods, not only safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the masses in accordance with the law, but also maintain social stability and unity in accordance with the law. It is necessary to give full play to the functions of public security mediation, unblocking information channels, and timely and reasonably regulating issues reflected by the masses in accordance with the law. For new situations and problems encountered in the people's internal contradictions, we must pay attention to observing and thinking from a legal perspective, and be good at using legal means to investigate and resolve. For group incidents that may be caused by the internal contradictions of the people, early warning is to be warned first, and the problem of signs is found early; education is first, key targets are transformed early; mediation is first, contradictions and disputes are processed early;


Learn the British model, and strive for the example of civilized law enforcement and law enforcement for the people.The police officers must firmly establish a consciousness of civilized law enforcement and law enforcement as the people, and always achieve love, the people, the people, the people, and the people.Civilized law enforcement is to have sincere and deep feelings for the people.This requires that when the public security police are dealing with the people's problems, they must stand on the standpoint of the people, and use the simple and noble ideological feelings and spiritual character infections to transform themselves with the people of the people, so that they are connected to the people and connected to the grassroots.Setting on the place for the people to think about the people, do everything possible to solve problems for the people, and really solve practical problems and difficulties for the people, streamline emotions as much as possible, and resolve contradictions.


Learn the British model, and strive to be based on the position and serve the overall situation.As a police officer, the public security police should pay attention to the following three relationships in the work: First, the relationship between the overall situation of service and strict performance in accordance with the law is properly handled.The second is to properly handle the relationship between protecting human rights, protecting the legitimate rights and interests of the parties, and maintaining social stability.The third is to properly handle the relationship between local interests and global interests.As a police officer, only by dealing with the above relationship correctly can we guarantee that at any time and under any conditions, they will not shake the socialist political direction, better fulfill their duties, and make positive contributions to promoting the harmony and stability of society.


Learning the British model must also carry forward the spirit of dedication.Without the spirit of dedication, there is no quality that public security police should have.To carry forward the dedication spirit, you must endure hardships, enjoy the rejection of shame, and forge ahead; to carry forward the dedication spirit, you must put the problem of the relationship between the people's vital interests of the people, effectively maintain national security and social stability, guarantee the guarantee, guaranteeThe people live and work in peace.


The purpose of promoting development.


thank you all!

thank you all!

thank you all!

thank you all!

thank you all!


In 2021, the British Model Story is the text of the newcomer speech [4]


Hello everyone!

Hello everyone!

Hello everyone!

Hello everyone!


The public security team is a team with a glorious tradition and excellent style, and it is also a heroic and righteous team.The national public security organs adhere to the center and serve the overall situation, comprehensively promote the reform of public security, and make outstanding contributions to maintaining national security and social stability.The public security team keeps in mind the mission and faithfully performs their duties, and a large number of hero models have emerged.Some of them are rushing to combat crimes and protect the people, and some are not afraid of fatigue and fighting continuously in major security tasks.Be a good "screw".They used hard sweat and even precious blood and life, in exchange for the peace and happiness of the people of the people, to build an indestructible copper wall and iron wall for national security, public safety, and people's life and property.In the test, the spirit of the public security model that can be sang and crying.


"The world has righteousness, and it is a flowing shape."If a society is full of energy, the nation will endure, and the country will develop.The spirit of the Public Security Model built with loyalty. They are loyal to the cause of the party and the people, and they always use the impartial law enforcement to defend the interests of the people and legal dignity.The spirit of the Public Security Model is supported by the spirit of the British model. In the peaceful age, they sacrificed the most and dedicated. There were almost no holidays, rest days, and often bleeding, sacrificing, and dedicating their duties with stubborn hard work and selfless dedication.The spirit of the Public Security Model is heroic. They faced danger to go to the fire to the fire, showing their fearlessness and indestructible justice.The loyalty, beliefs, spirit, and heroic spirit reflected in the public security hero model is a true portrayal of the great spirit of the Chinese nation and an important part of the spiritual building of the Chinese nation.


At present, our party is united to lead the people of all ethnic groups across the country to achieve the Chinese dream of achieving the goal of "two hundred years" and the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.The great cause requires a great Chinese spirit, and the great journey requires great Chinese power.Public security and English models are not only the learning model of the national public security system, but also the heroic model advocated by the whole society; the spirit of the Public Security British model is not only the valuable wealth of the national public security team, but also a powerful driving force for the people of the country to forge ahead.


thank you all!

thank you all!

thank you all!

thank you all!

thank you all!


In 2021, I learned the British Model Story as a newcomer speech by the Time [5]


Dear leaders, teachers, dear classmates:


Hello everyone!

Hello everyone!

Hello everyone!

Hello everyone!






Ge Zhenlin was born in Xiyu Village, Party Urban and Rural Village, Quyang County, Hebei Province.He participated in the revolution in May 1937, joined the party in February 1940, and participated in western Hunan bandits and anti -US aid North Korea.After retiring, he has always lived in the Hengyang Police District Ganxu and Suddenly in his old age.


After retiring, Ge Lao still exerted the heat and served as off -campus counselors of more than 10 primary and secondary schools in the resident. He often went to school to tell the children stories, tell tradition, and talk about ideals.He also went to Beijing, Hebei, Henan, Hubei, Hubei, Guangdong, Guangxi and including more than 10 provinces (regions) forces, agencies, schools, and plants and mines.




After the news of Ge Lao's illness came out, all sectors of society paid deep attention.Xu Minghua, Secretary of the Hengyang Municipal Party Committee, He Renyu, mayor, Du Zhaoqing, commander of Hengyang Police District, and Xu Jinchi, the political commissar, rushed to the hospital to visit.After the death of Ge Lao, the local people presented wreaths and went to the funeral home to mourn.


thank you all!

thank you all!

thank you all!

thank you all!

thank you all!