
时间:2022-09-22 13:23:09 | 来源:语文通


读于丹庄子有感 篇1读于丹《庄子》心得有感 篇2读于丹《庄子》心得有感 篇3读《庄子行于山中》有感 篇4读《于丹〈庄子〉心得》有感 篇5

读于丹庄子有感 篇1


"Yu Dan's" Zhuangzi "experience" always has a way to go after reading


In Dan's book, it was written like this: On the road of life, people always encounter various difficulties, some people are inherently ugly, and some people have disability.


Zhuangzi, who is good at talking about fables, borrowed one by one or a weird man with disabilities or ugly appearance to express his point of view: no matter what the situation is encountered, there is always a way in the world to go.Zhuangzi wrote a person named Zhi Lishu in the "The World".His shoulders were above his head, his head was lower below the navel, and his internal organs were squeezed on his back, or a humpback.He is like a monster.How do people like him live?It is said that he sewed clothes and washing clothes for others was enough to support himself.I wrote here without thinking: As long as people like Li Shu, as long as he eats himself, he can support himself. In the reality of our today's society, how do they live like such people?What kind of revelation will give us?


There is a boy in Wuhan called Zhouzhou. He is a child with congenital mental retardation. Everyone should have heard of it.His intelligence is equivalent to a three or four -year -old child, and he never grows up.But he has a little -known world -music world.


Whenever there is a large symphony performance, the command is in the front desk, he is in the background, and he is drunk and mysteriously.He and music seemed to have a tacit understanding beyond any knowledge.Later, he was not only a household name, but he could also stand on the international stage to participate in the competition.The story of Zhouzhou should be a miracle of life.


Zhuangzi tells us


Between heaven and earth, if a person really adapts to the form of life, then first accept these regrets and disability, don't be wronged, don't be more vigorous, but want to make him better.And those who seem to be weird and even horrible, their hearts have a great realm, which is not comparable to us.After reading Zhuangzi's article, I thought of a famous saying: There is no such thing as garbage and waste in this world.There are many wealth nothing more than a place.


Whether they are punished or congenital disability, whether they are physical disability or mental retardation, they are all our mirrors.


Think of myself, I am a little ashamed. I did not take good care in their disability, but instead came out of my own sound.I shouldn't sometimes complain about the sky, complaining this is not good, that unfair ..., I feel very small compared to them.


I think this article is the best revelation of our people today.I believe everyone should have a normal heart. No matter what difficulties you encounter, as long as you believe that "there is always a road in the world, you can go", you will feel much easier, and things will be solved.

初二(3)班 马天惠

The second year (3) Ban Ma Tianhui


"Yu Dan's" Zhuangzi "experience" always has a way to go after reading 马天惠 900字

"Yu Dan's" Zhuangzi "experience" always has a way to go after reading and feel Ma Tianhui 900 words


Reading in Dan's "Zhuangzi" experience 篇2


Reading in Dan's "Zhuangzi" experience


-------- Avenue and nature


Throughout the entire "Zhuangzi", all theories, all the fables actually have only one mystery, that is: the avenue is natural.So what is the real world of heaven and earth?Avenue is nothing more than a rule.In other words, all rules between heaven and earth must be in the law of nature. The way of heaven is the avenue!


How can people know the avenue?How can I settle on the avenue?How can I get Avenue?When we forget the reference of life coordinates and truly understand our hearts, we will grasp our unique ourselves.


In this world, people will encounter too many things, everything will come, everything will go, and grasp themselves in every opportunity. This is what Taoism calls the Avenue of Heaven and Earth.


Zhuangzi eventually reminded the world, called: "Being out of things, lost sex, and the people who are upside down."People are completely reversed at the end.Material is often a kind of interest that can confuse our judgment; and secular is often a kind of speech, a vision that can disturb our values.If a person is killed by himself, he will not find his real value and strength in his heart.


How can people lose?How can I not lose?It is because we should understand that everything in front of us will eventually be crossed.There are too many beautiful things, we enjoy the present, but this beautiful will always pass; there are many suffering, we have to carry it over, this suffering will pass.Each of us must keep in mind this sentence, "Everything will pass."Glory will pass, glory will pass, and suffering will pass.Everything around us is just the past.Just when our lives crossed it, we need to investigate the quality of each current.


Zhuangzi said that in the heavens and the earth, the person who really understands his heart is called a good health.So, who is the person who really knows his heart?The wisdom of life is to send charcoal for yourself, and don't always add icing on the cake.The icing on the icing on the cake is to others, and the charcoal in the snow is for yourself.


In this world, what is really important is to cognition ourselves and to the road with our own lives, which will allow us to take a lot of detours.Zhuangzi believes that the world should return to the truth.In other words, there are less morality. Don't believe too much skills, let us return to the most simple and first state.Modern society is fiercely competitive, and some people even use unscrupulous means to obtain benefits and reputation.Zhuangzi's significance to our modern people is that more simple and natural inner heart and less speculative behavior, otherwise, we may lose ourselves in this thousand world.How can we make ourselves really integrated into the avenue of nature?


Zhuangzi said, "Nothing is indifferent, it is Heaven."One person's own behavior can be indifferent, letting the heart really calm down, not panic, not confused, it is in line with Tiande.In many cases, life will fall into despair.After being caught in despair, only by relying on our clear judgment and the calmness of our hearts, can we truly get out of the desperation.


Life is limited, the luminescence is short, and the hearts of each of us are in conjunction with the nature of nature. In the end, the completeness of each life is this sentence: "Everyone's life is in our own hands."

读于丹《庄子》心得有感 篇3


Let wisdom lead life


——The read


Since the last time in the classroom, I watched the video of Professor Yu Dan interpreted the experience of "Zhuangzi" in the "Hundred Forums" column.I was deeply affected, so I found the book in the library.


Zhuangzi is an important representative of Zhuzi Baijia. His articles are magnificent and vertical. Because of the difficult understanding of classical Chinese, I have rarely read Zhuangzi's articles before, but through the interpretation of Professor Yu Dan, I have benefited a lot.


Knowing yourself”、“谈笑论生死


Perseverance and conformity”。

Professor Yu Dan interpreted Zhuangzi for us from ten aspects. Among them, the most profound influence was "knowing yourself", "talking and laughing", "persistence and conformity".


Knowing yourself


Knowing yourself,到倾听你自己,到涵养、孕育你自己,这是一个美好的人生历程,通过庄子,通过于丹,我更加认识了自己!




In the face of life and death, Zhuangzi is not afraid of death. Second, he will never find death. The first point can not be penetrated. In the "Grand Master", a story is told. After the death of Zi Sanghu, Zi Qing and Mencius sang the body of the compilation, one played the piano, and sang the body of Zisanghu. In modern times, I have never heard of who would do this. When my grandfather died, I only knew crying, and I only knew that I had no grandfather in the future. Maybe you will be scolded without conscience. Although I can't talk to Zhuangzi and face death like that, I absolutely agree with his not looking for death. There is only one time in my life. Life is so beautiful. Parents have worked hard to raise us hard. Why should I live lightly? Even how dissatisfied with this world, as long as we are alive, there is hope for life. Remember that story: a little spider crawls to the wall and crawled. As soon as the spider crawled to a humid place, it fell down, and then the spider began to climb from the corner, and then crawled to a place with rain and dampness fell again. Spiders know how to be indomitable. Why should we be easily born? Then think about Sima Qian's bearing bearing bears, think about Hawking's torture of the disease, and think about those who live in the deep water. Intersection This world is full of excitement and hope.


Perseverance and conformity


Zhong Ni said: Ancient people are exogenous but not internal, and people are internalized today without exogenous.The so -called "externalization and inside


", Literally means that the appearance changes with things, but inside the heart, quietness, and" internalization and not exterior ". It is said that in the face of the outside world People should insist on their own nature without following the flow. The era of our lives is changing. Gradually, many people can't hold the temptation, excessively pursue their names and profits, look at those greedy officials, greedy one after another, and finally, in the end, in the end, in the end, in the end, in the end, in the end, in the end The end of the prison, if they can insist on the scale in their hearts and always remind them not to be affected by the external affected, then we will not spend the rest of their lives in prison. Let's take a look at the Xiaoyue Yue incident, more and more help, more and more help. The incident of a lawsuit made people gradually question their actions, and even questioned this society. Therefore, more people became indifferent and turned a blind eye to the incidents around them. The Xiao Yueyue incident was a good explanation. In the face of so many variables, how many people can continue to persist in themselves? The greatest confusion of modern people is how to face the ever -changing external world and the inner heart is unchanged. If we have no inner concentration, we will follow the waves. Tame, in the inner tolerance and insights, and if you encounter it, you will not argue with the world. In this way, there will be a lot of disputes and a lot of contradictions.


Through this book, I recognize the charm of philosophy, philosophy is closely related to our lives, learning philosophy, let us do more people!


Reading "Zhuangzibing in the Mountain" feels like 篇4


Reading "Zhuangzibing in the Mountain" feels like


I read "Zhuangzi.Zhuangzi in the mountains in the mountains has benefited a lot.One day, Zhuangzi walked in the mountains and saw a large tree with lush branches.His students asked the reason, Zhuangzi said: This tree is not available, and it can complete its talent life because it is unsuitable.Zhuangzi came out of the mountain and came to his friend's house again. The old friend was very happy when he saw it, so he ordered the young slave to kill goose and entertain them with wine.The slave asked the owner: One of the goose will call, one will not be called, which one to kill?The owner said: Kill that one will not be called.The next day, the student asked Zhuangzi: Yesterday, the big tree in the mountains could spend its talent life because it was unsuccessful, and the goose of the owner's family would not be killed because it would not be called.Woolen cloth?Zhuangzi said with a smile: I am going to be between unscrupulous and material.


This story tells us: looking at things cannot be stubborn, it is flexible according to the characteristics of things itself, that is, to understand things from multiple angles, analyze it, and abandon its disadvantages.Take Cheng Que and Innsyal, the tree that was fell from the original text was used to build a house and make furniture, which was used by humans.Although it has not been fell to the tree for life, its life has made great contributions to human living environment silently.In the same way, if the two geese raised by Zhuangzi's friends will be called, then in order to entertain guests, they must kill one of them.Killing and not being killed, also serving humans.In summary, whether the material or not can be defined by the hasty of logging and killing goose. The key is to depend on whether it has value to humans, society and even the country.


At the National British Conference in 1959, Comrade Liu Shaoqi cordially met Comrade Chuanxiang when he was well -known model workers and dung workers. At that time, Comrade Liu Shaoqi cordially said to Comrade Si Xiang: You are the cleaner of the cleaners, and I am the chairman of the people and the people of the people. This is a different division of labor in the revolution, and it is an indispensable part of the revolution. Liu Shaoqi is the President of the State. He has made immortality for the cause of liberation and socialist construction for the Chinese people. Shi Chuanxiang was just a dung worker, but he created extraordinary performance in his ordinary post. Can you say that dung workers are unsatisfactory? They are just different social division of labor, but they are doing things that are beneficial to the people. A few years ago, newspapers and magazines had been published in such a deep -term news: a student who graduated from a university computer with excellent grades. After participating in the work, due to the influence of the trend of worship at that time, he gradually declined. He used his knowledge to steal huge sums of banks by computer, and later developed to design virus software to attack the network. From a certain perspective, this college student is a rare talent in the computer industry, but what he does is caused by the people, causing inestimable losses to the country. Therefore, it cannot be regarded as a masterpiece.


It is not difficult to see above. From different perspectives, different conclusions will be drawn.Therefore, we must analyze in many ways, think carefully, and learn from it to inspire us to make progress.Today, with the continuous progress of human beings and the continuous development of society, we cannot even have a pessimistic attitude towards society and life like Zhuangzi.As elementary school students, we must establish great ideals, learn cultural knowledge hard, and become a useful talent for society and the country in the future.


Reading "Yu Dan's" Zhuangzi "experience" 篇5


Reading "Yu Dan's" Zhuangzi "experience"


Zhuangzi is an important representative of Zhuzi Baijia.People call Confucius "saints", but Zhuangzi is called "God".If Confucius is a representative of Confucianism, then Zhuangzi is the incarnation of Taoism.His article is magnificent, and his thoughts are profound.His fables imagine strange and far -reaching meaning.He saw his fame, disdainful fame and fortune, and even had his own unique insights on death.What kind of person is Zhuangzi?


At first I knew that Zhuangzi was from a poem "Zhuang Sheng Xiaomeng fans butterflies, and Wang Emperor Chunxin supported a cuckoo."Although I do n’t know what it means, I just think the verses are very special.Later, I knew that Zhuangzi wrote Xiaoyaoyou, and Xiaoyaoyou represented the highest state of Zhuangzi's thoughts.Recently, Zhuangzi really became hot.This is due to one person -Yu Dan.


Yu Dan, she is an associate professor at Beijing Normal University, director of the Department of Film and Television Media, a master's degree in ancient Chinese literature, a doctor of film and television, and a master's tutor.


Yu Dan said in "Hundred Family forums" for seven days of "The Analects of Confucius". When Yu Dan became popular in the classics of Chinese studies, but unexpectedly seized the audience of the country. In just seven days, Yu Dan changed from unknown to a shock.Yu Dan is also known as "women's Yizhong".


The book "Yu Dan's" Zhuangzi "experience is divided into Zhuangzi, the realm has the size, perception and transcendence, knowing yourself, there is always a way to go, talk about life and death, persist and conform to, nature and understanding, mentality and mentality, and mindfulness, mentality and attitude and attitude and attitude and attitude and attitude and attitude and attitude and attitude and attitude and attitude and mindfulness, mentality and mentality and attitude and attitude and attitude and mindfulness, mentality and mentality and attitude and attitude and attitude and attitude and attitude and attitude and mindfulness.Status, avenue and nature.


Today, I also browsed "Yu Dan's Heart" thickly. The story is in a simple and short -sightedness. The thoughts represented by Zhuangzi, let us revisit again today. For the impetuous and busy, we seem to inject a clear spring, and it is also a baptism of the soul. The size of the realm determines the judgment of things. Standing on the big realm, you will see that the natural material is useful, and standing on the small realm, you can only do nothing in your life. In life, when facing the predicament, you often need to place yourself to see what kind of realm you are in, so it is not easy to live. Zhuangzi's life philosophy is indifferent. Only by surpassing all the fame and fame can we feel the highest state of life. That is what Zhuangzi refers to the "Xiaoyaoyou". Only by truly soberly recognized the chapter can you gain a successful life. As a result, Zhuangzi's "Xiaoyao Tour" realm. Knowing yourself is a difficult thing. Zhuangzi uses many of his fable stories to tell us; when a person is doing things, if you get trouble and lose, if you have a mind, all his experience and skills will not be the best play.


However, after watching it, there was a bit of melancholy.Can I reach this state?Maybe I yearn for this realm, but the sensual voice tells me that I can't do it.I may be indifferent to fame and fortune, but give up all fame and profits, I can't do it.Not to mention life and death.


When Zhuangzi's wife died, the drums sang, this is a well -known story.Zhuangzi said that the real people of ancient times are not afraid of death. Don't think: how terrible it is when life is, how terrible, and when the death comes.This attitude is chic, but it is not easy to run through the life of every mortal.Everyone's life is busy and closely open. In the whole hurried process, in fact, for the shorter and shorter time, how many people can laugh at life and death?


What's more, today we have a heavy burden.Work diligently every day, a little paid salary must be filial


Parents, children, raising cars, accidentally become house slaves, and have to raise a house. It is necessary to raise your body and get sick. The expensive medical expenses make you unable to eat.How can I laugh at life and death.Don't say that in the face of death, you just want to think about it. The grace of raising is still to be reported. Cultivating the responsibility of the child is pressed on the shoulders. Life is not ours.I never thought that struggle made our lives full of vitality, responsibility made our lives full of meaning, stress made us grow up, and achievement made us proud.It turns out that struggle is also a kind of happiness.Isn't it?


Zhuangzi said that whether a person can achieve thorough enlightenment is inseparable from his experience and understanding, and I am just an ordinary person. I can't be a god like Zhuangzi, so I can only look back.