
时间:2022-09-22 13:23:11 | 来源:语文通



《肖申克的救赎》观后感 篇1《肖申克的救赎》观后感 篇2肖申克的救赎的观后感 篇3《肖申克的救赎》观后感 篇4肖申克的救赎观后感 篇5肖申克的救赎观后感 篇6《肖申克的救赎》观后感 篇7肖申克的救赎观后感 篇8肖申克的救赎观后感900字 篇9肖申克的救赎观后感 篇10

《肖申克的救赎》观后感 篇1


The teacher did not let us idle during the holidays, and also recommended a movie "Shawshank's Redemption".


What to redeem you?


This film tells the story of Andy's injustice, obtaining a hammer and poster from Ryde, and helping the prison to evade taxes and laundering money, but finally retreat perfectly.


At the end, what shocked me the most was that Andy continued to live as his fictional identity in prison, and also got the $ 370,000 of Dian Prison's corruption.Ryde did not commit suicide as desperate and lonely like Brook.He went to Zhiwarinio to find Andy, and since then the two friends live with each other.


When watching a movie, there were some places that made me very puzzled: Why did Dian Prison knew that Andy was innocent, but did not help him overwhelm the case?Why let him stay in prison?


"The soul of the cowardly imprisonment, hoping to make you feel freedom, the strong self -rescue, and the saints cross the person." This is my favorite sentence.Obizing all orders unconditionally. Without your own thoughts, you will only make you numb, make you lose yourself, and make you a puppet without a soul.But if a person has a strong belief in his heart and has a strong belief, he will work hard in that direction.


"Some birds are destined not to be locked in the cage, because each of their feathers are rich, and they are shining with freedom."


What to redeem you?永不言弃,渡人渡己。

What to redeem you?Never abandon, crossing people.

《肖申克的救赎》观后感 篇2


Recently, I watched "Shawshank's Redemption" twice.The film describes the story of a banker Andy who was injustice because of the misjudgment of his wife and his lover because of his misjudgment of his wife and his lover.As a prisoner, Andy, unlike most prisoners, he had an escape heart since he entered the prison. It took less than 20 years to cut it back in the wall of the prison.A hole leading to the outside world.This film about freedom, redemption, and hope has gained the spirit of freedom in the seemingly unavailable adversity.


After watching this movie, I wondered how Andy became a great escape person and became a model for individual self -help.I tried to find a breakthrough from the following aspects:


1. About talent


Andy is a banker. He won the reward of prison guards with his financial and wealth management skills to help prison police avoid tax avoidance, so as to strive for the refreshing beer to drink beer on the roof."Roof" is a very poetic place. For those prison friends, they get beer that are usually difficult to get, and drink on the roof. It undoubtedly get a freedom in spiritual, physically and mentally comfortable.With his own talents, Andy brought beer to prison friends, and brought unusual feelings to prisoners, and only had the respect of prisoners.


Andy's proficiency in finance has been favored by the chief of the prison, and has been laundry. While helping the prison laundering, he was appreciated by the chief of the prison.And reputation.


The talent of talent allows yourself to be different, so that you have the opportunity to be appreciated by others to get the respect of others.


2. About hope


People should live in hope.From the beginning, Andy had the escape heart. First, he asked Ryde to help him get the mallet, and then got the poster of the actress who hidden the hole.From the perspective of Ryde at the time, he didn't know what he was doing, and even mocked "you won't use it to cut the hole and escape."However, this is nothing impossible to Andy.Since he entered the prison, his heart began to escape.


Three, about freedom


"There is a kind of bird that can't be turned off, because every feather of its feathers flashs the glory of freedom." A person who loves freedom and happiness, a person who treats his life as a long future, should always keep a kind ofThe spirit of "unable to close", for that free spring, in the adversity of life, brave red apricots come out of the wall, care for self -realization, and chase your own destiny.Brave people should not see sin.

肖申克的救赎的观后感 篇3


When I finished watching "Shawshank's Redemption", I realized all this. Life in prison is definitely not fun at all, and it is even more difficult to find hope in despair.People always say not to fight against fate, but when Andy defeated fate, we can also say that this victory is exactly part of the fate.


"Shawshank's Redemption" is a classic shot in 1994. The story takes place in 1947. It is about a banker Andy because his wife has an extramarital affairs.The life imprisonment means that he will spend the rest of his life in Shawshank prison.The film uses the prison to lose freedom and highly emphasizes the special background of discipline to show the fear of the passage of time and environmental transformation as an individual.


The so -called redemption is not Andy itself, because he not only saved himself, but also saved his prison friends.Facing the saving of prison friends reflected in the spiritual salvation, he made Ryde understand the value of pursuit of freedom and hope. These two people came together when Andy really gained redemption.


The whole movie is acting around three times.The first Andy helped the prison guards to evade taxes and won three bottles of beer per person for prisoners; the second time, he played the "Fergaro Wedding" on the warning list to show the beauty of music; the third time was in prisonThe library was set up, and its funding was applied to the governor with two letters every week. This was an epoch -making victory.


Later, a young prisoner who reversed Qiankun appeared. He knew about the true murderer of the case committed by Andy, but unfortunately, the young man was killed.At this time, Ryde thought Andy would choose to commit suicide among me. On the contrary, people who really want to get freedom will choose another way and one way to freedom.Real fierce freedom should also be one of the main themes of the film.


Andy once said to the young man, "People, either busy or busy to die." The different situations of life lies in people's choices, sometimes death, sometimes they continue to survive, in person, in person, in personWhat will you choose when you are desperate, death or survival?A person can live in a painful prison and does not give up his longing for freedom, so he succeeds and has gained freedom.


In fact, knowing itself is a product of systemicization of social systems in view of the society. It is hope in our hearts, giving up hope, life is dark, and no humanistic hope is the source of pain.I remember in the book "Who Moves My Cheese": Overcoming your inner fear, change yourself, and release yourself.


At the end, I want to tell you that I hope it is a good thing, maybe it is a thing in the world, and good things will never pass.

《肖申克的救赎》观后感 篇4


"Essence of faith, give me a cheap life."


When the prison chief slowly spit out this sentence in a gentle and monotonous tone, the fate of these prisoners seemed to be doomed.The meaning of trying to figure out the chief of the Dian prison seems to be supported by the faith, but he relentlessly accepted the original life after another. Over time, they could not master their lives.I forgot what the faith is.In the prison, life is described in one minute and one minute, and it passes by every minute. The prisoners seem to feel it, but they are gradually used to the passage of such a passage.Sometimes it is a terrible thing, which will destroy all your hope and let you hopeless in numbness in numbness.


Shawshank prison is such a place.


Andy Duverly was not guilty, but was in prison because of the fact that he could not find out.He did not belong to it here, but in the first night of prison, he didn't say a word, as if he had disappeared.This is very panicked. People who have no hope have lost their lives, but he is obviously a talented banker. Will he accept such a fact after again and again?


"Friends, I tell you that hope is dangerous, I hope to crazy people, hope is useless, you'd better confess."


From the beginning of being laughed at with the newcomers to the newcomers, to the entanglement of the three people of Bao Geis, there may be many moments, Andy is really desperate.He may have breeded hatred, and may have thought about self -violence, but these moods have gradually transformed into his desire for new life, enthusiasm for life, and longing for freedom.These supported him to endure, waiting for a day of suffering.In the dark prison, Andy may be one of the few people who still have hope, and even the people around him are persuading him to give up.Hope.


But he was stubborn with this hopeless hope.


I have to mention a person here -Lao Bu.Lao Bu has lived in prison for 50 years. For him, prison is an irreplaceable place.He has long been used to this, and is used to such a life.Therefore, after the release of the prison, in the face of a colorful world, people who lived in black and white have chosen to commit suicide.For Lao Bu, release of prison is equivalent to disaster, because his life can not be accommodated in his life, and his institutionalization has imprisoned his life, but Andy is different.The hope of freedom makes him urgently seek every opportunity to taste freedom.Helping the guards to get beer, Andy enjoyed the feeling of short but beautiful freedom; opened the long played song, lying on the chair leisurely; regaining your hobbies, and polishing the chess pieces with snow flower cream and soapstone in leisure.At the same time, he also used his talents, and actively asked for allocation to purchase new books.This matter is all reflected, Andy has the most terrible thing in Shawshank prison -hope.


"Chiwa Tanio, a small place in Mexico, the Pacific Ocean."


"I want to spend the rest of my life without recalling it. Open a small hotel by the sea, buy a new broken ship to build a new, carry passengers to the sea, and to fish for the sea."


"You are also promising there."


"I can't eat it outside. I spend my whole life in Shawshank. I have become institutionalized, just like an old cloth."




"My wife and her lover were not killed by me. I made a mistake I made. A hotel, a leaf flat boat, this requirement is not excessive."


"You shouldn't have this delusion, it is completely idiotic dream."


"Anyway, people only need to choose one, busy, or busy."


From the dialogue between Andy and Ryde, we can see that the two are hopeful and hopeless.Andy's fantasy in the future, the hope of life that is completely different from the prison proves that he is a "busy life" person, and he will not give up himself in Shawshank.In contrast, he had failed to apply for parole many times, and finally broke his thoughts and got a conclusion that he hoped to useless.He denied Andy's fantasy, and it was likely that he had thought like Andy at the beginning of his prison, but with the passage of time, he gave up and became a ""People who are busy to die.Of course, it is also possible that Andy always holds his own innocence, and Ryde is really sinned and has less peace of mind than Andy.


Some of the darkness of Shawshank Prison came from the chief of Dian Prison.He looked at it, but asked Andy to help the black account.After the ledger was put on the hanging painting with the embroidery of the "Lord's Judgment", it was extremely ironic.He asked someone to shoot Tommy, who knew the truth, and watched him fall to the ground.He said the Bible in his mouth, but did something against morality.This is also one of the sources of Andy's pain.


But Andy succeeded.He spent twenty years and opened a way to hope with a small crane mouth pliers.When it was difficult to crawl in the sewer, the dirty pipeline sent it to freedom.Andy knocked down the prison commander, and reached the sea that he once dreamed of.


"There is a big dried field in Baxston, which has a long stone wall and a large oak tree at the northern end.


"There is a strange stone under the oak trees, black volcanic glass, and things are buried underneath for you."


The oak tree symbolizes Andy's beautiful life, and he proposes to his wife under the tree.Today, his agreement with Ryde rescued him on the edge of the collapse after the parole of Ryde, so that he did not embark on the road of old cloth.


"I have prepared a chessboard waiting for you. Remember, hope is a good thing. Maybe the world is good, and the good things will never pass away."


Andy's letter to Ryde is the key to Ryde regaining hope.After Andy experienced all kinds of despair, he still believed in the perfection of the world and retained the good quality of his heart.And Ryde and Lao Bu stayed at the same transit station, and finally walked to different paths."Ryde has also been here." His ending was beautiful.At the end of the play, his series of "hope" showed his life again.


"Shawshank's Redemption" tells a story about hopeless and hope.Some people are struggling in hope, some people are struggling with hope, others are busy alive, and others are busy to die.The protagonist Andy is a person who is looking for hope in hopes and will bring hope to others.In any case, Andy earns vitality in despair, and the spirit of adherence to hope supports countless people.Perhaps at a seaside of Hancockburg, Texas, a small hotel stands a small hotel with simple decoration and entertaining guests.Under the blue sky and white clouds, the boundless golden beaches are connected to the boundless blue sea. At the junction of the fine waves to the junction of the beach, there is a shabby boat, and someone has a thin scrubbing and polishing.After the work, the two sat on the ground and put a chessboard.Snow paste and soap stone polished the chess pieces slightly glowing, making a crisp sound on the chessboard.Haitian is the front line, to beauty to fantasy.Perhaps this is the redemption that the hopeless hopes brought to them.

肖申克的救赎观后感 篇5


Everyone has an upward heart, but in the life of practice, sinking seems inevitable. Why is this? Because we live in the world and have too much constraints. We all want to live for ourselves, but they are often unable to get it. The norms must be followed, the rules of the game must be observed, the responsibilities must be done, and they must also work hard to achieve achievement (in this era of poor, achievement is just synonymous with money. To get more amounts of money, this has actually become a common evaluation method). Everyone consciously came to their lives according to the eyes of others, measuring themselves with the consciousness of others, and forgot their own nature and inner demands. If you can't do what this society is required, you don't need to ask other people, and you will feel a crime. This unreasonable guilt makes people consciously identify with social rules and evaluates others. For those who are accustomed to following the rules, there will never be a day of freedom, because the society of the power has never lacked rules, and it is more and more. If the follower is suddenly free, he will never be happy. He will feel free to be a huge restraint for him. It is like the old book administrator in "Shawshank's Redemption". Without being responsible), once the true `is free, he cannot adapt, and he does not know what to do.


This is just an extreme, but the vast majority of us are alive? Survival is everything, and living is everything. We seem to have lived in a scam and lies that stretch for thousands of years, to work, reproduce, patience, sacrifice, and then die, and never enjoy the joy of life. People have become a tool for survival and become a low -cost means for survival to continue themselves. For most of us, existence is not for individual existence, but a symbolic collective existence. We were drowned in the flow of people and lost our own path. This era should have ended (in this era, we endure, endured repeatedly, and even made a kind of adaptation -this gives us comfort and confidence, and adapts to continue to achieve a habit -this is even more given to it. Our huge survival strategy is always easy to adapt to habits, not to mention that the habit itself seems to have a self -evident rationality, and the habit will continue to be alienated to tradition -not only provides us with emotion and dignity, but also Give us proud capital and the roots of living. In the end, to endure the strong desire for our despicable survival, it has become a beautiful thing), although it has not ended until today.

应该培养起一种对自由的普遍热爱和渴求,否则,我们就注定要一再的被延宕,离地狱越近就是越远离天堂。虽然自由比奴役更美好,但也意味着更冒险:承载更多的牺牲,责任和人道的良知。但坚持的人总是迟早要得道的人,也许道路本身就不会是一马平川。否则,就肯定不是达至自我成就的道路,而是人生的陷阱。在风雨中历经磨练和考验,去真切的体会和经验,花朵才会在春天的原野自在的,欣喜的开放。人啊,生和死都那么偶然,存在是如此寒冷,我们是如此孤独和脆弱,你有什么理由不好好的活着,*作文迷 www..cn*作为自己,只为自我的实现和喜悦而活着。

We should cultivate a general love and thirst for freedom. Otherwise, we are destined to be delayed repeatedly. The closer to hell is, the more away from heaven.Although freedom is better than slavery, it also means more adventure: carry more sacrifice, responsibility and humanity conscience.But the person who persists will always be the person who will get the way, maybe the road itself will not be a Ma Pingchuan.Otherwise, it is definitely not the path to self -achievement, but the trap of life.After tempering and testing in the wind and rain, and going to real experience and experience, the flowers will be free and open in spring.People, life and death are so accidental, the existence is so cold, we are so lonely and fragile, what reason do you have any reason to live well,*composition fans www..cn*as ourselves, only for the realization and joy of ourselvesLive.

肖申克的救赎观后感 篇6


Someone once said: The charm of classic works is that it is not a dream, but to break your daydream.However, people are very strange creatures. When the facts that were afraid of being frightened showed their original faces, they could defeat themselves and gain spiritual freedom.It is true that a paper judgment in the court becomes Andy?Dufuren's decision in the second half of his life.Even though they treated the murderer Andy, all of them seemed so normal; more than, the people almost decided: the prison guards standing next to the criminals were justice of justice, and the fierce criminals were martial arts in the same kind.Therefore, with the default and support of society, Shark Castle Prison is a ban on human rights that cannot be involved in human rights.The freedom jailer is a God who controls everything. The criminal is a beggar and freedom is a gift that can never be satisfied.Obviously, Andy?Dufuren is a different type.


Walking in the square of the wind, his footsteps were leisurely like in his back garden; under the coolness of the eaves, he looked like he was repairing his own roof; listening to "Fergaro's Wedding" flying freely like birds freely.


I saw another world in full bloom in Andy: towards the sun, and it was serene.Even if he was in the darkest jail, he could not cause the slightest damage to his love of life, so he never gave up to benefit from the people around him: the library was established, Ruide picked up the long -standing piano, prisoners got the prisoners who got the prisoners who got the prisoners who got the prisoners.Middle school diploma ... Andy is like fish.Although all this has to be paid by others to the head of the prison, what is it, as he said: even if it is locked in a bird cage, you must work hard to fly.


However, the parole of Lao Bu obviously brings a result of surprise and shocking everyone, and this seems to be reasonable, as Lao Bu sees: the whole world is busy in a group -busy life or busy death; compared to death; compared to death; compared to death; compared to death; compared to death; compared to death; compared to death; compared to death; compared to death; compared to death; compared to death; compared to death; compared to death; compared to death; compared to death; compared to death; compared to death; compared to death; compared to death; compared to death; compared to death; compared to death; compared to death; compared to death; compared to death; compared to death; compared to death; compared to death; compared to death; compared to death; compared to death; compared to death; compared to death; compared to death; compared to death; compare The life in prison is simple and relaxed. After the hypothesis of Ryde also encountered a similar situation, the kind of confusion of facing the strange world at the beginning of his prison, the panic that was not known where he was in the middle of the night made them crazy again. This time, they were not for any fame and fortune. It is to return to the prison. Perhaps comparison, there is a sense of security there, as Ryde said: "Prison is a strange place. When you first come in, you will hate it, and then adapt to it until you can't leave it." Andy seemed stubbornly surprising. Twenty years did not consume his desire for freedom, and when he lived a relaxed and free life, no one would think that he did not give up the idea of ​​returning to freedom. In particular, when I learned that I was indeed innocent and could not be exempted from justice, I was eager to hit the heart through a narrow channel. Even if the imprisonment of several months makes people desperate, the relaxation of the guilt of his wife is enough to rekindle the hope. We can't realize that when Andy climbed a long and odorous pipeline, the upcoming firm belief and irresistible pleasure, but at least seeing the mood of Haili and the prison chief was the same. Even if it is difficult for us to have a sense of victory in justice, life does not seem to be so straightforward and simple, just like the film itself, but at least I see me here. When I heard Andy's helplessness and heartache that was betrayed in the past, I got a little bit of the power of life. It is true that the dream -like blue Pacific gave us too much aftertaste and association. But it seems irrelevant, just because of the movement and courage how to drive it.


It can be said that the production of the film is definitely not gorgeous, but the tone of the third person's statement makes it easy to accept. Especially the identity of the onlookers makes the audience unable to directly spy on Andy's inner world and cannot judge his next actions. His acting requirements are also high but also make the film even more mysterious and attractive; Ruide has stayed in prison for more than forty years and has seen many prisons: it is large or small, but with Andy's story is more profound. In particular, the words of his third parole assessment make people's eyes shine. It can be said that this role is essential to complement Andy; at the same time, the portrayal of other characters of the film also fully shows the film's intentions: irritability and anger are irritable and angry. Haili, brutal greedy prison chiefs, sad and paranoid old cloth ... Although each plot involving them is not long, it is also profound. What is even more impressive is that it is also very interesting to throw the film of the beauty; and when the most impact I affect me, he uses a deep and sad atmosphere to tell a hero history that should have been ups and downs, mature editing, and mature bonding. Tips highlight the true feelings that make people feel moving, which may be a simple but profound truth: there are not so many popular heroes in life. Everyone should learn to be responsible for themselves and live seriously. Release the true temperament towards the sun.

《肖申克的救赎》观后感 篇7


Twenty years of long journey, five hundred yards of stubborn life, a soul redemption, has created an immortal work.


The gray high wall is separated from another world of human beings. The highly emphasized discipline tied people's body and thoughts. The prison brings people terrifyingly is not discipline and restraint, but in this high -intensity environment. Even the conquest brought by physiology is like old cloth, like Ryde. The kind old cloth was afraid of leaving the prison because of the fact that he made a mistake in prison to resist the parole. After walking out of the iron door of the prison, he chose to end his life in a way of suicide. It seems unreasonable to us now, but this happens in that environment. Ruide is similar to Lao Bu. In daily life, it is impossible to go to the bathroom without reporting. Ryde himself said: "The high wall of the prison is really interesting. When you first jailed You are accustomed to living in it, and in the end you will find that you have to rely on it to survive. This is institutionalization -there is your own status in prison, your own organization, and the wind and rain in prisons. Once the magical power is vast, you will leave. Once you leave, you leave. Once you leave, you leave. Once you leave, you leave. The prison has become a humble dust.


The power of habit is really terrible. He is like a devil with a warm old man. It is accompanied by time. In the long years, the passion of hope is exhausted, leaving only empty despair and numbness.He even told Andy that there was hope to be dangerous, and he hoped to murmorate people.


The so -called redemption does not only refer to Andy itself. He not only saved himself, but also saved others, so that Rude understood the value of pursuit of freedom and hope.This is the so -called strong self -rescue.In the past 20 years, Andy has tried his best to maintain everything he should keep.In order to fight for better treatment, he helped the jailer to evade taxes or even help the Dian Prison to wash money.He persisted to fight for human rights for the prisoners, and he really built a library in the dark unsighting prison.When he was brutally rejected, he was rolled into the torrent of money. He did not hesitate to kill the young prisoner to leave Andy on Shawshank forever.This brutal move finally gave Andy to give up the freedom to re -through the legal practice line.


At the night when the heavy rain poured and the lightning split the sky, under the dual washing of sewage and rain, they regained freedom with a proud gesture.There will be shadows with sunlight, but the shadow cannot cover the sun.In the arrangement of the storyline, although the darkness arrived, just a few days before Andy's jailbreak, Ryde even worried about Andy would commit suicide, but he did not. In the end, the ray of hope in the darkness passed through many obstacles.Reflection of colorful color.


The most touching thing in the whole story is that Andy's persistence and longing for freedom and hope, no matter what circumstances he did not give up his belief in hope.The power of this spirit deeply shocked me. He made me understand that in the real life, even if the darkness enveloped everything, he had to take it as a lighting light, and went brave and strong.

肖申克的救赎观后感 篇8


After watching the movie "Shawshank's Redemption" the night before, I felt very deeply that my writing was not good.


The entire movie is performed in the monologue of Red. I like this monologue very much.After everything has happened, the transit has moved, and in a very calm tone, it is like telling the story of someone else. All the passage has nothing to do with itself.It is nothing to do with it at all.Only those who have experienced big right and wrong can do this.His voice is so wise and penetrating.


No matter what level, I believe that there will be passers -by who is often not desperate in reality, but the despair of dying in your heart. If you are imprisoned by life in life, you have felt paralyzed in life. Life is like a prison.Hope life will institutionalize you or even make you really unable to leave it, let you escape, let you forget to jump out of a small life prison, so that you will never see the free world outside.

一个坚强的人只能够拯救自己,只有一个伟大的人才能够拯救其他人,观后感《第一次《肖申克的救赎》观后感作文》。毫无疑问ANDY是坚强的,所以他拯救了自己,完成了对自己的救赎并开始了新的生活,而同样毫无疑问的是他也是伟大的,所以他也拯救了RED,没有让RED步老布的后尘。在这个世界上,每个人都在忙碌着,就像老布说的Get busy living, or get busy dying。 老布是可悲的,他选择了后者。RED是幸运的,ANDY让他选择了前者。然而更可悲的是,生活并不会在需要的时候给予我们选择的机会,就像老布,他无从选择。想到这的时候我就会感到很庆幸,庆幸自己不用去做这样的选择,庆幸自己还在碌碌无为的活着。

A strong person can only save himself, and only one great person can save others. After watching the "First" Equipment of Shawshank's Redemption ".There is no doubt that Andy is strong, so he saved himself, completed the redemption of himself and started a new life. It was also no doubt that he was also great, so he also saved the Red and did not let the red step step.The old cloth of the old cloth.In this world, everyone is busy, just like Get Busy Living, Old Busy Dying, which is Lao Bu said.Lao Bu was sad, he chose the latter.Red is lucky, and Andy asked him to choose the former.However, it is even more sad that life will not give us the opportunity to choose when needed, just like the old cloth, he cannot choose.When I think of this, I will be very fortunate. I am fortunate that I do n’t have to make such a choice, and I am fortunate to be alive.


This is my feeling, and I also long for the calmness, self -confidence, wisdom and courage to have freedom.

肖申克的救赎观后感900字 篇9


Recently I watched a good movie called "Shawshank's Redemption".I feel a lot.The film tells the story of a banker named Andy because of the pollution, innocently being imprisoned, and planning the story of successful jailbreak for 20 years.Shawshank is the name of the prison.Hope and freedom are important clues that run through the entire film.It is the belief of hope and freedom that a prisoner has the ability to be determined to achieve self -salvation.


After Andy became a prisoner, did he lose his freedom? I think it is not. At least he would summon freedom from time to time. On the balcony, the sun was scattered on his and his friends's shoulders; he let the music fly all over Shawshank, and even the most unintentional corner, telling every unwilling body, listening, this is freedom. He wrote a free legend in six years-that is his library that he reunited with one hand. Everyone who is not free in it has at least one freedom to read. As the film said that there is a kind of bird that cannot be turned off, because its wings are too dazzling. Yes, Andy is such a bird. Freedom is wings, a bird who never loses wings, how can he be bent under the railing, after all, the birds fly. Andy dug out the wings of the bird with a knife for twenty years, remembering that the night was thunderous. What is the length of the sewer in the length of 50 football fields? What about the stench of the whole body, a person's outside is a skin, not to mention just dirty prison clothes. Just like the butterflies of the cocoon, when Andy drilled out of the sewer, God gave him the wings he longed for a long time. These wings were no longer virtuous, and it was true like hands and feet. Let's shout, Andy, call, Andy, let the rain flush away all the stench that 伏 伏. Cry, Andy, I think, just as the electric flashes in the sky flashed, tears fell with the rain.


One person wants to have freedom because of hope.When he wants to occupy a person's heart, he will think of "I need freedom."After all, freedom has a kind of charm, it can touch hope.Ryde seems to understand this best. At least he knows that he hopes to be a good thing in Shawshank, which will make people crazy.He learned to forget his hope and told Andy that he would not be delusional.Shawshank's copper wall iron wall is enough to make everything hopes to be a joke.Lao Bu, a parole, a free person who loses hope.When he couldn't find the meaning of survival, he chose to die.Death liberation is not hindered by others.Life and death are meaningless to yourself. What is worth it for others?Lao Bu, a parole, an old man.The same destiny seems to come to Ryde. However, a letter of Andy, a few banknotes, filled with Ryde's hope gap.In the room where the old cloth died, Ryde raised his luggage and started.To see if the sea of the Pacific Ocean is blue, as he wants.


Andy is great. A person's self -rescue is a brave. While a person's self -rescue, he realizes the redemption of others. It is a saint.There is a small hotel and an old boat next to a coastal coast of Chittanyo.There is a person standing on it, Andy.Andy, see, Ryde is here, it's time to set off.

肖申克的救赎观后感 篇10


The film "Shawshank's Redemption" mainly described a banker Andy, who was imprisoned for the crime of murder, and was sent to Shawshank prison for life imprisonment.After exploiting the special background of the freedom of life and high institutionalization, the film shows the fear and helplessness brought by "passing the passage of time, environmental transformation" to pass the theme- "expectation".


The most attractive part of the film is the ubiquitous expectations and positive energy passed on the protagonist, Andy.Andy was bullied and beaten by the "three sisters", and he said nothing.Because he understands that he enters Shawshank, he is separated from the outside world permanently. You don't understand what will happen here, either busy survival or rushing to death.Obviously, he chose the former.Whether it was insulted or beaten by the "three sisters", or the evil words of others, or the barrier of the prison, he said nothing and didn't care. The light in his eyes never dissipated.


In the boring days of prison, he never lost his attitude towards life.He created the best prison library in England himself.In such a place full of institutionalization, every day, one or year -year, he is still expected.As he said — expectation is permanently, it has always been in our hearts, it is not erased by others, and it cannot be taken away; expectations are the most perfect things in the world!


Yeah, expectation is the most perfect thing!I hope that no one can erase, except for you.Either choose your heart and expectations, or you degenerate!Because of his expectations, Andy had the guts of jailbreak; because of his expectations, Andy had the idea of saving life.Because of the expectations of your heart, you can invoiced yourself!Therefore, after 20 years of perseverance, on a night of thunderous flashes and wind and rain, Andy quietly praised X from the Tunnel that could only be dug out from that Ride.Redemption!Because of his expectations, everything is expected!Because of his expectations, everything is expected!


There is a deep -haired person in the film, which makes people feel the same."Shawshank none of them are guilty." This sentence is minimal, but it is very ironic.No one was guilty, and none of the prisoners in prison were guilty. How ironic, ridiculous!Obviously innocent, but to be imprisoned; obvious innocence, but we must bear the name of the so -called "gentleman" for a lifetime; obvious innocence, but you must sit through the bottom.In such an era, people can only pin their lives and death in a person's words, or a cold approval letter.The law is not fair, and the seemingly guilty prisoners are actually innocent, and those who seem to be two -sleeved and the righteous "gentleman" are in the body of a bloody, ugly, greedy heart!


The film leaves me too much perception and sigh, how can we deal with this complicated person?I think: This world does not have to be perfect, and do not have to be fair and fair, but as long as you can live with your heart, you can feel hope and live well.As the so -called "the strong redeem himself, the sage Purdue others", with expectations, everything can be solved; the expectation is the ultimate redemption of the soul!