
时间:2022-09-21 13:41:00 | 来源:语文通



《让世界充满爱》观后感 篇1《让世界充满爱》观后感 篇2《让世界充满爱》观后感 篇3让世界充满爱观后感 篇4让世界充满爱观后感 篇5让世界充满爱观后感 篇6《让世界充满爱》观后感 篇7《让世界充满爱》观后感 篇8让世界充满爱观后感 篇9

《让世界充满爱》观后感 篇1


Love is a sunshine in winter, making people who are hungry and cold feel the warmth of the world; love is a spring water in the desert, so that people who are endangered to see the hope of life again; love is a drizzle in spring, Make people who wither are particularly moisturizing; love is a breeze in the summer, making the anxious people feel extremely cool ...


"Let love live in your house every day, let love live in my house every day ..." Love, the most simple thing in the world, love, mother love, fatherly love, love from society ... without love, the world will be desolate.


I still remember the scene at the time. Teacher Zou Yue gave a wonderful speech with his passion: "A country, a nation, and a political party. Without a spirit, he will not develop and grow;I won't find survival in the competition; if a person does not have a spirit, then you will never grow up. "I couldn't control my emotions, shed tears silently, and fell into thought ...


A black player broke the championship dream because of falling, but he still did not give up, and he worked hard at the end of the end.One Olympic track that belongs to him.The audience was stunned. He was seriously injured and left more than 100 meters long on the track, but he did not complain and still insisted.Finally reached the end, he smiled reluctantly.The audience applauded and cheered for him, and was moved by his spirit!Yes, this invisible love -cheers and applause accompany him until the end.


After watching the film, I also respectful of my profession.They are tireless and silently pay for us; they grow up together with us and use love to help every student of them. At this way, there are warmth, joy, pride, and pride.At 12 o'clock every midnight, when we entered the dream hometown, there was a lamp that had not yet extinguished, and one person hadn't rest. He was the teacher we love. They never complained and never bored.I believe that all teachers in the world will say, "I don't regret choosing this profession because I have paid and got it!" Yeah!Master love is never inferior to maternal love and father's love, it is also great.


Everyone gives a little love, and the world will become a beautiful world.Just feel every drop of love, then it belongs to us!

《让世界充满爱》观后感 篇2


Yesterday afternoon, our classmates and parents watched the film "Let the World Full Love" in the classroom.The film tells the story of many teachers love students and parents.The content of the story moved me again and again, making me tears, and made me involuntarily produce a stake of love for teachers and gratitude to my father and mother from the bottom of my heart.


It also educates us to love teachers, because teachers are like our mother, teach us a lot of knowledge, and the truth of being human; parents provide us with the best learning conditions, and pay a lot for our growth.Hard blood.I should study hard, this is the best return on them.

《让世界充满爱》观后感 篇3


On Saturday afternoon, I read a speech -to make the world full of love.Professor Zou Yue told a story. A black team participated in the Olympic Games. White people can participate in the competition. White people look down on black. White audiences say, "Why do they participate in the competition?"Participating in a project, the black team chose a thin boy to participate in the marathon.


The sound of gunfire sounded, the game began, and the black boy has been far ahead. Suddenly, a white audience angrily throwing out a glass bottle and hitting the black boy. The black boy's shoulders were constantly bleeding.The white player passed by him, the first place, the second place, the third place, and the third place has produced, but he has not given up. He slowly walks on the runway. The 200 -meter runway is very easy to us.But the black boy in this matter is very difficult.


The referee has not announced the end of the game, because there is still a player who has not reached the end. The black boy can't walk anymore. He uses climbing, and he can't use his nails. His hands bleed.Black boy, he said in the language that others could not understand: "Don't touch me! I am a athlete, you touch me, I am cheating!" The black boy insisted on climbing to the end, he thought: "Even if I lost, I want to reach the end, because I represent my country, and I want to prove to the world that black people are also people! "We all say that they love the motherland, but there are not too many practical action. A black boy is in the Olympic Marathon.The true story of falling and bleeding and climbing up and sticking to the end deeply moved our hearts. We deeply blame ourselves to reflect on our great motherland. Should we ask ourselves?A child who knows how to care about himself and the motherland who loves himself is a child with a great ambition and ambition.

让世界充满爱观后感 篇4


Today, I watched a video of "Make the World Love" in the composition counseling class.Some of them are the most moving.That is not to live up to the love of father, mother, and teacher, we have to study hard!


In Teacher Zou's speech, telling us a story: Once upon a businessman, a businessman was lost in a vast mountain.He was looking for the road out of the mountain while walking, and at this time he heard a voice: she ignored it and continued to walk, and the voice sounded again: "Young people, there are stones on the ground, picking up a few, dawn, it will be useful to be useful.In the end, the voice was almost begged, and the young man did it. Strangely, the stones took him out of this vast mountain with him.The young man wanted to know what he was holding in his hands. He opened his hand, ah, it turned out to be Jin Chancan's gold!He thought that voice was kind.He looked back at the vast mountain, and wanted to go back to pick up a few, but it was no longer possible to find the way back.


This story is just like our learning.In the process of our study, there will often be an almost begging voice next to our ears: "Children, study hard, it will be useful when you grow up." That voice is the ardent hope of your parents and teachers!Picking stones, such as learning knowledge, knowledge is the golden golden gold!Long -term will be useful!I think it is not easy for my parents to be for their children.They are sincere and selfless to children.Isn't it?5.12 During the Great Earthquake, some teachers and parents will give up their lives for their children!


Parents and teachers are great. They are the most dear people in my world!Dad, mom, teacher, I will not live up to your love, I will study hard and walk into the door of the university smoothly.I understand: As long as I study hard, the door of the university will definitely open for me.

让世界充满爱观后感 篇5


Today, I watched a video that benefited me for life- "Let the World Full Love".Teacher Zou Yue's speech really made me feel guilty from the bottom of my heart.


"Love Motherland", "Love Teacher", "Love Parents" and "Love yourself" are the most guilty of my guilt.Everyone has their own parents, and parents know our birthday.However, there are very few children who know their parents' birthdays.When Teacher Zou Yue returned to China to visit the professor, the professor asked: "Do you wash your hands and feet your mother?" Teacher Zou Yue said, "No." The professor asked: "Have you rubbed your father for your father?"Teacher Zou Yue said," No. "The professor said seriously;" Wait for you to finish these things, and come to me again. "After returning home, Mr. Zou Yue said that he would wash his hands for his mother.When I washed my hands, I found that the mother's hand was so rough, so thin, and wrinkled.When I washed my feet, I saw that my mother's feet were no longer so delicate.When he knead his back, he learned that his father had spondylosis for Teacher Zou Yue.So many years have passed, but Teacher Zou Yue knows so far.


I always think that I am a filial daughter, a filial daughter who cares about her parents and considerates her parents. My neighbor's grandmother has always said that I am a child. Three years have passed, and I also feel like a filial girl and a good child. However, I saw this, I'm stupid, I'm too far away. Is a child who has never washed his hands and washed his feet as a filial daughter? Is a child who has never rubbed his father with a filial daughter? No, I, I don't deserve it. Therefore, I swear that I must be a good filial girl. Because I know, once some things or people are lost, no matter what the way, it is impossible to replace these things or these (one) person. Parents' love for children cannot be bought back. How much effort did our parents spend on us and how much effort did we pay. However, some people also pout with their mother; improperly put their father's instructions. It is called the emperor (young master) and princess (lady) at home. Parents are servants and instructed their parents to do this. If you have any unwillingness at school, go home and sprinkle on your parents, and never understand the hard work of his parents. Now think about it, I really want to scold myself.


After watching the short video, I fell into deep contemplation: I want to be a filial daughter, care about my parents, care for my parents, and understand my parents.Be a real filial girl, be a true good child, and be a real good student.

让世界充满爱观后感 篇6


Today, the teachers brought us into a large and spacious staircase classroom to watch the movie "Let the World Full Love".This movie is mainly written:


A professor focused on telling us two stories: one story is that a black child fell at the end of the running marathon. His hands and his feet were broken.He finished the whole process with his strong perseverance and won the cheers of the audience.Another story is to talk about a widow's son admitted to Tsinghua University, but because of his poor family, his mother had to sell everything that could sell a little money at home, and almost sold his blood.Although the tuition is enough, the living expenses have not yet settled. The mother had to hide her son to pick up trash in Beijing, maintain his son's life, and let his son finish the university.When issuing a graduation certificate, the son pulled a woman with a messy body into the school and kneeled beside the woman. The son said, "This is picking up trash in the garbage dump to maintain my mother who lives in my life.","


I was very moved to see this. Compared with the black man, it can be said to be very different. He used his resolute patriotic spirit to endure the huge pain and persisted at the end.I thought I was ashamed here. I remember when I was so big, I was so big that I was the gold in my parents' eyes and the treasure in my hand.There is a huge difference with him!


Seeing that my mother was not afraid of hardships, she was not afraid of working hard in the garbage dump.As a son, I can't understand my parents, and I often complain that they are not good here. It is not good. I never thought how hard my parents have raised us and how much effort I had paid for myself. I said to my parents.One sound: "Mom and Dad, you have worked two hard work!"


This movie made me understand that "love" needs to cherish.Being love is a kind of happiness, learning to love is also a kind of happiness!

《让世界充满爱》观后感 篇7


At the "Make the World with Love", Professor Zou Yue interpreted the word "love" from three perspectives: "Love Motherland, Love Teachers, and Love Parents".


"Do you love the motherland?" We said love, but there were not too many actions. A black boy fell on the Olympic Marathon and bleeds.Deeply blame themselves, and some students don't even remember the lyrics of the national anthem. Should I ask themselves?


"Do you love your teacher?" "Love--" But the opposite thought, sometimes the students said that the teacher was not good because they did not see the greatness of the teacher.When Li Jing, who was taught in the mountain village, wanted to leave because she couldn't stand the suffering, her reluctance to the children of Shancun made her determined to stay in Shancun for a lifetime until she was 38 years old.-The 52-year-old Teacher Yin Xuemei took the student to go out and encountered a car accident. Because she pushed several students to survive the students, she died unfortunately ---------------------------------Many such teachers are around us, how great such a good teacher is!


"Do you remember your parents' birthday?" "Have you washed your parents?" Most students now are self -centered and rarely care about their parents.Moms and dads work hard every day, and we do n’t make money, and we are the largest expenses in the family. I see my parents' hard work every day. We ca n’t even say “you have worked hard”. It ’s really sorry for them.

听完了《让生命充满爱》,短短三个小时的演讲会给了我长长的思索------ 感谢祖国、感谢老师、感谢父母, 我爱你们!

After listening to "Let Life Full of Love", a short three-hour speech will give me a long thinking-thank the motherland, teacher, and my parents, I love you!

《让世界充满爱》观后感 篇8


Today, our teachers and students used the time of the class to watch the video of "Let the World Full Love".The video was very touching, and the teacher and many classmates cried.The teacher is great, because she not only teaches us knowledge, but also calls us to be a man.Teacher Liu is also great.We have a little problem, she will correct us, and is responsible for our study and growth, because she loves us from the heart.


I want to study hard and repay the teacher with my grades. When I grow up, I become a useful person for the motherland.

让世界充满爱观后感 篇9


On May 5th, 20xx, a large -scale event was launched in our city government. Tens of thousands of people gathered together to give us a spiritual feast for us by the famous speaker Zou Yue.


At the event site, there were scenes of touching and touching pictures of scenes: students hold their parents' hands, tears in tears, and students kneel on their knees to make a shout in the heart; parents and children embrace each other,Snacking each other; teachers and students hold hands and wipe each other's tears in each other


Yes, I am one of them, witnesses and experienceists of the touching scene.In this speech, I knew too much and too much, and the excited speech made my heart ups and downs.Sometimes smiling, sometimes crying.I know that it is not easy for teachers and students to affection, the difficulty of mother and daughter, and the difficulty of the relationship with everyone in life.And understand that you should learn to be grateful after helping or supporting others.With a grateful heart, everyone is to be grateful to everyone, and pay attention to everyone.


Looking at the familiar face in front of my eyes, there were a few more croke feet on my face. My heart seemed to be cut by a knife and painful. Tears soaked each other's face. From the wet pupils, I saw my mother smiling with tears with tears.I cried even more fierce.Mom, maybe only I know how I love you. From today, I am a strong girl, send warm greetings to my parents every day, and do a trivial matter for them.Study hard and prevent them from worrying about and worrying about me.


This speech gave my soul a significant education course.Give me the encouragement in my heart and make me a lot.I will practice the content of the speech into my life, and use a hot filial piety to warm my parents.